Traitor or Patriot? Discussing Mark Meadows.

Did Hillary Clinton ever cooperate? She lied to Congress, smashed 17 Devices with a hammer, and deleted 30,000 emails which had a court order against doing such a thing.

Exactly what happened to her? Did she get charged with anything? Even when they found copies of the emails she deleted on Weiner's laptop? Did they charge her with anything? When she received $125 Million from Putin for pushing through the Uranium One deal, did she get charged? When she lied about Benghazi did she get charged?

When Obama, Clinton, and Biden paid Putin $13 Million dollars for a lying "Dirty Dossier" full of KGB propaganda used to try to alter and impact the 2016 election and then later used to defraud the FISA court and spy on a presidential candidate and later used that same lying dossier to launch a bureaucratic COUP two impeachments, and a fake Mueller investigation, did anyone get in trouble except for the hand slaps given to a few people like McCabe, Comey, Strozk, Baker, Page, Yates, Ohr and on and on and on?

Yes, even the worst of these will be living off of their million dollar Gov pensions paid for by the taxpayers for the rest of their lives and beyond.

When Clinton and Schultz hired Pakistani hackers with criminal records to hack in to Congressional records to leverage whatever dirt they could against Congress, did anything happen to either of them? When the FBI just turned their heads and let the Pakistani hackers leave the country and found 30 smashed hard drives in the garage of the house they were staying in, did Hillary Clinton get in trouble? Even after she kept one of them on her staff? The same hacker who was a Bernie Sanders fan and found out that Clinton had rigged her own primary in 2016 to keep Sanders from getting the nomination? That guy who got so pissed about that, that he handed over Clinton emails to Seth Rich who passed them on to, who then gave them to Julian Assange.

Seth Rich was murdered over that, Julian Assange is a political prisoner in jail without a trial date set, and Hillary Clinton is a free and wealthy woman.

And Meadows had his text messages altered by Adam Schiff, but Meadows is the one on the hot seat?
Hillary Clinton testified before Congress for 11 hours.

Ya kinda forgot that huh?
Hillary Clinton testified before Congress for 11 hours.

Ya kinda forgot that huh?
But she did not actually cooperate and though she committed crimes, she was never charged with anything. She lied to Congress and was not even held in contempt. Only Eric Holder got nailed with that. And he should have lied in my opinion because he is a criminal and had he told the actual truth, he would have been sent away or murdered for his role in Uranium One deal and Fast and Furious and other crooked criminal operations he was involved in. Can you explain that? Can you explain why Clinton and Holder are not in jail?

Why was the entire Trump family called before Congress, and Hunter Biden is shielded from any questioning?
But she did not actually cooperate and though she committed crimes, she was never charged with anything. She lied to Congress and was not even held in contempt. Only Eric Holder got nailed with that. And he should have lied in my opinion because he is a criminal and had he told the actual truth, he would have been sent away or murdered for his role in Uranium One deal and Fast and Furious and other crooked criminal operations he was involved in. Can you explain that? Can you explain why Clinton and Holder are not in jail?

Why was the entire Trump family called before Congress, and Hunter Biden is shielded from any questioning?

Hunter Biden doesn't work in the WH..
But she did not actually cooperate and though she committed crimes, she was never charged with anything.
If she was never charged with anything she only committed crimes in you fetid imagination

And testifying for 11 hours IS cooperating
Your ilk has a track record for choreographing impeachments and investigative committees to fit their mantra.
They don't want the truth....I'm surprised, you're either stupid or a willing stooge. They should have just
left Banks and Jordan on the committee, it would have had a look of legitimacy. But, Pelosi couldn't do that,
there are skeletons in their closet that couldn't have been exposed.
There's nothing "legitimate" about either Jordan or Banks. If those idiots were on that committee we'd never find out what really happened because they're both a couple of Trump lackeys.

That's why McCarthy wanted them on the committee in the first place.

Wake the hell up.
The January 6th House Committee may be filing criminal contempt charges against Mark Meadows if he continues to refuse to cooperate with their investigation. If Meadows is truly innocent then it shouldn't be a problem for him to come forward and lay out that case. The people have a right to know if malfeasance truly occurred or not.

Neither, just a typical politician.
Both party's were offered to participate at 50% of participants being Republicans & 50% Democrat's. The Republicans refused this offer was my understanding? explain the reasoning.
You filth don't accept explanations unless it's what you want to hear. Your "understanding" is based on what the media tells you.
But she did not actually cooperate and though she committed crimes, she was never charged with anything. She lied to Congress and was not even held in contempt. Only Eric Holder got nailed with that. And he should have lied in my opinion because he is a criminal and had he told the actual truth, he would have been sent away or murdered for his role in Uranium One deal and Fast and Furious and other crooked criminal operations he was involved in. Can you explain that? Can you explain why Clinton and Holder are not in jail?

Why was the entire Trump family called before Congress, and Hunter Biden is shielded from any questioning?

How could you be so ignorant about Uranium One after all this tiime?
The January 6th House Committee may be filing criminal contempt charges against Mark Meadows if he continues to refuse to cooperate with their investigation. If Meadows is truly innocent then it shouldn't be a problem for him to come forward and lay out that case. The people have a right to know if malfeasance truly occurred or not.

It is a political lynching by the left. Nothing more and nothing less. Most of the fuckers pushing this should be in jail for the crap they have done while serving.

I don't give a damn about the lot of them.
well it ain't criminal.

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