Today's Supreme Court ruling reinforces my view that we Republicans should not vote in the Georgia runoffs

Why would a patriotic American person want to participate in a rigged election? Stay home and fly the Stars and Stripes.

The more I think about it, this secession movement Allen West is running may have merit. Rump can set up shop in Wyoming or Oklahoma and be President of the United States of Barrel-Stroking Goobers. He can hire Proud Boys and Militia Members as body men. :cool-45:

Texas Republican Party Chairman Allen West put out a statement tonight:

“The Supreme Court, in tossing the Texas lawsuit that was joined by seventeen states and 106 US congressman, has decreed that a state can take unconstitutional actions and violate its own election law. Perhaps law-abiding states should bond together and form a Union of states that will abide by the Constitution.”
The goobers have the meat, the vegetables, the fruit, the grains, the water, the energy, the land, the distribution system, anything I left out and the guns.

Meh, we can handle all those things with Washington, Oregon and California alone.

I find it very interesting how all the Dems and leftest were scared of Russia and that wasn't even true yet they have no fear of one of the biggest super powers China who Biden is actually in bed with.

You seem a little confused. It wasn't the 'dems' that determined that Russia was the attacks on the US. That assessment was made by our own intellgence services.

"The U.S. Intelligence Community (USIC) is confident that the Russian Government directed the recent compromises of e-mails from US persons and institutions, including from US political organizations. The recent disclosures of alleged hacked e-mails on sites like and WikiLeaks and by the Guccifer 2.0 online persona are consistent with the methods and motivations of Russian-directed efforts."
Joint Statement from the Department Of Homeland Security and Office of the Director of National Intelligence on Election Security

Now your turn. Show us those same intelligence agencies concluding that Biden is 'in bed with China'.

Stop! Do not burden the bobbleheaded tRumptards with facts. It infuriates and confuses them.

Think about it. Now it's not just the Democrats committing fraud and all the dead people voting and the RINO governor.
IT IS ALSO THE SUPREME COURT against democracy and fair elections.
Let us boycott the rigged system by not voting in the Georgia runoffs. Our vote will not count anyway.
I am a Trump supporter in Georgia and I have been telling my friends in Georgia not to vote so we can teach the deep state a lesson.
I'm sure you're right. Stay home and boycott the runoff election for those two Georgia seats in the US Senate... :auiqs.jpg:
I've always been a liberal, but just for a change, I recently moved to Atlanta and registered just in time to vote in the runoff elections. If I don't like it here after a few weeks, I'll probably move back to Texas.

I'm going scour the obits for dead people in Atlanta, fly in, vote a couple hundred times for Ossoff and Warnock, and fly out. :D

Check with these people. They have a list to download. It's a great time saver.
I've always been a liberal, but just for a change, I recently moved to Atlanta and registered just in time to vote in the runoff elections. If I don't like it here after a few weeks, I'll probably move back to Texas.

I'm going scour the obits for dead people in Atlanta, fly in, vote a couple hundred times for Ossoff and Warnock, and fly out. :D

Check with these people. They have a list to download. It's a great time saver.
View attachment 428190

Nice, 411 pages of dead people. That's a handy timesaver. Thanks! :clap2:
I've always been a liberal, but just for a change, I recently moved to Atlanta and registered just in time to vote in the runoff elections. If I don't like it here after a few weeks, I'll probably move back to Texas.

I'm going scour the obits for dead people in Atlanta, fly in, vote a couple hundred times for Ossoff and Warnock, and fly out. :D

Check with these people. They have a list to download. It's a great time saver.
View attachment 428190

Nice, 411 pages of dead people. That's a handy timesaver. Thanks! :clap2:

For a small fee, the Mormons offer a complete package with most of the preliminary work already done for you.
I've always been a liberal, but just for a change, I recently moved to Atlanta and registered just in time to vote in the runoff elections. If I don't like it here after a few weeks, I'll probably move back to Texas.

I'm going scour the obits for dead people in Atlanta, fly in, vote a couple hundred times for Ossoff and Warnock, and fly out. :D

Check with these people. They have a list to download. It's a great time saver.
View attachment 428190

Nice, 411 pages of dead people. That's a handy timesaver. Thanks! :clap2:

For a small fee, the Mormons offer a complete package with most of the preliminary work already done for you.
View attachment 428202

Perfect - I have a myriad of glorious disguises and a makeup artist (courtesy of Triumph the Insult Comic Dog!!). :laugh:

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I find it very interesting how all the Dems and leftest were scared of Russia and that wasn't even true yet they have no fear of one of the biggest super powers China who Biden is actually in bed with.

You seem a little confused. It wasn't the 'dems' that determined that Russia was the attacks on the US. That assessment was made by our own intellgence services.

"The U.S. Intelligence Community (USIC) is confident that the Russian Government directed the recent compromises of e-mails from US persons and institutions, including from US political organizations. The recent disclosures of alleged hacked e-mails on sites like and WikiLeaks and by the Guccifer 2.0 online persona are consistent with the methods and motivations of Russian-directed efforts."
Joint Statement from the Department Of Homeland Security and Office of the Director of National Intelligence on Election Security

Now your turn. Show us those same intelligence agencies concluding that Biden is 'in bed with China'.

Stop! Do not burden the bobbleheaded tRumptards with facts. It infuriates and confuses them.


Do you really care about facts?

Do lefttardz in general really care abput facts?

I find it very interesting how all the Dems and leftest were scared of Russia and that wasn't even true yet they have no fear of one of the biggest super powers China who Biden is actually in bed with.

You seem a little confused. It wasn't the 'dems' that determined that Russia was the attacks on the US. That assessment was made by our own intellgence services.

"The U.S. Intelligence Community (USIC) is confident that the Russian Government directed the recent compromises of e-mails from US persons and institutions, including from US political organizations. The recent disclosures of alleged hacked e-mails on sites like and WikiLeaks and by the Guccifer 2.0 online persona are consistent with the methods and motivations of Russian-directed efforts."
Joint Statement from the Department Of Homeland Security and Office of the Director of National Intelligence on Election Security

Now your turn. Show us those same intelligence agencies concluding that Biden is 'in bed with China'.

Stop! Do not burden the bobbleheaded tRumptards with facts. It infuriates and confuses them.


Do you really care about facts?

Do lefttardz in general really care abput facts?

Asks a tRumptard?
Think about it. Now it's not just the Democrats committing fraud and all the dead people voting and the RINO governor.
IT IS ALSO THE SUPREME COURT against democracy and fair elections.
Let us boycott the rigged system by not voting in the Georgia runoffs. Our vote will not count anyway.
I am a Trump supporter in Georgia and I have been telling my friends in Georgia not to vote so we can teach the deep state a lesson.
Hilarious yes please do not vote. With all the effort of your part to disenfranchise by Trump who would have thought it would be the Republicans that he got the best. Hilarious
As far as voting in the Georgia election, I would say absolutely DO VOTE!

Let us remember that Republicans did very well in the November elections and have gained seats in the House of Representative.

Yes the dems will cheat again as it would be foolish to think that they won't.

As politically naive as Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger is, at least this time he did not send out ballot applications by the thousands to questionable legal voters. and he has complained about Fulton County reporting the vote count late, and he is aware of the dems sending out ballots to other states and stating that people who are planning to move to Georgia to vote in January are breaking the law.

The best way to catch the leftist fucktards cheating to make it so they have to cheat again.

i thought you already caught them cheating... :D

this is definetely getting better each day...

Simpletons are so easily amused.

Have you really never heard of a crime being repeated?

if you couldnt catch em moving tens of millions of votes around, how you gonna catch em moving some thousands...

dont underestimate yourself... you are amusing and entertaining at the same time...

They were caught. The problem is there are criminals in charge of the judicial system. Which is why it is time to bring the military in to defend the Constitution and take out all the criminals. Insurrection act! Here we go! The question is will Trump have the courage to do it?

god help you and save your soul my friend...

I'm not religious but I do think their is some kind of Divine Source. I don't follow any of the gods though in the so called "holy books".

I find it very interesting how all the Dems and leftest were scared of Russia and that wasn't even true yet they have no fear of one of the biggest super powers China who Biden is actually in bed with.

You seem a little confused. It wasn't the 'dems' that determined that Russia was the attacks on the US. That assessment was made by our own intellgence services.

"The U.S. Intelligence Community (USIC) is confident that the Russian Government directed the recent compromises of e-mails from US persons and institutions, including from US political organizations. The recent disclosures of alleged hacked e-mails on sites like and WikiLeaks and by the Guccifer 2.0 online persona are consistent with the methods and motivations of Russian-directed efforts."
Joint Statement from the Department Of Homeland Security and Office of the Director of National Intelligence on Election Security

Now your turn. Show us those same intelligence agencies concluding that Biden is 'in bed with China'.

Stop! Do not burden the bobbleheaded tRumptards with facts. It infuriates and confuses them.


It seems to be the other way around. Every time you try to debate one of these far left nutjobs they just start whining like a little baby in a high screeching voice with their fingers in their ears. :auiqs.jpg:
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where did that 81 million voters
where did that 81 million votes?

George Soros bank account

Thank God for Soros


It is kind of sad you want to destroy America. But don't worry us Patriots won't let that happen. As Thomas Jefferson said:

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

Lol none of you are going to do shit.

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