*Total Destruction of the Democratic Party: THE END*

Sorry bout that,

1. Who's fighting to protect elections in America?
2. Who's fighting to have less protections?
3. Right there should be the only questions that need answering.
4. When you understand it, then you know the answer.


"Homeless man says, 'suck on it!'"
As opposed to and old drunk who has more Botox in her system than half of Hollywood? I will take the homeless anytime.
"Anybody that doesn't think there wasn't massive Election Fraud in the 2020 Presidential Election is either very stupid, or very corrupt." -Loser Donald J. Trump
Sorry bout that,

1. Its coming.
2. And you won't like what's coming if you're a Democrat.
4. STEVE BANNON ON FIRE: "Suck On It! - We're Going to Decertify Those Electors... It's Going to Lead to the Total and Complete Destruction of the Democrat Party!" (VIDEO)
5. Love this, even thou it is late.
6. Bannon said, "SUCK ON IT!" love this saying of his.

The Democratic Party just needs to move back to the center and it will be fine. Get rid of idiots like Schiff, Squad, Pelosi and Schumer
Sorry bout that,

1. Its coming.
2. And you won't like what's coming if you're a Democrat.
4. STEVE BANNON ON FIRE: "Suck On It! - We're Going to Decertify Those Electors... It's Going to Lead to the Total and Complete Destruction of the Democrat Party!" (VIDEO)
5. Love this, even thou it is late.
6. Bannon said, "SUCK ON IT!" love this saying of his.

They were trying to decertify by forging documents and using fake electors;

It's pretty obvious Bannon put his foot in his mouth, and opened up the bag.

And that’s why tonight in Arizona we’re throwing down, we’re going to decertify this. I don’t care if Merrick Garland does not like hearing it. If the FBI doesn’t like hearing it. I don’t care if – Jamie Raskin and Bennie Thompson… Suck on it. We’re going to decertify those electors. OK? In Arizona, in Wisconsin, in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in the state of Georgia. And you’re going to have to deal with it.


I, Donald J. Trump, by the power of authority invested in me, do hereby decertify, you better bleev it, the ELECTION!! certification of Arizona, I love Arizona! Make no mistake, I won Arizona. Okay? That I can tell you. Make no mistake. I won. I won. I won.
The committee is handing it all over to the DOJ. The GOP can stop the committee, but not Garland & Co.
And they probably have enough to convict most of them now if they wanted. Much of this was done right in front of us.
Loser Donald Trump is going to whine the same old Big Lie whines at the rally while the tard herd drinks his piss by the bucketful. You can almost write the script right now and be 99 percent accurate.

In true Orwellian fashion, the same rubes will forget Bannon's histrionics about decertifying Arizona tonight since their confirmation bias won't allow them to remember his bullshit.

That doesn't stop them from walking around with hardons right now, imagining "the storm" is finally, finally, finally coming. YEEEEEEEE-HAWWWWW!

"When can we start shooting people?"
And g(batting)0000 rants and whines some more. While drinking straight from Xiden’s toilet and claiming everything is fine. Near record inflation, empty shelves, and sky high gas prices to start with gives this rube a hard on as he look forward to more Democrats supporters shooting people.
And that’s why tonight in Arizona we’re throwing down, we’re going to decertify this. I don’t care if Merrick Garland does not like hearing it. If the FBI doesn’t like hearing it. I don’t care if – Jamie Raskin and Bennie Thompson… Suck on it. We’re going to decertify those electors. OK? In Arizona, in Wisconsin, in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in the state of Georgia. And you’re going to have to deal with it.


I, Donald J. Trump, by the power of authority invested in me, do hereby decertify, you better bleev it, the ELECTION!! certification of Arizona, I love Arizona! Make no mistake, I won Arizona. Okay? That I can tell you. Make no mistake. I won. I won. I won.
You gotta love Arizona. :laughing0301:
And that’s why tonight in Arizona we’re throwing down, we’re going to decertify this. I don’t care if Merrick Garland does not like hearing it. If the FBI doesn’t like hearing it. I don’t care if – Jamie Raskin and Bennie Thompson… Suck on it. We’re going to decertify those electors. OK? In Arizona, in Wisconsin, in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in the state of Georgia. And you’re going to have to deal with it.


I, Donald J. Trump, by the power of authority invested in me, do hereby decertify, you better bleev it, the ELECTION!! certification of Arizona, I love Arizona! Make no mistake, I won Arizona. Okay? That I can tell you. Make no mistake. I won. I won. I won.
If the whole shitshow of the Democrats get overthrown, then its over for the Democrats.
It seems 6 years is the most we can keep Democrats out of power. The darkies will always vote Dem. The Asians and Jews and Muslims will always vote Dem. And of course the voting vaginas will continue to vote Dem.
And g(batting)0000 rants and whines some more. While drinking straight from Xiden’s toilet and claiming everything is fine. Near record inflation, empty shelves, and sky high gas prices to start with gives this rube a hard on as he look forward to more Democrats supporters shooting people.
It seems 6 years is the most we can keep Democrats out of power. The darkies will always vote Dem. The Asians and Jews and Muslims will always vote Dem. And of course the voting vaginas will continue to vote Dem.
Sorry bout that,

1. Once their Political Tree House is cut down.
2. Those you spoke of will not have a place to seek shade.
3. And it seems Roe V Wade is getting cut down too.
4. This shitshow just keeps on giving shit!

Sorry bout that,

1. I like to keep my hands clean, this isn't my shitshow.
2. But I see it.
3. To witness the death of a party is a huge spectacle.
4. I do not applaud it, its going to take some getting used too, quite frankly.


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