Tone Down the Rhetoric?

Start reading at page 20. All these things have or can be proven. The election was unconstitutionally given to Biden.
• Intrastate differences in the treatment of voters,
with more favorable allotted to voters – whether
lawful or unlawful – in areas administered by
local government under Democrat control and
with populations with higher ratios of Democrat
voters than other areas of Defendant States.
• The appearance of voting irregularities in the
Defendant States that would be consistent with
the unconstitutional relaxation of ballot-integrity
protections in those States’ election laws.
All these flaws – even the violations of state election
law – violate one or more of the federal requirements
for elections (i.e., equal protection, due process, and
the Electors Clause) and thus arise under federal law.
See Bush v Gore, 531 U.S. 98, 113 (2000) (“significant
departure from the legislative scheme for appointing
Presidential electors presents a federal constitutional
question”) (Rehnquist, C.J., concurring). Plaintiff
State respectfully submits that the foregoing types of
electoral irregularities exceed the hanging-chad saga
of the 2000 election in their degree of departure from
both state and federal law. Moreover, these flaws
cumulatively preclude knowing who legitimately won
the 2020 election and threaten to cloud all future
BS. All tossed out.
It does start off a bit silly but funny. Lighten up and enjoy. But if you must skip to 6 minutes in where he (Trump) threatens Zuckerburg with life in prison.
The people who have it cushy as insiders found some bumps on the road with Trump. Look how smooth the neo cons moved to the left. The "make love not war" left who we were told with vicious violence over the decades that they were antiwar.
BS. All tossed out.
Speaking of getting tossed, NY AG's case sounds like it's getting tossed at the NY Court of, the Court was brutal on the AG political hacks

Massive civil fraud verdict against Trump gets frosty reception at New York appeals court​

During oral arguments on Thursday, some members of the five-judge appeals court panel suggested that New York Attorney General Tish James had overstepped by using the particular New York fraud statute she used to bring the case against Trump. As soon as Deputy Solicitor General Judith Vale, arguing for James, began her opening remarks, she was cut off by Associate Justice David Friedman, who questioned whether her office had ever before used the statute “to upset a private business transaction that was between equally sophisticated partners.”
Associate Justice Llinet Rosado chimed in once Friedman finished to add, “and little to no impact on the public marketplace.”
Speaking of getting tossed, NY AG's case sounds like it's getting tossed at the NY Court of, the Court was brutal on the AG political hacks

Massive civil fraud verdict against Trump gets frosty reception at New York appeals court​

During oral arguments on Thursday, some members of the five-judge appeals court panel suggested that New York Attorney General Tish James had overstepped by using the particular New York fraud statute she used to bring the case against Trump. As soon as Deputy Solicitor General Judith Vale, arguing for James, began her opening remarks, she was cut off by Associate Justice David Friedman, who questioned whether her office had ever before used the statute “to upset a private business transaction that was between equally sophisticated partners.”
Associate Justice Llinet Rosado chimed in once Friedman finished to add, “and little to no impact on the public marketplace.”
Who cares. The 165 page damning report was released. Too late. October Surprise!
Who cares. The 165 page damning report was released. Too late. October Surprise!
Nobody read it, Jack Smith is an illegally appointed political prosecutor that is desperately trying to help the Demafascist win.

Nobody cares what he has to say
Nobody read it, Jack Smith is an illegally appointed political prosecutor that is desperately trying to help the Demafascist win.

Nobody cares what he has to say

No, moderates and indy's read it you brainwashed fool.

Did you know this?

Trump secretly sent covid tests to Putin during 2020 shortage?​

No, moderates and indy's read it you brainwashed fool.

Did you know this?

Trump secretly sent covid tests to Putin during 2020 shortage?​

indy's read it? hahaha You didn't even read it. Everyone knows Jack Smith is an illegally appointed prosecutor and that was nothing but a politcal procecutor.

Yes, I am well aware Trump took covid seriously, and as global crisis, and was able to get the USA to produce massive amounts of test, and help the world by sending them around the globe,,,,,your point?
Refusing to hear the case tosses nothing out. What makes you think it does?
Because refusing to hear the case is what "tosses out" means.

Seriously, you're not interested evidence. Just admit it. You "know" that Dems cheated and that's the end the story.
Because refusing to hear the case is what "tosses out" means.

Seriously, you're not interested evidence. Just admit it. You "know" that Dems cheated and that's the end the story.
That case is full of evidence that has not and cannot be debunked. Facts are facts. Being held accountable is different.
I wonder when crackpots like you will be held accountable for all the shit you smear around
It is not a smear it is documented and totally legal. Assholes like you rejecting legitimate grievances and ignoring the law need to be held accountable.
It is not a smear it is documented and totally legal. Assholes like you rejecting legitimate grievances and ignoring the law need to be held accountable.
How so, fuckface??? Your jackboot brownshirts going to pay me visit? Stow the wet dreams and go jerk off in private.

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