Tomorrow we'll either be the laughing stock of the globe or the most respected country on Earth.

We're already the laughing stock of the world. It's going to be Trumpybears lasting legacy.
If you fools vote Biden into the white house, the laughter from China and Russia will be unrelenting.
Lol we are definitely already the laughing stock of the world. You people are so dense. Trump is a joke and the entire world knows it.

I know you lefties don't like to hear it, but the entire world is inferior to us. Of course they don't like a guy that is giving us an even bigger lead on them. They much prefer losers and traitors like Obama and Biden to bring is closer to their level.

Explain how inferior
Lets just take Germany:
Better Economy (ran surplus 2012 to 2019)
Better Healthcare (Longer life expectancy and lower infant mortality)
Education (Third level is free with grand by right to poorer)
Elections have no fraud (unlike the US Elections (or is that all bullshit))
Immigration (they are called future workers and have rights including free education)
Security (a few years ago the German police shot 120 bullets in total for the whole country)

I took Germany but could have picked many countries... But COVID shows how bad things have descended in US. US used to lead in this stuff, now they are struggling with the WH Chief of Staff admitting defeat last week...

As I said, first there was laughter at Trump but most genuine people have pity for America at this stage. Initially it was just embarrassing and inconvenient, then it descended into a dark place, braking international agreements was annoying but could be rectified, then there was kissing up to dictators (something to watch), then the desertion of allies on the battlefield (that got people killed), now the death-toll of a 911 every 3 days and little to no response...

The rest of the world simply says about COVID, 'Could be worse, Trump could be our leader..."
Trump won't take shit from nobody.
O'Biden don't know where he's at and can't put two sentences together.
The world has watched O'Biden speak. You know damn well they're laughing their collective asses off. Only democrats think this clown can be the leader of the free world.

They laugh at Trump... Caught on camera laughing at him... None of them even bothered apologising...

Biden hold huge respect worldwide... He is an authoritative voice in international relations...

No one laughs at Biden the way they do at Trump... He doesn't even have the IQ or experience to follow conversations... In NATO they just had meetings without him and someone was sent to afterwards to put it in simple language..
With all due respect there is no laughing stock out there. We would have seen it when liberal elites were forced to deal with Brexit and dragged their feet for four years. The rest of ( what we used to call ) the civilized world is looking out for their own wallets. Crooked elitist European and Asian conglomerates would rather deal with Biden but they will be forced to deal with a strong leader when Trump is reelected.
QAnon at work I see...
Trump won't take shit from nobody.
O'Biden don't know where he's at and can't put two sentences together.
The world has watched O'Biden speak. You know damn well they're laughing their collective asses off. Only democrats think this clown can be the leader of the free world.

They laugh at Trump... Caught on camera laughing at him... None of them even bothered apologising...

Biden hold huge respect worldwide... He is an authoritative voice in international relations...

No one laughs at Biden the way they do at Trump... He doesn't even have the IQ or experience to follow conversations... In NATO they just had meetings without him and someone was sent to afterwards to put it in simple language..
Obvious sarcasm. Your cult leader can't even put two coherent sentences together.
Actually I did---------so the joke is on you.

Then why would you laud him being nominated for a peace prize when the nomination is from a far right source. If it was a middle-of-the-road think tank or somesuch, then sure, laud him. You somehow thinking he has been nominated for a peace prize makes him less of a laughing stock when consideration is given as to who put the nomination forward? If anything, it makes him more of a laughing stock. Would you laud Obama if Fidel Castro nominated him for a Nobel Peace Prize?
I never said that.

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