Too Much Spending By Trump And GOP; Shutdown Impending As Result

It takes time to undo Democrat Obama;'s case the problem is ten fold

I'll tell ya what, just this once I'll be serious about answering your question, even though we all know you don't care about the deficit

What did Obama do to add to the deficits?
Well they created entitlements, but never want to modify them for the current time
They created a much bigger govt with huge labor costs
They reduce the tax base with burdensome regulations and high tax rates
Then you had Obamacare, where many people got laid off or hours cut...reducing the amount they paid in taxes
And the stimulus, a giveaway to unions and Obama's friends.....but never fixed anything
Auto Bailout

Entitlements? are you referring to the increase in government services due to the Bush recession?
Do you know what an entitlement is?

What bigger Government?

What tax increases?
Full List of Obama Tax Hikes | Americans for Tax Reform

No one got laid off because of the ACA.
Clean Up Your Act, PolitiFact: Why Ted Cruz Was Right On Obamacare And Jobs
Yes, Some Companies Are Cutting Hours In Response To ‘Obamacare’
Employees working fewer hours due to Obamacare: survey

The stimulus. When the fuck are vou ignorant fools going to get it right about the stimulus bill? For one, 38% were tax cuts. 60 billion in infrastructure, money to fund the need for added help to food stamps & unemployment - bad shit happens when you lose 800,000 jobs a month as done by the Bush recession. Billions went to help the States that used the money to stop teacher & Law enforcement layoffs ( you know what you call helping the unions). So teachers & policemen are your enemies? Is that right?
They sent to money to organizations and departments as well as states....but nothing specific....and it ended up doing nothing for $1 trillion

The Auto Bailout. One of you buttfucks were bragging yesteday how many jobs Chrysler was bringing back from Mexico. You dumbficks would let Chrysler go bankrupt.
Yes, if they cant compete, they go bye bye, it's how business works.

Frank-Dodd. God forbid we don't put in regulations to stop another near financial meltdown.
These wouldn't have stopped anything....regulations caused the problem in the first place

No worries though because your Shithole President is gutting these regulations so be prepared for anotrhet Deepwater Horizon, Mine accident, another bailout of wall street. Why? Because you asswipes can't fucking learn, You are too God damn stupid.

Bush inherited a balanced budget & surplus. A Conservative's wet dream. He left with the worst recession in 80 years, a near financial meltdown, a housing collapse, an economy shrinking at a rate over 6%, losing 800,000 jobs a month. Bush's first economic move - tax cuts.
'You stupid shits think its OK to borrow 1.5 trillion for tax cuts with a majority having zero economic effect.

You people are dumber than shit.
Are these serious questions?
He got us out of the first one with the tech bubble collapsing and 911.
The second was caused by forcing banks to lend to people who cant afford the loans...why not let the banks lend to the people they think can pay them back?

The problem really was not with banks being “forced” to give high risk loans, it is what they did with those loans once they were finalized.

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The bigger problem is that not only did they get bailed out they got to keep the Foreclosed Properties.
Postcard tax return. Remember that promise?

You aren't going to see one.

You know why?

Ask yourself why your tax return is so complicated.

It's because of tax expenditures. The redistribution of wealth.

The only way it is possible to have a postcard tax return is if there were no deductions, credits, or exemptions!

You're not wrong.

If cutting out expenditures is too burdensome, that can be adjusted.

There are multiple problems with getting that done.

The FIRST and BIGGEST is the huge campaign donations both parties get from H&R Block and other tax preparors to make sure the IRS code stays so complicated that it requires expert knowledge to be done properly.

No politician is going to turn down H&R Block et al lobbying/funding, nor will they stab that lobby in the back. Plus, that puts a lot of people out of work, which is remedied by re-education, but that takes time and give our economy a fairly solid kick in the balls. They will scream bloody murder and no politician wants that negative optic following them around.

That's not even getting into all the other road blocks.

It is this lack of options or hope that makes me want Texas independence.
The donations our politicians receive from the accounting lobby is dwarfed into insignificance by the donations from the real estate lobby, the coal lobby, the oil lobby, and hundreds of other special interests.

The real estate lobby alone spends $110 million a year on lobbying and donations!
If the govt shuts down, Trump can go golfing.
yep, he's still got a long ways to go to catch Obama like golf play.......
Trump has already surpassed Obama with his golfing.

I’m going to be working for you. I’m not going to have time to go play golf. Bleev me. Bleev me. Bleev me, folks." - Donald Trump, August 8, 2016

The shutdown is coming because the democrats feel they were elected to represent illegal aliens and not do what is best for the Americans that elected them.
Explain how the GOP could be held hostage by the minority party if the Republicans didn't want to borrow more money to spend.

They couldn't.

The blame is totally on the GOP for being hypocritical spenders and borrowers.

The Democrats are acting rationally, exploiting the GOP's massive weakness for overspending.
LMAO OMFG after Obungles's spending spree you left loons (and yes you're a left loon) are suddenly worried about spending :lmao:
Hey, retard. Since the beginning of my time on this forum I have been posting about the debt and how to pay it off.

Nice try, hypocrite.

No --- actually what you have been doing since the beginning of your time on this forum is to continually advocate for, and support, irresponsible and reckless spending. Even in you're original post on this thread, you make no comment out the spending ... only that less money is going to be collect, and therefore, by your promiscuous logic, we are going to increase the national debt,

Tell me - how would you feel if Trump were to propose $1.5 trillion less spending?
Oh my goodness. The hypocrisy, distortion, and demagoguery of the OP are truly astounding.

Where were liberals when Obama was adding $7.9 trillion to the debt? And don't hand me that phony baloney that he "had" to do it because of the recession. TARP ended up costing relatively little because the banks paid back most of that money.

And let's see if Trump adds as much debt as Obama did in his first four years. Let's just see.
Oh my goodness. Where were you all those years I was attacking the debt and providing a way out?

Sorry, your hypocrite card doesn't work here...hypocrite.
TrumpCo has burned through all the money you gave them, my fellow taxpayers. And then some.

In the past year, TrumpCo has borrowed $666 billion dollars, much of it from our enemies. We are on the hook more than ever before to them.

And now TrumpCo wants to borrow even more.

What's more, TrumpCo has just decided to collect $1.5 trillion less from you over the next ten years. So they will have to borrow that, too!

But here is the most amazing thing of all. After eight years of whining and bitching and complaining and gnashing of teeth, the fake conservatives have been totally radio silent about all this borrowing and spending and record debt!

Not a single one of the PARROTS has made so much as a PEEP!

Well, that's because they are parrots, and have not been told to say anything.

So here we are. TrumpCo is over a barrel. They want to borrow a shit ton more money, and boy are they mad and blaming the Democrats for not caving in and just letting them do it!
I guess we are in the same place you were when Obama was spending trillions for nothing. Trumps economy is booming, so there will be more taxes coming in.
But Trump and the GOP will still spend more than what they take from us. They already have been.

And not one pseudocon hypocrite will make a peep about it.
LMAO OMFG after Obungles's spending spree you left loons (and yes you're a left loon) are suddenly worried about spending :lmao:
Hey, retard. Since the beginning of my time on this forum I have been posting about the debt and how to pay it off.

Nice try, hypocrite.


Then you also know how we got into this problem and it wasn't because of Trump....
But Trump has continued the tradition, and not a peep out of you.

In fact, outside of Obama, no other President in history has had a deficit as large as Trump's. I bet you didn't even know that.

That's because your propaganda outlets have not told you parroting rubes anything about it.
Bull, if that was true the media would be reporting on it. Instead of saying Shit hole over 200 times a day.
I've already provided the link in this topic. Here is it again: Which President Rang Up the Highest Deficit?

Unlike the pseudocons, I don't make shit up.

See for yourself. Outside of Obama, no other President in history has had a deficit as large as Trump's.

LMAO OMFG after Obungles's spending spree you left loons (and yes you're a left loon) are suddenly worried about spending :lmao:
Hey, retard. Since the beginning of my time on this forum I have been posting about the debt and how to pay it off.

Nice try, hypocrite.

We remember all the whining you did about Obama's free-spending ways.

Please bitch!

Fuck you, you deaf, dumb, and blind c*nt.


2012: The Way Forward: End Tax Expenditures

Oh, by the way. I am all for "closing loopholes", which is a populist's way of saying "eliminating tax expenditures", except in this case Obama only wants to close a handful here and there.

I want ALL of them closed. I want a permanent ban on ALL tax expenditures. Unfortunately, even alleged "conservatives" scream like hippies when you start talking about taking away the government gifts they like.

What I meant is that tax expenditures punish everyone with higher tax rates.

If you do a search on "tax expenditures" and my username, you get SEVENTEEN PAGES of results.

You stupid fuck.

Projection. How did you EVER get such a high opinion of yourself
Under Trump's budget handling, the economy is taking off and taxpayers are getting to keep a much bigger share of their paychecks.

In exchange for saddling future taxpayers with an additional $1.5 trillion in debt.

What did we get for Obama's $7.9 trillion in new debt?

A 300 percent growth in the Dow. Which is trillions upon trillions upon trillions of growth.

Another thing you tards were completely silent about.

The weakest recovery in decades

The strongest recovery of all the countries affected by the Great Recession.

12 million jobs.

Trump started on third base, you tards think he hit a triple.

There's another funny thing. Obama spent a trillion on a stimulus package, and the pseudocons screamed all that debt was going to be bad for the economy.

Trump spends a trillion and a half on a stimulus package, you all cum in your shorts with glee.

I guess that extra half a trillion dollars of debt makes all the difference in the alleged minds of the Tard Herd.
TrumpCo has burned through all the money you gave them, my fellow taxpayers. And then some.

In the past year, TrumpCo has borrowed $666 billion dollars, much of it from our enemies. We are on the hook more than ever before to them.

And now TrumpCo wants to borrow even more.

What's more, TrumpCo has just decided to collect $1.5 trillion less from you over the next ten years. So they will have to borrow that, too!

But here is the most amazing thing of all. After eight years of whining and bitching and complaining and gnashing of teeth, the fake conservatives have been totally radio silent about all this borrowing and spending and record debt!

Not a single one of the PARROTS has made so much as a PEEP!

Well, that's because they are parrots, and have not been told to say anything.

So here we are. TrumpCo is over a barrel. They want to borrow a shit ton more money, and boy are they mad and blaming the Democrats for not caving in and just letting them do it!
I guess we are in the same place you were when Obama was spending trillions for nothing. Trumps economy is booming, so there will be more taxes coming in.

Trillions for nothing? Be specific.
Millions on selondra for one example.
That clean energy program made billions of dollars for the American taxpayer.

Something your propaganda outlets didn't tell you piss drinkers.
LMAO OMFG after Obungles's spending spree you left loons (and yes you're a left loon) are suddenly worried about spending :lmao:
Hey, retard. Since the beginning of my time on this forum I have been posting about the debt and how to pay it off.

Nice try, hypocrite.


Then you also know how we got into this problem and it wasn't because of Trump....
But Trump has continued the tradition, and not a peep out of you.

In fact, outside of Obama, no other President in history has had a deficit as large as Trump's. I bet you didn't even know that.

That's because your propaganda outlets have not told you parroting rubes anything about it.
Bull, if that was true the media would be reporting on it. Instead of saying Shit hole over 200 times a day.
I've already provided the link in this topic. Here is it again: Which President Rang Up the Highest Deficit?

Unlike the pseudocons, I don't make shit up.

See for yourself. Outside of Obama,

Save that shit for those as ignorant as yourself, "no other President in history has had a deficit as large as Trump's."

Please bitch!
TrumpCo has burned through all the money you gave them, my fellow taxpayers. And then some.

In the past year, TrumpCo has borrowed $666 billion dollars, much of it from our enemies. We are on the hook more than ever before to them.

And now TrumpCo wants to borrow even more.

What's more, TrumpCo has just decided to collect $1.5 trillion less from you over the next ten years. So they will have to borrow that, too!

But here is the most amazing thing of all. After eight years of whining and bitching and complaining and gnashing of teeth, the fake conservatives have been totally radio silent about all this borrowing and spending and record debt!

Not a single one of the PARROTS has made so much as a PEEP!

Well, that's because they are parrots, and have not been told to say anything.

So here we are. TrumpCo is over a barrel. They want to borrow a shit ton more money, and boy are they mad and blaming the Democrats for not caving in and just letting them do it!
Trump tries to cut government spending and you lefties freak the hell out because we’re all gonna die if we do that.

Then the debt goes up and now we’re going to all die from that.

So given no matter what he does is going to cause a snowflake shitstorm which do you prefer?
Where in the world did you ever get the idea Trump is trying to cut spending? :lol:

Here's Trump's deficit for last year. He wanted to spend even more!


Which President Rang Up the Highest Deficit?
Republicans have before.....check out the left's hatred of Paul Ryan....
We tried to get rid of all kinds of stupid programs......and the press brings someone effected and they go on tv and so people like Jeff Flake cave....
the reason they hate Trump, is he wont........he'll battle the press over stuff.
Poor Trump! He can't help all the spending he is doing!


Bitch, please.
Hey, retard. Since the beginning of my time on this forum I have been posting about the debt and how to pay it off.

Nice try, hypocrite.


Then you also know how we got into this problem and it wasn't because of Trump....
But Trump has continued the tradition, and not a peep out of you.

In fact, outside of Obama, no other President in history has had a deficit as large as Trump's. I bet you didn't even know that.

That's because your propaganda outlets have not told you parroting rubes anything about it.
Bull, if that was true the media would be reporting on it. Instead of saying Shit hole over 200 times a day.
I've already provided the link in this topic. Here is it again: Which President Rang Up the Highest Deficit?

Unlike the pseudocons, I don't make shit up.

See for yourself. Outside of Obama,

Save that shit for those as ignorant as yourself, "no other President in history has had a deficit as large as Trump's."

Please bitch!
It's a fact. It can't be helped you are too willfully stupid to look at the evidence.

Tell me what President other than Obama has had a deficit bigger than $666 billion.

Go ahead, punk. Do it.
Shut It Down!!!
Shut It Down!!!
Shut It Down!!!
Shut It Down!!!
Shut It Down!!!
Shut It Down!!!
Shut It Down!!!
Postcard tax return. Remember that promise?

You aren't going to see one.

You know why?

Ask yourself why your tax return is so complicated.

It's because of tax expenditures. The redistribution of wealth.

The only way it is possible to have a postcard tax return is if there were no deductions, credits, or exemptions!

Very's why I supported Carson in the primaries......get rid of the income tax and go to a sales tax
I would much prefer the Fair Tax over the income tax.

But no matter what kind of tax we have, it can and will be corrupted by exemptions, deductions, and credits.

We need to treat the DISEASE first.
Then you also know how we got into this problem and it wasn't because of Trump....
But Trump has continued the tradition, and not a peep out of you.

In fact, outside of Obama, no other President in history has had a deficit as large as Trump's. I bet you didn't even know that.

That's because your propaganda outlets have not told you parroting rubes anything about it.
Bull, if that was true the media would be reporting on it. Instead of saying Shit hole over 200 times a day.
I've already provided the link in this topic. Here is it again: Which President Rang Up the Highest Deficit?

Unlike the pseudocons, I don't make shit up.

See for yourself. Outside of Obama,

Save that shit for those as ignorant as yourself, "no other President in history has had a deficit as large as Trump's."

Please bitch!
It's a fact. It can't be helped you are too willfully stupid to look at the evidence.

Tell me what President other than Obama has had a deficit bigger than $666 billion.

Go ahead, punk. Do it.
Other than Obama?!

Please bitch!

II don't care that you're a raving faggot, but serioulsy, please!
Ummm... no you don't magically generate a surplus of $1.4 trillion by raising taxes by that amount
Your premise is wrong.

I am talking about LOWERING taxes for EVERYONE.

Without tax expenditures, our tax rates would not be, and do not need to be, so high.
You're proposing increasing federal tax collections by eliminating selective rate reduction, right?
Here's the thing about debt, dude. Sooner or later you have to pay it back. And that means you have to give up bigger and bigger chunks of your paycheck if it gets out of control.

And that is exactly what we are doing.

You want to keep running up the credit card without increasing your payments. That is just plain retarded, stupid, and insane.
But Trump has continued the tradition, and not a peep out of you.

In fact, outside of Obama, no other President in history has had a deficit as large as Trump's. I bet you didn't even know that.

That's because your propaganda outlets have not told you parroting rubes anything about it.
Bull, if that was true the media would be reporting on it. Instead of saying Shit hole over 200 times a day.
I've already provided the link in this topic. Here is it again: Which President Rang Up the Highest Deficit?

Unlike the pseudocons, I don't make shit up.

See for yourself. Outside of Obama,

Save that shit for those as ignorant as yourself, "no other President in history has had a deficit as large as Trump's."

Please bitch!
It's a fact. It can't be helped you are too willfully stupid to look at the evidence.

Tell me what President other than Obama has had a deficit bigger than $666 billion.

Go ahead, punk. Do it.
Other than Obama?!

Please bitch!

II don't care that you're a raving faggot, but serioulsy, please!
Once again, prove me wrong, punk.

You can't. Because it's true, and I proved it.

You will just keep whining and whining, never proving me wrong.

It always comes to this with you tards.


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