Told you we had a problem. Barbara Bush campaining for Hillary in France

“Told you we had a problem.”

Yes, and that problem is Trump.

“Barbara Bush campaigning for Hillary in France”

Pity there aren’t more Republicans of good conscience and good faith doing the same thing; Trump’s candidacy goes beyond partisan politics.
Bushs, Clintons, they are both illegal collaborating traitors.

They clintons and bushes join up whenever there's a disaster like the haiti earthquake or the tsunami in asia to figure how to make money on tragedies like the vultures they are. obama will soon be joining them on these disaster gold mines when he leaves the white house. I post "Clinton Cash" link often but I don't think the clinton worshippers ever watch it.

Bushs, Clintons, they are both illegal collaborating traitors.

They clintons and bushes join up whenever there's a disaster like the haiti earthquake or the tsunami in asia to figure how to make money on tragedies like the vultures they are. obama will soon get in on this disaster industry when he leaves the white house. I post "Clinton Cash" link often but I don't think the clinton worshippers ever watch it.

That book from Peter Schweizer should have disqualified Hillary. It would have if she were an R.

The Left is stuck on stupid attacking Trump for things Hillary is far more guilty of.

Oh one ever said a majority of American voters are smart.
I realized G. W. Bush was just another Establishment/Neocons puppet after:

1. he supported the first colorful revolution in Ukraine in 2005;
2. blessed ex-Georgian president Saakashvili to start a war with Ossetia (which was a part of Georgia in 2008);
3. supported big Media war against Russia, when Georgia attacked Ossetia in 2008 and all the Western news were yelling about alleged Russian aggression. But: they were showing the pictures with suffering civilians (true pictures!) and telling the audience it was what Russians were doing with Georgians, however those pictures were taken in Ossetia and that was what Georgians were doing to Ossetian civilians. And since then Western Media successfully keeps using the practice of showing real pictures with false explanation for them. Same thing about everything what takes place in Ukraine since the coup there (which was inspirited, sponsored and supported by Washington/Brussesls).

It was no surprise for me, when Bush family did not endorse Trump. In fact, I would be surprised if they did. Obama, Clintons, Bushes are the puppets controlled by the same hands.

And you believe reports by Russian Television (RT) that propagandizes Russia's own fucking invasions of former Soviet Union countries under Putin's regime? DAMN! You enjoy that Russian shit sundae you're sucking up!
Today is a different day for me. I ate a lot of shit backing GW. Oh boy that I did.

Now he and his family are dead to me. I hope they understand the wrath that is about to be unleashed on them.

It's coming.
I realized G. W. Bush was just another Establishment/Neocons puppet after:

1. he supported the first colorful revolution in Ukraine in 2005;
2. blessed ex-Georgian president Saakashvili to start a war with Ossetia (which was a part of Georgia in 2008);
3. supported big Media war against Russia, when Georgia attacked Ossetia in 2008 and all the Western news were yelling about alleged Russian aggression. But: they were showing the pictures with suffering civilians (true pictures!) and telling the audience it was what Russians were doing with Georgians, however those pictures were taken in Ossetia and that was what Georgians were doing to Ossetian civilians. And since then Western Media successfully keeps using the practice of showing real pictures with false explanation for them. Same thing about everything what takes place in Ukraine since the coup there (which was inspirited, sponsored and supported by Washington/Brussesls).

It was no surprise for me, when Bush family did not endorse Trump. In fact, I would be surprised if they did. Obama, Clintons, Bushes are the puppets controlled by the same hands.

And you believe reports by Russian Television (RT) that propagandizes Russia's own fucking invasions of former Soviet Union countries under Putin's regime? DAMN! You enjoy that Russian shit sundae you're sucking up!

What invasions fuck face?
I realized G. W. Bush was just another Establishment/Neocons puppet after:

1. he supported the first colorful revolution in Ukraine in 2005;
2. blessed ex-Georgian president Saakashvili to start a war with Ossetia (which was a part of Georgia in 2008);
3. supported big Media war against Russia, when Georgia attacked Ossetia in 2008 and all the Western news were yelling about alleged Russian aggression. But: they were showing the pictures with suffering civilians (true pictures!) and telling the audience it was what Russians were doing with Georgians, however those pictures were taken in Ossetia and that was what Georgians were doing to Ossetian civilians. And since then Western Media successfully keeps using the practice of showing real pictures with false explanation for them. Same thing about everything what takes place in Ukraine since the coup there (which was inspirited, sponsored and supported by Washington/Brussesls).

It was no surprise for me, when Bush family did not endorse Trump. In fact, I would be surprised if they did. Obama, Clintons, Bushes are the puppets controlled by the same hands.

And you believe reports by Russian Television (RT) that propagandizes Russia's own fucking invasions of former Soviet Union countries under Putin's regime? DAMN! You enjoy that Russian shit sundae you're sucking up!

Hillary. Millions by the oligarchs she helped put in power now.
What invasions fuck face?
Read the history you ignorant fucking dupe. Russian forces crossed the Georgian border on Aug 10, 2008 headed for Gori. Of course you would prefer the Russian Television version and protect the good Name of Mother Russia! Have another Russian shit sundae fool...Bon Appetite!

And lets not forget Ukraine or Crimea!
Nobody takes the Bush's seriously. They've become the political laughing stock of America.
Now the Bush family tied into Clinton family say what?

Told you people for years. Told you.

Yes and don't you wish those Bush twins were more like the Palin Girls!?!

How dare they have a mind of their own and support the candidate they ( Bush Twins ) want!?!
Barbara and other "establishment" Repubs are trying to save what little credibility is left of what the Republican party is supposed to stand for. Examples:

-Family values is gone , it is now acceptable to talk about penis size in repub debates. Example of being a statesman is calling names like lyin ted and little Marco. Nominee appeared in a porn video.

-Compassionate conservative all gone, now it's ok to make fun of the disabled, women, minorities.

-Respect for the office of president is long gone. Nominee actively mocks former repub president.

-Smart repubs are a thing of the past. Now its all conspiracies about birth certificates, etc. Alex Jones is an influential member of the right press.

-Respectable candidates with experience in the govt/military. Current nominee is a sketchy businessman/reality show host with zero experience in govt.


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