Traitor Merkel takes pork off the menu in Germany so as to not offend Muslim refugees

And your side refers to conservatives as the "American Taliban" so yeah, you deserve anything we say about you.
I admit I misread the OP.

You did not have to assault me to get me to re-read the OP.

Calling me:

A knave, a rascal, an eater of broken meats; a base, proud, shallow, beggarly, three-suited, hundred-pound, filthy, worsted-stocking knave; a lily-livered, action-taking knave; a whoreson, glass-gazing, super-serviceable finical rogue; one-trunk-inheriting slave; one that wouldst be a bawd in way of good service; and art nothing but the composition of a knave, beggar, coward, pander, and the son and heir of a mongrel bitch; one whom I will beat into clamorous whining if thou deniest the least syllable of thy addition.

Was an insane over-reaction.

I know this is standard MO for liberals and you won't apologize.


I didn't "call" you anything, clown.

It's a quote from Shakespeare, and it appears at the bottom of every post I make. It's called a "signature".

you don't really think he's ever read King Lear, do you?
And your side refers to conservatives as the "American Taliban" so yeah, you deserve anything we say about you.
You sound like a nine-year-old – which explains a lot.

And the only conservatives who are appropriately referred to as the American Taliban are those who seek to violate the privacy rights of women and equal protection rights of gay Americans using their religious beliefs as 'justification,' or who seek to codify their religious dogma into secular law in violation of the First Amendment.

Conservatives who acknowledge and respect the privacy rights of women and equal protection rights of gay Americans, and who oppose codifying religious dogma into secular law in accordance with the Constitution are not so described.
And your side refers to conservatives as the "American Taliban" so yeah, you deserve anything we say about you.
You sound like a nine-year-old – which explains a lot.

And the only conservatives who are appropriately referred to as the American Taliban are those who seek to violate the privacy rights of women and equal protection rights of gay Americans using their religious beliefs as 'justification,' or who seek to codify their religious dogma into secular law in violation of the First Amendment.

Conservatives who acknowledge and respect the privacy rights of women and equal protection rights of gay Americans, and who oppose codifying religious dogma into secular law in accordance with the Constitution are not so described.

Unfortunately any true conservatives who keep religion in its place are reviled by "the base" as RINO's and don't stand a snowball's chance of getting through the primary.
And your side refers to conservatives as the "American Taliban" so yeah, you deserve anything we say about you.
You sound like a nine-year-old – which explains a lot.

And the only conservatives who are appropriately referred to as the American Taliban are those who seek to violate the privacy rights of women and equal protection rights of gay Americans using their religious beliefs as 'justification,' or who seek to codify their religious dogma into secular law in violation of the First Amendment.

Conservatives who acknowledge and respect the privacy rights of women and equal protection rights of gay Americans, and who oppose codifying religious dogma into secular law in accordance with the Constitution are not so described.

Unfortunately any true conservatives who keep religion in its place are reviled by "the base" as RINO's and don't stand a snowball's chance of getting through the primary.

Holy crap are you serious?
Trump seems far from an evangelical.
And your side refers to conservatives as the "American Taliban" so yeah, you deserve anything we say about you.
You sound like a nine-year-old – which explains a lot.

And the only conservatives who are appropriately referred to as the American Taliban are those who seek to violate the privacy rights of women and equal protection rights of gay Americans using their religious beliefs as 'justification,' or who seek to codify their religious dogma into secular law in violation of the First Amendment.

Conservatives who acknowledge and respect the privacy rights of women and equal protection rights of gay Americans, and who oppose codifying religious dogma into secular law in accordance with the Constitution are not so described.
Guess what asshole, you don't get to decide who's a conservative.
Good because each day now Traitor Bitch Merkel digs her own hole bigger and bigger....we're actually now cheering her on with all of this stuff....each move is another inch toward German people uprising....the last straw should be forcing FORCING another 2 million Muslim savages into Germany. This will happen, as Germany is going to be forced to take ALL of them.

When this is completed, probably early Summer....well, yes....uprising of the people.

Trust me, there are people with ear on ground reporting back about the real mood of most sections of society, they cannot publically speak, thanks to the Traitor Bitch Merkel Neo-Stasi, but they can and do speak in....shall we say in other ways.
Ever since the end of WW-II the German people have undergone such intensive de-programming to eliminate the militant, nationalistic orientation imparted to them by the Hitler years that I wonder if it's possible to awaken the will necessary for them to effectively resist the influence and ultimate goals of politicians like Merkel.

I am frankly surprised (and a bit disappointed) there has not been a significantly violent retaliatory response to the recent incident of mass sexual abuse of German women. I was expecting something by now from the skinheads and neo-Nazis. But nothing.

Are the German civil police willing to take sides against German nationals who respond appropriately to so-called "asylum seekers" who have the audacity to behave that way?
And your side refers to conservatives as the "American Taliban" so yeah, you deserve anything we say about you.
You sound like a nine-year-old – which explains a lot.

And the only conservatives who are appropriately referred to as the American Taliban are those who seek to violate the privacy rights of women and equal protection rights of gay Americans using their religious beliefs as 'justification,' or who seek to codify their religious dogma into secular law in violation of the First Amendment.

Conservatives who acknowledge and respect the privacy rights of women and equal protection rights of gay Americans, and who oppose codifying religious dogma into secular law in accordance with the Constitution are not so described.
Guess what asshole, you don't get to decide who's a conservative.
You're pretty angry for someone that's so wrong.
GERMANY BANS SAUSAGES: Pork banned in cafes and schools to 'not offend refugees'

Germany without pork is like America without beef. It makes no goddamn sense.

Western civilization is chartering a path towards its own destruction.

The fanatic anti-immigrant right-wing is getting more popular in Europe, and here in the states we have Trump.

This will not end well.

Your article doesn't say a think about Merkel taking pork off the menu. It actually said this:

Now members of Chancellor Angela Merkel’s CDU party are fighting to keep pork on the menu, insisting the consumption of pork is part of German culture.

GERMANY BANS SAUSAGES: Pork banned in cafes and schools to 'not offend refugees'

Why are you lying about your own article?
Hilarious. Brief summary of the article:

- A few schools and businesses (insignificant amount) decide of their own accord to stop serving pork

- Angela Merkel's party comes out in defense of pork, saying it is part of German culture and urging businesses to continue serving pork

- Conclusion by RWNJ Americans: Traitor Merkel's fault

But anyways, if you run a business that serves pork and decided to stop because of some made up magical nonsense, then you're a pussy. can't fix stupid.
And your side refers to conservatives as the "American Taliban" so yeah, you deserve anything we say about you.

Says the liar that made up explicit, calculated lies. Why would I trust anything you say now, liar?
And your side refers to conservatives as the "American Taliban" so yeah, you deserve anything we say about you.
You sound like a nine-year-old – which explains a lot.

And the only conservatives who are appropriately referred to as the American Taliban are those who seek to violate the privacy rights of women and equal protection rights of gay Americans using their religious beliefs as 'justification,' or who seek to codify their religious dogma into secular law in violation of the First Amendment.

Conservatives who acknowledge and respect the privacy rights of women and equal protection rights of gay Americans, and who oppose codifying religious dogma into secular law in accordance with the Constitution are not so described.
Guess what asshole, you don't get to decide who's a conservative.
Just as you don't get to decide what others believe.
Traitor Merkel takes pork off the menu in Germany so as to not offend Muslim refugees

How strange that Merkel would issue such an order and then fight to defeat her order......

Now members of Chancellor Angela Merkel’s CDU party are fighting to keep pork on the menu, insisting the consumption of pork is part of German culture.
And your side refers to conservatives as the "American Taliban" so yeah, you deserve anything we say about you.
You sound like a nine-year-old – which explains a lot.

And the only conservatives who are appropriately referred to as the American Taliban are those who seek to violate the privacy rights of women and equal protection rights of gay Americans using their religious beliefs as 'justification,' or who seek to codify their religious dogma into secular law in violation of the First Amendment.

Conservatives who acknowledge and respect the privacy rights of women and equal protection rights of gay Americans, and who oppose codifying religious dogma into secular law in accordance with the Constitution are not so described.
Guess what asshole, you don't get to decide who's a conservative.
You're a bigot and liar – your unwarranted, blind hatred has also rendered you a fool.

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