Told you we had a problem. Barbara Bush campaining for Hillary in France

Now the Bush family tied into Clinton family say what?

Told you people for years. Told you.

You could practically replace one with the other. Clintons are a bit smarter and a lot more manipulative, that's the only difference. Both criminal... although with Bush at least he was dumb enough to not understand what he was doing. Good puppet...
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I realized G. W. Bush was just another Establishment/Neocons puppet after:

1. he supported the first colorful revolution in Ukraine in 2005;
2. blessed ex-Georgian president Saakashvili to start a war with Ossetia (which was a part of Georgia in 2008);
3. supported big Media war against Russia, when Georgia attacked Ossetia in 2008 and all the Western news were yelling about alleged Russian aggression. But: they were showing the pictures with suffering civilians (true pictures!) and telling the audience it was what Russians were doing with Georgians, however those pictures were taken in Ossetia and that was what Georgians were doing to Ossetian civilians. And since then Western Media successfully keeps using the practice of showing real pictures with false explanation for them. Same thing about everything what takes place in Ukraine since the coup there (which was inspirited, sponsored and supported by Washington/Brussesls).

It was no surprise for me, when Bush family did not endorse Trump. In fact, I would be surprised if they did. Obama, Clintons, Bushes are the puppets controlled by the same hands.
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Why wouldn't somebody support Clinton over Trump? Repubs never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity. I'm now of the firm belief that anybody but Trump would have smashed Hillary.
Why wouldn't somebody support Clinton over Trump? Repubs never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity. I'm now of the firm belief that anybody but Trump would have smashed Hillary.
Not everyone is as dumb as you....:lol:
Now the Bush family tied into Clinton family say what?

Told you people for years. Told you.

Well its not as though W could leave the US.

Whatever, it doesn't change the fact that the whole bunch of them protected the bin Laden's and it doesn't change the fact that YOU all knew that and still voted for them. Nor does it change the fact that you fools would have voted for Lil Hebby too.
Now the Bush family tied into Clinton family say what?

Told you people for years. Told you.
One would think libs and progs who HATE the dumbass Bush's, would see the distortion....but one would be wrong. It seems libs and progs are one with the establishment.
How many French have we registered to vote?
We are seeing the global governance finally taking over.
How many French have we registered to vote?
We are seeing the global governance finally taking over.
Yes...good point.

The event in Paris was a FUND RAISER for Crooked Hilllary!!!

When are Americans going to wake up?

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