*Total Destruction of the Democratic Party: THE END*

1) No it won't. The two party system will never die. :)
2) Remains to be seen. So far, Republicans are doing a great job pissing away their advantage (see the GA Senate runoff elections).
3 and 4) Steve Bannon is a useless bucket of human effluence. He's going to prison. For a long time. And he knows it.
Bannon can suck it. It'll get him ready to be someones bitch in prison. :)

Sorry to spoil your party.
The pro-Marxist so-called Democrat Party is going to do it's best to ensure that there will never again be a multi-political party system in the United States. Their goal is a one-political party authoritarian system and once they have that, the draconian laws will follow.
And they probably have enough to convict most of them now if they wanted. Much of this was done right in front of us.
This has to be airtight. Now that I know Garland isn't fooling around, I'll trust he'll only bring charges if he's sure he's got them totally buttoned down.

And g(batting)0000 rants and whines some more. While drinking straight from Xiden’s toilet and claiming everything is fine. Near record inflation, empty shelves, and sky high gas prices to start with gives this rube a hard on as he look forward to more Democrats supporters shooting people.
if that were happening just in the USA, youd have something.
But its global, all that inflation, gas, supply chain.
The supply chain is two things. Capitalists being capitalists, profit above all else. And decades of infrastructure neglect.
Both the Dems and GOP parties are about to change dramatically because the Baby Boomers are fading away.
The Democrat Party will become even more radical, racist, dishonest, and corrupt.
They will turn their cities and states into economic wastelands with their regressive economic policies and primitive progressive culture.
The Democrat states will become unlivable for mainstream middle-class people, and people will try to escape to the GOP states.
The Democrat Party's hate and racism problem will be even worse, and we will see even more Left-Wing violence.
Eventually the Democrat Party will have permanent political power and they will turn America into Northern Venezuela.
America will become a marxist police state like North Korea.

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