*Total Destruction of the Democratic Party: THE END*

Sorry bout that,

1. I don't have to do shit!
2. But others shall.
3. And Bannon, it would seem, has enough proof, to tear this tree house down.
4. Might be a good time to come down from that tree house???
5. What will be, will be.

Lol, hilarious πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜†πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜†πŸ˜† Get your tin foil hat here.
Sorry bout that,

1. I smell worried posts.
2. I see useless attacks on others.
3. I read desperation in posts.
4. I feel for you.
5. Its really best your party go the way of the dino's.
6. We really have no direct influence, but what we are All seeing is kind of heavy.
7. And it's on a collision course with reality and justice.
8. If it's really coming right now, there is none of us reading this can do.
9. Seeing its very likely coming how will you proceed after it gets here?
10. You will have to make a choice, if it happens, what will you choose?
Think wisely~
The USA constitutes more like 23% of world GDP moron.

The dollar is the global currency. Dollars circulate in every country in the world, and many countries use the dollar as the backup for their national currency. The dollar does have that kind of influence.
i dont see 22 percent

back in 2016, US role in global economy was cut in half

Sorry bout that,

1. Okay now, lets be honest.
2. Biden sucks real bad.
3. And so does Harris, there's a joke there but I will let others tell it.
4. Isn't it time you admit how bad Biden is?
5. You're going in a wooded area in a crashing plane, with no way out.
6 Just admit you don't want this shitshow.
7. And save yourselves.
8. No need to let the sun go down on you.
9. Call out before, the plane starts clipping the tops of the trees.
10. Otherwise its too late.

youre saying that the USA is responsible for global supply chain issues, global inflation, global gas prices? pure fantasy.
Learn to read dumdum. As the United States goes, so goes the world. But as a Dem you have to keep lying to yourself as Xiden screws up day after day after day after......
i dont see 22 percent

back in 2016, US role in global economy was cut in half

GDP Ranked by Country 2021

Perhaps you should look at something besides commie propaganda.
GDP Ranked by Country 2021

Perhaps you should look at something besides commie propaganda.
the 16 percent values comes from adjusting for purchasing power parity. It gives a more valid result because it gives an idea of what the rest of the world could buy in the united states. It accounts for country specific effects, inflation, and exchange rate fluctuations. And thats communism, i guess.
Sorry bout that,

1. You have to see the one sidedness of the media, Biden can do no wrong.
2. Biden is the pilot of the crashing plane.
3. His VP is the co-pilot.
4. To be honest everyone saw this coming.
5. It can be researched on this site to see the terrible predictions of how bad Biden would be if ever he was President.
6. We are all citizens of this nation, and the leader affects us all, even those who didn't vote for him.
7. I'm standing here on the ground looking up at Biden's plane, with smoke streaming out both engines, headed for a wooded area on the edge of a mountain.
8. Might want to refuse this terrible impact you are headed for.
9. Just saying.

Sorry bout that,

1. The media is killing this nation.
2. By constantly looking past Biden's foibles.
3. And in collusion with the Democrats attacked anything Trump did or said.
4. This BS that Biden's restoring our global integrity is just that, BS.
5. The Democrats are all inside the plane of Biden's and its soon to crash.
6. Better to get out now, than to ride it down.

Sorry bout that,

1. The truth keeps marching on, and the truth of how the election of 2020 was stolen will come to light.
2. Thats when your plane will nosedive into the side of the wooded mountain.
3. At that point your party is over; (game over man), no one will hear of you again.

Sorry bout that,

1. Who can remember all those Biden rallies where only 4 people showed up? (hints of stolen election)
2. That about covers it.
3. Never did the media point that out!
4. Your flight is about to crash, no one will fault you if you get off now.
5. I'm here helping, I'm the best and only one who is coming to save you.
6. Might want to listen up; or go down in flames.

Sorry bout that,
1. The truth keeps marching on, and the truth of how the election of 2020 was stolen will come to light.
2. Thats when your plane will nosedive into the side of the wooded mountain.
3. At that point your party is over; (game over man), no one will hear of you again.

Thank you for sharing the video. I clocked in late today, but here's a reminder of what Steve Bannon said, and I can see why it is making some of our Democrat posters uncomfortable.
Steve Bannon's words on the opening video: "We’re coming up on the second anniversary of this show, Pandemic, and the third year, because we never held the Chinese Communist Party accountable for what went on. Nobody! Trump did it and that’s why they tried to run him out of – they did – try to run him out of office. And that’s why tonight in Arizona we’re throwing down, we’re going to decertify this. I don’t care if Merrick Garland does not like hearing it. If the FBI doesn’t like hearing it. I don’t care if – Jamie Raskin and Bennie Thompson… Suck on it. We’re going to decertify those electors. OK? In Arizona, in Wisconsin, in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in the state of Georgia. And you’re going to have to deal with it. You stole this election. And hear is what is so amazing, the irony of Divine Providence. God’s will. It is going to lead to the total and complete destruction of the Democratic Party!"​
This nation may be pulled into a war if the upcoming Pelosi bill to cancel Republicans for good with her corrupt voting practices bill ALSO has an obscure clause in it that will do away with the filibuster and thus destroy the Senate. That's just what Pelosi has been aiming at. The Eisenhower law of 1954 that excludes communism in this country actually has gone unused for too long. I am hoping the American people will rise up and boot the sociocommunists in the deep state for good. The last time our Republicans merely engaged in a peaceful protest on January 6, 2021, the Democrats put their foot to the neck of a hundred protesters who were unarmed, but asking hard questions.

The Democrat leadership blames everyone except Clinton-Pelosi-Waters-Schumer-Nadler-Schiff for the false narrative they are parroting through the most corrupt media on the planet--the Democrat press that is said to be getting paid bonanzas from the purses of billionaires to cancel President Trump, cancel the Republican Party, and feather the nest of Democrats to post their lies all over the net and parrot their same phrases du jour as soon as they find it. The election was a farce. A total heinous stab-and-grab power fiasco that put people in Congress who didn't win and put in a maddog President who doesn't know anything about anything except what the deep state unelected presidential arm-twisters are opposing on people who don't want to be involved with a communist country or become slaves to the state if all those gummint freebies are promised but will have to be withdrawn before Biden is forced out of office or dies when his dementia puts him in the hospital as confusion in standing and walking increases to the point of sitting in a wheelchair before his spine goes shortly thereafter. His you-can't-tell-me-what-to-do-Joe VP is unprepared. America has had enough nightmares this past year.

It is necessary to make sure those evil phony vote counts are purged and give the election back to the winner of it--President Trump.

Joe the Extortionist has put himself into temptation of profitting from the 300 Americans who die every week from Cartel poisonous drugs the cartels of Chino-Mex-Columb send over in stuffed toys and toyboxes of immigrant children, full of weaponized fentynl that will kill Americans and make room for the raped and lobotomized-by-torture victims of prison systems from all over the planet. If the courts are compromised by Hillary's stolen FBI files, and Pelosi gets her way to destroy all fairness in leadership, we the majority will have no recourse but one nobody wants or needs as all semblance of cooperation disappears from DC. Rapists are being portrayed as "dreamers" by Democrats who have fooled themselves and broken with the common people of America who serve others with their hard work with paychecks reduced by taxes supporting things they don't believe in and supporting leftist rioters who want the police defunded so they can take everything away from those who worked for a living all their lives..
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Sorry bout that,

1. Its coming.
2. And you won't like what's coming if you're a Democrat.
4. STEVE BANNON ON FIRE: "Suck On It! - We're Going to Decertify Those Electors... It's Going to Lead to the Total and Complete Destruction of the Democrat Party!" (VIDEO)
5. Love this, even thou it is late.
6. Bannon said, "SUCK ON IT!" love this saying of his.

There's a free mental health clinic at the corner of Lilac and East Valley.
-Agent K
Sorry bout that,

1. You have to see the one sidedness of the media, Biden can do no wrong.
2. Biden is the pilot of the crashing plane.
3. His VP is the co-pilot.
4. To be honest everyone saw this coming.
5. It can be researched on this site to see the terrible predictions of how bad Biden would be if ever he was President.
6. We are all citizens of this nation, and the leader affects us all, even those who didn't vote for him.
7. I'm standing here on the ground looking up at Biden's plane, with smoke streaming out both engines, headed for a wooded area on the edge of a mountain.
8. Might want to refuse this terrible impact you are headed for.
9. Just saying.

If that is true, then the trump/gop set the engines on fire.
Sorry bout that,

1. Its just a matter of time.
2. You my friend will sign into a mental ward, with glee.
3. Hey, you know where it is, at least you got that going for you!

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