Today's Presidential Approval Rating (The Mob won't like it)

Rasmussen got it wrong...they predicted a Clinton win. Only one polling entity had Trump leading, Investor's Business Daily/TechnoMetrica.

"The second most accurate poll according to the report was the national Rasmussen poll of likely voters."

These Pollsters Got The Election Right, According To RCP
But they got it WRONG. One got it RIGHT. And it wasn’t Rasmussen.

The Idea, which would escape an airhead Socialist like yourself, is to find polls which faithfully use the best and most modern methods....and more importantly...are honestly trying to predict an election---an inexact science; instead of trying to influence an election which is what so many do today.

Surely even an airhead like yourself has noticed how blatantly biased CNN is---just for one example. Surely you can see, as so many others have seen who have just quit watching---that CNN is nothing more than a subsidiary of the Democrat/Socialist Party.

And so why would anyone expect one of their polls be anything more than propaganda--designed to keep up flailing morale and encouraged more donations?

You miss the point because you are a Dumb-Ass Liberal. It is not that Rasmussen is Perfect---it is that they are Honest.


Honest? :rofl:

Donald Trump tweet on 50% approval cherry-picks polling data

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