Tomorrow we'll either be the laughing stock of the globe or the most respected country on Earth.

If you fools vote Biden into the white house, the laughter from China and Russia will be unrelenting.

LOL. And it's not like we aren't the laughingstock now?
You mean the countries that got pissed when we stopped giving them money?

No the countries that started looking at us like we were the drunk date who would turn on us in a heartbeat...
Why wouldn’t we turn on some of these countries in a heartbeat? Not like we owe them anything. Keep up your side of the deal or fuck off.

musing your example it’s like you and I go to a bar and order drinks but when the bill arrives you don’t want to pay your share. We aren’t friends at that point and you can bitch about how rude I am but I don’t give a fuck. And next time you show up at the bar we won’t even be at the same table.
Liberals hate the US; they have a built in guilt complex.
It's a genetic defect.
Looking around the world I’m thinking... these are the people laughing at us? Not one of them I would trade places with. Not one of them I would consider better than us. Not one of them I would consider moving to.

laugh it up.
Shame on Europe....they have fallen for Globlalism....Europe has fallen .... it's too late for them unless they put up and fight with their Globlalists Masters.

America is and will be the most respected and powerful country in the world.

Bless America and bless America's allies across the world.
Shame on Europe....they have fallen for Globlalism....Europe has fallen .... it's too late for them unless they put up and fight with their Globlalists Masters.

America is and will be the most respected and powerful country in the world.

Bless America and bless America's allies across the world.

We certainly "could" be......

But we have more of the same types that pulled Europe into the Swamp right here in America.
And the problem is....THEIR numbers are increasing while the Old Guard is dwindling. (which is exactly why we are where we are today to begin with)
If you fools vote Biden into the white house, the laughter from China and Russia will be unrelenting.

We already are the laughing stock of the world because of your Orange Jesus, cultist.

We're the laughing stock because the people who hate him own most of the mainstream media in the world and have already convinced them that we must be stupid not to submit to socialism the way they did. They're a bunch of sheep. The mainstream media has exploited every fault Trump has and blown it up into massive iconic caricature that is an gross exaggeration. Look at the riots France had a few years ago. That was brought about by the same type of people running against Trump and voting for people who oppose Trump. I don't see the media making a laughing stock out "peaceful social justice-loving France" now though...

If the media didn't explicitly want to spotlight Trump we would not be the laughing stock any more than anyone else. It's the media's job to disseminate that kind of sentiment. That's what they do, and Trump is who they're focusing on in that way because they are there to serve globalists. The media is the 4th branch of government, for the globalists BY the globalists.

And me....a cultist?? Get real. In a few years I will likely want to move on from Trump. I see him as an important cog in weakening these globalists who call themselves the New World Order. They MUST be kept out of our government! We sure as hell aren't going to do that with Biden. Biden is another henchman in a long line of New World Order psychos who have been trying to infiltrate and assimilate us for a long time. They are conniving, cheating, evil and well-organized. And in 2016 they dropped the ball for the first time since 1988. Getting Trump out of the way is their first concern right now because he stands in their way,,,,which is the main reason I WANT him. Believe me, I have no personal fascination with the man other than to untie the knots the New World Order has tied around us already. When that is done to the point where we don't need an arrogant tough-talking politically incorrect bully to stand up to them, I will happily move on to someone who will pick up the torch and start new programs which are for the people by the people. It will take more than one president to undo what the New World Order has done to us,
I know you lefties don't like to hear it, but the entire world is inferior to us. Of course they don't like a guy that is giving us an even bigger lead on them. They much prefer losers and traitors like Obama and Biden to bring is closer to their level.

Oh really? How...take your time...

Won’t take much. From top to bottom, it isn’t close. No reason for any details. The entire world knows it. You can always find some left-wing or European Socialists rag claiming otherwise, but deep down, everybody knows it.
I know you lefties don't like to hear it, but the entire world is inferior to us. Of course they don't like a guy that is giving us an even bigger lead on them. They much prefer losers and traitors like Obama and Biden to bring is closer to their level.

Oh really? How...take your time...

Won’t take much. From top to bottom, it isn’t close. No reason for any details. The entire world knows it. You can always find some left-wing or European Socialists rag claiming otherwise, but deep down, everybody knows it.

Number 37 in health. Best Healthcare In The World 2020

Number 7 in literacy.

Number 25 in maths

I could go on...
Actually it is very clear Globally Trump is a joke.

He is not respected and is thought as a fool.

Trump is a joke internationally... He is childish and sucks up to leaders of China & Russia...

YEAH YEAH--that is why he has been nominated for what 4 nobel peace prizes and brought peace to the middle east----and has got the terrorists to stop their antics.

Any fucking idiot can get nominated for a Nobel Prize....

On ly ye fucking idiots didn't know that...

We know. Obama
If Biden wins (unlikely) his Chinese and Iranian Mullah buddies will throw him one hellva party.

The US will be giving away the store to any country willing to pay Hunter Biden's cocaine bill.
The Europeans weren't laughing when they were made to pay their fair share for NATO. The Chinese weren't laughing when Trump threatened them with a trade war they couldn't win. Trump stopped letting foreign countries take advantage of us.

1) Europeans didn't give a shit about paying for NATO
2) Yeah? Go ask your farmers about the trade war. See how it's going for them.
Actually they did and slime like Merkle are pist
Actually it is very clear Globally Trump is a joke.

He is not respected and is thought as a fool.

Trump is a joke internationally... He is childish and sucks up to leaders of China & Russia...

YEAH YEAH--that is why he has been nominated for what 4 nobel peace prizes and brought peace to the middle east----and has got the terrorists to stop their antics.

What peace?

This is another reason he is a joke...Ye think it means something....

It does mean something, it means Trump has 4 more nominations than you.
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Actually I did---------so the joke is on you.

Then why would you laud him being nominated for a peace prize when the nomination is from a far right source. If it was a middle-of-the-road think tank or somesuch, then sure, laud him. You somehow thinking he has been nominated for a peace prize makes him less of a laughing stock when consideration is given as to who put the nomination forward? If anything, it makes him more of a laughing stock. Would you laud Obama if Fidel Castro nominated him for a Nobel Peace Prize?
Trump won't take shit from nobody.
O'Biden don't know where he's at and can't put two sentences together.
The world has watched O'Biden speak. You know damn well they're laughing their collective asses off. Only democrats think this clown can be the leader of the free world.

Yeah, and the world would rather have someone who can't put two sentences together than your Orange God, he is that bad.

Just like America.

"... he is that bad. Just like America."

Well this explains everything about you

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