Traitor or Patriot? Discussing Mark Meadows.


Now we know why Trump's asseaters like Gym Shorts Jordan ranted & raved against finding Meadows in contempt.

That son of a bitch wanted the election overturned.
They wanted fraud investigated. That would have over turned the election. Congress passed. They were complicit.
Yea a court told him to come in. So what? The FBI should have picked him up, slapped cuffs on his sorry ass & made him do the perp walk like they'd do to the rest of us.
The FBI stopped doing "to the rest of us" a while ago. Their targets are now strictly political.
They wanted fraud investigated. That would have over turned the election. Congress passed. They were complicit.
There was no widespread fraud, you moron. And multiple investigations & audits have shown that along with Trump's own AG who said the fraud allegations were all BULLSHIT.

Got it or are you going to continue with your stupid nonsense? You're being played by a mob of lowlife criminals led by Trump.
It is a political lynching by the left. Nothing more and nothing less. Most of the fuckers pushing this should be in jail for the crap they have done while serving.

I don't give a damn about the lot of them.
There was no widespread fraud, you moron. And multiple investigations & audits have shown that along with Trump's own AG who said the fraud allegations were all BULLSHIT.

Got it or are you going to continue with your stupid nonsense?
If there was not why didn't Congress investigate to meet the demands of the voters? They did nothing.
If there was not why didn't Congress investigate to meet the demands of the voters? They did nothing.
Congress didn't investigate because numerous audits & Trump's own AG said the allegations were BULLSHIT. And numerous audits in numerous states have shown that it is bullshit because Trump is a liar along with his lackeys who parrot him. That's why.

You are being played. Period.
The January 6th House Committee may be filing criminal contempt charges against Mark Meadows if he continues to refuse to cooperate with their investigation. If Meadows is truly innocent then it shouldn't be a problem for him to come forward and lay out that case. The people have a right to know if malfeasance truly occurred or not.

Executive Privilege is clearly written out in our Nation's highest law of the land, the U.S. Constitution. The U.S. President and other members of the Executive Branch (including the White House Chief of Staff) have the privilege to maintain confidential communications within that branch and are allowed to resist subpoenas and other oversight by the legislative and judicial branches of our government.
It's been used since our very first president, George Washington. The Democrat Party has also used it.
What we are faced with now, is no longer the Democrat of decades ago, but rather, a party that is clearly leaning towards Marxism and its autocratic style of leadership. Very disturbing.
Nope but we were there. Just look it up dumbass. See what's left of the consulate. You really are a whiny little shit.
It is the truth, liar.

They were compromised and potential witnesses involved in what they were to investigate, she accepted the other three representatives submitted by McCarthy. who were all Trump supporters, and McCarthy could have added two to replace Jordan and Banks, but McCarthy CHOSE not to.

Putting Jordan and Banks as his picks was purposely done by McCarthy, so Nancy would reject them, for both being compromised, and McCarthy would have an excuse to just pull out of the investigation. This was the second investigation that Republicans had their chance at, but rejected, because Trump told McCarthy NOT to participate in any 1/6 investigation, not a 9/11 type Commission, and not a select committee by the House.

I Wondered why at the time Trump with McCarthy didn't want any investigation done on 1/6....but NOW WE KNOW why...don't we?
Now again if found guilty, but you will claim attempting to overthrow an election is not worthy of a hanging but I bet our Founding Father’s would disagree….
I'm not certain they would agree to hanging or not? I think the death penalty would be reserved for a hard coup de' tat.... warring and lots of death involved and not for a soft coup.... which is STILL going on btw, only in slow motion. :(

With all the president's men....Nixon administration, they most all did jail time, for a year or two....
Granted, what they all did, was not sedition, or treason. Nixon flew free...pardoned before charges brought....supposedly to heal the country, so we could move on... and probably not to broadcast the corruption of our President to all other countries in the world???

Trump not accepting emails or texts or calls, without going through meadows, like any good mob boss, keeps the dirty works, from sticking to Teflon Don...he can claim he knew nothing....that's how it works with the mafioso, and his M/O his entire life from what I've seen...

But if, a big if, it ever came down to your exampled scenario, President Biden would commute the former President's punishment. Imo.
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Executive Privilege is clearly written out in our Nation's highest law of the land, the U.S. Constitution. The U.S. President and other members of the Executive Branch (including the White House Chief of Staff) have the privilege to maintain confidential communications within that branch and are allowed to resist subpoenas and other oversight by the legislative and judicial branches of our government.
It's been used since our very first president, George Washington. The Democrat Party has also used it.
What we are faced with now, is no longer the Democrat of decades ago, but rather, a party that is clearly leaning towards Marxism and its autocratic style of leadership. Very disturbing.
Meadows lost any possible claim of Executive Privilege when he published his book.
I'm not certain they would agree to hanging or not? I think the death penalty would be reserved for a hard coup de' tat.... warring and lots of death involved and not for a soft coup.... which is STILL going on btw, only in slow motion. :(

With all the president's men....Nixon administration, they most all did jail time, for a year or two....
Granted, what they all did, was not sedition, or treason. Nixon flew free...pardoned before charges brought....supposedly to heal the country, so we could move on... and probably not to broadcast the corruption of our President to all other countries in the world???

Trump not accepting emails or texts or calls, without going through meadows, like any good mob boss, keeps the dirty works, from sticking to Teflon Don...he can claim he knew nothing....that's how it works with the mafioso, and his M/O his entire life from what I've seen...

But if, a big if, it ever came down to your exampled scenario, President Biden would commute the former President's punishment. Imo.
My personal opinion is this and if proven and found guilty no matter who they are they should be given the harshest penalty allowed no matter what it is to set an example once and for all!

I am sick of the wannabe tyrant’s that have ruined this fine nation and sullied our Government and Election System and believe in the harshest punishment possible!

No matter what it is!
The January 6th House Committee may be filing criminal contempt charges against Mark Meadows if he continues to refuse to cooperate with their investigation. If Meadows is truly innocent then it shouldn't be a problem for him to come forward and lay out that case. The people have a right to know if malfeasance truly occurred or not.

Did Hillary Clinton ever cooperate? She lied to Congress, smashed 17 Devices with a hammer, and deleted 30,000 emails which had a court order against doing such a thing.

Exactly what happened to her? Did she get charged with anything? Even when they found copies of the emails she deleted on Weiner's laptop? Did they charge her with anything? When she received $125 Million from Putin for pushing through the Uranium One deal, did she get charged? When she lied about Benghazi did she get charged?

When Obama, Clinton, and Biden paid Putin $13 Million dollars for a lying "Dirty Dossier" full of KGB propaganda used to try to alter and impact the 2016 election and then later used to defraud the FISA court and spy on a presidential candidate and later used that same lying dossier to launch a bureaucratic COUP two impeachments, and a fake Mueller investigation, did anyone get in trouble except for the hand slaps given to a few people like McCabe, Comey, Strozk, Baker, Page, Yates, Ohr and on and on and on?

Yes, even the worst of these will be living off of their million dollar Gov pensions paid for by the taxpayers for the rest of their lives and beyond.

When Clinton and Schultz hired Pakistani hackers with criminal records to hack in to Congressional records to leverage whatever dirt they could against Congress, did anything happen to either of them? When the FBI just turned their heads and let the Pakistani hackers leave the country and found 30 smashed hard drives in the garage of the house they were staying in, did Hillary Clinton get in trouble? Even after she kept one of them on her staff? The same hacker who was a Bernie Sanders fan and found out that Clinton had rigged her own primary in 2016 to keep Sanders from getting the nomination? That guy who got so pissed about that, that he handed over Clinton emails to Seth Rich who passed them on to, who then gave them to Julian Assange.

Seth Rich was murdered over that, Julian Assange is a political prisoner in jail without a trial date set, and Hillary Clinton is a free and wealthy woman.

And Meadows had his text messages altered by Adam Schiff, but Meadows is the one on the hot seat?
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I'm sure you talked with a lot of people who fell for trump's big lie too. The fact that you associate with so many idiots that believe conspiracy theories says more about you than anything else.
What lie was that? You seem to know a lot about lying! Is it your job to promote lies? You seem quite proficient at it.
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