Today, Mitt Romney Lost the Election

I will add to Care4All's informative message (above) the fact that any citizen whose income is low enough to be exempt from taxation is already impoverished. To reduce that individual's income further by taxing it would qualify him/her for welfare or drive them into the homeless and destitute category.

What those ignorant and thoughtless right-wingers who complain about this increasing category of the borderline destitute need to understand is the vast majority of these unfortunates were earning living wages before Ronald Reagan's "trickle-down" scam was introduced in the early 1980s. Since then the average income has remained stagnant, or has been reduced, or has been entirely eliminated, or their jobs have been exported, by the schemes and maneuverings which have transferred the bulk of the Nation's wealth to the upper four percent category which has become a shadow government via bribery of the Congress.

Without the expedient forms of government assistance these formerly independent American workers are receiving to barely sustain them (food stamps, etc.) a situation worse than that which existed during the Great Depression, massive homeless populations, etc., would quickly emerge, a situation which violent revolutions are made of. So the bottom line is the "Supply Side" economics scam and its offspring have imposed a burden on our society which, one way or another, government will be paying for.

So the right wing can choose which way they prefer the money be spent.
A progressive tax system is based on your financial capabilities and needs

Your primary focus as a citizen should be supporting your family with food, shelter, healthcare, education ...basic necessities of life

If you are working and barely make enough to provide these things to your family, you are not expected to add the burden of federal taxes

However, if you have a large financial safety are expected to pay more
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what a shame the majority of those polled AGREED with Romney's statement

That's the consequence of an ignorant, dumbed-down populace, a significant percentage of whom have been brainwashed by television and such right-wing propagandists as Limbaugh, Hannity, Beck, O'Reilly, Levin, et al.

The situation here in America is such that another Hitler could easily rise to power. Bush couldn't do it because he is simply too stupid. Romney can't do it because he is about as charismatic as Daisy Duck. But the politically ignorant, uninformed, selfishly mean-spirited mentality that marches to the right-wing drummers in contemporary America is essentially no different from that which rallied and raised its right arms to Adolf Hitler.
what a shame the majority of those polled AGREED with Romney's statement

That's the consequence of an ignorant, dumbed-down populace, a significant percentage of whom have been brainwashed by television and such right-wing propagandists as Limbaugh, Hannity, Beck, O'Reilly, Levin, et al.

The situation here in America is such that another Hitler could easily rise to power. Bush couldn't do it because he is simply too stupid. Romney can't do it because he is about as charismatic as Daisy Duck. But the politically ignorant, uninformed, selfishly mean-spirited mentality that marches to the right-wing drummers in contemporary America is essentially no different from that which rallied and raised its right arms to Adolf Hitler.

good grief..all that huh:lol:
what a shame the majority of those polled AGREED with Romney's statement

That's the consequence of an ignorant, dumbed-down populace, a significant percentage of whom have been brainwashed by television and such right-wing propagandists as Limbaugh, Hannity, Beck, O'Reilly, Levin, et al.

The situation here in America is such that another Hitler could easily rise to power. Bush couldn't do it because he is simply too stupid. Romney can't do it because he is about as charismatic as Daisy Duck. But the politically ignorant, uninformed, selfishly mean-spirited mentality that marches to the right-wing drummers in contemporary America is essentially no different from that which rallied and raised its right arms to Adolf Hitler.

good grief..all that huh:lol:
How do you think it comes about? Or maybe you think recent history is fiction.

Keep one thing in mind; the German people of that era were no less civilized and no less intellectually developed than are today's Americans -- in fact some would say they were more civilized and intelligent.

In Germany the demagogue directed the anger of the economically depressed public at such factions as communists, homosexuals, and Jews. Today we are hearing a presidential candidate directing anger toward the poor and disenfranchised.
And some to the far right aim at the immigrant, the Jew, the Mexican, and the African American, and the Muslim.

That's the consequence of an ignorant, dumbed-down populace, a significant percentage of whom have been brainwashed by television and such right-wing propagandists as Limbaugh, Hannity, Beck, O'Reilly, Levin, et al.

The situation here in America is such that another Hitler could easily rise to power. Bush couldn't do it because he is simply too stupid. Romney can't do it because he is about as charismatic as Daisy Duck. But the politically ignorant, uninformed, selfishly mean-spirited mentality that marches to the right-wing drummers in contemporary America is essentially no different from that which rallied and raised its right arms to Adolf Hitler.

good grief..all that huh:lol:
How do you think it comes about? Or maybe you think recent history is fiction.

Keep one thing in mind; the German people of that era were no less civilized and no less intellectually developed than are today's Americans -- in fact some would say they were more civilized and intelligent.

In Germany the demagogue directed the anger of the economically depressed public at such factions as communists, homosexuals, and Jews. Today we are hearing a presidential candidate directing anger toward the poor and disenfranchised.
Jake joins the Dem chorus in taking Romney's remarks out of context.

And some to the far right aim at the immigrant, the Jew, the Mexican, and the African American, and the Muslim.

good grief..all that huh:lol:
How do you think it comes about? Or maybe you think recent history is fiction.

Keep one thing in mind; the German people of that era were no less civilized and no less intellectually developed than are today's Americans -- in fact some would say they were more civilized and intelligent.

In Germany the demagogue directed the anger of the economically depressed public at such factions as communists, homosexuals, and Jews. Today we are hearing a presidential candidate directing anger toward the poor and disenfranchised.
It is the Good Guy's chorus of True Americans that condemns both the far right and the far left when they do it. You know, Frank, we have a lot of scum bags in our far right that we are going to have to purge (NDAA?) when Romney is elected, along with terrorists of our far left.
TODAY, he said people WANT to pay taxes, which opens the question of his Cayman Island accounts, and CONs here who implode at the thought of paying MONEY to live in greatest nation on earth.*

*God help us if we need THEIR blood.
TODAY, he said people WANT to pay taxes, which opens the question of his Cayman Island accounts, and CONs here who implode at the thought of paying MONEY to live in greatest nation on earth.*

*God help us if we need THEIR blood.

I want to pay taxes. Now I want to pay low taxes but I definitely want to pay taxes because I sure as hell would rather be a tax payer than a tax receiver.
A low to moderate income working person, with dependents, pays no income taxes because of Republican tax policy.

Now the Republicans are treating these people as freeloaders.

80% of that 47% Romney referred to are people with JOBS, or they're seniors.

I doubt they appreciate Romney's attack on them.

you people just pull numbers from your butts?
and so what SOME have jobs, they still pay NO FEDERAL INCOME taxes and collect some form of WELFARE off the backs of PEOPLE who do pay
Stephanie, you are talking moronically.

Seniors collect SSN, which they PAID into as they also PAID into medicare.

That IS NOT welfare.

What the fuck is wrong with you?
And some to the far right aim at the immigrant, the Jew, the Mexican, and the African American, and the Muslim.
Quite right. What it distills to is a great many politically unsophisticated but angry and aggressive people who are looking for a direction in which to discharge their hostility. And Romney has presented them with a category which broadly, and subtly, encompasses each of the sub-categories you've indicated.

He has deftly and tactfully pointed a finger at the category which he tacitly implies is responsible for America's problems -- and I'm getting whiff of Karl Rove behind the drapes.

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