Too Funny: Protesting Guatamalens Protest ‘The Squad,’ Nancy Pelosi: ‘We Will Send You Back!’

So now, you are not even going to read your own report, look at the facts of this issue, and instead are just going to repeat your talking point.

Got it. This is why libertarians will never be anything than a pot-smoker joke in the realm of ideology. I'd say you make all the other libertarians look bad, but they are all just a stupid as you.
You've shown nothing except a bunch of ancient warheads that don't look like they were usable. You're a gullible partisan hack who will believe anything you're told. Saddam had nothing to do with 9/11 nor did he have a working WMD program. Numpty.

I never said that Saddam had anything to do with 9/11. Typical libertarian, can't even argue his case, so he has to make up something unrelated, and pretend the other person said it.

Whether the warheads were old or new, whether they worked, or didn't, none of that is relevant.

According to the UN resolution, Saddam was required to destroy chemical and biological weapons, and provide that proof of their destruction to the UN inspectors.

Those are the facts, which your own link provided evidence of. Stupid libertarian, can't even understand the simplest of argument. Go back to your pot smoking.
So after 9/11, instead of going after the people responsible, we invade Iraq because of some vague threat that the UN had already been inspecting and dismissed? Um... no.

Really? So we never got Osama, or the Taliban? Just how much pot do you idiots in the Libertarian party smoke?

Iraq was justified by all the things outlined in your own link. That's what justified it.

That does not mean we didn't deal with the Taliban, and the terrorist training camps, and Osama.

Go back to your pot smoking, you are at least good at that, even if you suck at reading your own links and debating topics that adults who are not high, talk about.
The taliban are still alive and well. There's no proof Osama was captured or killed. The CIA said there was no justification to invade Iraq, and in fact, we got nothing out of it, except a ton of dead and injured Americans. For nothing. Are you really grumpy because it's too early for you to start drinking?

You really are a pot smoking idiot. And the fact you keep repeating talking points, when I gave you the facts, that you yourself posted?

I don't drink. Haven't had an alcoholic drink for almost 30 years.

I'm not grump at all. I'm just calling you out for being the brainless moron that you are. I am only pointing out the truth of your incompetence. Someone as dumb as you, shouldn't be allowed to vote. You are why American will end up being 3rd world country, if we let ignorant fools like you run the place.
You've shown nothing except a bunch of ancient warheads that don't look like they were usable. You're a gullible partisan hack who will believe anything you're told. Saddam had nothing to do with 9/11 nor did he have a working WMD program. Numpty.

I never said that Saddam had anything to do with 9/11. Typical libertarian, can't even argue his case, so he has to make up something unrelated, and pretend the other person said it.

Whether the warheads were old or new, whether they worked, or didn't, none of that is relevant.

According to the UN resolution, Saddam was required to destroy chemical and biological weapons, and provide that proof of their destruction to the UN inspectors.

Those are the facts, which your own link provided evidence of. Stupid libertarian, can't even understand the simplest of argument. Go back to your pot smoking.
So after 9/11, instead of going after the people responsible, we invade Iraq because of some vague threat that the UN had already been inspecting and dismissed? Um... no.

Really? So we never got Osama, or the Taliban? Just how much pot do you idiots in the Libertarian party smoke?

Iraq was justified by all the things outlined in your own link. That's what justified it.

That does not mean we didn't deal with the Taliban, and the terrorist training camps, and Osama.

Go back to your pot smoking, you are at least good at that, even if you suck at reading your own links and debating topics that adults who are not high, talk about.
The taliban are still alive and well. There's no proof Osama was captured or killed. The CIA said there was no justification to invade Iraq, and in fact, we got nothing out of it, except a ton of dead and injured Americans. For nothing. Are you really grumpy because it's too early for you to start drinking?

You really are a pot smoking idiot. And the fact you keep repeating talking points, when I gave you the facts, that you yourself posted?

I don't drink. Haven't had an alcoholic drink for almost 30 years.

I'm not grump at all. I'm just calling you out for being the brainless moron that you are. I am only pointing out the truth of your incompetence. Someone as dumb as you, shouldn't be allowed to vote. You are why American will end up being 3rd world country, if we let ignorant fools like you run the place.
So there was no justification to go into Iraq. I didn't say I cared, except for all the Americans that died or got injured for nothing. But I bet you think that all those dead Americans was worth it and justified, right? :cuckoo:
I never said that Saddam had anything to do with 9/11. Typical libertarian, can't even argue his case, so he has to make up something unrelated, and pretend the other person said it.

Whether the warheads were old or new, whether they worked, or didn't, none of that is relevant.

According to the UN resolution, Saddam was required to destroy chemical and biological weapons, and provide that proof of their destruction to the UN inspectors.

Those are the facts, which your own link provided evidence of. Stupid libertarian, can't even understand the simplest of argument. Go back to your pot smoking.
So after 9/11, instead of going after the people responsible, we invade Iraq because of some vague threat that the UN had already been inspecting and dismissed? Um... no.

Really? So we never got Osama, or the Taliban? Just how much pot do you idiots in the Libertarian party smoke?

Iraq was justified by all the things outlined in your own link. That's what justified it.

That does not mean we didn't deal with the Taliban, and the terrorist training camps, and Osama.

Go back to your pot smoking, you are at least good at that, even if you suck at reading your own links and debating topics that adults who are not high, talk about.
The taliban are still alive and well. There's no proof Osama was captured or killed. The CIA said there was no justification to invade Iraq, and in fact, we got nothing out of it, except a ton of dead and injured Americans. For nothing. Are you really grumpy because it's too early for you to start drinking?

You really are a pot smoking idiot. And the fact you keep repeating talking points, when I gave you the facts, that you yourself posted?

I don't drink. Haven't had an alcoholic drink for almost 30 years.

I'm not grump at all. I'm just calling you out for being the brainless moron that you are. I am only pointing out the truth of your incompetence. Someone as dumb as you, shouldn't be allowed to vote. You are why American will end up being 3rd world country, if we let ignorant fools like you run the place.
So there was no justification to go into Iraq. I didn't say I cared, except for all the Americans that died or got injured for nothing. But I bet you think that all those dead Americans was worth it and justified, right? :cuckoo:

The problem, which again your own link proved, is that we did not know that at the time.

I'm sure that if the president, and everyone else, knew then, what we know now, we would not have gone into Iraq.

Doesn't matter.... because we did not know then, what we know now.

Are you saying that with all the evidence showing the Iraq was a potentially dangerous future threat, that you would do nothing?

And then you claim you care? Here's the problem with you arm chair generals with 20/20 hindsight. You have never had to weight a heavy issue in your entire life. You have never been in charge of a platoon of soldiers and had people die. You have never been in elected office, and had people under your jurisdiction die. Your toughest choice in life, was whether to go to a 24-hour white castle, or heat up a frozen pizza, to fix your pot induced munchies.

Pretty easy for you to sit around barfing on the internet how other people didn't do a good job, while you have done nothing in your life worth anyone's care.
So after 9/11, instead of going after the people responsible, we invade Iraq because of some vague threat that the UN had already been inspecting and dismissed? Um... no.

Really? So we never got Osama, or the Taliban? Just how much pot do you idiots in the Libertarian party smoke?

Iraq was justified by all the things outlined in your own link. That's what justified it.

That does not mean we didn't deal with the Taliban, and the terrorist training camps, and Osama.

Go back to your pot smoking, you are at least good at that, even if you suck at reading your own links and debating topics that adults who are not high, talk about.
The taliban are still alive and well. There's no proof Osama was captured or killed. The CIA said there was no justification to invade Iraq, and in fact, we got nothing out of it, except a ton of dead and injured Americans. For nothing. Are you really grumpy because it's too early for you to start drinking?

You really are a pot smoking idiot. And the fact you keep repeating talking points, when I gave you the facts, that you yourself posted?

I don't drink. Haven't had an alcoholic drink for almost 30 years.

I'm not grump at all. I'm just calling you out for being the brainless moron that you are. I am only pointing out the truth of your incompetence. Someone as dumb as you, shouldn't be allowed to vote. You are why American will end up being 3rd world country, if we let ignorant fools like you run the place.
So there was no justification to go into Iraq. I didn't say I cared, except for all the Americans that died or got injured for nothing. But I bet you think that all those dead Americans was worth it and justified, right? :cuckoo:

The problem, which again your own link proved, is that we did not know that at the time.

I'm sure that if the president, and everyone else, knew then, what we know now, we would not have gone into Iraq.

Doesn't matter.... because we did not know then, what we know now.

Are you saying that with all the evidence showing the Iraq was a potentially dangerous future threat, that you would do nothing?

And then you claim you care? Here's the problem with you arm chair generals with 20/20 hindsight. You have never had to weight a heavy issue in your entire life. You have never been in charge of a platoon of soldiers and had people die. You have never been in elected office, and had people under your jurisdiction die. Your toughest choice in life, was whether to go to a 24-hour white castle, or heat up a frozen pizza, to fix your pot induced munchies.

Pretty easy for you to sit around barfing on the internet how other people didn't do a good job, while you have done nothing in your life worth anyone's care.
Yes we knew that Iraq had no WMD because the UN had been keeping an eye on that for something like 10 years prior to the Cheney/Halliburton invasion. And to you, all those American deaths are justified. You’re sick.
Really? So we never got Osama, or the Taliban? Just how much pot do you idiots in the Libertarian party smoke?

Iraq was justified by all the things outlined in your own link. That's what justified it.

That does not mean we didn't deal with the Taliban, and the terrorist training camps, and Osama.

Go back to your pot smoking, you are at least good at that, even if you suck at reading your own links and debating topics that adults who are not high, talk about.
The taliban are still alive and well. There's no proof Osama was captured or killed. The CIA said there was no justification to invade Iraq, and in fact, we got nothing out of it, except a ton of dead and injured Americans. For nothing. Are you really grumpy because it's too early for you to start drinking?

You really are a pot smoking idiot. And the fact you keep repeating talking points, when I gave you the facts, that you yourself posted?

I don't drink. Haven't had an alcoholic drink for almost 30 years.

I'm not grump at all. I'm just calling you out for being the brainless moron that you are. I am only pointing out the truth of your incompetence. Someone as dumb as you, shouldn't be allowed to vote. You are why American will end up being 3rd world country, if we let ignorant fools like you run the place.
So there was no justification to go into Iraq. I didn't say I cared, except for all the Americans that died or got injured for nothing. But I bet you think that all those dead Americans was worth it and justified, right? :cuckoo:

The problem, which again your own link proved, is that we did not know that at the time.

I'm sure that if the president, and everyone else, knew then, what we know now, we would not have gone into Iraq.

Doesn't matter.... because we did not know then, what we know now.

Are you saying that with all the evidence showing the Iraq was a potentially dangerous future threat, that you would do nothing?

And then you claim you care? Here's the problem with you arm chair generals with 20/20 hindsight. You have never had to weight a heavy issue in your entire life. You have never been in charge of a platoon of soldiers and had people die. You have never been in elected office, and had people under your jurisdiction die. Your toughest choice in life, was whether to go to a 24-hour white castle, or heat up a frozen pizza, to fix your pot induced munchies.

Pretty easy for you to sit around barfing on the internet how other people didn't do a good job, while you have done nothing in your life worth anyone's care.
Yes we knew that Iraq had no WMD because the UN had been keeping an eye on that for something like 10 years prior to the Cheney/Halliburton invasion. And to you, all those American deaths are justified. You’re sick.

So you can't even read your own link, where Saddam kicked the weapons inspectors out? You can't argue with any evidence I posted from your own link, nor any of the links I provided, so now we're just going to make stuff up?

Ok, you have now identified yourself as too stupid to talk to.

If you don't know how the ignore function works, it completely eliminates you from my world. You cease to exist. I'll never even see that you posted a reply. It does not just blank out your replies, they don't even show up on my computer.

I am hereby ignoring you. I have given you endless chances to come up with an argument, to consider the evidence I gave, and you have failed to make one single valid reply. You are a waste of my time. I'm here to talk to adults, and you have declared yourself to not be one.

Goodbye. You won't be missed, because I'll never know if you are still on the forum. I hope libertarians I talk with in the future are not quite as stupid and useless as you. This post is only a courtesy so that you know you are wasting your time replying to any of my posts, including this one, because I'll never see it.
The taliban are still alive and well. There's no proof Osama was captured or killed. The CIA said there was no justification to invade Iraq, and in fact, we got nothing out of it, except a ton of dead and injured Americans. For nothing. Are you really grumpy because it's too early for you to start drinking?

You really are a pot smoking idiot. And the fact you keep repeating talking points, when I gave you the facts, that you yourself posted?

I don't drink. Haven't had an alcoholic drink for almost 30 years.

I'm not grump at all. I'm just calling you out for being the brainless moron that you are. I am only pointing out the truth of your incompetence. Someone as dumb as you, shouldn't be allowed to vote. You are why American will end up being 3rd world country, if we let ignorant fools like you run the place.
So there was no justification to go into Iraq. I didn't say I cared, except for all the Americans that died or got injured for nothing. But I bet you think that all those dead Americans was worth it and justified, right? :cuckoo:

The problem, which again your own link proved, is that we did not know that at the time.

I'm sure that if the president, and everyone else, knew then, what we know now, we would not have gone into Iraq.

Doesn't matter.... because we did not know then, what we know now.

Are you saying that with all the evidence showing the Iraq was a potentially dangerous future threat, that you would do nothing?

And then you claim you care? Here's the problem with you arm chair generals with 20/20 hindsight. You have never had to weight a heavy issue in your entire life. You have never been in charge of a platoon of soldiers and had people die. You have never been in elected office, and had people under your jurisdiction die. Your toughest choice in life, was whether to go to a 24-hour white castle, or heat up a frozen pizza, to fix your pot induced munchies.

Pretty easy for you to sit around barfing on the internet how other people didn't do a good job, while you have done nothing in your life worth anyone's care.
Yes we knew that Iraq had no WMD because the UN had been keeping an eye on that for something like 10 years prior to the Cheney/Halliburton invasion. And to you, all those American deaths are justified. You’re sick.

So you can't even read your own link, where Saddam kicked the weapons inspectors out? You can't argue with any evidence I posted from your own link, nor any of the links I provided, so now we're just going to make stuff up?

Ok, you have now identified yourself as too stupid to talk to.

If you don't know how the ignore function works, it completely eliminates you from my world. You cease to exist. I'll never even see that you posted a reply. It does not just blank out your replies, they don't even show up on my computer.

I am hereby ignoring you. I have given you endless chances to come up with an argument, to consider the evidence I gave, and you have failed to make one single valid reply. You are a waste of my time. I'm here to talk to adults, and you have declared yourself to not be one.

Goodbye. You won't be missed, because I'll never know if you are still on the forum. I hope libertarians I talk with in the future are not quite as stupid and useless as you. This post is only a courtesy so that you know you are wasting your time replying to any of my posts, including this one, because I'll never see it.
Your concession is duly noted.

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