Top 8% Own 85%

Wages are stagnant, of course people are cheap. An economy slows when there is too much inequality.

An economy slows when there is too much inequality.

How do you fix inequality? Higher taxes? More regulation?

Give more power to the workers. We are definitely hurting from the decline of unions. We need to better police companies to stop the collusion. I would actually decrease Corp taxes in return for higher wages and benefits for employees. I think we need to stop importing workers and some well placed tariffs might help. Maybe raise minimum wage, though I prefer the other things mentioned.

We are definitely hurting from the decline of unions.

Unions are the worst. We need to outlaw government unions.

I think we need to stop importing workers and some well placed tariffs might help.

Boot 15 million illegals, wages will rise. Unemployment will tank.
Tariffs just help the connected. Like the Fanjul family benefits from sugar tariffs.

Maybe raise minimum wage,

Boot the illegals, enforce E-Verify, companies would have to pay more than the minimum to get workers.

Unions the worst? You must be joking. The decline in unions has only been bad for us.

It's only been bad for mediocre workers who now don;t get their unwarranted raises and protection from being shit canned

Wages are stagnant, been bad for most everyone. Union auto workers get paid more than non Union. Union teachers get paid more than private school teachers. The decline in unions has been very bad for us.
So you grab on two of the options I mentioned? For a tariff I would first put one on services like IT, accounting and CS. Those are jobs that never should have left. Consumers pay for them, but when wages go up they can afford it.

Bottom line is that ultimately, we little people pay for those costs to a company.

Create a tariff on widgets. When I buy a widget, that cost is included, so ultimately, I am paying that tariff--not the company. Tax the rich--tax the businesses!!!! Okay, so we tax the people that make the flooring I plan on buying. Don't you think those taxes are included in that product when I buy it?

That's the way it all works unfortunately, and no law in the world can change that in a free country.

WE NEED CLEANER AIR!!! Okay, so now we have it. How? Because they forced truck manufacturers to put all kinds of pollution crap in these tractors and trucks. We now have to use a product called Diesel Exhaust Fluid, or DEF for short.

DEF is a separate container that squirts this crap into the exhaust pipe to make it burn cleaner. Not only that, but during the Bush years, they forced diesel fuel manufacturers to produce lower sulfur diesel fuel. Until now, diesel fuel was about a dollar a gallon more expensive than gasoline.

Trucks went up in price--about $10,000 more for a newer truck than before those pollution standards came out. And any diesel mechanic can testify that when these trucks have problems, it usually has to do with some pollution gadget going haywire, and these problems happen all the time.

Okay, so we have cleaner air and those big bad transportation companies have to pay for it!!! Wrong. Guess what my employer had to do to cover these additional expenses such as increase costs for diesel fuel, DEF fluid, higher prices for trucks, towing service when these trucks break down all the time, the repair shop to fix all this crap?

That's right, he greatly increased his prices to our customers who make our products. Those customers who make our products increase the cost of those products that you and I buy in the store every time we go shopping.

But what the hell, can't you just smell how much cleaner the air is????

Make it more expensive to import products and the companies will make them here. More jobs here and wages go up.

Make it more expensive to import products and the companies will make them here.
More jobs here and wages go up.

Make goods more expensive and people will have fewer dollars to buy other things.
Fewer jobs here and wages go down.

Moving manufacturing here created jobs.

If you really believe that moving manufacturing back here creates jobs, then first you have to ask yourself why they moved away in the first place. If you can answer yourself that riddle, then what we need to do is take steps to make it more inviting for manufacturing to move back here.

If you do any research, don't read what the politicians have to say about it, read what the business owners have to say about it. Politicians won't give you a clue.

Most of it moved so the rich could make a little more. Hence why we have out of control inequality.
Bottom line is that ultimately, we little people pay for those costs to a company.

Create a tariff on widgets. When I buy a widget, that cost is included, so ultimately, I am paying that tariff--not the company. Tax the rich--tax the businesses!!!! Okay, so we tax the people that make the flooring I plan on buying. Don't you think those taxes are included in that product when I buy it?

That's the way it all works unfortunately, and no law in the world can change that in a free country.

WE NEED CLEANER AIR!!! Okay, so now we have it. How? Because they forced truck manufacturers to put all kinds of pollution crap in these tractors and trucks. We now have to use a product called Diesel Exhaust Fluid, or DEF for short.

DEF is a separate container that squirts this crap into the exhaust pipe to make it burn cleaner. Not only that, but during the Bush years, they forced diesel fuel manufacturers to produce lower sulfur diesel fuel. Until now, diesel fuel was about a dollar a gallon more expensive than gasoline.

Trucks went up in price--about $10,000 more for a newer truck than before those pollution standards came out. And any diesel mechanic can testify that when these trucks have problems, it usually has to do with some pollution gadget going haywire, and these problems happen all the time.

Okay, so we have cleaner air and those big bad transportation companies have to pay for it!!! Wrong. Guess what my employer had to do to cover these additional expenses such as increase costs for diesel fuel, DEF fluid, higher prices for trucks, towing service when these trucks break down all the time, the repair shop to fix all this crap?

That's right, he greatly increased his prices to our customers who make our products. Those customers who make our products increase the cost of those products that you and I buy in the store every time we go shopping.

But what the hell, can't you just smell how much cleaner the air is????

Make it more expensive to import products and the companies will make them here. More jobs here and wages go up.

Make it more expensive to import products and the companies will make them here.
More jobs here and wages go up.

Make goods more expensive and people will have fewer dollars to buy other things.
Fewer jobs here and wages go down.

Moving manufacturing here created jobs.

If you really believe that moving manufacturing back here creates jobs, then first you have to ask yourself why they moved away in the first place. If you can answer yourself that riddle, then what we need to do is take steps to make it more inviting for manufacturing to move back here.

If you do any research, don't read what the politicians have to say about it, read what the business owners have to say about it. Politicians won't give you a clue.

Most of it moved so the rich could make a little more. Hence why we have out of control inequality.

So why didn't the rich move a long time ago?
The outsourcing of jobs has zero to do with unions, regulations, taxes, etc. The fact is foreign workers agree to do the jobs for basically zero pay. Hard to compete with that unless we in this so called great nation accept those wages as appropriate pay. And that should never happen...ever.
Make it more expensive to import products and the companies will make them here. More jobs here and wages go up.

Make it more expensive to import products and the companies will make them here.
More jobs here and wages go up.

Make goods more expensive and people will have fewer dollars to buy other things.
Fewer jobs here and wages go down.

Moving manufacturing here created jobs.

If you really believe that moving manufacturing back here creates jobs, then first you have to ask yourself why they moved away in the first place. If you can answer yourself that riddle, then what we need to do is take steps to make it more inviting for manufacturing to move back here.

If you do any research, don't read what the politicians have to say about it, read what the business owners have to say about it. Politicians won't give you a clue.

Most of it moved so the rich could make a little more. Hence why we have out of control inequality.

So why didn't the rich move a long time ago?

We didn't have such a global economy. Pre internet it was real hard to source in other countries.
Most studies suggest that about one-fifth of the increase in economic inequality in America among men in recent decades is the result of the decline in unions. It may be more: A study in the American Sociological Review, using the broadest methodology, estimates that the decline of unions may account for one-third of the rise of inequality among men.

Take construction workers. A full-time construction worker earns about $10,000 less per year now than in 1973, in today’s dollars, according to Rosenfeld. One reason is probably that the proportion who are unionized has fallen in that period from more than 40 percent to just 14 percent.

Many Americans think unions drag down the economy over all, but scholars disagree. American auto unions are often mentioned, but Germany’s car workers have a strong union, and so do Toyota’s in Japan and Kia’s in South Korea.

In Germany, the average autoworker earns about $67 per hour in salary and benefits, compared with $34 in the United States. Yet Germany’s car companies in 2010 produced more than twice as many vehicles as American companies did, and they were highly profitable. It’s too glib to say that the problem in the American sector was just unions.

If we are going to do as Trump says and become great again, we need strong unions AGAIN.
Most studies suggest that about one-fifth of the increase in economic inequality in America among men in recent decades is the result of the decline in unions. It may be more: A study in the American Sociological Review, using the broadest methodology, estimates that the decline of unions may account for one-third of the rise of inequality among men.

Take construction workers. A full-time construction worker earns about $10,000 less per year now than in 1973, in today’s dollars, according to Rosenfeld. One reason is probably that the proportion who are unionized has fallen in that period from more than 40 percent to just 14 percent.

Many Americans think unions drag down the economy over all, but scholars disagree. American auto unions are often mentioned, but Germany’s car workers have a strong union, and so do Toyota’s in Japan and Kia’s in South Korea.

In Germany, the average autoworker earns about $67 per hour in salary and benefits, compared with $34 in the United States. Yet Germany’s car companies in 2010 produced more than twice as many vehicles as American companies did, and they were highly profitable. It’s too glib to say that the problem in the American sector was just unions.

If we are going to do as Trump says and become great again, we need strong unions AGAIN.

Well if unions are so great, how did our UNION companies fall into such financial disaster that they needed to get bailed out by our government?

And if unions are so great, why doesn't Toyota have them here just like Japan?
Make it more expensive to import products and the companies will make them here.
More jobs here and wages go up.

Make goods more expensive and people will have fewer dollars to buy other things.
Fewer jobs here and wages go down.

Moving manufacturing here created jobs.

If you really believe that moving manufacturing back here creates jobs, then first you have to ask yourself why they moved away in the first place. If you can answer yourself that riddle, then what we need to do is take steps to make it more inviting for manufacturing to move back here.

If you do any research, don't read what the politicians have to say about it, read what the business owners have to say about it. Politicians won't give you a clue.

Most of it moved so the rich could make a little more. Hence why we have out of control inequality.

So why didn't the rich move a long time ago?

We didn't have such a global economy. Pre internet it was real hard to source in other countries.

No, we've always had trading partners. So what really changed? More government intrusive regulations, more taxes, and increased labor costs.
The outsourcing of jobs has zero to do with unions, regulations, taxes, etc. The fact is foreign workers agree to do the jobs for basically zero pay. Hard to compete with that unless we in this so called great nation accept those wages as appropriate pay. And that should never happen...ever.

That's all fine and dandy on the books, but in practicality, it doesn't work.

You want to buy a big screen television set. You are going for a 60"

So you go to the television shop where the selection is just about endless. You have two choices: one 60" set costs about $3,000 but it's foreign made. Or you can buy a nearly identical American made television for $4,200. Which one are you going to buy?

If you tell me that you would buy the American television set because it's made in America, you are about one in ten television customers that would make that decision. This is why stores carry mostly (if not exclusively) foreign made products.
I really don't understand what you are pointing out other than the fact rich people are rich.
Well then you need to open your mind and read the article.

The system is set up purposely to enrich the rich and force debt on the rest of us.

and you don't think that if you had your left wing regressive system that the same thing wouldn't you think the castros are poor? How about Putin or the chinese leadership.........

you guys are delusional...if you want wealth to move...keep taxes and government regulation low....those are the things the rich exploit to keep others from becoming rich......crony socialism is what creates the problem......government politicians using their power to help their buddies.....the only way to stop that...give them less power to do that.....
Most studies suggest that about one-fifth of the increase in economic inequality in America among men in recent decades is the result of the decline in unions. It may be more: A study in the American Sociological Review, using the broadest methodology, estimates that the decline of unions may account for one-third of the rise of inequality among men.

Take construction workers. A full-time construction worker earns about $10,000 less per year now than in 1973, in today’s dollars, according to Rosenfeld. One reason is probably that the proportion who are unionized has fallen in that period from more than 40 percent to just 14 percent.

Many Americans think unions drag down the economy over all, but scholars disagree. American auto unions are often mentioned, but Germany’s car workers have a strong union, and so do Toyota’s in Japan and Kia’s in South Korea.

In Germany, the average autoworker earns about $67 per hour in salary and benefits, compared with $34 in the United States. Yet Germany’s car companies in 2010 produced more than twice as many vehicles as American companies did, and they were highly profitable. It’s too glib to say that the problem in the American sector was just unions.

If we are going to do as Trump says and become great again, we need strong unions AGAIN.

Well if unions are so great, how did our UNION companies fall into such financial disaster that they needed to get bailed out by our government?

And if unions are so great, why doesn't Toyota have them here just like Japan?

Unions don't control what stupid moves the execs make. Execs make the decisions that lead to financial disaster and bailouts.

Toyota isn't concerned about Americans making good money. Republicans have waged this war on unions and made it easy for companies. We should require they be Union.
Moving manufacturing here created jobs.

If you really believe that moving manufacturing back here creates jobs, then first you have to ask yourself why they moved away in the first place. If you can answer yourself that riddle, then what we need to do is take steps to make it more inviting for manufacturing to move back here.

If you do any research, don't read what the politicians have to say about it, read what the business owners have to say about it. Politicians won't give you a clue.

Most of it moved so the rich could make a little more. Hence why we have out of control inequality.

So why didn't the rich move a long time ago?

We didn't have such a global economy. Pre internet it was real hard to source in other countries.

No, we've always had trading partners. So what really changed? More government intrusive regulations, more taxes, and increased labor costs.

I really don't understand what you are pointing out other than the fact rich people are rich.
Well then you need to open your mind and read the article.

The system is set up purposely to enrich the rich and force debt on the rest of us.

and you don't think that if you had your left wing regressive system that the same thing wouldn't you think the castros are poor? How about Putin or the chinese leadership.........

you guys are delusional...if you want wealth to move...keep taxes and government regulation low....those are the things the rich exploit to keep others from becoming rich......crony socialism is what creates the problem......government politicians using their power to help their buddies.....the only way to stop that...give them less power to do that.....

There are many products that can be made here and are made here without being a lot more expensive. Many of our trading partners are cheating.
The rich guys don't have the ability to hold anybody down. No rich people ever held me down, I wonder why you and not me?

I already posted several examples of large corps illegally suppressing wages.

And that does not stop you or anyone else from making more money whenever you want
Besides you do realize that settlement was a pittance to those companies and they most likely setlled not because of any guilt but that taking the issue to trial would have cost orders of magnitude more

They didn't get rich throwing away millions. They were guilty and got caught, I'm sure most don't get caught.

They settled so we really don't know what they did now do we?

We know they were guilty.

No you don't you know they settled
I already posted several examples of large corps illegally suppressing wages.

And that does not stop you or anyone else from making more money whenever you want
Besides you do realize that settlement was a pittance to those companies and they most likely setlled not because of any guilt but that taking the issue to trial would have cost orders of magnitude more

They didn't get rich throwing away millions. They were guilty and got caught, I'm sure most don't get caught.

They settled so we really don't know what they did now do we?

We know they were guilty.

No you don't you know they settled

Sure kid, keep telling yourself that. I guess you prefer to ignore reality. They don't throw away millions unless the evidence against them is real strong. Now stop being such a child.
An economy slows when there is too much inequality.

How do you fix inequality? Higher taxes? More regulation?

Give more power to the workers. We are definitely hurting from the decline of unions. We need to better police companies to stop the collusion. I would actually decrease Corp taxes in return for higher wages and benefits for employees. I think we need to stop importing workers and some well placed tariffs might help. Maybe raise minimum wage, though I prefer the other things mentioned.

We are definitely hurting from the decline of unions.

Unions are the worst. We need to outlaw government unions.

I think we need to stop importing workers and some well placed tariffs might help.

Boot 15 million illegals, wages will rise. Unemployment will tank.
Tariffs just help the connected. Like the Fanjul family benefits from sugar tariffs.

Maybe raise minimum wage,

Boot the illegals, enforce E-Verify, companies would have to pay more than the minimum to get workers.

Unions the worst? You must be joking. The decline in unions has only been bad for us.

It's only been bad for mediocre workers who now don;t get their unwarranted raises and protection from being shit canned

Wages are stagnant, been bad for most everyone. Union auto workers get paid more than non Union. Union teachers get paid more than private school teachers. The decline in unions has been very bad for us.

I disagree

Unions are the last bastion of the mediocre
And that does not stop you or anyone else from making more money whenever you want
Besides you do realize that settlement was a pittance to those companies and they most likely setlled not because of any guilt but that taking the issue to trial would have cost orders of magnitude more

They didn't get rich throwing away millions. They were guilty and got caught, I'm sure most don't get caught.

They settled so we really don't know what they did now do we?

We know they were guilty.

No you don't you know they settled

Sure kid, keep telling yourself that. I guess you prefer to ignore reality. They don't throw away millions unless the evidence against them is real strong. Now stop being such a child.

So show me the guilty verdict it should be easy to find

They settled because it was cheaper to do so the trial would have cost many many times more

And that amount of money for those 3 companies was a pittance believe me they didn't even feel it
Give more power to the workers. We are definitely hurting from the decline of unions. We need to better police companies to stop the collusion. I would actually decrease Corp taxes in return for higher wages and benefits for employees. I think we need to stop importing workers and some well placed tariffs might help. Maybe raise minimum wage, though I prefer the other things mentioned.

We are definitely hurting from the decline of unions.

Unions are the worst. We need to outlaw government unions.

I think we need to stop importing workers and some well placed tariffs might help.

Boot 15 million illegals, wages will rise. Unemployment will tank.
Tariffs just help the connected. Like the Fanjul family benefits from sugar tariffs.

Maybe raise minimum wage,

Boot the illegals, enforce E-Verify, companies would have to pay more than the minimum to get workers.

Unions the worst? You must be joking. The decline in unions has only been bad for us.

It's only been bad for mediocre workers who now don;t get their unwarranted raises and protection from being shit canned

Wages are stagnant, been bad for most everyone. Union auto workers get paid more than non Union. Union teachers get paid more than private school teachers. The decline in unions has been very bad for us.

I disagree

Unions are the last bastion of the mediocre

We have seen the results of the union decline. Stagnant wages. You can disagree, but you'd be wrong.
We are definitely hurting from the decline of unions.

Unions are the worst. We need to outlaw government unions.

I think we need to stop importing workers and some well placed tariffs might help.

Boot 15 million illegals, wages will rise. Unemployment will tank.
Tariffs just help the connected. Like the Fanjul family benefits from sugar tariffs.

Maybe raise minimum wage,

Boot the illegals, enforce E-Verify, companies would have to pay more than the minimum to get workers.

Unions the worst? You must be joking. The decline in unions has only been bad for us.

It's only been bad for mediocre workers who now don;t get their unwarranted raises and protection from being shit canned

Wages are stagnant, been bad for most everyone. Union auto workers get paid more than non Union. Union teachers get paid more than private school teachers. The decline in unions has been very bad for us.

I disagree

Unions are the last bastion of the mediocre

We have seen the results of the union decline. Stagnant wages. You can disagree, but you'd be wrong.

Correlation not causation
They didn't get rich throwing away millions. They were guilty and got caught, I'm sure most don't get caught.

They settled so we really don't know what they did now do we?

We know they were guilty.

No you don't you know they settled

Sure kid, keep telling yourself that. I guess you prefer to ignore reality. They don't throw away millions unless the evidence against them is real strong. Now stop being such a child.

So show me the guilty verdict it should be easy to find

They settled because it was cheaper to do so the trial would have cost many many times more

And that amount of money for those 3 companies was a pittance believe me they didn't even feel it

If they were just throwing money away like that they wouldn't be in business for long and every worker would be filing lawsuits. You are such a child. You have been proven wrong, just admit it.

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