Today's Elders Are In A Bind For Respect From Their Families; I Feel Bad For Them

Yeah, I'd seen those video before. Like I said, anything USEFUL is taken down.

My auto-mechanic is an agorist and an anarchist. He doesn't believe in being licensed by the state. He experiments and everything. Trust me, he's looked into all of that stuff.

Like I had said, "Generally, it wasn't really close to being technical anyway, it was just primer stuff anyhow."
And I believe Jacque Fresco is the worst type of eugenicist.

Jacque Fresco is a brilliant mind. He does say some crazy things but I often wonder if that is what we will be in America in the future if we don't change our ways. We certainly can't keep up what we are doing today, anyone with a brain can see that. He's got many men rich off of his idea's he openly doesn't sell but shares with everyone. I like his concept of filling the toilet with leftover sink water, but only because I've studied the water situations in California in the drought and in Texas with the fracking.

He brings up Tidal/Wave Energy and no one can debate him. Yet we don't even try.

I don't believe in his dome homes. But with the weather today and in the future, we might get there.
It seems my post was too hard for you to comprehend.....

Not even close, professor. By the way, could you repeat the word "elder" another 50 or 60 times? I don't think you've gotten everyone's attention yet.
And I believe Jacque Fresco is the worst type of eugenicist.

Eugenics is more of a Magna Carta thing.

Yet today, we are letting Corporations be Kings and bloodlines are being passed down to ensure maximized profits.

Jacque Fresco is just a smart old man with TONS of good idea's. His idea's on building cities were similar to Glen Becks and complete Utopia based on the knowledge of America today. But Jacque seems to think that all Americans will just get alone if we don't teach bigotry and hatred. I can't prove or disprove this because we are taught bigotry in America today, or at least yesterday, this is ending currently and will see where we land.
Yes, and unfortunately many of America's elders don't even get a chance to slow down and relax. Teen pregnancy and the age of stupidity and irresponsibility mean that grandma and grandpa are now raising 20% of America's children. We've gone from two-parent homes (blacks included) up through the late 40's, to one-parent homes, to NO parent homes for 1 in 5 kids today (like Obama's home). That's 1 in 5 white kids, the ratio for blacks being much higher of course. But when we're all gone, who's going to be there for the kids then? I'm sure that by 2025, for at least one in four, it probably won't be the two people who brought them into this world.
I LOVE that you have statistics yet you don't know where they come from.

You do realize that kidnapping a certain Tone of people and making them work for 0 wages in slavery, then later denying them Education, then later denying them Jobs, then later acting like none of this happed is absolute ignorance. There are reasons blacks are the way they are. I've openly seen blacks get fired for being black when I was younger and I should have stood against it. But you don't seem to know why blacks can't swim......because they were banned from local swimming pools.

Watching White Americans make a pot of stew they can't eat is simply ironic.

Today, we whites have pushed the blacks out of education, out of jobs, into absolute corners in our communities and some even state that we have used Bioterrorism to directly target blacks because they are "all lazy, without jobs, living in the projects". They are bigots all day and never wonder why blacks are looking for a better day through drugs.

This isn't rocket science. This is happening under your nose.
If you want your opinions to be taken seriously you have the responsibility to start by having your facts straight.
I'm sure you would agree.
Here are a few historic and scientific facts:
Nobody "kidnapped" a [Tone] of negroes. Every negro who was 'purchased' by the Dutch and Portuguese and later the British etc. was sold by other negroes. Africa, like much of it is now was a continent of negro tribes who spent every waking minute either fighting off other tribes intent on making them slaves to be sold or attacking other tribes with the same intent. You can not purchase what is not for sale. That is a historic fact. There are ship's logs explicitly stating that no boat were allowed to land on any part of African soil for fear of being attacked. Slave sales were carried out when the tribal Chiefs brought the slaves to the ships by boat.
The fantasy that Europeans were scouring the jungles for slaves is just that. A fantasy. So when you are laying blame start with the village chiefs who did the slave selling.
Negroes generally speaking have on average 10-15 lower IQs then other races. This is a scientific fact backed up by endless scientific studies. Some started off attempting to discredit this fact and they VERY reluctantly had to concur with the other findings. You can find this out on Google, though I suspect you already know the facts.
It's called 'the elephant in the room'.
Negroes have a different 'allele' count which makes them prone to violent behaviour. Scientific fact easily researched on the internet.
There is endemic HDP especially among young negro men. You see a young negro man walking down the street with his pants down to his knees like he just shit himself wearing a $200 pair on fucking running shoes and you are looking at a loser.
These problems make it very difficult for negro children to earn a basic education which in turn minimizes their job eligibility.
You may call me RACIST. I couldn't care less. If you would care to have a mature discussion about any of the above points I am here.
If your reaction is to throw a personal insult at someone simply speaking the truth that is your right.

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