Top 8% Own 85%

I really don't understand what you are pointing out other than the fact rich people are rich.
Well then you need to open your mind and read the article.

The system is set up purposely to enrich the rich and force debt on the rest of us.

and you don't think that if you had your left wing regressive system that the same thing wouldn't you think the castros are poor? How about Putin or the chinese leadership.........

you guys are delusional...if you want wealth to move...keep taxes and government regulation low....those are the things the rich exploit to keep others from becoming rich......crony socialism is what creates the problem......government politicians using their power to help their buddies.....the only way to stop that...give them less power to do that.....

I guess suggesting we terminate the cozy relation between big government and big business causes some righties to get all pissy.

Find one post in the thousands I have posted on this forum, where I have ever suggested the need for more government.
This is really screwed up...and we Americans fight among ourselves over stupid things. All the while the elites are screwing us. When will we wake up and take action?

The Panama Papers offer damning proof of this: increasing concentrations of wealth and power that are free of any constraint (such as taxes) is not just the consequence of centralized money and state power--this inequality is the only possible output of centralized money and state power.

Here is a graphic portrayal of just how concentrated global wealth really is: the top .7% (less than 1%) own 45% of all global wealth, and the top 8% own 85%.

Of Two Minds - The Panama Papers: This Is the Consequence of Centralized Money and Power
***Socialist propaganda alert***

Class warfare.

The utopia myth being sold to the perpetually ignorant.
Ridiculous and absurd.

The system is rigged. If you don't know that, I can't help you.

My OP and posts in this thread have absolutely nothing to do with socialism. I have posted here for years and condemned the left and big government repeatedly...and one post on the horrors of income inequality and righties jump on me, thinking I am proposing socialism. WTF is this all about?

Socialists always bemoan the distribution of wealth. Their solution of course being to move it from capitalists to themselves. Being a regular poster engaged in politics. Your OP is classic socialist. You would know that. If that's not your point, you should have made your point clearer. In fact you made no point.

I'm just answering your question why no one knows what your point is
I really don't understand what you are pointing out other than the fact rich people are rich.
Well then you need to open your mind and read the article.

The system is set up purposely to enrich the rich and force debt on the rest of us.

and you don't think that if you had your left wing regressive system that the same thing wouldn't you think the castros are poor? How about Putin or the chinese leadership.........

you guys are delusional...if you want wealth to move...keep taxes and government regulation low....those are the things the rich exploit to keep others from becoming rich......crony socialism is what creates the problem......government politicians using their power to help their buddies.....the only way to stop that...give them less power to do that.....

I guess suggesting we terminate the cozy relation between big government and big business causes some righties to get all pissy.

Find one post in the thousands I have posted on this forum, where I have ever suggested the need for more government.

The only way to break that connection....low tax rates for everyone....and less power in the federal government...anything else just gives them more power....
I really don't understand what you are pointing out other than the fact rich people are rich.
Well then you need to open your mind and read the article.

The system is set up purposely to enrich the rich and force debt on the rest of us.

and you don't think that if you had your left wing regressive system that the same thing wouldn't you think the castros are poor? How about Putin or the chinese leadership.........

you guys are delusional...if you want wealth to move...keep taxes and government regulation low....those are the things the rich exploit to keep others from becoming rich......crony socialism is what creates the problem......government politicians using their power to help their buddies.....the only way to stop that...give them less power to do that.....

I guess suggesting we terminate the cozy relation between big government and big business causes some righties to get all pissy.

Find one post in the thousands I have posted on this forum, where I have ever suggested the need for more government.

There is no possible way to read his post and take it to mean what you said. He wanted less regulation and freer markets
This is really screwed up...and we Americans fight among ourselves over stupid things. All the while the elites are screwing us. When will we wake up and take action?

The Panama Papers offer damning proof of this: increasing concentrations of wealth and power that are free of any constraint (such as taxes) is not just the consequence of centralized money and state power--this inequality is the only possible output of centralized money and state power.

Here is a graphic portrayal of just how concentrated global wealth really is: the top .7% (less than 1%) own 45% of all global wealth, and the top 8% own 85%.

Of Two Minds - The Panama Papers: This Is the Consequence of Centralized Money and Power
***Socialist propaganda alert***

Class warfare.

The utopia myth being sold to the perpetually ignorant.
Ridiculous and absurd.

The system is rigged. If you don't know that, I can't help you.

My OP and posts in this thread have absolutely nothing to do with socialism. I have posted here for years and condemned the left and big government repeatedly...and one post on the horrors of income inequality and righties jump on me, thinking I am proposing socialism. WTF is this all about?

Why is it that you keep chastising people for not realizing your OP post is not the socialist rag that it implies because you've never posted that, then you keep turning around and call people like 2aguy and Owl who are consistently for free markets crony capitalists?

Do as you say ...
This is really screwed up...and we Americans fight among ourselves over stupid things. All the while the elites are screwing us. When will we wake up and take action?

The Panama Papers offer damning proof of this: increasing concentrations of wealth and power that are free of any constraint (such as taxes) is not just the consequence of centralized money and state power--this inequality is the only possible output of centralized money and state power.

Here is a graphic portrayal of just how concentrated global wealth really is: the top .7% (less than 1%) own 45% of all global wealth, and the top 8% own 85%.

Of Two Minds - The Panama Papers: This Is the Consequence of Centralized Money and Power
***Socialist propaganda alert***

Class warfare.

The utopia myth being sold to the perpetually ignorant.
Ridiculous and absurd.

The system is rigged. If you don't know that, I can't help you.

My OP and posts in this thread have absolutely nothing to do with socialism. I have posted here for years and condemned the left and big government repeatedly...and one post on the horrors of income inequality and righties jump on me, thinking I am proposing socialism. WTF is this all about?

Socialists always bemoan the distribution of wealth. Their solution of course being to move it from capitalists to themselves. Being a regular poster engaged in politics. Your OP is classic socialist. You would know that. If that's not your point, you should have made your point clearer. In fact you made no point.

I'm just answering your question why no one knows what your point is
That is ridiculous and ignorant.

Clearly 8% owning 85% indicates corruption and collusion far greater than anything the Mafia could have ever considered. Yet, you think anyone condemning this fraud is a Socialist.

Get the F**K out of here...
This is really screwed up...and we Americans fight among ourselves over stupid things. All the while the elites are screwing us. When will we wake up and take action?

The Panama Papers offer damning proof of this: increasing concentrations of wealth and power that are free of any constraint (such as taxes) is not just the consequence of centralized money and state power--this inequality is the only possible output of centralized money and state power.

Here is a graphic portrayal of just how concentrated global wealth really is: the top .7% (less than 1%) own 45% of all global wealth, and the top 8% own 85%.

Of Two Minds - The Panama Papers: This Is the Consequence of Centralized Money and Power
***Socialist propaganda alert***

Class warfare.

The utopia myth being sold to the perpetually ignorant.
Ridiculous and absurd.

The system is rigged. If you don't know that, I can't help you.

My OP and posts in this thread have absolutely nothing to do with socialism. I have posted here for years and condemned the left and big government repeatedly...and one post on the horrors of income inequality and righties jump on me, thinking I am proposing socialism. WTF is this all about?

Why is it that you keep chastising people for not realizing your OP post is not the socialist rag that it implies because you've never posted that, then you keep turning around and call people like 2aguy and Owl who are consistently for free markets crony capitalists?

Do as you say ...
Sorry, but you are complete idiot.
This is really screwed up...and we Americans fight among ourselves over stupid things. All the while the elites are screwing us. When will we wake up and take action?

The Panama Papers offer damning proof of this: increasing concentrations of wealth and power that are free of any constraint (such as taxes) is not just the consequence of centralized money and state power--this inequality is the only possible output of centralized money and state power.

Here is a graphic portrayal of just how concentrated global wealth really is: the top .7% (less than 1%) own 45% of all global wealth, and the top 8% own 85%.

Of Two Minds - The Panama Papers: This Is the Consequence of Centralized Money and Power
***Socialist propaganda alert***

Class warfare.

The utopia myth being sold to the perpetually ignorant.
Ridiculous and absurd.

The system is rigged. If you don't know that, I can't help you.

My OP and posts in this thread have absolutely nothing to do with socialism. I have posted here for years and condemned the left and big government repeatedly...and one post on the horrors of income inequality and righties jump on me, thinking I am proposing socialism. WTF is this all about?

Why is it that you keep chastising people for not realizing your OP post is not the socialist rag that it implies because you've never posted that, then you keep turning around and call people like 2aguy and Owl who are consistently for free markets crony capitalists?

Do as you say ...

Crony socialists never understand that it is their crony socialism that creates the very wealth inequality they hate....and then they call for more crony socialism...thinking that that will change things....
This is really screwed up...and we Americans fight among ourselves over stupid things. All the while the elites are screwing us. When will we wake up and take action?

The Panama Papers offer damning proof of this: increasing concentrations of wealth and power that are free of any constraint (such as taxes) is not just the consequence of centralized money and state power--this inequality is the only possible output of centralized money and state power.

Here is a graphic portrayal of just how concentrated global wealth really is: the top .7% (less than 1%) own 45% of all global wealth, and the top 8% own 85%.

Of Two Minds - The Panama Papers: This Is the Consequence of Centralized Money and Power
***Socialist propaganda alert***

Class warfare.

The utopia myth being sold to the perpetually ignorant.
Ridiculous and absurd.

The system is rigged. If you don't know that, I can't help you.

My OP and posts in this thread have absolutely nothing to do with socialism. I have posted here for years and condemned the left and big government repeatedly...and one post on the horrors of income inequality and righties jump on me, thinking I am proposing socialism. WTF is this all about?

Socialists always bemoan the distribution of wealth. Their solution of course being to move it from capitalists to themselves. Being a regular poster engaged in politics. Your OP is classic socialist. You would know that. If that's not your point, you should have made your point clearer. In fact you made no point.

I'm just answering your question why no one knows what your point is
That is ridiculous and ignorant.

Clearly 8% owning 85% indicates corruption and collusion far greater than anything the Mafia could have ever considered. Yet, you think anyone condemning this fraud is a Socialist.

Get the F**K out of here...

That's ridiculous. Clearly if you read my post I didn't say you support that, I said in the OP to


How did you not get that? Do you want a larger font?
This is really screwed up...and we Americans fight among ourselves over stupid things. All the while the elites are screwing us. When will we wake up and take action?

The Panama Papers offer damning proof of this: increasing concentrations of wealth and power that are free of any constraint (such as taxes) is not just the consequence of centralized money and state power--this inequality is the only possible output of centralized money and state power.

Here is a graphic portrayal of just how concentrated global wealth really is: the top .7% (less than 1%) own 45% of all global wealth, and the top 8% own 85%.

Of Two Minds - The Panama Papers: This Is the Consequence of Centralized Money and Power
***Socialist propaganda alert***

Class warfare.

The utopia myth being sold to the perpetually ignorant.
Ridiculous and absurd.

The system is rigged. If you don't know that, I can't help you.

My OP and posts in this thread have absolutely nothing to do with socialism. I have posted here for years and condemned the left and big government repeatedly...and one post on the horrors of income inequality and righties jump on me, thinking I am proposing socialism. WTF is this all about?

Socialists always bemoan the distribution of wealth. Their solution of course being to move it from capitalists to themselves. Being a regular poster engaged in politics. Your OP is classic socialist. You would know that. If that's not your point, you should have made your point clearer. In fact you made no point.

I'm just answering your question why no one knows what your point is
That is ridiculous and ignorant.

Clearly 8% owning 85% indicates corruption and collusion far greater than anything the Mafia could have ever considered. Yet, you think anyone condemning this fraud is a Socialist.

Get the F**K out of here...

No...the mafia murders people....working hard and being successful and keeping what you have earned is not taking things illegally.........

if you give more and more power to the government, the politicians will use their power to reward and punish their friends and enemies, making some people rich and keeping wealth from others...crony socialism...the very thing you are complaining about....

Keep taxes and government low....and people will get rich and poor on their own....
This is really screwed up...and we Americans fight among ourselves over stupid things. All the while the elites are screwing us. When will we wake up and take action?

The Panama Papers offer damning proof of this: increasing concentrations of wealth and power that are free of any constraint (such as taxes) is not just the consequence of centralized money and state power--this inequality is the only possible output of centralized money and state power.

Here is a graphic portrayal of just how concentrated global wealth really is: the top .7% (less than 1%) own 45% of all global wealth, and the top 8% own 85%.

Of Two Minds - The Panama Papers: This Is the Consequence of Centralized Money and Power
***Socialist propaganda alert***

Class warfare.

The utopia myth being sold to the perpetually ignorant.
Ridiculous and absurd.

The system is rigged. If you don't know that, I can't help you.

My OP and posts in this thread have absolutely nothing to do with socialism. I have posted here for years and condemned the left and big government repeatedly...and one post on the horrors of income inequality and righties jump on me, thinking I am proposing socialism. WTF is this all about?

Why is it that you keep chastising people for not realizing your OP post is not the socialist rag that it implies because you've never posted that, then you keep turning around and call people like 2aguy and Owl who are consistently for free markets crony capitalists?

Do as you say ...
Sorry, but you are complete idiot.


Yeah. They according to you ignored your body of work.

You ignored both their body of work AND their posts which didn't support the crony capitalism you accused them of.

I'd aim the gun before you fire ...
This is really screwed up...and we Americans fight among ourselves over stupid things. All the while the elites are screwing us. When will we wake up and take action?

The Panama Papers offer damning proof of this: increasing concentrations of wealth and power that are free of any constraint (such as taxes) is not just the consequence of centralized money and state power--this inequality is the only possible output of centralized money and state power.

Here is a graphic portrayal of just how concentrated global wealth really is: the top .7% (less than 1%) own 45% of all global wealth, and the top 8% own 85%.

Of Two Minds - The Panama Papers: This Is the Consequence of Centralized Money and Power
***Socialist propaganda alert***

Class warfare.

The utopia myth being sold to the perpetually ignorant.
Ridiculous and absurd.

The system is rigged. If you don't know that, I can't help you.

My OP and posts in this thread have absolutely nothing to do with socialism. I have posted here for years and condemned the left and big government repeatedly...and one post on the horrors of income inequality and righties jump on me, thinking I am proposing socialism. WTF is this all about?

Why is it that you keep chastising people for not realizing your OP post is not the socialist rag that it implies because you've never posted that, then you keep turning around and call people like 2aguy and Owl who are consistently for free markets crony capitalists?

Do as you say ...

Crony socialists never understand that it is their crony socialism that creates the very wealth inequality they hate....and then they call for more crony socialism...thinking that that will change things....

We just need to find politicians who think about other people first! LOL
This is really screwed up...and we Americans fight among ourselves over stupid things. All the while the elites are screwing us. When will we wake up and take action?

The Panama Papers offer damning proof of this: increasing concentrations of wealth and power that are free of any constraint (such as taxes) is not just the consequence of centralized money and state power--this inequality is the only possible output of centralized money and state power.

Here is a graphic portrayal of just how concentrated global wealth really is: the top .7% (less than 1%) own 45% of all global wealth, and the top 8% own 85%.

Of Two Minds - The Panama Papers: This Is the Consequence of Centralized Money and Power
***Socialist propaganda alert***

Class warfare.

The utopia myth being sold to the perpetually ignorant.
Ridiculous and absurd.

The system is rigged. If you don't know that, I can't help you.

My OP and posts in this thread have absolutely nothing to do with socialism. I have posted here for years and condemned the left and big government repeatedly...and one post on the horrors of income inequality and righties jump on me, thinking I am proposing socialism. WTF is this all about?

Socialists always bemoan the distribution of wealth. Their solution of course being to move it from capitalists to themselves. Being a regular poster engaged in politics. Your OP is classic socialist. You would know that. If that's not your point, you should have made your point clearer. In fact you made no point.

I'm just answering your question why no one knows what your point is
That is ridiculous and ignorant.

Clearly 8% owning 85% indicates corruption and collusion far greater than anything the Mafia could have ever considered. Yet, you think anyone condemning this fraud is a Socialist.

Get the F**K out of here...

That's ridiculous. Clearly if you read my post I didn't say you support that, I said in the OP to


How did you not get that? Do you want a larger font?
I have stated me point repeatedly, but you conclude I want socialism. WTF!!!

My point, which you clearly missed, is the horrific income inequality the exists today is caused by big gov and big bus colluding...

How could you miss my point?
This is really screwed up...and we Americans fight among ourselves over stupid things. All the while the elites are screwing us. When will we wake up and take action?

The Panama Papers offer damning proof of this: increasing concentrations of wealth and power that are free of any constraint (such as taxes) is not just the consequence of centralized money and state power--this inequality is the only possible output of centralized money and state power.

Here is a graphic portrayal of just how concentrated global wealth really is: the top .7% (less than 1%) own 45% of all global wealth, and the top 8% own 85%.

Of Two Minds - The Panama Papers: This Is the Consequence of Centralized Money and Power
***Socialist propaganda alert***

Class warfare.

The utopia myth being sold to the perpetually ignorant.
Ridiculous and absurd.

The system is rigged. If you don't know that, I can't help you.

My OP and posts in this thread have absolutely nothing to do with socialism. I have posted here for years and condemned the left and big government repeatedly...and one post on the horrors of income inequality and righties jump on me, thinking I am proposing socialism. WTF is this all about?

Socialists always bemoan the distribution of wealth. Their solution of course being to move it from capitalists to themselves. Being a regular poster engaged in politics. Your OP is classic socialist. You would know that. If that's not your point, you should have made your point clearer. In fact you made no point.

I'm just answering your question why no one knows what your point is
That is ridiculous and ignorant.

Clearly 8% owning 85% indicates corruption and collusion far greater than anything the Mafia could have ever considered. Yet, you think anyone condemning this fraud is a Socialist.

Get the F**K out of here...

No...the mafia murders people....working hard and being successful and keeping what you have earned is not taking things illegally.........

if you give more and more power to the government, the politicians will use their power to reward and punish their friends and enemies, making some people rich and keeping wealth from others...crony socialism...the very thing you are complaining about....

Keep taxes and government low....and people will get rich and poor on their own....
And government does not murder people...wake the fuck up.

Yeah I want more and more power to the government....find one post in the over 7000 I have made on this forum where I have ever suggested such a thing.
***Socialist propaganda alert***

Class warfare.

The utopia myth being sold to the perpetually ignorant.
Ridiculous and absurd.

The system is rigged. If you don't know that, I can't help you.

My OP and posts in this thread have absolutely nothing to do with socialism. I have posted here for years and condemned the left and big government repeatedly...and one post on the horrors of income inequality and righties jump on me, thinking I am proposing socialism. WTF is this all about?

Socialists always bemoan the distribution of wealth. Their solution of course being to move it from capitalists to themselves. Being a regular poster engaged in politics. Your OP is classic socialist. You would know that. If that's not your point, you should have made your point clearer. In fact you made no point.

I'm just answering your question why no one knows what your point is
That is ridiculous and ignorant.

Clearly 8% owning 85% indicates corruption and collusion far greater than anything the Mafia could have ever considered. Yet, you think anyone condemning this fraud is a Socialist.

Get the F**K out of here...

That's ridiculous. Clearly if you read my post I didn't say you support that, I said in the OP to


How did you not get that? Do you want a larger font?
I have stated me point repeatedly, but you conclude I want socialism. WTF!!!

My point, which you clearly missed, is the horrific income inequality the exists today is caused by big gov and big bus colluding...

How could you miss my point?

I did get that, which is why I explained it to you though why people are confused and concluded that post with


Maybe you need to just slow down and read and make sure you get posts before you respond to them.

A follow on thought is when they misunderstood them you insulted them and called them crony capitalists instead of just saying, hold on, that wasn't my point.

Just answering your question
***Socialist propaganda alert***

Class warfare.

The utopia myth being sold to the perpetually ignorant.
Ridiculous and absurd.

The system is rigged. If you don't know that, I can't help you.

My OP and posts in this thread have absolutely nothing to do with socialism. I have posted here for years and condemned the left and big government repeatedly...and one post on the horrors of income inequality and righties jump on me, thinking I am proposing socialism. WTF is this all about?

Socialists always bemoan the distribution of wealth. Their solution of course being to move it from capitalists to themselves. Being a regular poster engaged in politics. Your OP is classic socialist. You would know that. If that's not your point, you should have made your point clearer. In fact you made no point.

I'm just answering your question why no one knows what your point is
That is ridiculous and ignorant.

Clearly 8% owning 85% indicates corruption and collusion far greater than anything the Mafia could have ever considered. Yet, you think anyone condemning this fraud is a Socialist.

Get the F**K out of here...

No...the mafia murders people....working hard and being successful and keeping what you have earned is not taking things illegally.........

if you give more and more power to the government, the politicians will use their power to reward and punish their friends and enemies, making some people rich and keeping wealth from others...crony socialism...the very thing you are complaining about....

Keep taxes and government low....and people will get rich and poor on their own....
And government does not murder people...wake the fuck up.

Yeah I want more and more power to the government....find one post in the over 7000 I have made on this forum where I have ever suggested such a thing.

That would be a good rebuttal if you weren't calling people who you can't name one post they wrote supporting crony capitalism, including the post you were responding to, crony capitalists ...
Ridiculous and absurd.

The system is rigged. If you don't know that, I can't help you.

My OP and posts in this thread have absolutely nothing to do with socialism. I have posted here for years and condemned the left and big government repeatedly...and one post on the horrors of income inequality and righties jump on me, thinking I am proposing socialism. WTF is this all about?

Socialists always bemoan the distribution of wealth. Their solution of course being to move it from capitalists to themselves. Being a regular poster engaged in politics. Your OP is classic socialist. You would know that. If that's not your point, you should have made your point clearer. In fact you made no point.

I'm just answering your question why no one knows what your point is
That is ridiculous and ignorant.

Clearly 8% owning 85% indicates corruption and collusion far greater than anything the Mafia could have ever considered. Yet, you think anyone condemning this fraud is a Socialist.

Get the F**K out of here...

That's ridiculous. Clearly if you read my post I didn't say you support that, I said in the OP to


How did you not get that? Do you want a larger font?
I have stated me point repeatedly, but you conclude I want socialism. WTF!!!

My point, which you clearly missed, is the horrific income inequality the exists today is caused by big gov and big bus colluding...

How could you miss my point?

I did get that, which is why I explained it to you though why people are confused and concluded that post with


Maybe you need to just slow down and read and make sure you get posts before you respond to them.

A follow on thought is when they misunderstood them you insulted them and called them crony capitalists instead of just saying, hold on, that wasn't my point.

Just answering your question
I called no one a crony capitalist and I insulted no one, but you.

I do not know what your problem is, but thinking I am proposing socialism, clearly indicates YOU did not read my posts.
when they misunderstood them you insulted them and called them crony capitalists instead of just saying, hold on, that wasn't my poin
I called no one a crony capitalist and I insulted no one, but you


What a dumb ass. Here's where you did both. And it's where I entered the conversation

and you don't think that if you had your left wing regressive system that the same thing wouldn't happen....
I guess suggesting we terminate the cozy relation between big government and big business causes some righties to get all pissy
So, let's get on the workers side

Decrease regulation which drive up the cost of materials as well as the cost of labor so we can give the employer more pay

Deport 11 million low skilled illegal aliens so American workers are not competing with those that will work for less. This also decreases the cost of our schools, the cost of Health care and other social entitlements.

And those 8% that own so much, the ones that complain they don't pay enough taxes, demand that they put their money where their mouths are.

I solved the problem, this thread can close now
when they misunderstood them you insulted them and called them crony capitalists instead of just saying, hold on, that wasn't my poin
I called no one a crony capitalist and I insulted no one, but you


What a dumb ass. Here's where you did both. And it's where I entered the conversation

and you don't think that if you had your left wing regressive system that the same thing wouldn't happen....
I guess suggesting we terminate the cozy relation between big government and big business causes some righties to get all pissy
You accused me of calling a poster a crony capitalist and you offer as proof this post. Only the post does no such thing.
Last edited:

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