Today may be The Day for California!

There is no established right to gay marriage.

Yes there California. It was legal. We got married legally. Then that already established right was taken away by Prop H8 with no reasons given for taking that established legal right away. Do you support states being able to do that? Yes or no?

A mayor in one city does not have the authority to decided the law of the state.

"The issue of same-sex marriage reemerged in 2004, when Mayor of San Francisco Gavin Newsom directed the city-county clerk to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples. The marriages were quickly annulled by the California Supreme Court. Meanwhile, the California legislature twice passed, and twice received vetos from governor Arnold Schwarzenegger on, bills that would have legalized same-sex marriages in the state."

The act of a rouge Mayor doesn't equal an established right.

OH she never explained it that way. So her fake marriage is really not recognized in her state much less my state?
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Both sides of this issue are equally stubborn. Neither are so much concerned with their point as they are about humiliating the other side. The answer to this is simple.

Let the religious keep the title "Marriage", and expand "Civil Unions" to include every right and priviledge that married people enjoy.

There, done. Of course neither side is willing to compromise on the issue. it doesn't satisfy their desire to stick it to the other side.

If it were only that simple I would go for it. How would you protect churches from being sued for discrimination? Yet another way to attack religious rights. It's not over till gays can walk into your church and get married. That is equal rights. If you have a gay employee at your church you better recognize, not fire, and give benefits. Birth control anyone? That's where this is going don't fool yourself.

Why would churches be sued for discrimination? Gays are not now sueing for marriage in a church, just for marriage. A license from the state.

Hmm, big church wedding, no your right, I can't think of anything.:eusa_eh:

Add civil unions to the legal wording.

You are part of the problem.
You would have REPLACE the word marriage...not add.

Bull shit.

Pure and simple.

You are definitely part of the problem.
Separate but equal is a fail conservative meme, my friend. It's gonna be all one thing or another. And the problem is legal discrimination and those advocating that Gay Americans be treated as separate... being on the wrong side of history.
You would have REPLACE the word marriage...not add.

Bull shit.

Pure and simple.

You are definitely part of the problem.
Separate but equal is a fail conservative meme, my friend. It's gonna be all one thing or another. And the problem is legal discrimination and those advocating that Gay Americans be treated as separate... being on the wrong side of history.

Separate but equal is EXACTLY what gays want. They don't want to conform to the heterosexual "norm" but they want to be treated equally.

It's a good compromise.

Of course extremists like you don't want that. Like I said you are part of the problem.
OH so now you're a 10th amendment advocate? A states righter loony toon?

Certainly more so than you.....and I notice you can't give me a yes or a no to my questio

Well let's try it this way The feds says gay marriage is ok and forces North Carolina to accept it. Is it then a state rights issue to you?

You bitched about Loving v Virginia and Lawrence v Texas and Brown v Board of Ed too...didn't you? They affected all states...and state laws.
Yes there California. It was legal. We got married legally. Then that already established right was taken away by Prop H8 with no reasons given for taking that established legal right away. Do you support states being able to do that? Yes or no?

A mayor in one city does not have the authority to decided the law of the state.

"The issue of same-sex marriage reemerged in 2004, when Mayor of San Francisco Gavin Newsom directed the city-county clerk to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples. The marriages were quickly annulled by the California Supreme Court. Meanwhile, the California legislature twice passed, and twice received vetos from governor Arnold Schwarzenegger on, bills that would have legalized same-sex marriages in the state."

The act of a rouge Mayor doesn't equal an established right.

OH she never explained it that way. So her fake marriage is really not recognized in her state much less my state?

My marriage is completely legal. You are welcome to try to make it not legal...if you are too stupid to know the Constitution.....and again you attack my legal family.
A mayor in one city does not have the authority to decided the law of the state.

"The issue of same-sex marriage reemerged in 2004, when Mayor of San Francisco Gavin Newsom directed the city-county clerk to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples. The marriages were quickly annulled by the California Supreme Court. Meanwhile, the California legislature twice passed, and twice received vetos from governor Arnold Schwarzenegger on, bills that would have legalized same-sex marriages in the state."

The act of a rouge Mayor doesn't equal an established right.

OH she never explained it that way. So her fake marriage is really not recognized in her state much less my state?

My marriage is completely legal. You are welcome to try to make it not legal...if you are too stupid to know the Constitution.....and again you attack my legal family.

Enough with the drama Jesus. A lot of people hate the gay movement because of assholes like you.
Bull shit.

Pure and simple.

You are definitely part of the problem.
Separate but equal is a fail conservative meme, my friend. It's gonna be all one thing or another. And the problem is legal discrimination and those advocating that Gay Americans be treated as separate... being on the wrong side of history.

Separate but equal is EXACTLY what gays want. They don't want to conform to the heterosexual "norm" but they want to be treated equally.

It's a good compromise.

Of course extremists like you don't want that. Like I said you are part of the problem.
You do not understand the concept of separate but equal, I see. seem to have an image of marriage as where one is expected to marry for societal convention...and not for love. Maybe that works for such as you...but the closted gays among
us are living a lie that will eventually implode.
Yes there California. It was legal. We got married legally. Then that already established right was taken away by Prop H8 with no reasons given for taking that established legal right away. Do you support states being able to do that? Yes or no?

A mayor in one city does not have the authority to decided the law of the state.

"The issue of same-sex marriage reemerged in 2004, when Mayor of San Francisco Gavin Newsom directed the city-county clerk to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples. The marriages were quickly annulled by the California Supreme Court. Meanwhile, the California legislature twice passed, and twice received vetos from governor Arnold Schwarzenegger on, bills that would have legalized same-sex marriages in the state."

The act of a rouge Mayor doesn't equal an established right.

OH she never explained it that way. So her fake marriage is really not recognized in her state much less my state?

After that stunt, in 2008 conservatives push to amend the Constitution of California to restrict marriage to being between a man and woman, and with unprecedented support from the Catholic and LDS churches, succeeded. One year later, the proposition was verified as legal by the California Supreme Court.
OH she never explained it that way. So her fake marriage is really not recognized in her state much less my state?

My marriage is completely legal. You are welcome to try to make it not legal...if you are too stupid to know the Constitution.....and again you attack my legal family.

Enough with the drama Jesus. A lot of people hate the gay movement because of assholes like you.

We are not deterred by the hateful comments by those on the wrong side of history.
A mayor in one city does not have the authority to decided the law of the state.

"The issue of same-sex marriage reemerged in 2004, when Mayor of San Francisco Gavin Newsom directed the city-county clerk to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples. The marriages were quickly annulled by the California Supreme Court. Meanwhile, the California legislature twice passed, and twice received vetos from governor Arnold Schwarzenegger on, bills that would have legalized same-sex marriages in the state."

The act of a rouge Mayor doesn't equal an established right.

OH she never explained it that way. So her fake marriage is really not recognized in her state much less my state?

After that stunt, in 2008 conservatives push to amend the Constitution of California to restrict marriage to being between a man and woman, and with unprecedented support from the Catholic and LDS churches, succeeded. One year later, the proposition was verified as legal by the California Supreme Court.
And now?
OH she never explained it that way. So her fake marriage is really not recognized in her state much less my state?

After that stunt, in 2008 conservatives push to amend the Constitution of California to restrict marriage to being between a man and woman, and with unprecedented support from the Catholic and LDS churches, succeeded. One year later, the proposition was verified as legal by the California Supreme Court.
And now?

I believe you are waiting for a ruling on weather the will of the people of California will stand or be overturned by a court.
There is no established right to gay marriage.

Yes there California. It was legal. We got married legally. Then that already established right was taken away by Prop H8 with no reasons given for taking that established legal right away. Do you support states being able to do that? Yes or no?


Likely because there is no such thing as ‘gay marriage.’

There is only marriage, as written by a given state, where both same-sex and opposite-sex couples have the right to avail themselves of that law.
After that stunt, in 2008 conservatives push to amend the Constitution of California to restrict marriage to being between a man and woman, and with unprecedented support from the Catholic and LDS churches, succeeded. One year later, the proposition was verified as legal by the California Supreme Court.
And now?

I believe you are waiting for a ruling on weather the will of the people of California will stand or be overturned by a court.

Civil liberties are not determined by majority rule; and one does not forfeit his civil rights as a consequence of his state of residence. The people of California do not have the right to deny same-sex couples access to their state’s marriage law.

Indeed, Article IV, Section 4 of the US Constitution states:

The United States shall guarantee to every state in this union a republican form of government...

In a republic citizens are subject only to the rule of law, not men; as men are incapable ruling justly. Prop 8 is a clear example of the inability of men to rule justly, and the supremacy of the rule of law.
After that stunt, in 2008 conservatives push to amend the Constitution of California to restrict marriage to being between a man and woman, and with unprecedented support from the Catholic and LDS churches, succeeded. One year later, the proposition was verified as legal by the California Supreme Court.
And now?

I believe you are waiting for a ruling on weather the will of the people of California will stand or be overturned by a court.

By the Supreme Court of the United States. Because that is where it is at right now. Do you think the Supreme Court should let the lower court's ruling stand?
Yes there California. It was legal. We got married legally. Then that already established right was taken away by Prop H8 with no reasons given for taking that established legal right away. Do you support states being able to do that? Yes or no?


Likely because there is no such thing as ‘gay marriage.’

There is only marriage, as written by a given state, where both same-sex and opposite-sex couples have the right to avail themselves of that law.

I can agree with that...however some Third World attitude states discriminate based on gender still.
As an aside, we went christmas and grocery shopping at a couple of the military bases here in town....32nd Street and was great to see other gay couples out and shopping too and not having to hide that they were couples. And no one gives dirty looks or says hateful things. It's great with DADT gone! :eusa_clap:

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