Today's attack was an act of terrorism

An attack that was specifically carried out for political reasons.

Call the man what he was, a TERRORIST

This may start to be the new norm for these nut job terrorists shooting political leaders to get more attention, these shootings are loosing the attention they once got.. I think baseball is a thing of the past now in an open field like that for the congress to play out in the open..


If baseball is a thing of the past, then America is a thing of the past.

For the 100th time ...I meant the senators baseball games..

And yet, the game goes on as usual, tomorrow.

And safe to say, in the future.
An attack that was specifically carried out for political reasons.

Call the man what he was, a TERRORIST

I see you haven't gotten any smarter through the course of the day.

An "attack carried out for political reasons" is not what terrorism means. An assassination is an "attack carried out for political reasons". Mike Vanderboegh's call to "Break their windows -- break them now" is another.

"Terrorism" on the other hand means acts of violence committed for the purpose of coercion --- "Release our people you're holding prisoner" or "give our province independence"-- "or we will kill/bomb/destroy more people/more stuff".

"Terrorism" does not simply mean "something went down where people were terrified".

The fact that members of Congress today are now asking for protection, means you're full of shit.

Has no effect whatsoever on my definition of terms. Learn how to read.
An attack that was specifically carried out for political reasons.

Call the man what he was, a TERRORIST

This may start to be the new norm for these nut job terrorists shooting political leaders to get more attention, these shootings are loosing the attention they once got.. I think baseball is a thing of the past now in an open field like that for the congress to play out in the open..


If baseball is a thing of the past, then America is a thing of the past.

For the 100th time ...I meant the senators baseball games..

And yet, the game goes on as usual, tomorrow.

And safe to say, in the future.

As indeed it should.
Firearms cannot kill anybody on their own, people kill people. The guy was a progressive… Let me repeat the guy was a Bernie Sanders progressive.
He actually worked for Barry Sanders.
An attack that was specifically carried out for political reasons.

Call the man what he was, a TERRORIST

This may start to be the new norm for these nut job terrorists shooting political leaders to get more attention, these shootings are loosing the attention they once got.. I think baseball is a thing of the past now in an open field like that for the congress to play out in the open..


If baseball is a thing of the past, then America is a thing of the past.

For the 100th time ...I meant the senators baseball games..

And yet, the game goes on as usual, tomorrow.

And safe to say, in the future.

As indeed it should.

Seriously though, these guy are sitting ducks out there now ... but you are right.
An attack that was specifically carried out for political reasons.

Call the man what he was, a TERRORIST

Call the man what he was: A DEMOCRAT terrorist.



Rationalization for why this is not just another lameass Composition Fallacy?

Sorry, my bad, He was not a Democrat, He was a Bernie Sanders acolyte. Therefore he was an Independent like his idol,
He was an Independent TERRORIST.
An attack that was specifically carried out for political reasons.

Call the man what he was, a TERRORIST

Call the man what he was: A DEMOCRAT terrorist.



Rationalization for why this is not just another lameass Composition Fallacy?

Call the man what he was -- a gun nut.

Sorry, my bad, He was not a Democrat, He was a Bernie Sanders acolyte. Therefore he was an Independent like his idol,
He was an Independent TERRORIST.

OK --- on to questions 2 and 3?

Start with that We'll leave the definition of "terrorism" as posted for now but do regale us with tales of how this is not some kind of Composition Fallacy.
Ah come on folks wake up, this is America, guns are the terrorists. 'After Sandy Hook we said never again. And then we let 1,399 mass shootings happen.

Mass shootings since Sandy Hook, in one map

America's gun problem, explained

'Fuck You, Guns' 'Fuck You, Guns'

A day in America

"3 adults, 1 child found shot to death inside Alaska hotel room
Police: Man shot dead while trying to stop man from beating woman
3 shot while hanging Christmas lights amid fight with driver
Good Samaritan fatally shot outside Northwest Side Walmart
Accused Charleston church shooter Dylann Roof competent to stand trial"
Guns are not the issue.. His mental state and his far left wing hate.... ARE!

You can't shoot people with mental states and hate silly goose.
Your A fucking halfwit... Your mental state is what allows you to kill others with what ever weapon is available.. Your probably safest with a spork and bubble wrap all around you... Fucking retard!
An attack that was specifically carried out for political reasons.

Call the man what he was, a TERRORIST

Clearly it was, his attempted mass murder coupled with his beliefs and the clear expression of them via violent means are textbook terrorism. Worse, it was against a sitting government.

If not for the police, the entire discussion tonight is far more deeper analysis. Also, the area in which he was entering was locked, so he couldn't enter the field apparently. That would have ensured a worse outcome in and of itself.
Proof the guy was just nuts is the fact no one died.

Now take the right wing nut who went into that black church because of his conservative beliefs. He murdered everyone. Where was Republican outrage?

Sorry those were just black people
This may start to be the new norm for these nut job terrorists shooting political leaders to get more attention, these shootings are loosing the attention they once got.. I think baseball is a thing of the past now in an open field like that for the congress to play out in the open..


If baseball is a thing of the past, then America is a thing of the past.

For the 100th time ...I meant the senators baseball games..

And yet, the game goes on as usual, tomorrow.

And safe to say, in the future.

As indeed it should.

Seriously though, these guy are sitting ducks out there now ... but you are right.

Actually this shooting could be "terrorism" if it had been meant to intimidate Congresspeople from playing baseball, under the threat of further violence. That would actually make the OP work.

Somehow I don't get the impression that was his motive though.
An attack that was specifically carried out for political reasons.

Call the man what he was, a TERRORIST

There was never any doubt about that; was there? I would broaden the definition to something like “An attack that was not for personal benefit or enrichment” but I’m comfortable calling it terrorism.
An attack that was specifically carried out for political reasons.

Call the man what he was, a TERRORIST
If it was he was a lone wolf and you can't say Democrats are ISIS encouraging attacks.

It's not like when Sarah Palin put Gabby Gifford in crosshairs and then she was shot in the head.

Was Gabby's shooter a terrorist? For what group?
An attack that was specifically carried out for political reasons.

Call the man what he was, a TERRORIST

Call the man what he was: A DEMOCRAT terrorist.



Rationalization for why this is not just another lameass Composition Fallacy?

Call the man what he was -- a gun nut.

Sorry, my bad, He was not a Democrat, He was a Bernie Sanders acolyte. Therefore he was an Independent like his idol,
He was an Independent TERRORIST.

OK --- on to questions 2 and 3?

Start with that We'll leave the definition of "terrorism" as posted for now but do regale us with tales of how this is not some kind of Composition Fallacy.

An attack that was specifically carried out for political reasons.

Call the man what he was, a TERRORIST

Call the man what he was: A DEMOCRAT terrorist.



Rationalization for why this is not just another lameass Composition Fallacy?

Call the man what he was -- a gun nut.

Sorry, my bad, He was not a Democrat, He was a Bernie Sanders acolyte. Therefore he was an Independent like his idol,
He was an Independent TERRORIST.

OK --- on to questions 2 and 3?

Start with that We'll leave the definition of "terrorism" as posted for now but do regale us with tales of how this is not some kind of Composition Fallacy.


That's exactly what I said when I read your moronic post.

Now answer the question. Exactly HOW is what you just posted NOT a Composition Fallacy?

Is shooting people on a baseball field how we cast a vote in this country?
No, it is not.

Therefore what the fuck significance is your adjective "Democrat" which then became "Independent"? His political registration --- which you don't even know --- is relevant exactly how?

I'm an Independent. Are you saying I shoot people on baseball fields or what?

What exactly ARE you saying? Do you even know?

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