Tommy Tuberville admits he went to NYC to help trump break his gag order.

Yep. Glad we agree on that.

Perhaps you have a link to some other politician telling his or her angry mob that the election was stolen from them?

Yep. Glad we agree.

Please post the video of Trump telling his angry insurgents that he didn't mean "fight literally" ....but only "figuratively."

So if Trump didn't really "mean" for his MAGAt troops to be violent then why did he just sit for hours watching the violence on TV?
Why didn't he get out there right away and issue a strong entreaty to his followers to STOP at once?


Fake news

"They dishonestly leave out?"
How did "they" delete that part from every cell phone and video camera recording that day?
There must have been THOUSANDS of recordings of that speech.
Surely "Dems" could not have erased that missing segment of the speech from ALL of them right?
There must be at least ONE copy of Trump actually saying those words SOMEWHERE right?
Maybe you can post a link to a video?

There were plenty of prior dog whistles.

"Fight like hell" doesn't sound all that peaceful does it?

Perhaps you have a link to some other politician telling his or her angry mob that the election was stolen from them?

I said many politicians use rhetoric……..

Please post the video of Trump telling his angry insurgents that he didn't mean "fight literally" ....but only "figuratively."

Please post a video of any of the democrats using the phrase “we have to fight” and telling them they didn’t mean “fight literally” but only figuratively.

So if Trump didn't really "mean" for his MAGAt troops to be violent then why did he just sit for hours watching the violence on TV?

I agree that was a shitty thing to do, ive stated he should have been more proactive in stopping it, but that doesn’t mean his words incited it, nor that was his goal.

They dishonestly leave out?"
How did "they" delete that part from every cell phone and video camera recording that day?
There must have been THOUSANDS of recordings of that speech.
Surely "Dems" could not have erased that missing segment of the speech from ALL of them right?
There must be at least ONE copy of Trump actually saying those words SOMEWHERE right?
Maybe you can post a link to a video?

Yes, dishonestly, like how most dems here ignore that part, like how during the whole J6 hearings, when it got to that part of the video, they stopped playing it, and never mentioned it

Here’s an example of what I’m talking about:

Notice they cut then video before he says the relevant part:

Now here is a more complete version.

He just comes out and says it, no shame at all.

This can't be kosher, can it?

It's obviously happening at trump's direction, so isn't this a violation?

I think it's great these guys are coming down and making asses of themselves. Tuberville proved just how out of touch Republicans are.

“The Republican candidate for president of the United States is going through mental anguish in a courtroom that’s very depressing, very depressing. I’m glad to stand by President Trump. I’m a friend of his. I’m here more as a friend than backing him as candidate as president,” he said.

I think all Republicans, cops, judges should have to spend 2 weeks in court anywhere in America and then 1 month in jail. Then they'll be less likely in the future to arrest or charge people. Knowing how much it fucks up your life.
He just comes out and says it, no shame at all.

This can't be kosher, can it?

It's obviously happening at trump's direction, so isn't this a violation?

I think it's great these guys are coming down and making asses of themselves. Tuberville proved just how out of touch Republicans are.

“The Republican candidate for president of the United States is going through mental anguish in a courtroom that’s very depressing, very depressing. I’m glad to stand by President Trump. I’m a friend of his. I’m here more as a friend than backing him as candidate as president,” he said.

I think all Republicans, cops, judges should have to spend 2 weeks in court anywhere in America and then 1 month in jail. Then they'll be less likely in the future to arrest or charge people. Knowing how much it fucks up your life.
Americans, don't care about this show trial the Demafascsit are conducting...

Poll: Majority of Americans aren’t paying attention to Trump’s hush money trial​

I Thought the Bragg Case Against Trump Was a Legal Embarrassment. Now I Think It’s a Historic Mistake.​

Again, do you have a link to some other politician telling their angry mob that the election was stolen from them?
Because this is not it. It isn't at all what Hillary says here....and you KNOW that.
Nice try at whataboutism and deflection though.
Hitlery claimed it was stolen, Simp.
Americans, don't care about this show trial the Demafascsit are conducting...

Poll: Majority of Americans aren’t paying attention to Trump’s hush money trial​

I Thought the Bragg Case Against Trump Was a Legal Embarrassment. Now I Think It’s a Historic Mistake.​

None of us are paying attention. We just watch the morning news to get the updates. Waiting for the results.
Are you that stupid? You really think Merritless Gestapoland would go after Schumer for instigating an assassin to go after SC Justice Kavanagh?

Who the fuck do you think you're talking to Nostra Dumbass? You must think that others are as stupid and gullible as you are.

Your post is almost as unintelligible as your scrambled brain. I guess posting daily in support of criminal conman and being shot down for idiocy on a daily basis is unhinging you.

Such is your desperation to promote false equivalencies that you'll say ANYTHING to denigrate Democrats, while denying Trump's respsonsibility for any of the deaths or harms he causes the American people.
“Judge Juan Merchan is totally compromised, and should be removed from this TRUMP Non-Case immediately. His Daughter, Loren, is a Rabid Trump Hater, who has admitted to having conversations with her father about me, and yet he gagged me,” Trump wrote on Truth Social.

Considering Trump has amassed an army of cult like followers ready to act on his behalf, it is a threat and has nothing to do with defending himself.
It isn't a threat. It's the exercise of free speech.

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