Tomorrow feb 12 is birthday of our most famous white supremacist

The north threatened the south's economy by threatening to abolish slavery and that affected everyone in the south.

HAHAHA. You brainless jackass. The north had 4 slave states of its own throughout the war. THINK
Now you're just running yourself in circles.

Point out the south seceded mainly over slavery and you cry about how the north fought the war to end slavery. Point out how the north didn't fight the war to end slavery and you cry about how most in the south didn't have slaves. Point out how much slavery meant to the economy in the south and you cry about how the border states didn't secede. Point out how there was no reason for them to secede because they got to keep their slaves when Lincoln issued his Emancipation Proclamation and you cry about how the south seceded over tariffs. Point out out how most of the tariffs were done away with before Lincoln became president and you cry about how the south didn't secede over slavery -- bringing you full circle to where you began.

Rinse ... blather ... repeat.

And still, you don't get to rewrite history.

Absolutely dead on.

Sharpshooter doing his dance to defend slavery.
Still pissed off with Lincoln for the Emancipation Proclamation and instigating the 13th Amendment eh?

HAHAHA. You ignorant jackass. The EP didn't free any slaves since it only applied to the confederacy which was a separate country that lincoln had no control over. He COULD have freed the slaves in the 4 Union slave states but he exempted them from the EP!!!


Except that it wasn't another country. And it did free slaves.

Yes, it was another country.

Yes, it was a collection of states that attempted to rebel in order to protect their 'rights' to own human property- the rebellion known as the Confederate Slave States of America.

Even if that were true, it proves nothing as far as the topic of this discussion is concerned.

Nobody approves of slavery, asshole. So quit accusing people of that.
The north threatened the south's economy by threatening to abolish slavery and that affected everyone in the south.

HAHAHA. You brainless jackass. The north had 4 slave states of its own throughout the war. THINK
Now you're just running yourself in circles.

Point out the south seceded mainly over slavery and you cry about how the north fought the war to end slavery. Point out how the north didn't fight the war to end slavery and you cry about how most in the south didn't have slaves. Point out how much slavery meant to the economy in the south and you cry about how the border states didn't secede. Point out how there was no reason for them to secede because they got to keep their slaves when Lincoln issued his Emancipation Proclamation and you cry about how the south seceded over tariffs. Point out out how most of the tariffs were done away with before Lincoln became president and you cry about how the south didn't secede over slavery -- bringing you full circle to where you began.

Rinse ... blather ... repeat.

And still, you don't get to rewrite history.

Absolutely dead on.

Sharpshooter doing his dance to defend slavery.

Typical leftwing asshole.
They fought for southern independence and freedom from the onerous tariffs of the northern politicians. Most rebs didn't care about slavery since they didn't have slaves. THINK, you miserable america-hating wretch.

Of course Confederate Soldiers were fighting for 'freedom from onerous tariffs'........LOL- yeah that's the ticket!

Come on Joe- we are going to go fight and die so that the wealthy merchants don't have to pay 'onerous tariff's'.......

When given a choice between their country and the right to own other human beings, they chose slavery
They fought for 'States Rights"- of course the only 'Rights' the States claimed when they seceded- was the right to own slaves.
States Rights is just code for the right to restrict the rights of others
The north threatened the south's economy by threatening to abolish slavery and that affected everyone in the south.

HAHAHA. You brainless jackass. The north had 4 slave states of its own throughout the war. THINK


You keep saying that....and saying it.....and saying it.....while ignoring that the slave states of the Confederacy rebelled to protect their rights to own human property.

Lincoln himself said the war wasn't about slavery, and he's the one who started it, so he should know.

The Rebel Slave States said they seceded to protect slavery- and they should know- since they started the Rebellion- and fired on American soldiers, starting the war.
Still pissed off with Lincoln for the Emancipation Proclamation and instigating the 13th Amendment eh?

HAHAHA. You ignorant jackass. The EP didn't free any slaves since it only applied to the confederacy which was a separate country that lincoln had no control over. He COULD have freed the slaves in the 4 Union slave states but he exempted them from the EP!!!


Except that it wasn't another country. And it did free slaves.

Yes, it was another country.

Yes, it was a collection of states that attempted to rebel in order to protect their 'rights' to own human property- the rebellion known as the Confederate Slave States of America.

Even if that were true, it proves nothing as far as the topic of this discussion is concerned.

Nobody approves of slavery, asshole. So quit accusing people of that.

Fuck off asshole- Shootspeeder is a racist and adores the idea of owning his own slaves.

I can't speak about whether you other Confederate fan boys like the idea of having your own house slave or not.
Of course Confederate Soldiers were fighting for 'freedom from onerous tariffs'........LOL- yeah that's the ticket!

Come on Joe- we are going to go fight and die so that the wealthy merchants don't have to pay 'onerous tariff's'.......

When given a choice between their country and the right to own other human beings, they chose slavery
They fought for 'States Rights"- of course the only 'Rights' the States claimed when they seceded- was the right to own slaves.
States Rights is just code for the right to restrict the rights of others
The north threatened the south's economy by threatening to abolish slavery and that affected everyone in the south.

HAHAHA. You brainless jackass. The north had 4 slave states of its own throughout the war. THINK


You keep saying that....and saying it.....and saying it.....while ignoring that the slave states of the Confederacy rebelled to protect their rights to own human property.

Lincoln himself said the war wasn't about slavery, and he's the one who started it, so he should know.

The Rebel Slave States said they seceded to protect slavery- and they should know- since they started the Rebellion- and fired on American soldiers, starting the war.

They fired on trespassers squatting on the territory of South Carolina, something every sovereign nation has the absolute right to do.
HAHAHA. You ignorant jackass. The EP didn't free any slaves since it only applied to the confederacy which was a separate country that lincoln had no control over. He COULD have freed the slaves in the 4 Union slave states but he exempted them from the EP!!!


Except that it wasn't another country. And it did free slaves.

Yes, it was another country.

Yes, it was a collection of states that attempted to rebel in order to protect their 'rights' to own human property- the rebellion known as the Confederate Slave States of America.

Even if that were true, it proves nothing as far as the topic of this discussion is concerned.

Nobody approves of slavery, asshole. So quit accusing people of that.

Fuck off asshole- Shootspeeder is a racist and adores the idea of owning his own slaves.

I can't speak about whether you other Confederate fan boys like the idea of having your own house slave or not.

Where has he said he would like to own slaves?
The north threatened the south's economy by threatening to abolish slavery and that affected everyone in the south.

HAHAHA. You brainless jackass. The north had 4 slave states of its own throughout the war. THINK
Now you're just running yourself in circles.

Point out the south seceded mainly over slavery and you cry about how the north fought the war to end slavery. Point out how the north didn't fight the war to end slavery and you cry about how most in the south didn't have slaves. Point out how much slavery meant to the economy in the south and you cry about how the border states didn't secede. Point out how there was no reason for them to secede because they got to keep their slaves when Lincoln issued his Emancipation Proclamation and you cry about how the south seceded over tariffs. Point out out how most of the tariffs were done away with before Lincoln became president and you cry about how the south didn't secede over slavery -- bringing you full circle to where you began.

Rinse ... blather ... repeat.

And still, you don't get to rewrite history.

Absolutely dead on.

Sharpshooter doing his dance to defend slavery.

Typical leftwing asshole.

Typical bripat being an asshole- because that is what you do.

As you defend the Confederate Slave States.
When given a choice between their country and the right to own other human beings, they chose slavery
They fought for 'States Rights"- of course the only 'Rights' the States claimed when they seceded- was the right to own slaves.
States Rights is just code for the right to restrict the rights of others
The north threatened the south's economy by threatening to abolish slavery and that affected everyone in the south.

HAHAHA. You brainless jackass. The north had 4 slave states of its own throughout the war. THINK


You keep saying that....and saying it.....and saying it.....while ignoring that the slave states of the Confederacy rebelled to protect their rights to own human property.

Lincoln himself said the war wasn't about slavery, and he's the one who started it, so he should know.

The Rebel Slave States said they seceded to protect slavery- and they should know- since they started the Rebellion- and fired on American soldiers, starting the war.

They fired on trespassers squatting on the territory of South Carolina, something every sovereign nation has the absolute right to do.

Sorry Confederate Fan boy- the rebels fired on American soldiers on U.S. territory- ceded to the Federal government by South Carolina- starting the end of the very end of the institution of slavery that they rebelled to defend.
Except that it wasn't another country. And it did free slaves.

Yes, it was another country.

Yes, it was a collection of states that attempted to rebel in order to protect their 'rights' to own human property- the rebellion known as the Confederate Slave States of America.

Even if that were true, it proves nothing as far as the topic of this discussion is concerned.

Nobody approves of slavery, asshole. So quit accusing people of that.

Fuck off asshole- Shootspeeder is a racist and adores the idea of owning his own slaves.

I can't speak about whether you other Confederate fan boys like the idea of having your own house slave or not.

Where has he said he would like to own slaves?

Where has he said that he doesn't want to own slaves?

As I pointed out

Fuck off asshole- Shootspeeder is a racist and adores the idea of owning his own slaves.

I can't speak about whether you other Confederate fan boys like the idea of having your own house slave or not.
The north threatened the south's economy by threatening to abolish slavery and that affected everyone in the south.

HAHAHA. You brainless jackass. The north had 4 slave states of its own throughout the war. THINK
Now you're just running yourself in circles.

Point out the south seceded mainly over slavery and you cry about how the north fought the war to end slavery. Point out how the north didn't fight the war to end slavery and you cry about how most in the south didn't have slaves. Point out how much slavery meant to the economy in the south and you cry about how the border states didn't secede. Point out how there was no reason for them to secede because they got to keep their slaves when Lincoln issued his Emancipation Proclamation and you cry about how the south seceded over tariffs. Point out out how most of the tariffs were done away with before Lincoln became president and you cry about how the south didn't secede over slavery -- bringing you full circle to where you began.

Rinse ... blather ... repeat.

And still, you don't get to rewrite history.

Absolutely dead on.

Sharpshooter doing his dance to defend slavery.

Typical leftwing asshole.

Typical bripat being an asshole- because that is what you do.

As you defend the Confederate Slave States.

Why shouldn't I defend them? They were invaded by a mass murdering tyrant.
Yes, it was another country.

Yes, it was a collection of states that attempted to rebel in order to protect their 'rights' to own human property- the rebellion known as the Confederate Slave States of America.

Even if that were true, it proves nothing as far as the topic of this discussion is concerned.

Nobody approves of slavery, asshole. So quit accusing people of that.

Fuck off asshole- Shootspeeder is a racist and adores the idea of owning his own slaves.

I can't speak about whether you other Confederate fan boys like the idea of having your own house slave or not.

Where has he said he would like to own slaves?

Where has he said that he doesn't want to own slaves?

As I pointed out

Fuck off asshole- Shootspeeder is a racist and adores the idea of owning his own slaves.

I can't speak about whether you other Confederate fan boys like the idea of having your own house slave or not.

I'll take that to mean he never said he wanted to own slaves.

Thanks for playing!
HAHAHA. You brainless jackass. The north had 4 slave states of its own throughout the war. THINK
Now you're just running yourself in circles.

Point out the south seceded mainly over slavery and you cry about how the north fought the war to end slavery. Point out how the north didn't fight the war to end slavery and you cry about how most in the south didn't have slaves. Point out how much slavery meant to the economy in the south and you cry about how the border states didn't secede. Point out how there was no reason for them to secede because they got to keep their slaves when Lincoln issued his Emancipation Proclamation and you cry about how the south seceded over tariffs. Point out out how most of the tariffs were done away with before Lincoln became president and you cry about how the south didn't secede over slavery -- bringing you full circle to where you began.

Rinse ... blather ... repeat.

And still, you don't get to rewrite history.

Absolutely dead on.

Sharpshooter doing his dance to defend slavery.

Typical leftwing asshole.

Typical bripat being an asshole- because that is what you do.

As you defend the Confederate Slave States.

Why shouldn't I defend them? They were invaded by a mass murdering tyrant.

Of course you defend them- they tried to rebel to protect their rights to own human property- slaves.
Yes, it was a collection of states that attempted to rebel in order to protect their 'rights' to own human property- the rebellion known as the Confederate Slave States of America.

Even if that were true, it proves nothing as far as the topic of this discussion is concerned.

Nobody approves of slavery, asshole. So quit accusing people of that.

Fuck off asshole- Shootspeeder is a racist and adores the idea of owning his own slaves.

I can't speak about whether you other Confederate fan boys like the idea of having your own house slave or not.

Where has he said he would like to own slaves?

Where has he said that he doesn't want to own slaves?

As I pointed out

Fuck off asshole- Shootspeeder is a racist and adores the idea of owning his own slaves.

I can't speak about whether you other Confederate fan boys like the idea of having your own house slave or not.

I'll take that to mean he never said he wanted to own slaves.

Thanks for playing!

Sharpshooter has never denied he wants to own slaves- I'll take that to mean that is the reason for his constant Confederate fanboyhood.
Yes, it was another country.

Yes, it was a collection of states that attempted to rebel in order to protect their 'rights' to own human property- the rebellion known as the Confederate Slave States of America.

Even if that were true, it proves nothing as far as the topic of this discussion is concerned.

Nobody approves of slavery, asshole. So quit accusing people of that.

Fuck off asshole- Shootspeeder is a racist and adores the idea of owning his own slaves.

I can't speak about whether you other Confederate fan boys like the idea of having your own house slave or not.

Where has he said he would like to own slaves?

Where has he said that he doesn't want to own slaves?

As I pointed out

Fuck off asshole- Shootspeeder is a racist and adores the idea of owning his own slaves.

I can't speak about whether you other Confederate fan boys like the idea of having your own house slave or not.

Where have you said you don't want to own slaves?

Check and mate.
Even if that were true, it proves nothing as far as the topic of this discussion is concerned.

Nobody approves of slavery, asshole. So quit accusing people of that.

Fuck off asshole- Shootspeeder is a racist and adores the idea of owning his own slaves.

I can't speak about whether you other Confederate fan boys like the idea of having your own house slave or not.

Where has he said he would like to own slaves?

Where has he said that he doesn't want to own slaves?

As I pointed out

Fuck off asshole- Shootspeeder is a racist and adores the idea of owning his own slaves.

I can't speak about whether you other Confederate fan boys like the idea of having your own house slave or not.

I'll take that to mean he never said he wanted to own slaves.

Thanks for playing!

Sharpshooter has never denied he wants to own slaves- I'll take that to mean that is the reason for his constant Confederate fanboyhood.

Have you ever denied you want to own slaves?
They fought for southern independence and freedom from the onerous tariffs of the northern politicians. Most rebs didn't care about slavery since they didn't have slaves. THINK, you miserable america-hating wretch.

Of course Confederate Soldiers were fighting for 'freedom from onerous tariffs'........LOL- yeah that's the ticket!

Come on Joe- we are going to go fight and die so that the wealthy merchants don't have to pay 'onerous tariff's'.......

When given a choice between their country and the right to own other human beings, they chose slavery
They fought for 'States Rights"- of course the only 'Rights' the States claimed when they seceded- was the right to own slaves.
States Rights is just code for the right to restrict the rights of others
The north threatened the south's economy by threatening to abolish slavery and that affected everyone in the south.

HAHAHA. You brainless jackass. The north had 4 slave states of its own throughout the war. THINK


You keep saying that....and saying it.....and saying it.....while ignoring that the slave states of the Confederacy rebelled to protect their rights to own human property.

Lincoln himself said the war wasn't about slavery, and he's the one who started it, so he should know.

The south seceded to protect slavery
Lincoln fought to save the union

How is it not about slavery?
Still pissed off with Lincoln for the Emancipation Proclamation and instigating the 13th Amendment eh?

HAHAHA. You ignorant jackass. The EP didn't free any slaves since it only applied to the confederacy which was a separate country that lincoln had no control over. He COULD have freed the slaves in the 4 Union slave states but he exempted them from the EP!!!


Except that it wasn't another country. And it did free slaves.

Yes, it was another country.
Yeah, sure ... the U.S.M. -- United States of Morons.

It was called the Confederate States of America, moron.

Tell us something, is your avatar a self portrait?
I like United States of Morons better as it's more fitting. What a bunch of rubes. And no matter what you call them, not a single country on Earth recognized them as a country. Because they weren't one.
When given a choice between their country and the right to own other human beings, they chose slavery
They fought for 'States Rights"- of course the only 'Rights' the States claimed when they seceded- was the right to own slaves.
States Rights is just code for the right to restrict the rights of others
The north threatened the south's economy by threatening to abolish slavery and that affected everyone in the south.

HAHAHA. You brainless jackass. The north had 4 slave states of its own throughout the war. THINK


You keep saying that....and saying it.....and saying it.....while ignoring that the slave states of the Confederacy rebelled to protect their rights to own human property.

Lincoln himself said the war wasn't about slavery, and he's the one who started it, so he should know.

The Rebel Slave States said they seceded to protect slavery- and they should know- since they started the Rebellion- and fired on American soldiers, starting the war.

They fired on trespassers squatting on the territory of South Carolina, something every sovereign nation has the absolute right to do.
It was a federal fort no matter how many times you shriek to the contrary.

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