Tonight's Debate Will Go Very Badly for Trump

Carl in Michigan

Diamond Member
Aug 15, 2016
The format tonight will not work in his favor. Biased moderators (presstitutes), townhall format.

Moderators Cooper and Raddatz still plan to let the audience of undecided voters ask half the questions. Moderator questions will be influenced by voters’ concerns voiced on social media.
What To Expect From Clinton, Trump And The Moderators In Tonight's Crucial Town-Hall Debate

Gee, I wonder what they'll focus 100% on tonight?

You wonder? They'll focus on reality.

I wonder, will Trump grab Anderson Cooper's crotch?
Of what? We have seen this before. Carefully selected questions? Or nimrods that want their 15 minutes of fame on a gotcha moment?
I'm wondering if he'll make it through the whole thing? If he gets heavy enough fire, will he make an impassioned statement about the unfairness of it all and leave the stage?
Seems to me all he can do at this point is do a full mea culpa and try to leverage it: "Look, I'm a flawed man. I'm gruff. I'm aggressive. I can be over the top. But I love this country and I'm the best (blah, blah, blah)". That would be his best shot, but I don't think he can summon the humility to do it.
All Trump will have to do is let all the millenials know about how hillary allowed her husband to actually do what Trump just talked about. Then destroyed their lives. How they let Carville talk about one of the women Clinton abused. He said you drag a dollar bill through a trailer park this is what you get. Which that didn't say much about Bill either, means he would screw anything. And if you vote Hillary this is what we will get again.
All Trump will have to do is let all the millenials know about how hillary allowed her husband to actually do what Trump just talked about. Then destroyed their lives. How they let Carville talk about one of the women Clinton abused. He said you drag a dollar bill through a trailer park this is what you get. Which that didn't say much about Bill either, means he would screw anything. And if you vote Hillary this is what we will get again.
WOW! You just came up with the winning formula. You should get in touch with trump's people and share this game-changing strategy with them.
As usual most folks will be watching to see if the Parkinson's patient can stand up for an hour without freezing.
yeah he won't have much to say

All Trump will have to do is let all the millenials know about how hillary allowed her husband to actually do what Trump just talked about. Then destroyed their lives. How they let Carville talk about one of the women Clinton abused. He said you drag a dollar bill through a trailer park this is what you get. Which that didn't say much about Bill either, means he would screw anything. And if you vote Hillary this is what we will get again.
WOW! You just came up with the winning formula. You should get in touch with trump's people and share this game-changing strategy with them.
Yes, you got people outraged by taking about what Hillary allowed and still allows.
Seems to me all he can do at this point is do a full mea culpa and try to leverage it: "Look, I'm a flawed man. I'm gruff. I'm aggressive. I can be over the top. But I love this country and I'm the best (blah, blah, blah)". That would be his best shot, but I don't think he can summon the humility to do it.
Already did that. Some of us accept this, and the far left, of course, never will

No matter how crude and vulgar Trump is shown to be he has a very loyal following by Americans just like him.
And Bill & Hillary have a very loyal following of almost Americans just like you
We already know it's 2 against 1. But it's up to Trump to look like the bigger man tonight by looking stronger than the sick Crooked Hillary.

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