Toddlers kill more Americans than Terrorists

They don't really keep stats on how many kids are saved by a gun defending kids do they?
there are guns in the house....there are not guns in the toddlers hands or within her reach...i agree with the comment bad parenting...or stupid parenting..toddlers and triggers locks are a good combo
there are guns in the house....there are not guns in the toddlers hands or within her reach...i agree with the comment bad parenting...or stupid parenting..toddlers and triggers locks are a good combo
I have an even better idea, no guns in the house.Revolutionary I know ,but kinda hard to have accidental shootings without guns.
and i assume you live somewhere where the police can be called and be there in no time...we dont....we had/have guns...the only problem with my son is his having gun fever...he and his g/f have hand kids...just cats
i have had to protect myself and my son from a potential home invader....this was before you had phones in every room etc...i was damn glad to have a weapon then
Toddlers kill 15 a year by guns!

I wonder how many toddlers end up killing people just by tripping them.

By the way, 17.8 women per 100,000 will die in childbirth in the US, giving us the highest birth related death rate in the industrialized world. Has Maternal Mortality Really Doubled in the U.S.?

We should go ahead and ban pregnancy, for the women AND their potential murderers..
I bet a gun saved more than 15 toddlers in the US last year.

Many more parents.
Toddlers...eliminating one bad parent at a time.

<fist bump to Darwin>

Well, the OP is lying, as leftists tend to do. This is again the scum of the Khmer Rouge using stats for children getting guns and injuring or killing themselves with them. And of course the left "forgets" about San Bernardino, pretending that this was not a "foreign" attack.

This is just typical leftist bullshit.

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