Todays "Horror In London".,Isn't This Why Trump Wants A Pause On Those 7 Or 8 Nations?

:argue: :banghead: :ack-1: So now we can really beat up on those judges that just want to let anyone into the USA, no questions asked, no need to be vetted. Now we just wait for new arguments on this terror event for the rest of the day on all of our favorite cable news shows. For all we know, CNN and MSNBC will use this tragic event as reason to allow anyone to move to the USA, and no paper work required.,,,right?:iagree:

Abu Izzadeen is a British citizen born on 18 April 1975 in Hackney, east London, to a family originally from Jamaica.

Abu Izzadeen - Wikipedia

Is England or Jamaica on that travel ban?
Maybe they should be. Are there Democrats in England or Jamaica?
The American Muslim ban would have stopped a terror attack in London? You trumpaphobes are crazy.

Absolutely would help prevent similar attacks from occurring here.

When you are eating brain tumors for breakfast, do you add salt?
There is no evidence that the Muslim ban as attempted by trump would prevent a terrorist attack. In fact, his stupid proposal makes an attack more likely. He is giving a challenge. Remember how Bush did that with Iraq. He challenged al Qaeda to "bring it on" in Iraq. They answered with IED's, snipers, and ambushes that killed thousands of US soldiers. Keep broadcasting your fears, they will be answered.

Frankly, I don't know why the ban was necessary.

They should have implemented vetting system already. If the initial travel ban from 7 countries was NOT contested, it would have almost expired by now.

Moving should have to prove they are not an economic drain on America. Prove you have a skill or trade that will be useful for America.

If you want to move here simply to get on American welfare....too bad. Go to Germany or Sweden.

If you want to move here and work and pay taxes....COME ON DOWN!!!
:argue: :banghead: :ack-1: So now we can really beat up on those judges that just want to let anyone into the USA, no questions asked, no need to be vetted. Now we just wait for new arguments on this terror event for the rest of the day on all of our favorite cable news shows. For all we know, CNN and MSNBC will use this tragic event as reason to allow anyone to move to the USA, and no paper work required.,,,right?:iagree:

Abu Izzadeen is a British citizen born on 18 April 1975 in Hackney, east London, to a family originally from Jamaica.

Abu Izzadeen - Wikipedia

Is England or Jamaica on that travel ban?

Looks like naming Izzadeen as the suspect may have been false.

Confusion Over Identity Of London Terrorism Suspect, As Previously Named Abu Izzadeen Is Still In Prison | Zero Hedge
What is with this, "THERE IS NO PROOF" bullshit from snowflakes?

Since when do snowflakes need "proof" for anything?

Didn't Pelosi say, "We have to pass the bill to see what's in it"? She sure as fuck didn't need to see "PROOF" that Obamacare would pay for itself.
The American Muslim ban would have stopped a terror attack in London? You trumpaphobes are crazy.

Absolutely would help prevent similar attacks from occurring here.

When you are eating brain tumors for breakfast, do you add salt?
There is no evidence that the Muslim ban as attempted by trump would prevent a terrorist attack. In fact, his stupid proposal makes an attack more likely. He is giving a challenge. Remember how Bush did that with Iraq. He challenged al Qaeda to "bring it on" in Iraq. They answered with IED's, snipers, and ambushes that killed thousands of US soldiers. Keep broadcasting your fears, they will be answered.

So, Trump wants to ban muslims from coming here, and this action of his will spurn on muslims to do terrorist attacks here because they consider it a challenge, you say. Thanks for confirming what reasonable and intelligent people already know, that muslims will commit terror attacks on their host country if they feel they've been slighted in any way. I would have thought by now that you apologists would have backed off on your defending muslims, especially after what's been going on in London, and other parts of Europe, but no.
Call me a Racist, but i'm betting this Terrorist came from one of the nations on Trump's list. It's so disturbing what the Cuckold Leftists have done to Western Europe. They've completely dismantled Immigration Systems all across Western Europe. When will Western Europeans demand change?

Hmmm......suspect DOES NOT appear to be an old lady from Kansas City.....


First pictures of London terror suspect show him stripped then put in ambulance
maybe hes a white hispanic?
He's not looking Asian either. Witnesses get such a lot of stuff fucked up.
Brits refer to people from the India/Pakistan area as 'Asians'
The American Muslim ban would have stopped a terror attack in London? You trumpaphobes are crazy.
Trump said "radical Islamic terrorists" weeks ago...and attacks are still happening!!!
Just saying it was supposed to stop them!
Have we been lied to?
This is an example of what happens when you adopt a 'no borders' attitude. The travel restriction would not have stopped this incident, but if one had been in place years ago, it may have. Always supposing that this incident in London is a case of a foreigner.
We do not yet know but I wager the terrorist was born and grew-up in England.
Is the UK on Trump's banned list?
The place is heaving with Muslims.
The American Muslim ban would have stopped a terror attack in London? You trumpaphobes are crazy.
Trump said "radical Islamic terrorists" weeks ago...and attacks are still happening!!!
Just saying it was supposed to stop them!
Have we been lied to?

Call me a 'Racist', but i'm betting this Terrorist came from a nation on Trump's list. But actually, i've criticized Trump for not including Pakistan and Iraq on his list. We'll see where this bastard came from. Stay tuned.
:argue: :banghead: :ack-1: So now we can really beat up on those judges that just want to let anyone into the USA, no questions asked, no need to be vetted. Now we just wait for new arguments on this terror event for the rest of the day on all of our favorite cable news shows. For all we know, CNN and MSNBC will use this tragic event as reason to allow anyone to move to the USA, and no paper work required.,,,right?:iagree:

Since we don't know who the culprit was, we'll just have to wait and see, won't we?
:argue: :banghead: :ack-1: So now we can really beat up on those judges that just want to let anyone into the USA, no questions asked, no need to be vetted. Now we just wait for new arguments on this terror event for the rest of the day on all of our favorite cable news shows. For all we know, CNN and MSNBC will use this tragic event as reason to allow anyone to move to the USA, and no paper work required.,,,right?:iagree:

Since we don't know who the culprit was, we'll just have to wait and see, won't we?

I'm very interested in seeing what country he originated from. Stay tuned.
:argue: :banghead: :ack-1: So now we can really beat up on those judges that just want to let anyone into the USA, no questions asked, no need to be vetted. Now we just wait for new arguments on this terror event for the rest of the day on all of our favorite cable news shows. For all we know, CNN and MSNBC will use this tragic event as reason to allow anyone to move to the USA, and no paper work required.,,,right?:iagree:

Since we don't know who the culprit was, we'll just have to wait and see, won't we?

I'm very interested in seeing what country he originated from. Stay tuned.
There's a good chance he originated from the UK.
Its clearly American interference, colonialism, imperialism, militarism, warmongering and greed for oil that has caused all this violence in the muzzie world over the last 40 years........ lmfao
now can you imagine if the culprit was a muslim bigfoot? then would Trump ban all Bigfoots from entering the USA until we can figure out what the hell is going on?
:argue: :banghead: :ack-1: So now we can really beat up on those judges that just want to let anyone into the USA, no questions asked, no need to be vetted. Now we just wait for new arguments on this terror event for the rest of the day on all of our favorite cable news shows. For all we know, CNN and MSNBC will use this tragic event as reason to allow anyone to move to the USA, and no paper work required.,,,right?:iagree:

Since we don't know who the culprit was, we'll just have to wait and see, won't we?

I'm very interested in seeing what country he originated from. Stay tuned.
There's a good chance he originated from the UK.

Good point. It's shocking to me how many Islamic Terrorists come from the UK. What the hell happened to Great Britain?
:argue: :banghead: :ack-1: So now we can really beat up on those judges that just want to let anyone into the USA, no questions asked, no need to be vetted. Now we just wait for new arguments on this terror event for the rest of the day on all of our favorite cable news shows. For all we know, CNN and MSNBC will use this tragic event as reason to allow anyone to move to the USA, and no paper work required.,,,right?:iagree:

Since we don't know who the culprit was, we'll just have to wait and see, won't we?

I'm very interested in seeing what country he originated from. Stay tuned.
There's a good chance he originated from the UK.

Good point. It's shocking to me how many Islamic Terrorists come from the UK. What the hell happened to Great Britain?
Maybe the price of freedom of speech and association, and freedom from living in a police state, and treating fellow humans with compassion is that you have some extra risk.
The question is how much risk are you willing to take for these ideals?
The answer for many is "none".

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