Traitors and Love of Country

Don't be too hard on the kid Plasmaball. If you stifle his expression now, it might hurt him after he grows up. He's at that awkward age. Old enough to want to sound like an adult, but not quite old enough to know how.

Actually pretty funny you lecturing me about adulthood. Look in the mirror pal.

Apparently you do, since you took the time to post in this thread.

I burned damn near twenty seconds reading the OP, dammit I'm gonna get sump'm out of it.

Besides -- it's the first time I've ever had occasion to use that emoticon.

Can't think of anything on earth less important than Rudy Guiliani's take on what O'bama "loves".
Well maybe how much change Justin Beaver has in his pocket right now. That's pretty earth shattering.

Or you could stop being a troll...your unnatural noise would shatter the earth by itself.

You wanna call "troll" after starting this thread?

I'll thank you not to peg my meter. It's analog, you'll bend the needle.


'Can't think of anything on earth less important than Rudy Guiliani's take on what O'bama "loves".'


Guiliani is a rightwing partisan hack, completely devoid of credibility, his opinion devoid of merit – just like the OP.
"Republicans Admit That Iran Letter Was a Dumb Idea"

Which is consistent with most 'ideas' republicans have.

What were these republicans even thinking, the monumental stupidity of the letter is remarkable, that those on the partisan right are so blinded by an unwarranted hatred of Obama that they'd actually send a letter seeking to undermine the president to Iran, of all places, during difficult, high-level negotiations.

Of course Reagan sold arms to Iran, so this shouldn't be all that surprising.

So much for 'love of country.'
Would the OP do the rest of us a favor and explain again how the two matters are related in any way. There are a few miles of bridge missing in the journey you want to take us on.

I'm not sure I've ever known a person who has as many gaps in logic as the dope who began this thread.
Well, I'm simply going to throw this out there.

Three weeks ago, Rudy Giuliani said this, and was excoriated by liberals far and wide as being disrespectful to the office of the President, and Obama himself

When 47 Senators sent a letter to the Iranian Mullahs saying (paraphrasing here) "any deal Obama makes with you will have to go through us!" they were called traitors, by some liberals, news publications, and Democratic senators:


Editorial GOP letter to Iran is a treacherous betrayal - NY Daily News

So, where is the condemnation of those calling these Senators traitors? Why was Rudy the sole target of criticism for his remarks regarding an elected official, when others are saying even worse things about these Senators? Why the double standard?

Deep down I just feel that the presidency is like a dictatorship. It has all the power to do whatever it wants. It can even do things harmful to the country because what is important is the power of the president. Undermining the power of the president is treachery but undermining the safety of the American people is not. I think the maintenance of power is the most important thing. Everything else is secondary.
Well, I'm simply going to throw this out there.

Three weeks ago, Rudy Giuliani said this, and was excoriated by liberals far and wide as being disrespectful to the office of the President, and Obama himself

When 47 Senators sent a letter to the Iranian Mullahs saying (paraphrasing here) "any deal Obama makes with you will have to go through us!" they were called traitors, by some liberals, news publications, and Democratic senators:


Editorial GOP letter to Iran is a treacherous betrayal - NY Daily News

So, where is the condemnation of those calling these Senators traitors? Why was Rudy the sole target of criticism for his remarks regarding an elected official, when others are saying even worse things about these Senators? Why the double standard?

Deep down I just feel that the presidency is like a dictatorship. It has all the power to do whatever it wants. It can even do things harmful to the country because what is important is the power of the president. Undermining the power of the president is treachery but undermining the safety of the American people is not. I think the maintenance of power is the most important thing. Everything else is secondary.

That is... interesting.
Well, I'm simply going to throw this out there.

Three weeks ago, Rudy Giuliani said this, and was excoriated by liberals far and wide as being disrespectful to the office of the President, and Obama himself

When 47 Senators sent a letter to the Iranian Mullahs saying (paraphrasing here) "any deal Obama makes with you will have to go through us!" they were called traitors, by some liberals, news publications, and Democratic senators:


Editorial GOP letter to Iran is a treacherous betrayal - NY Daily News

So, where is the condemnation of those calling these Senators traitors? Why was Rudy the sole target of criticism for his remarks regarding an elected official, when others are saying even worse things about these Senators? Why the double standard?

Why don't you write the Daily News and ask them?

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