*Total Destruction of the Democratic Party: THE END*

And all you have to do is find credible proof that Democrats stole the election. When will you get around to that?
Sorry bout that,

1. I don't have to do shit!
2. But others shall.
3. And Bannon, it would seem, has enough proof, to tear this tree house down.
4. Might be a good time to come down from that tree house???
5. What will be, will be.

And that’s why tonight in Arizona we’re throwing down, we’re going to decertify this. I don’t care if Merrick Garland does not like hearing it. If the FBI doesn’t like hearing it. I don’t care if – Jamie Raskin and Bennie Thompson… Suck on it. We’re going to decertify those electors. OK? In Arizona, in Wisconsin, in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in the state of Georgia. And you’re going to have to deal with it.

:spinner: :spinner: :spinner: :spinner: :spinner:
Sorry bout that,

1. I don't have to do shit!
2. But others shall.
3. And Bannon, it would seem, has enough proof, to tear this tree house down.
4. Might be a good time to come down from that tree house???
5. What will be, will be.

For your fantasy to come true, somebody will have to. I'm sure Steve Bannon's proof is about as accurate as the pillow guy's.
I'm sure that would be acceptable evidence at a proud boy's meeting, or some other anti-American group, but sane people will require more than that.

All of these made up organizations meetings are nothing compared to the Democrat party meetings. The ultimate anti-American group.
Sorry bout that,

1. Its coming.
2. And you won't like what's coming if you're a Democrat.
4. STEVE BANNON ON FIRE: "Suck On It! - We're Going to Decertify Those Electors... It's Going to Lead to the Total and Complete Destruction of the Democrat Party!" (VIDEO)
5. Love this, even thou it is late.
6. Bannon said, "SUCK ON IT!" love this saying of his.


Dude, and all other conservatives on here-----> This is NOT going to happen, and I am a CONSERVATIVE telling you this!

Even if magically, YOUR truth comes out on Monday, it would be tied up in the courts for 2 or 3 years! Not to mention, it would bring MASSIVE instability to our country instantly, while it was going through the courts! And the whole time it was going on, who would still be President, and who would still be VP! Are any of you people wanting this to happen, actually going to cut off your nose to spite your face? Besides that, what if the Supreme Court could not bring itself to over turn the election 2 years down the road? Then the Left would create the narrative, "see, it wasn't true!"

Doesn't mean the truth coming out is bad, just what you try and do with the truth is.........such as of this late date, over turning an election! Use the TRUTH........if it comes out..........to take more power from them, and deny them the power they have. Do NOT be dumb! Were your TRUTH to come out, the Left would be swept out of office almost totally in 22, and we could get Mickey Mouse elected President over any Democrat in 24. Not to mention, ANYTHING they proposed or tried to do up until that time would be DOA, period, end of story.

I know, I know, you want your pound of flesh! My idea is to get 5 pds instead of 1, lol. Have patience please!
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Oh also investigate Hunter’s business deals with foreign nations and how they included daddy. Like the latest, Hunter gets 3.5 million and daddy gives Putin his pipeline he has been wanting for years.
Look, this is what I need you to do. I know it is hard. I know you have not even thought about it. But tell me, just how does the United States have any authority, any influence, over a pipeline deal that is essentially between Germany and Russia. I mean are we in some one world government that I am not aware of? Does not Russia, and Germany, have autonomy? I mean what ever happend to the "free market", are is that kind of like buffet Christianity, you take what you want and you leave the rest? I mean I got to be honest, I don't give two shits about a pipeline deal that doesn't have a damn thing to do with the United States. I mean I thought Trumpbots were all about "America First", tell me, where does America even play into this controversy?
Sorry bout that,

1. Its coming.
2. And you won't like what's coming if you're a Democrat.
4. STEVE BANNON ON FIRE: "Suck On It! - We're Going to Decertify Those Electors... It's Going to Lead to the Total and Complete Destruction of the Democrat Party!" (VIDEO)
5. Love this, even thou it is late.
6. Bannon said, "SUCK ON IT!" love this saying of his.

Trump is holding his rally in Arizona today. That must be what has Bannon's brain boiling over.

"And that’s why tonight in Arizona we’re throwing down, we’re going to decertify this."
For your fantasy to come true, somebody will have to. I'm sure Steve Bannon's proof is about as accurate as the pillow guy's.
Or the ABC's, NBC's or CBS's. Now those are some reliable people there. Has CNN members had sex with any kids lately. Hell, has Biden or his son?
And that’s why tonight in Arizona we’re throwing down, we’re going to decertify this. I don’t care if Merrick Garland does not like hearing it. If the FBI doesn’t like hearing it. I don’t care if – Jamie Raskin and Bennie Thompson… Suck on it. We’re going to decertify those electors. OK? In Arizona, in Wisconsin, in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in the state of Georgia. And you’re going to have to deal with it.

:spinner: :spinner: :spinner: :spinner: :spinner:
Sorry bout that,

1. The head, or crown is crowning like I said last week.
2. I usually don't take pleasure in the failings of others.
3. But in this circumstance stealing elections is betrayal of the voters, whether you voted for Biden or Trump, if someone or a party had their thumb on the scale, this is nothing but a shitshow, and those whoever they are who had the fat thumb, need to be guillotined!
4. Off with their heads!
5. Sounds harsh but it really bad what ANYONE who can be proven to have done this.
6. If its proven then they stole from us ALL.

All of these made up organizations meetings are nothing compared to the Democrat party meetings. The ultimate anti-American group.
Doesn't matter who comes up with credible proof of a stolen election. It's just that nobody has yet. Any day now?
1. I do not know of any legal or constitutional way to decertify a presidential election, there would have to be something in a state constitution that allows for that contingency. IOW, there has to be some law that a judge can point to and say I have the authority and the jurisdiction to make a decision one way or another in this matter, otherwise it's judicial activism. I do not believe such a law exists anywhere in any state Constitution. If there is, I'd love to learn about it. And the US Constitution leaves the matters of elections to the states, so on what basis would the US Supreme Court make any ruling to decertify a presidential election outcome?

Here's the thing: there are already existing ways to remove a president. I do not believe any federal judge will take it upon himself to rule for a decertification, or if a state Supreme Court will do so. And nor should they IMHO. I say that as one who voted for Trump in 2016 and again in 2020, and I do not for a moment like Joe Biden. BUT - so far as I know, no judge has ever ruled that Trump should have won a specific state after reviewing the evidence provided. I don't think it's going to happen folks. Maybe the election was stolen and Trump should've been re-elected. But until such time as a federal judge says otherwise and the Supreme Court agrees, Joe Biden is the POTUS and DJT isn't.

2. Now - about the part concerning the destruction of the democratic party. It's funny that the democrats are howling like crazy these days about 'the threat to our democracy' in their quest to pass certain voting/election laws, cuz IMHO it is the Democratic Party itself that is the greatest threat. I suspect they're going to get a good ass-kicking in the mid-terms, and rightly so. But don't be counting these people out, cuz they are totally committed to their agenda and they ain't gonna go away. And a part of the problem is that a whole lot of young people don't like our gov't and capitalism, even though they don't really know squat about the alternatives, so don't be counting any chickens. I recall there was talk of the end of the democratic party when Reagan was the prez, and look at them now. They own the WH, the Senate, and the House, albeit with extremely thin margins.
Loser Donald Trump is going to whine the same old Big Lie whines at the rally while the tard herd drinks his piss by the bucketful. You can almost write the script right now and be 99 percent accurate.

In true Orwellian fashion, the same rubes will forget Bannon's histrionics about decertifying Arizona tonight since their confirmation bias won't allow them to remember his bullshit.

That doesn't stop them from walking around with hardons right now, imagining "the storm" is finally, finally, finally coming. YEEEEEEEE-HAWWWWW!

"When can we start shooting people?"
Sorry bout that,

1. Its coming.
2. And you won't like what's coming if you're a Democrat.
4. STEVE BANNON ON FIRE: "Suck On It! - We're Going to Decertify Those Electors... It's Going to Lead to the Total and Complete Destruction of the Democrat Party!" (VIDEO)
5. Love this, even thou it is late.
6. Bannon said, "SUCK ON IT!" love this saying of his.

Nice job quoting a confirmed conman. If Manson was a Trump supporter you'd quote him.

Lower then whale shit.
Loser Donald Trump is going to whine the same old Big Lie whines at the rally while the tard herd drinks his piss by the bucketful. You can almost write the script right now and be 99 percent accurate.

In true Orwellian fashion, the same rubes will forget Bannon's histrionics about decertifying Arizona tonight since their confirmation bias won't allow them to remember his bullshit.

Donald Trump staring saying Biden actually won? I did not realize this. Are there actually people that think Biden won? This is not a good look for Trump.

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