Traitorous Military leaders

Shame on these assholes! Telling the troops to support an illegitimate President and to not uphold the oath they took to defend the Constitution against domestic enemies.

Fuck 'em. Trying to kiss China Joe's ass. Of course these are the pussies that survived Obama's purge of the real leaders that had balls so we can expect traitorous shit like this from them.

View attachment 441996
So theyre saying they defend the Constitution, but also want to express some political bias.
The writing is on the wall.

These are the shitheads that survived Obama getting rid of the real military leaders during his administration so no wonder they are willing to sell out their country.

These are the ass kissers that put their careers ahead of their country.

They are defending an illegitimate President. A President owned lock stock and barrel by a foreign country.

This country is being pulled into being a Socialist shithole and they are just as much to blame as the Democrats that stole the election and are attacking American Patriots.

This is how the destruction of a country is written.

I would hope that the troops would remember that they took an oath to defend the Constitution against domestic enemies and that China Joe and his minions are the enemy.
:thankusmile: :clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap: Well done. I am sure you will find this interesting,over at bitchute,there was a video made by a former intel officer,he is obviously high connected and he says that trump has signed the insurrection act and these high ranking military people have said as it stands right now,they won’t enforce it,however there is a little bit of a silver lining,he says he has also been told that they WILL enforce his insurrection act and arrest the criminal dems and Rinos for this vote fraud and invoke the resurrection act for him but the bad news is,trump has to give them something in return.

they want him to invade China which may not be a bad thing IF we can avoid starting world war 3 with them.that might be what it takes to do this is to have this war because the alternative of having Biden in office I think is even worse because we will officially be the communist states of America if he gets installed,we all know that so it appears trump is faced with a very difficult sitution,start world war three and have a major loss of lives not knowing when it will end or don’t start it and let Biden in and allow the takeover to take place.

I have my opionions on which option to choose from but I want to here yours and everybody else’s first.
The nitwits don't seem to understand that taking an oath to defend the Constitution against foreign and domestic enemies also includes defending it against shitheads like China Joe that steal elections aided by a foreign government.

Same ones lying to the President to keep us in The Middle east
The same Joint Chiefs will be like "WTF?" when we can't field one division of combat-ready soldiers after the Biden/Harris defense budget cuts so that they can prove welfare to the hundred of thousans of Muslim refugees Biden promised us..

I sure as hell wouldnt join the military these days.

Having a China bought and paid for Commander in Chief and these clowns as Joint Chiefs of Staff would discourage anybody from wanting to serve their country. Especially when the jackass bosses are telling them to protect an illegitimate President.

This is the end of the American Republic and we see the villains in the government who are responsible.

These Democrats are destroying everything.
The same Joint Chiefs will be like "WTF?" when we can't field one division of combat-ready soldiers after the Biden/Harris defense budget cuts so that they can prove welfare to the hundred of thousans of Muslim refugees Biden promised us..

I sure as hell wouldnt join the military these days.

Having a China bought and paid for Commander in Chief and these clowns as Joint Chiefs of Staff would discourage anybody from wanting to serve their country. Especially when the jackass bosses are telling them to protect an illegitimate President.

This is the end of the American Republic and we see the villains in the government who are responsible.

These Democrats are destroying everything.

So when will you be leaving to your new country? Or were you just planning on staying and whining like a big baby?
Shame on these assholes! Telling the troops to support an illegitimate President and to not uphold the oath they took to defend the Constitution against domestic enemies.

Fuck 'em. Trying to kiss China Joe's ass. Of course these are the pussies that survived Obama's purge of the real leaders that had balls so we can expect traitorous shit like this from them.

View attachment 441996
So theyre saying they defend the Constitution, but also want to express some political bias.
The writing is on the wall.

These are the shitheads that survived Obama getting rid of the real military leaders during his administration so no wonder they are willing to sell out their country.

These are the ass kissers that put their careers ahead of their country.

They are defending an illegitimate President. A President owned lock stock and barrel by a foreign country.

This country is being pulled into being a Socialist shithole and they are just as much to blame as the Democrats that stole the election and are attacking American Patriots.

This is how the destruction of a country is written.

I would hope that the troops would remember that they took an oath to defend the Constitution against domestic enemies and that China Joe and his minions are the enemy.
:thankusmile: :clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap: Well done. I am sure you will find this interesting,over at bitchute,there was a video made by a former intel officer,he is obviously high connected and he says that trump has signed the insurrection act and these high ranking military people have said as it stands right now,they won’t enforce it,however there is a little bit of a silver lining,he says he has also been told that they WILL enforce his insurrection act and arrest the criminal dems and Rinos for this vote fraud and invoke the resurrection act for him but the bad news is,trump has to give them something in return.

they want him to invade China which may not be a bad thing IF we can avoid starting world war 3 with them.that might be what it takes to do this is to have this war because the alternative of having Biden in office I think is even worse because we will officially be the communist states of America if he gets installed,we all know that so it appears trump is faced with a very difficult sitution,start world war three and have a major loss of lives not knowing when it will end or don’t start it and let Biden in and allow the takeover to take place.

I have my opionions on which option to choose from but I want to here yours and everybody else’s first.

When the Democrat Dirty Tricks Department came up with all those bogus ballots they fucked this country more than anyone can imagine.

We are fucked now and we can't depend upon the Executive, Legislative, Judicial Branches or the military to protect the Constitution or our Liberty. Especially when the President is own by the Chinese.

That is how countries are destroyed.
Shame on these assholes! Telling the troops to support an illegitimate President and to not uphold the oath they took to defend the Constitution against domestic enemies.

Fuck 'em. Trying to kiss China Joe's ass. Of course these are the pussies that survived Obama's purge of the real leaders that had balls so we can expect traitorous shit like this from them.

View attachment 441996

Our professional warrior class need to take another look at their oaths of enlistment. Allegiance is absolute ONLY to defending the Constitution and the sitting President, who is mentioned BEFORE or ahead of officers appointed over the oath taker, and commands the entire branch of service. This makes me sick and I wonder if it is a forgery—more radical leftist propaganda.

I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.
Shame on these assholes! Telling the troops to support an illegitimate President and to not uphold the oath they took to defend the Constitution against domestic enemies.

Fuck 'em. Trying to kiss China Joe's ass. Of course these are the pussies that survived Obama's purge of the real leaders that had balls so we can expect traitorous shit like this from them.

View attachment 441996

This matter is also far above their paygrade.
Shame on these assholes! Telling the troops to support an illegitimate President and to not uphold the oath they took to defend the Constitution against domestic enemies.

Fuck 'em. Trying to kiss China Joe's ass. Of course these are the pussies that survived Obama's purge of the real leaders that had balls so we can expect traitorous shit like this from them.

View attachment 441996

Our professional warrior class need to take another look at their oaths of enlistment. Allegiance is absolute ONLY to defending the Constitution and the sitting President, who is mentioned BEFORE or ahead of officers appointed over the oath taker, and commands the entire branch of service. This makes me sick and I wonder if it is a forgery—more radical leftist propaganda.

I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.

Sure it's a forgery. The librulls changed all that while you were at a MAGA rally --------dumb ass.
Our professional warrior class need to take another look at their oaths of enlistment. Allegiance is absolute ONLY to defending the Constitution and the sitting President, who is mentioned BEFORE or ahead of officers appointed over the oath taker,

But defending the Constitution comes before obeying the president. Thus, it's correct for military people to ignore any illegal unconstitutional orders from Trump.
When the Democrat Dirty Tricks Department came up with all those bogus ballots they fucked this country more than anyone can imagine.

We are fucked now and we can't depend upon the Executive, Legislative, Judicial Branches or the military to protect the Constitution or our Liberty. Especially when the President is own by the Chinese.

That is how countries are destroyed.

Look around you. You are in "trumps America" and Trump is tearing the county asunder.
When the Democrat Dirty Tricks Department came up with all those bogus ballots they fucked this country more than anyone can imagine.

We are fucked now and we can't depend upon the Executive, Legislative, Judicial Branches or the military to protect the Constitution or our Liberty. Especially when the President is own by the Chinese.

That is how countries are destroyed.

Look around you. You are in "trumps America" and Trump is tearing the county asunder.
You're the one tearing American asunder, you Nazi asshole.
When the Democrat Dirty Tricks Department came up with all those bogus ballots they fucked this country more than anyone can imagine.

We are fucked now and we can't depend upon the Executive, Legislative, Judicial Branches or the military to protect the Constitution or our Liberty. Especially when the President is own by the Chinese.

That is how countries are destroyed.

Look around you. You are in "trumps America" and Trump is tearing the county asunder.
You're the one tearing American asunder, you Nazi asshole.

Who was it that broke into congress while in session, and wanted to find the VP to string him up?
This jerk off doesn't have the intelligence to know that the extremists were the Democrats that stole the election through bogus mail in ballots.

View attachment 442002

Couple of notes...Most every General with three stars on their shoulder stopped being soldiers long ago and
became politicians;.

A letter like what was posted and this tweet kinda have me thinking that there must be some "talk" going
on inside the ranks. Also besides the gal that was killed by police at the cop...the Air Force vet, there
was at least one female Army Captain from Fort Bragg that is being considered for some "punishment
for leading 100 other folks from North Carolina to the Capitol last week.

If all of the letters, tweets, are real, it kinda reminds me of the final days of the USSR.

Russians were marching out of control in Moscow. The Soviet Government would not deploy Russian
troops to defend the Kremlin, because the Russian Forces were aligning with the people. Instead
the Govt ,ordered in troops from the Ukraine. They khew that Russian troops would never fire on the Russian people.

It was pretty tense for a couople of days and then the Ukrainians departed from Moscow...and the Russian
protestors retrurned rto Red Square riding on Russian Tanks, And that was the swan song for the Soviet Union.
These stupid traitors Moon Bats define "insurrection" as not accepting a Socialist asshole that stole an election through illegal ballot harvesting and who is owned by a foreign power.
This jerk off doesn't have the intelligence to know that the extremists were the Democrats that stole the election through bogus mail in ballots.

View attachment 442002

Couple of notes...Most every General with three stars on their shoulder stopped being soldiers long ago and
became politicians;.

A letter like what was posted and this tweet kinda have me thinking that there must be some "talk" going
on inside the ranks. Also besides the gal that was killed by police at the cop...the Air Force vet, there
was at least one female Army Captain from Fort Bragg that is being considered for some "punishment
for leading 100 other folks from North Carolina to the Capitol last week.

If all of the letters, tweets, are real, it kinda reminds me of the final days of the USSR.

Russians were marching out of control in Moscow. The Soviet Government would not deploy Russian
troops to defend the Kremlin, because the Russian Forces were aligning with the people. Instead
the Govt ,ordered in troops from the Ukraine. They khew that Russian troops would never fire on the Russian people.

It was pretty tense for a couople of days and then the Ukrainians departed from Moscow...and the Russian
protestors retrurned rto Red Square riding on Russian Tanks, And that was the swan song for the Soviet Union.

Excellent post.

When the history is written about how the US evolved from being the greatest country on earth to be a soulless dismal Socialist shithole these despicable military leaders who refuse to uphold their oath to defend the Constitution and supported an illegitimate owned by China President will be listed as the villains, the same as all the other Useful Idiots.
These stupid traitors Moon Bats define "insurrection" as not accepting a Socialist asshole that stole an election through illegal ballot harvesting and who is owned by a foreign power.

You're wrong, but it doesn't matter. There will always be nut cases like you who think goofy shit.

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