Toyota Moving American HQ From Cal To Texas

Toyota has been an incredible benefit to Torrance. The civic center, the Symphony hall, the meditation garden, all from Toyota or Toyota executives.

To see this fine company run out of the states by liberals is a tragedy.
Not for Texas! Fuck California; you reap what you sow!

It really depends on the subsidy the people of Texas are going to pay for the Toyota move.
Luckily the US taxpayer is there to subsidise Texas so that they can lure businesses with the promise of no income or corporate tax.

Texas subsidizes the rest of the country. TRY AGAIN!

How do you figure that when Texas receives more from the federal government than it contributes?
Then it goes out and makes low/no tax offers to businesses...what a great scam.

I guess there's only so much of Governor Moon Beam that anybody can take.

This is a Big Deal, people

Toyota To Move Jobs And Marketing Headquarters From Liberal California To Conservative Texas…


Another win for Perry and the state of Texas.

Via LA Times:
Toyota to move jobs and marketing headquarters from Torrance to Texas -

Toyota Motor Corp. plans to move large numbers of jobs from its sales and marketing headquarters in Torrance to suburban Dallas, according to a person familiar with the automaker’s plans.

The move, creating a new North American headquarters, would put management of Toyota’s U.S. business close to where it builds most cars for this market.

North American Chief Executive Jim Lentz is expected to brief employees Monday, said the person, who was not authorized to speak publicly. Toyota declined to detail its plans. About 5,300 people work at Toyota’s Torrance complex. It is unclear how many workers will be asked to move to Texas. The move is expected to take several years.

Toyota has long been a Southern California fixture. Its first U.S. office opened in a closed Rambler dealership in Hollywood in 1957. The site is now a Toyota dealership. In 1958, its first year of sales, Toyota sold just 288 vehicles — 287 Toyopet Crown sedans and one Land Cruiser. Last year, Toyota sold more than 2.2 million vehicles in the U.S.

The U.S. branch picked Los Angeles for its first headquarters because of proximity to the port complex — where it imported cars — and easy airline access to Tokyo. As Toyota grew, it opened its national sales and marketing headquarters in Torrance in 1982. The complex, built where its parts distribution warehouse was once located, now has 2 million square feet of office space. But today, about 75% of the Toyota branded vehicles sold in the U.S. are built in America — many of them at plants in Texas, Mississippi and Kentucky.

Yeah, right. Toyota is moving because they can't stand California anymore.

Yeah...those people are gonna love it there....for about 3 months. :D

Hopefully they won't come at all, too damned many libs in the DFW area as it is.
1. Texas is not as red as you think. In fact, Republicans aren't even guaranteed to win the governorship in November.

2. Businesses aren't leaving California in droves like you think, in fact California is adding jobs at a faster rate than Texas. If you are truly naive to think all businesses are trying to leave California, then you are too far blinded by red that it has clouded your logical thought process.

Your own link doesnt support what you say. You are a liar. What a shock.
Businesses are fleeing Kalifornia because of the high taxes and anti business attitudes there. ANd yes, Texas is the chief beneficiary of all that.
Note from the OP that Toyota produces many cars in the US, all of them in red states.
I guess there's only so much of Governor Moon Beam that anybody can take.

This is a Big Deal, people

Toyota To Move Jobs And Marketing Headquarters From Liberal California To Conservative Texas…


Another win for Perry and the state of Texas.

Via LA Times:
Toyota to move jobs and marketing headquarters from Torrance to Texas -

Toyota Motor Corp. plans to move large numbers of jobs from its sales and marketing headquarters in Torrance to suburban Dallas, according to a person familiar with the automaker’s plans.

The move, creating a new North American headquarters, would put management of Toyota’s U.S. business close to where it builds most cars for this market.

North American Chief Executive Jim Lentz is expected to brief employees Monday, said the person, who was not authorized to speak publicly. Toyota declined to detail its plans. About 5,300 people work at Toyota’s Torrance complex. It is unclear how many workers will be asked to move to Texas. The move is expected to take several years.

Toyota has long been a Southern California fixture. Its first U.S. office opened in a closed Rambler dealership in Hollywood in 1957. The site is now a Toyota dealership. In 1958, its first year of sales, Toyota sold just 288 vehicles — 287 Toyopet Crown sedans and one Land Cruiser. Last year, Toyota sold more than 2.2 million vehicles in the U.S.

The U.S. branch picked Los Angeles for its first headquarters because of proximity to the port complex — where it imported cars — and easy airline access to Tokyo. As Toyota grew, it opened its national sales and marketing headquarters in Torrance in 1982. The complex, built where its parts distribution warehouse was once located, now has 2 million square feet of office space. But today, about 75% of the Toyota branded vehicles sold in the U.S. are built in America — many of them at plants in Texas, Mississippi and Kentucky.

Yeah, right. Toyota is moving because they can't stand California anymore.


Gee, CA, IL, NY. Businesses fleeing these states for red states. What does that say about liberal policies?
Gee, CA, IL, NY. Businesses fleeing these states for red states. What does that say about liberal policies?

What it says is really quite simple....

socialism, communism, et al have never been able to uplift anybody or anything.

In order for people to be 'equal' they have to make everybody equally miserable. And the best way, the ONLY way, to accomplish that is through the Federal Government.

That is their goal. To make everybody equally poor. Except themselves, of course.

Most of you, especially our brain-dead libs, wouldn't remember but officials from the former Soviet Gulag called the USSR were anything BUT poor. Far from it.

While their own people were eating potato soup from breakfast, lunch and dinner.... While they were standing in line for a new pair of shoes for 10 hours after waiting 2 years for a ration card to purchase them, while they had to order a car 5 years in advance..... And PAY for it at the time of the order....

While all this was going on their officials, their nomenklatura, their bureacrats, their apparatchiks, were flying high in Switzerland, the Italian and French Alps, the French, Italian and Spanish Riviera and skiing in Chile, spending money like it wasn't their own.

Which, of course, it wasn't.

That's the type of system dimocrap scum want here.

Just look at the lying cocksucker in chief..... That piece of shit lectures us about the horrors of AGW and then promptly flies Air Force 1 to a Golf Outing, burning 800 Tonnes of Carbon in the process.

While on vacation in Hawaii, his Sasquatch decides to not go on the same flight as him because -- Who knows why? Maybe she caught him and Reggie in the closet -- Again.

So what does the Liar in Chief do? He has another Air Force Jet, dedicated to only her, to fly her to Hawaii later on.

dimocraps are stupid. I mean.... Really stupid.

Before the virus, before the disease hit here (socialism, etc) we could sit back and watch as other Countries imploded due to its use. And we could laugh at them.

Most of Europe, Canada, South America and, most of all of course, the Russians.

Parts of Europe wised up.... Notably Germany and the UK. Russia's entire economy and political structure collapsed, the PIIGS (Portugal, Iceland, Ireland, Greece and Spain) are still trying to recover from their stupidity. And Canada went Conservative back in the mid-90s

We can't laugh anymore, people. We need to take this shit seriously.

Because, if we don't..... the socialists (aka; dimocrap scum) WILL do to us what they did to the PIIGS. If we don't wise up and throw the morons out like they did in Germany and Canada, they WILL fuck this Country up.

It's no longer a laughing matter
Gee, CA, IL, NY. Businesses fleeing these states for red states. What does that say about liberal policies?

What it says is really quite simple....

socialism, communism, et al have never been able to uplift anybody or anything.

In order for people to be 'equal' they have to make everybody equally miserable. And the best way, the ONLY way, to accomplish that is through the Federal Government.

That is their goal. To make everybody equally poor. Except themselves, of course.

Most of you, especially our brain-dead libs, wouldn't remember but officials from the former Soviet Gulag called the USSR were anything BUT poor. Far from it.

While their own people were eating potato soup from breakfast, lunch and dinner.... While they were standing in line for a new pair of shoes for 10 hours after waiting 2 years for a ration card to purchase them, while they had to order a car 5 years in advance..... And PAY for it at the time of the order....

While all this was going on their officials, their nomenklatura, their bureacrats, their apparatchiks, were flying high in Switzerland, the Italian and French Alps, the French, Italian and Spanish Riviera and skiing in Chile, spending money like it wasn't their own.

Which, of course, it wasn't.

That's the type of system dimocrap scum want here.

Just look at the lying cocksucker in chief..... That piece of shit lectures us about the horrors of AGW and then promptly flies Air Force 1 to a Golf Outing, burning 800 Tonnes of Carbon in the process.

While on vacation in Hawaii, his Sasquatch decides to not go on the same flight as him because -- Who knows why? Maybe she caught him and Reggie in the closet -- Again.

So what does the Liar in Chief do? He has another Air Force Jet, dedicated to only her, to fly her to Hawaii later on.

dimocraps are stupid. I mean.... Really stupid.

Before the virus, before the disease hit here (socialism, etc) we could sit back and watch as other Countries imploded due to its use. And we could laugh at them.

Most of Europe, Canada, South America and, most of all of course, the Russians.

Parts of Europe wised up.... Notably Germany and the UK. Russia's entire economy and political structure collapsed, the PIIGS (Portugal, Iceland, Ireland, Greece and Spain) are still trying to recover from their stupidity. And Canada went Conservative back in the mid-90s

We can't laugh anymore, people. We need to take this shit seriously.

Because, if we don't..... the socialists (aka; dimocrap scum) WILL do to us what they did to the PIIGS. If we don't wise up and throw the morons out like they did in Germany and Canada, they WILL fuck this Country up.

It's no longer a laughing matter

1. You sound very angry.

2. The greatest time for the middle class in this country was in the 1950s. The top tax rate in this country was 91%. The worst time? 1928 and 2008. The top tax rate? 25% and 35% respectfully. So we already know for a
fact that the greatest wealth disparity in a country is when they have begin to have market crashes and stagnant wages for the middle class. When that occurs, it is not good for a country's overall economic health.

3. You said "throw the morons out." But then you call the "dimocraps" communists. Wanting to throw people out if a country based on different political beliefs was want communist did. I just like to point out the irony in your statement.

4. And Canada is conservative? They have socialized medicine, subsidized child care, and paid vacations for all workers. If that's truly what conservatives want, I'll stand behind you 100%.

5. Businesses aren't fleeing those 3 states. Headquarters in an increasing globalized world aren't as important anymore. They still need strategic locations near ports and Calfornia/New York provide those. If you truly think that ALL businesses are trying to leave those states, you are hopelessly blinded by red.

My 6th and final point.

Conservatives need to understand that you can't do everything for businesses. Businesses don't care about the people, only their bottom line. If you do everything for businesses, you sell out the people that need protect from predatory businesses. Our government is suppose to be run by We the people, not We the corporations.
Last edited:
Gee, CA, IL, NY. Businesses fleeing these states for red states. What does that say about liberal policies?

What it says is really quite simple....

socialism, communism, et al have never been able to uplift anybody or anything.

In order for people to be 'equal' they have to make everybody equally miserable. And the best way, the ONLY way, to accomplish that is through the Federal Government.

That is their goal. To make everybody equally poor. Except themselves, of course.

Most of you, especially our brain-dead libs, wouldn't remember but officials from the former Soviet Gulag called the USSR were anything BUT poor. Far from it.

While their own people were eating potato soup from breakfast, lunch and dinner.... While they were standing in line for a new pair of shoes for 10 hours after waiting 2 years for a ration card to purchase them, while they had to order a car 5 years in advance..... And PAY for it at the time of the order....

While all this was going on their officials, their nomenklatura, their bureacrats, their apparatchiks, were flying high in Switzerland, the Italian and French Alps, the French, Italian and Spanish Riviera and skiing in Chile, spending money like it wasn't their own.

Which, of course, it wasn't.

That's the type of system dimocrap scum want here.

Just look at the lying cocksucker in chief..... That piece of shit lectures us about the horrors of AGW and then promptly flies Air Force 1 to a Golf Outing, burning 800 Tonnes of Carbon in the process.

While on vacation in Hawaii, his Sasquatch decides to not go on the same flight as him because -- Who knows why? Maybe she caught him and Reggie in the closet -- Again.

So what does the Liar in Chief do? He has another Air Force Jet, dedicated to only her, to fly her to Hawaii later on.

dimocraps are stupid. I mean.... Really stupid.

Before the virus, before the disease hit here (socialism, etc) we could sit back and watch as other Countries imploded due to its use. And we could laugh at them.

Most of Europe, Canada, South America and, most of all of course, the Russians.

Parts of Europe wised up.... Notably Germany and the UK. Russia's entire economy and political structure collapsed, the PIIGS (Portugal, Iceland, Ireland, Greece and Spain) are still trying to recover from their stupidity. And Canada went Conservative back in the mid-90s

We can't laugh anymore, people. We need to take this shit seriously.

Because, if we don't..... the socialists (aka; dimocrap scum) WILL do to us what they did to the PIIGS. If we don't wise up and throw the morons out like they did in Germany and Canada, they WILL fuck this Country up.

It's no longer a laughing matter

1. You sound very angry.

2. The greatest time for the middle class in this country was in the 1950s. The top tax rate in this country was 91%. The worst time? 1928 and 2008. The top tax rate? 25% and 35% respectfully. So we already know for a
fact that the greatest wealth disparity in a country is when they have begin to have market crashes and stagnant wages for the middle class. When that occurs, it is not good for a country's overall economic health.

3. You said "throw the morons out." But then you call the "dimocraps" communists. Wanting to throw people out if a country based on different political beliefs was want communist did. I just like to point out the irony in your statement.

4. And Canada is conservative? They have socialized medicine, subsidized child care, and paid vacations for all workers. If that's truly what conservatives want, I'll stand behind you 100%.

5. Businesses aren't fleeing those 3 states. Headquarters in an increasing globalized world aren't as important anymore. They still need strategic locations near ports and Calfornia/New York provide those. If you truly think that ALL businesses are trying to leave those states, you are hopelessly blinded by red.

My 6th and final point.

Conservatives need to understand that you can't do everything for businesses. Businesses don't care about the people, only their bottom line. If you do everything for businesses, you sell out the people that need protect from predatory businesses. Our government is suppose to be run by We the people, not We the corporations.

1. You sound very clueless.
2.Correlation is not causation. Comparing top rates is tough because many other features in the tax code changed.
3. Edge wants to throw Dimocraps out of office. Reading is your friend.
4.Canada has voted for conservative candidates for some time. The news is your friend.
5. The evidence is businesses are fleeing high tax, high regulation states. Facts are not your friends.
My sixth point: liberals need to understand you dont help anyone by punishing success. Society does not have a claim on someone's earnings because "he didnt build that." Businesses and people pay plenty of taxes. Most of those taxes are squandered on waste. Government needs to get its own house in order before asking for more money.
Gee, CA, IL, NY. Businesses fleeing these states for red states. What does that say about liberal policies?

It says that liberal states are supporting moocher states like Texas.
What mugs.
California Dumbos are too stupid to realize the consequences of their overregulation and excessive taxes.
1. Texas is not as red as you think. In fact, Republicans aren't even guaranteed to win the governorship in November.

2. Businesses aren't leaving California in droves like you think, in fact California is adding jobs at a faster rate than Texas. If you are truly naive to think all businesses are trying to leave California, then you are too far blinded by red that it has clouded your logical thought process.

California is adding jobs "at a faster rate" than Texas?



Your link actually says:

As a percent of population, California's growth again outpaced the national average over the last year, rising 0.9%, or 332,643 new residents, compared with 0.7% nationwide.

But in raw numbers, Texas added the most residents, 387,397.

An improving state economy in the second half of 2013 may augur faster growth in California, but Texas still has an advantage because of its energy-based economy and a population that is trending younger.
What it says is really quite simple....

socialism, communism, et al have never been able to uplift anybody or anything.

In order for people to be 'equal' they have to make everybody equally miserable. And the best way, the ONLY way, to accomplish that is through the Federal Government.

That is their goal. To make everybody equally poor. Except themselves, of course.

Most of you, especially our brain-dead libs, wouldn't remember but officials from the former Soviet Gulag called the USSR were anything BUT poor. Far from it.

While their own people were eating potato soup from breakfast, lunch and dinner.... While they were standing in line for a new pair of shoes for 10 hours after waiting 2 years for a ration card to purchase them, while they had to order a car 5 years in advance..... And PAY for it at the time of the order....

While all this was going on their officials, their nomenklatura, their bureacrats, their apparatchiks, were flying high in Switzerland, the Italian and French Alps, the French, Italian and Spanish Riviera and skiing in Chile, spending money like it wasn't their own.

Which, of course, it wasn't.

That's the type of system dimocrap scum want here.

Just look at the lying cocksucker in chief..... That piece of shit lectures us about the horrors of AGW and then promptly flies Air Force 1 to a Golf Outing, burning 800 Tonnes of Carbon in the process.

While on vacation in Hawaii, his Sasquatch decides to not go on the same flight as him because -- Who knows why? Maybe she caught him and Reggie in the closet -- Again.

So what does the Liar in Chief do? He has another Air Force Jet, dedicated to only her, to fly her to Hawaii later on.

dimocraps are stupid. I mean.... Really stupid.

Before the virus, before the disease hit here (socialism, etc) we could sit back and watch as other Countries imploded due to its use. And we could laugh at them.

Most of Europe, Canada, South America and, most of all of course, the Russians.

Parts of Europe wised up.... Notably Germany and the UK. Russia's entire economy and political structure collapsed, the PIIGS (Portugal, Iceland, Ireland, Greece and Spain) are still trying to recover from their stupidity. And Canada went Conservative back in the mid-90s

We can't laugh anymore, people. We need to take this shit seriously.

Because, if we don't..... the socialists (aka; dimocrap scum) WILL do to us what they did to the PIIGS. If we don't wise up and throw the morons out like they did in Germany and Canada, they WILL fuck this Country up.

It's no longer a laughing matter

1. You sound very angry.

2. The greatest time for the middle class in this country was in the 1950s. The top tax rate in this country was 91%. The worst time? 1928 and 2008. The top tax rate? 25% and 35% respectfully. So we already know for a
fact that the greatest wealth disparity in a country is when they have begin to have market crashes and stagnant wages for the middle class. When that occurs, it is not good for a country's overall economic health.

3. You said "throw the morons out." But then you call the "dimocraps" communists. Wanting to throw people out if a country based on different political beliefs was want communist did. I just like to point out the irony in your statement.

4. And Canada is conservative? They have socialized medicine, subsidized child care, and paid vacations for all workers. If that's truly what conservatives want, I'll stand behind you 100%.

5. Businesses aren't fleeing those 3 states. Headquarters in an increasing globalized world aren't as important anymore. They still need strategic locations near ports and Calfornia/New York provide those. If you truly think that ALL businesses are trying to leave those states, you are hopelessly blinded by red.

My 6th and final point.

Conservatives need to understand that you can't do everything for businesses. Businesses don't care about the people, only their bottom line. If you do everything for businesses, you sell out the people that need protect from predatory businesses. Our government is suppose to be run by We the people, not We the corporations.

1. You sound very clueless.
2.Correlation is not causation. Comparing top rates is tough because many other features in the tax code changed.
3. Edge wants to throw Dimocraps out of office. Reading is your friend.
4.Canada has voted for conservative candidates for some time. The news is your friend.
5. The evidence is businesses are fleeing high tax, high regulation states. Facts are not your friends.
My sixth point: liberals need to understand you dont help anyone by punishing success. Society does not have a claim on someone's earnings because "he didnt build that." Businesses and people pay plenty of taxes. Most of those taxes are squandered on waste. Government needs to get its own house in order before asking for more money.


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