Topless Miley Cyrus Smokes Weed on Stage, Asks Young Fan to Lick Fake Penis - Breitbart

Ugly? Miley is certainly not ugly. Lol. If she was "ugly" she wouldn't even be where she is today. Looks are important in her career. Not ugly. She is sleazy though. Her sleaziness makes her look "ugly" to some people.


She has kind of made herself a "look" which is not what a lot of people would find attractive (including myself). She was MUCH cuter before during her Disney days. Anyone who says she is ugly is just being a jerk though.

I think much like Lindsey Lohan and Brittany Spears, we take these girls and make them into "teen idols", and then wonder in amazement when they become dysfunctional adults.
Who the hell is 'WE?" Liberal entertainment? Okay yeah them.

I'm talking about Disney, guy. You don't get more corporate and right wing than Disney.
I think much like Lindsey Lohan and Brittany Spears, we take these girls and make them into "teen idols", and then wonder in amazement when they become dysfunctional adults.

I can't believe we agree 100% on something.

I'll consider this post a Christmas present.
I don't know what it is about this girl but every time I see her the first thought that pops into my head is "cheap".
A coworker told me she's getting back to her white trash roots.
If you think this is bad, stick around a while.

This form of "entertainment" will seem tame in 30 years or so.
Ugly? Miley is certainly not ugly. Lol. If she was "ugly" she wouldn't even be where she is today. Looks are important in her career. Not ugly. She is sleazy though. Her sleaziness makes her look "ugly" to some people.

Or she just realizes that being "controversial" is a way to get attention and finally break with her "Hanna Montana" persona.

You have to kind of feel sorry for her. You hear all the time about actors who got so associated with a role that no one ever considered them for anything else.

And, yes, we all cringe at the way Madonna has "reinvented" herself, but those things got her attention, didn't they.
She has some talent that showed when she started out - basically because of her dad.

Since then, she's become a sad little creature fighting for attention.
Very limited talent (like her dad), homely face, ugly body, desperate for attention, and will probably end up like Lindsey Lohan.

Doubt it, this girl knows exactly what she is doing to keep her name in the spotlight despite her lack of talent..

I have an idiot friend who always post crap about her, she acts normal at home.
The easy solution is to have the media totally ignore this kind of behavior.
I don't know about this. Depending on the kind of person that you are dealing with, the more that they are ignored, the more that they will do to try and get the attention that they are seeking.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. And of course if they end up killing themselves, even though they brought it all on themselves, depending on how their family is, that may not be how their family will choose to look at it. Their family may only end up blaming those who did not give the person what it is that they were wanting in the first place.
My childhood crush. Unfortunately even she got caught up in drugs. Stephanie Tanner, aka Jodie Sweetin. I would got to bed thinking about her and wake up thinking about her. My 5th grade crush!

That splatter of roadkill is the most unattractive, untalented celeb-fabrication the factory has churned out to date. What a disaster. It's going to end up a permanent resident of the Lohan Center for Non-human Defectives.

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