Today, Mitt Romney Lost the Election

Romney's comments show him to be mean-spirited, and that's the biggest problem the GOP has today.

Holy shit wanting people to be self-accountable is crazy mean spirited.

Most people are...

Romney is the guy who has destroyed the good paying jobs at AmPad and replaced them with minimum wage jobs at Staples and wondering why people go to the government to make ends meet.

You can easily "make ends meet" working a minimum wage job. You just can't be an entitled asshole communist who thinks he should work like a 17 year old, but live a lifestyle like Bill Gates. And therein lies the problem with you parasites...
That's the consequence of an ignorant, dumbed-down populace, a significant percentage of whom have been brainwashed by television and such right-wing propagandists as Limbaugh, Hannity, Beck, O'Reilly, Levin, et al.

The situation here in America is such that another Hitler could easily rise to power. Bush couldn't do it because he is simply too stupid. Romney can't do it because he is about as charismatic as Daisy Duck. But the politically ignorant, uninformed, selfishly mean-spirited mentality that marches to the right-wing drummers in contemporary America is essentially no different from that which rallied and raised its right arms to Adolf Hitler.

good grief..all that huh:lol:
How do you think it comes about? Or maybe you think recent history is fiction.

Keep one thing in mind; the German people of that era were no less civilized and no less intellectually developed than are today's Americans -- in fact some would say they were more civilized and intelligent.

In Germany the demagogue directed the anger of the economically depressed public at such factions as communists, homosexuals, and Jews. Today we are hearing a presidential candidate directing anger toward the poor and disenfranchised.

It comes about because assholes just like you think that "personality" is what makes leadership. So instead of a qualified candidate like Mitt Romney, assholes just like you vote in a Hitler or Obama (because of their "personality"), and BAM! You wake up in Nazi, Germany. Thanks for being one of the fucking assholes voting on personality, you ignorant fuck...
good grief..all that huh:lol:
How do you think it comes about? Or maybe you think recent history is fiction.

Keep one thing in mind; the German people of that era were no less civilized and no less intellectually developed than are today's Americans -- in fact some would say they were more civilized and intelligent.

In Germany the demagogue directed the anger of the economically depressed public at such factions as communists, homosexuals, and Jews. Today we are hearing a presidential candidate directing anger toward the poor and disenfranchised.

It comes about because assholes just like you think that "personality" is what makes leadership. So instead of a qualified candidate like Mitt Romney, assholes just like you vote in a Hitler or Obama (because of their "personality"), and BAM! You wake up in Nazi, Germany. Thanks for being one of the fucking assholes voting on personality, you ignorant fuck...

Ahh the frustration is starting to creep in...we have the "Hitler" card being played by the desperate, depressed, impotent right wing loonies.


I think it all started with his capping on Obama for the embassey attack.

This one is going to polish him off.

They have over an hour of tape.

they are going to dribble it out a little at a time for the rest of the campaign,

Mitt already was floundering and now it will be a real blowout and some Rs in the house and senate will be gone too.

This country is about to have sane leadership for a couple of years.

So lets see if we can get this straight...

LiesMatter believes that Romney will lose the election for "capping on Obama", while Obama let Americans die in a horrific death? Mmmm.... Romney is vilified for "capping on Obama" but Obama is responsible for very real, very horrific deaths of Americans.

LiesMatter believes that Romney will lose the election for stating the truth - that there is a portion of parasites that will pledge their undying allegiance to Obama in exchange for Obama handouts, and so there is no point in Romney even wasting his time trying to convince them to vote for him. Meanwhile, Obama - in 3 years - has added 51% of the total national debt that had taken 235 years to accumulate. He's made unemployment skyrocket, gas prices skyrocket, the debt skyrocket, and people on foodstamps skyrocket.

So essentially, what we see is: Romney's words vs. Obama's record of failure (dead Americans, destitute American's, etc.). Gee, what ever will the American people do? I mean, I know those words from Romney were "harsh", but then again, the brutal deaths of Americans that Obama hung out to dry was exactly "gentle"... Perhaps, since LiesMatters is not very educated and thus reading challenged, a picture is in order:

How do you think it comes about? Or maybe you think recent history is fiction.

Keep one thing in mind; the German people of that era were no less civilized and no less intellectually developed than are today's Americans -- in fact some would say they were more civilized and intelligent.

In Germany the demagogue directed the anger of the economically depressed public at such factions as communists, homosexuals, and Jews. Today we are hearing a presidential candidate directing anger toward the poor and disenfranchised.

It comes about because assholes just like you think that "personality" is what makes leadership. So instead of a qualified candidate like Mitt Romney, assholes just like you vote in a Hitler or Obama (because of their "personality"), and BAM! You wake up in Nazi, Germany. Thanks for being one of the fucking assholes voting on personality, you ignorant fuck...

Ahh the frustration is starting to creep in...we have the "Hitler" card being played by the desperate, depressed, impotent right wing loonies.

Uhhh... in case you didn't notice stupid - it was MikeK above who brought up GERMANY. :lol:

Man, it is astounding how incapable of reading the idiot liberal dumbocrats are... :lol:

Don't let those facts smack you in the face, stupid... They are a bitch, aren't they? :lol:
It comes about because assholes just like you think that "personality" is what makes leadership. So instead of a qualified candidate like Mitt Romney, assholes just like you vote in a Hitler or Obama (because of their "personality"), and BAM! You wake up in Nazi, Germany. Thanks for being one of the fucking assholes voting on personality, you ignorant fuck...

Ahh the frustration is starting to creep in...we have the "Hitler" card being played by the desperate, depressed, impotent right wing loonies.

Uhhh... in case you didn't notice stupid - it was MikeK above who brought up GERMANY. :lol:

Man, it is astounding how incapable of reading the idiot liberal dumbocrats are... :lol:

Don't let those facts smack you in the face, stupid... They are a bitch, aren't they? :lol:

You brought up Hitler in some vain attempt to cast aspersions on our President. You failed, as always. You should be used to it by now beeotch.

Romney is circling the drain. Pizzes you off don't it?
Ahh the frustration is starting to creep in...we have the "Hitler" card being played by the desperate, depressed, impotent right wing loonies.

Uhhh... in case you didn't notice stupid - it was MikeK above who brought up GERMANY. :lol:

Man, it is astounding how incapable of reading the idiot liberal dumbocrats are... :lol:

Don't let those facts smack you in the face, stupid... They are a bitch, aren't they? :lol:

You brought up Hitler in some vain attempt to cast aspersions on our President. You failed, as always. You should be used to it by now beeotch.

Romney is circling the drain. Pizzes you off don't it?

he's a flametard. From the git go he's been flaming in all his posts. :yawn:
Uhhh... in case you didn't notice stupid - it was MikeK above who brought up GERMANY. :lol:

Man, it is astounding how incapable of reading the idiot liberal dumbocrats are... :lol:

Don't let those facts smack you in the face, stupid... They are a bitch, aren't they? :lol:

You brought up Hitler in some vain attempt to cast aspersions on our President. You failed, as always. You should be used to it by now beeotch.

Romney is circling the drain. Pizzes you off don't it?

he's a flametard. From the git go he's been flaming in all his posts. :yawn:

He's one of those guys who thinks the more profanity he uses the more intimidating he can be. As if he's going to do anything about it.
Ahh the frustration is starting to creep in...we have the "Hitler" card being played by the desperate, depressed, impotent right wing loonies.

Uhhh... in case you didn't notice stupid - it was MikeK above who brought up GERMANY. :lol:

Man, it is astounding how incapable of reading the idiot liberal dumbocrats are... :lol:

Don't let those facts smack you in the face, stupid... They are a bitch, aren't they? :lol:

You brought up Hitler in some vain attempt to cast aspersions on our President. You failed, as always. You should be used to it by now beeotch.

Romney is circling the drain. Pizzes you off don't it?

Well, considering Romney is going to win in a landslide, I've never been less pissed. But looks like you might have your panties in a bunch about NObama next year...! :)
He's one of those guys who thinks the more profanity he uses the more intimidating he can be. As if he's going to do anything about it.

Oh yeah - your panties are definitely in a bunch about Obama going home for good in a couple of months! :lol:

Aww... is the poor little parasite about to lose his socialist gravy train? We're all shedding tears for you parasite
Ahh the frustration is starting to creep in...we have the "Hitler" card being played by the desperate, depressed, impotent right wing loonies.

Uhhh... in case you didn't notice stupid - it was MikeK above who brought up GERMANY. :lol:

Man, it is astounding how incapable of reading the idiot liberal dumbocrats are... :lol:

Don't let those facts smack you in the face, stupid... They are a bitch, aren't they? :lol:

You brought up Hitler in some vain attempt to cast aspersions on our President. You failed, as always. You should be used to it by now beeotch.

Romney is circling the drain. Pizzes you off don't it?

Again, it was MikeK who brought up Hitler's Germany. Everyone can see it in black and white and still you're trying to convince everyone of your lie? Man, you're like Bill Clinton! :lol:

This is an utter disaster for Romney.

Oh I doubt it. My guess is that 53% of the population agree with him. I know I sure as hell do

If you agree with Romney's denouncement of and disengagement from those who have fallen onto hard times it follows that you would approve of his withdrawal of all financial aid to the poor and allow them to slide all the way into homeless and destitute poverty. That will add many more millions to our already swollen homeless and destitute population, which eventually will lead to a dramatic increase in the crime rate, which will result in increased need for police protection and prison space, both of which which are extremely costly. So you can pay at one end or at the other.

Since you agree with Romney, whose announced intention is to ignore the poor, can you suggest some way to avoid the obvious and unavoidable consequence laid out above?

The poor are not going to just disappear because Romney turns away from them. There will be increasing millions of them living on the streets. And they will be hungry. And pissed off.
Romney is a boldface liar. His entire platform is structured on fabricated premises. Unfortunately a large percentage of American voters are either too ignorant to understand what Romney represents or they are sufficiently weak-minded as to be effectively brainwashed by right-wing propaganda.

you can say the same thing about all those brainwashed by Left-Wing propaganda......let me guess which ass you have your tongue in....

dear fucking idiot,

You are the ones who hate science, teachers, smart people, history and facts.

You depend on fox news for your whole belief system.

That and people who were so fucking crazy even fox kicked them to the curb.

Its you who live in an alternate universe to reality

here we im a Republican again.....last week a Righty called me a Libturd.....what i find amazing is how you lie your way through these threads and say you dont.....ill tell you what....lets play your fucking game "truth" show me a post were i said i hate any one of these..... science, teachers, smart people, history and facts........and then show me where i ever even hinted at watching Fox said it you fucking back it up or go play with your fucking Dildo....
Today, Mitt Romney Lost the Election

You can mark my prediction now: A secret recording from a closed-door Mitt Romney fundraiser, released today by David Corn at Mother Jones, has killed Mitt Romney's campaign for president.

On the tape, Romney explains that his electoral strategy involves writing off nearly half the country as unmoveable Obama voters. As Romney explains, 47 percent of Americans "believe that they are victims." He laments: "I'll never convince them they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives."

So what's the upshot? "My job is not to worry about those people," he says. He also notes, describing President Obama's base, "These are people who pay no income tax. Forty-seven percent of Americans pay no income tax."

This is an utter disaster for Romney.

Romney already has trouble relating to the public and convincing people he cares about them. Now, he's been caught on video saying that nearly half the country consists of hopeless losers.

Romney has been vigorously denying President Obama's claims that his tax plan would raise taxes on the middle class. Now, he's been caught on video suggesting that low- and middle-income Americans are undertaxed.

(That one is especially problematic given the speculation about what's on Mitt's unreleased pre-2010 tax returns.)


LOLOLOLOLOL, Again another underinformed voter. Let me educate you, 47% of Americans do not pay any Federal Income tax, they may pay state and local taxes but not federal income taxes. Of that 47% there are maybe 20-25% who would rather that YOU paid for all of their needs. It's not that they can't work, it;s that they won't as long as "you" are paying. You know people like this, you have to or you live in a cave. They know how to work the system, they make a full time job out of working the system. NO, these people will not vote for Romney as he will make these ABLE BODIED people EARN IT. Of course, EARNING IT, might very well be a foriegn concept to you.
you can say the same thing about all those brainwashed by Left-Wing propaganda......let me guess which ass you have your tongue in....

dear fucking idiot,

You are the ones who hate science, teachers, smart people, history and facts.

You depend on fox news for your whole belief system.

That and people who were so fucking crazy even fox kicked them to the curb.

Its you who live in an alternate universe to reality

There are 33 million registered republicans and 1.5 million people who watch Fox news of which that groups is Cons, Mods and Dem's.

A study by the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press, which found that Fox News' audience is more balanced along party lines than either CNN's or MSNBC's.

The study found that 51% of CNN's regular viewers are Democrats, compared to 18% Republicans. Fox News' audience leans Republican but is more balanced overall, with 39% of regular viewers declaring themselves Republicans compared to 33% declaring themselves Democrats. MSNBC's regular audience is 45% Democrat and 18% Republican.

So who is more brainwashed?
It is the Dem's who do not watch a variety of news outlets. Who are so biased against Fox News and always believe the lies that are told to them about Fox and the far left Dem's in their party.

The left keep saying that everyone that is conservative watches Fox News. If that were true then fox should have over 33 million viewer's not 1.5 million.

your wasting your time Peach with this lying sack of pus....she is so brainwashed she even makes Dean look sane....and thats saying something....
what a shame the majority of those polled AGREED with Romney's statement

That's the consequence of an ignorant, dumbed-down populace, a significant percentage of whom have been brainwashed by television and such right-wing propagandists as Limbaugh, Hannity, Beck, O'Reilly, Levin, et al.

The situation here in America is such that another Hitler could easily rise to power. Bush couldn't do it because he is simply too stupid. Romney can't do it because he is about as charismatic as Daisy Duck. But the politically ignorant, uninformed, selfishly mean-spirited mentality that marches to the right-wing drummers in contemporary America is essentially no different from that which rallied and raised its right arms to Adolf Hitler.

do you think Obama can do it? left him out.....
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