TRAITORS: 'American who escaped Al Qaeda captivity says FBI, under Mueller and Comey, betrayed him


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
After he escaped from Al Qaeda in Syria, American photojournalist Matt Schrier investigated his own kidnapping and uncovered what he describes as a pattern of "betrayal" by FBI agents handling his case.

"Not every FBI agent is bad. Some are very good people, but the ones that are bad need to be weeded out. And the ones who let them be bad, and who turn their head, need to be exposed."

"...after he was taken hostage in 2012, the FBI monitored his accounts as Al Qaeda terrorists used his money to buy at least a dozen computers and tablets.

While he was tortured and held by al Nusra, the brutal Al Qaeda franchise in Syria, Schrier claimed the FBI put intelligence gathering ahead of his personal security, hoping to track the computers and tablets to learn more about Al Qaeda recruits and future plots. After his harrowing escape, Schrier started demanding answers from the FBI, which at the time of his kidnapping was led by Mueller. "

"The FBI's investigation into the kidnapping of Matthew Schrier remains open, therefore, we are not able to discuss investigative details surrounding this case."

How 'convenient'...

"The FBI works closely with our federal partners not only to ensure that the U.S. Government does all that it can to safely recover Americans taken hostage overseas but to also assist victims who have been defrauded or further abused by a hostage-taker"

The FBI 'assists victims who have ben abused by hostage-takers'? Like someone who was tortured by Al Qaeda? The FBI has refused to answer Schrier's questions or even talk to him. So what part of that is 'assisting' him'?

"By the U.S. government's own admission, there were many problems relating to their engagement with families around this time, mixed messages from different parts of government," Hostage US CEO Rachel Briggs told Fox News. "President Obama ordered a review of the U.S. government's handling of hostages' cases in late 2014, which... led to a range of policy and procedural changes. The review came about largely because families themselves were vocal in their criticisms, and they should take the credit for the changes they brought about."

"Beyond a reasonable doubt, I have all the evidence, I have made one attempt after another to have this investigated so that the people responsible can be held accountable, nobody will return my calls, nobody will investigate this, despite all the evidence."

"The FBI offers assistance to victims to aid them in rebuilding their lives. We continue to work with our interagency and international law enforcement partners to gather intelligence as well as assess the possibility of bringing charges against those who victimized Mr. Schrier."

....they reportedly still refuse to talk to Schrier....

American who escaped Al Qaeda captivity says FBI, under Mueller and Comey, betrayed him
i can't stand these reporters going into WarZones as they work to enrich themselves and become famous :afro: for their reporting . Same goes for 'iranians' or 'norks' that were in the USA but went back to see 'grandma' for a visit or to open a church or to eat some home made 'kimchi' or 'falaffel' . ------------ just a general comment .
I actually agree with you, pismoe. When reporters put themselves in harm's way they do so by their own choice, knowing the places they go are not safe and that things could go wrong. A press badge, as Schrier found out the hard way, is not a 'Pass', meaning terrorists and 'bad guys' don't see you are a reporter and say, "Oh YOU can go peacefully on your way.' A Press badge also doesn't mean the 'good guys' have to drop everything they are doing and risk everything to get you back.

If Schrier has evidence that the FBI USED him, knew where he was and decided to USE him to track terrorist activities when they could have rescued him that would suck and would piss me off. I would say Schrier has a bit of a case because doing so would be 'wrong'. If they did no such thing then the thing I am probably more at odds with regarding the FBI is their refusal to talk to Schrier while claiming they help released prisoners after the fact. They should at least tell him what was said in the 1st paragraph above. 'Sorry, dude, but what happened was part of the accepted dangers of your profession YOU chose.'
thing is , i really don't care about news from WarZones that isn't reported by USA Army , Military reporters anyway . Numbers of dead enemy , land retaken when the USA decides to fight wars in foreign lands .
i can't stand these reporters going into WarZones as they work to enrich themselves and become famous :afro: for their reporting . Same goes for 'iranians' or 'norks' that were in the USA but went back to see 'grandma' for a visit or to open a church or to eat some home made 'kimchi' or 'falaffel' . ------------ just a general comment .
------------------------------------------ yeah , they shoulda just stayed in the USA rather than causing problems for the USA by going to enemy lands Sage
After he escaped from Al Qaeda in Syria, American photojournalist Matt Schrier investigated his own kidnapping and uncovered what he describes as a pattern of "betrayal" by FBI agents handling his case.

"Not every FBI agent is bad. Some are very good people, but the ones that are bad need to be weeded out. And the ones who let them be bad, and who turn their head, need to be exposed."

"...after he was taken hostage in 2012, the FBI monitored his accounts as Al Qaeda terrorists used his money to buy at least a dozen computers and tablets.

While he was tortured and held by al Nusra, the brutal Al Qaeda franchise in Syria, Schrier claimed the FBI put intelligence gathering ahead of his personal security, hoping to track the computers and tablets to learn more about Al Qaeda recruits and future plots. After his harrowing escape, Schrier started demanding answers from the FBI, which at the time of his kidnapping was led by Mueller. "

"The FBI's investigation into the kidnapping of Matthew Schrier remains open, therefore, we are not able to discuss investigative details surrounding this case."

How 'convenient'...

"The FBI works closely with our federal partners not only to ensure that the U.S. Government does all that it can to safely recover Americans taken hostage overseas but to also assist victims who have been defrauded or further abused by a hostage-taker"

The FBI 'assists victims who have ben abused by hostage-takers'? Like someone who was tortured by Al Qaeda? The FBI has refused to answer Schrier's questions or even talk to him. So what part of that is 'assisting' him'?

"By the U.S. government's own admission, there were many problems relating to their engagement with families around this time, mixed messages from different parts of government," Hostage US CEO Rachel Briggs told Fox News. "President Obama ordered a review of the U.S. government's handling of hostages' cases in late 2014, which... led to a range of policy and procedural changes. The review came about largely because families themselves were vocal in their criticisms, and they should take the credit for the changes they brought about."

"Beyond a reasonable doubt, I have all the evidence, I have made one attempt after another to have this investigated so that the people responsible can be held accountable, nobody will return my calls, nobody will investigate this, despite all the evidence."

"The FBI offers assistance to victims to aid them in rebuilding their lives. We continue to work with our interagency and international law enforcement partners to gather intelligence as well as assess the possibility of bringing charges against those who victimized Mr. Schrier."

....they reportedly still refuse to talk to Schrier....

American who escaped Al Qaeda captivity says FBI, under Mueller and Comey, betrayed him
Can you explain why the FBI would be operating in a foreign country?
Isn't this beyond their scope?
I thought the FBI was only supposed to be operating in the US, and anything outside is the purview of other agencies.
Obama was part of that deal, so don’t forget to include that traitor as well.
After he escaped from Al Qaeda in Syria, American photojournalist Matt Schrier investigated his own kidnapping and uncovered what he describes as a pattern of "betrayal" by FBI agents handling his case.

"Not every FBI agent is bad. Some are very good people, but the ones that are bad need to be weeded out. And the ones who let them be bad, and who turn their head, need to be exposed."

"...after he was taken hostage in 2012, the FBI monitored his accounts as Al Qaeda terrorists used his money to buy at least a dozen computers and tablets.

While he was tortured and held by al Nusra, the brutal Al Qaeda franchise in Syria, Schrier claimed the FBI put intelligence gathering ahead of his personal security, hoping to track the computers and tablets to learn more about Al Qaeda recruits and future plots. After his harrowing escape, Schrier started demanding answers from the FBI, which at the time of his kidnapping was led by Mueller. "

"The FBI's investigation into the kidnapping of Matthew Schrier remains open, therefore, we are not able to discuss investigative details surrounding this case."

How 'convenient'...

"The FBI works closely with our federal partners not only to ensure that the U.S. Government does all that it can to safely recover Americans taken hostage overseas but to also assist victims who have been defrauded or further abused by a hostage-taker"

The FBI 'assists victims who have ben abused by hostage-takers'? Like someone who was tortured by Al Qaeda? The FBI has refused to answer Schrier's questions or even talk to him. So what part of that is 'assisting' him'?

"By the U.S. government's own admission, there were many problems relating to their engagement with families around this time, mixed messages from different parts of government," Hostage US CEO Rachel Briggs told Fox News. "President Obama ordered a review of the U.S. government's handling of hostages' cases in late 2014, which... led to a range of policy and procedural changes. The review came about largely because families themselves were vocal in their criticisms, and they should take the credit for the changes they brought about."

"Beyond a reasonable doubt, I have all the evidence, I have made one attempt after another to have this investigated so that the people responsible can be held accountable, nobody will return my calls, nobody will investigate this, despite all the evidence."

"The FBI offers assistance to victims to aid them in rebuilding their lives. We continue to work with our interagency and international law enforcement partners to gather intelligence as well as assess the possibility of bringing charges against those who victimized Mr. Schrier."

....they reportedly still refuse to talk to Schrier....

American who escaped Al Qaeda captivity says FBI, under Mueller and Comey, betrayed him
Can you explain why the FBI would be operating in a foreign country?
Isn't this beyond their scope?
I thought the FBI was only supposed to be operating in the US, and anything outside is the purview of other agencies.
The FBI is considered to be one of THE most professional, expert Investigative agencies in the world. After the 9/11/12 attack in Benghazi the FBI was called upon to investigate the attack. (They were delayed - not allowed to go / arrive on-scene for weeks, supposedly due to delays by the State Department, so by the time they got there the place was so 'contaminated' their showing up was almost pointless.)

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