Tomorrow we'll either be the laughing stock of the globe or the most respected country on Earth.

I know you lefties don't like to hear it, but the entire world is inferior to us. Of course they don't like a guy that is giving us an even bigger lead on them. They much prefer losers and traitors like Obama and Biden to bring is closer to their level.

Oh really? How...take your time...
If you fools vote Biden into the white house, the laughter from China and Russia will be unrelenting.

LOL. And it's not like we aren't the laughingstock now?
You - as in democrats - are definitely the laughing stock of this country. Rioting, looting, shitting on street corners, wearing pussy hats, men in girls bathrooms, and Maxine Waters.
Trump has already made us the world’s laughingstock. The world looks at Trunp as nothing more than a friggin donkey, an ass, and a pathetic clown more suited to govern a shit hole than the USA.
No. They see him as the guy who brokered four delicate peace agreements and was nominated for the Nobel Peace prize three times

Even if communist Democrats made much of the USA a shithole. You know. Shithole like San Francisco, Los Angeles and New York. Democrat run cities.
If you fools vote Biden into the white house, the laughter from China and Russia will be unrelenting.

We already are the laughing stock of the world because of your Orange Jesus, cultist.
The Europeans weren't laughing when they were made to pay their fair share for NATO. The Chinese weren't laughing when Trump threatened them with a trade war they couldn't win. Trump stopped letting foreign countries take advantage of us.
The Europeans weren't laughing when they were made to pay their fair share for NATO. The Chinese weren't laughing when Trump threatened them with a trade war they couldn't win. Trump stopped letting foreign countries take advantage of us.

1) Europeans didn't give a shit about paying for NATO
2) Yeah? Go ask your farmers about the trade war. See how it's going for them.
You - as in democrats - are definitely the laughing stock of this country. Rioting, looting, shitting on street corners, wearing pussy hats, men in girls bathrooms, and Maxine Waters.

That's the extreme left. Just like you Deplorables loons are the extreme right. Most Americans - on the left and right - sit in the middle somewhere.
Actually it is very clear Globally Trump is a joke.

He is not respected and is thought as a fool.

Trump is a joke internationally... He is childish and sucks up to leaders of China & Russia...

YEAH YEAH--that is why he has been nominated for what 4 nobel peace prizes and brought peace to the middle east----and has got the terrorists to stop their antics.

Um. Did you see who nominated him? Nope, still the laughing stock of the world. Er, no his admin got the UAE and Oman talking to Israel. It's hard to bring peace between two nations when they were not at war in the first place.

My bold
A far-right Norwegian lawmaker said Wednesday that he has nominated U.S. President Donald Trump for the Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts in the Middle East.

Actually I did---------so the joke is on you.
Actually I did---------so the joke is on you.

Then why would you laud him being nominated for a peace prize when the nomination is from a far right source. If it was a middle-of-the-road think tank or somesuch, then sure, laud him. You somehow thinking he has been nominated for a peace prize makes him less of a laughing stock when consideration is given as to who put the nomination forward? If anything, it makes him more of a laughing stock. Would you laud Obama if Fidel Castro nominated him for a Nobel Peace Prize?
Actually I did---------so the joke is on you.

Then why would you laud him being nominated for a peace prize when the nomination is from a far right source. If it was a middle-of-the-road think tank or somesuch, then sure, laud him. You somehow thinking he has been nominated for a peace prize makes him less of a laughing stock when consideration is given as to who put the nomination forward? If anything, it makes him more of a laughing stock. Would you laud Obama if Fidel Castro nominated him for a Nobel Peace Prize?
That's because shitstain obama would have given Fidel the blowjob of his life first.
Actually it is very clear Globally Trump is a joke.

He is not respected and is thought as a fool.

Trump is a joke internationally... He is childish and sucks up to leaders of China & Russia...

I’m not sure you have the right guy sucking up. Trump didn’t bank 3.5 mil from the Moscow madam and 1.5 billion from Chinese investors. That’s the other guy.

the second mistake is thinking I give a shit what these other countries think of our president. You only think well of a person you can use as a patsy in these situations. They don’t like him because he’s making them pay. I’m good with that.
You - as in democrats - are definitely the laughing stock of this country. Rioting, looting, shitting on street corners, wearing pussy hats, men in girls bathrooms, and Maxine Waters.

With ALL that and more....the audacity to call the Right violent etc.

Like I've said, MANY on the left are there because of clinical Mental Illness.

And they want to Rule America.
If you fools vote Biden into the white house, the laughter from China and Russia will be unrelenting.

LOL. And it's not like we aren't the laughingstock now?
You mean the countries that got pissed when we stopped giving them money?

No the countries that started looking at us like we were the drunk date who would turn on us in a heartbeat...
Why wouldn’t we turn on some of these countries in a heartbeat? Not like we owe them anything. Keep up your side of the deal or fuck off.

musing your example it’s like you and I go to a bar and order drinks but when the bill arrives you don’t want to pay your share. We aren’t friends at that point and you can bitch about how rude I am but I don’t give a fuck. And next time you show up at the bar we won’t even be at the same table.
America will be the most respected country in the world!

Like it should be!

Bless America, Bless President Donald Trump!


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