Tramp talking about God is really hypocritical.

Kamala Harris is part of the GOP or a Christian?

Kamala Harris, Nancy Pelosi, SJLee, the Obamas and the Clintons
all have to be Christian in order to be forgiven and keep their
positions of power and office. We are judged by our ability to
forgive others, and that's the same degree of forgiveness we will receive.

Part of the reason there has been so much backlash against Trump and
his admin team is there was unforgiveness and lobbying to go after
Clinton and the whole Democratic Party regime.

So whatever we wish on others, comes back and revisits on us.

then those who commit to this can work together and resolve
the real issues and implement real solutions instead of going back and forth in circles.
there is no god = no hypocrisy

Dear harmonica
Does TRUTH exist?
What about the forces of LIFE and NATURE?

What do you call collective laws of the universe
that exist independent of human will, choice or actions?

Whatever you call that body of laws, knowledge or natural forces,
if you believe in that, then you can substitute THAT CONCEPT in
place of a personified God figure, and still talk about the same SOURCE.
I call it no proof

We can't prove the source of Life or Nature which is faith based.

What we can prove scientifically is CORRELATION;
Even if people don't change their beliefs between being theist or nontheist
1. FORGIVENESS of theist/nontheist differences
CORRELATES with ability to reconcile on these issues
without having to change anyone's beliefs
2. UNFORGIVENESS between theists/nontheists
CORRELATES with FAILURE to resolve issues

So you still have a choice whether you want to continue
FAILING to resolve anything, or being able to SUCCESSFULLY RECONCILE.

This does NOT require changing anyone's beliefs from nontheist to theist etc.

All that is required to effectively communicate and reconcile between systems is

We can prove that as a correlating factor
using statistics. Forgiveness and faith based approaches
are already proven to affect the HEALING process of mind, body and natural health.

By expanding on these scientific studies, we can also show
FORGIVENESS by degrees CORRELATES with proportional
effectiveness rates in reconciling relations between conflicting groups, whether religious or political.

I think this would make a very interesting, critical study.
Not only would it impact people personally in understanding how
forgiveness/unforgiveness affects their personal lives and relations,
but it would impact society by changing how we approach religion and politics.
instead of focusing on trying to defend beliefs or force others to change,
we'd focus on healing and reconciling by forgiveness that
Christianity is something to be used for political purposes.
How so? Do politicians use religion for political purposes any more than they use race, sex, climate, the environment, etc. for political purposes? Evangelicals voted for President Trump because they liked his stance on freedom of religion, and the President has been impartial as to which religion embraces that freedom.

Nope just the GOP and Tramp. Evangelicals are not Christians. Freedom of religion, are you kidding, yes they are for freedom of religion as long as you believe what they believe.

Again Penelope
What determines the degree of someone's Christian faith
is their ability and willingness to FORGIVE, and to ask
God's help through Christ to forgive what we cannot do on our own.

Your faith or unwillingness to forgive depends on YOU not on others.

If you cannot forgive Trump, GOP or Evangelicals,
your lack of forgivenessnes and more significantly
your UNWILLINGNESS to ask God's help to forgive
is what makes YOU unchristian.

It has nothing directly to do with the actions of others.
Whether or not THEY FORGIVE is what determines their standing.

What determines YOURS is whether and to what degree YOU
are willing to either forgive or ask God's help to forgive what you can't do on your own.

You take me wrong, I do not want to be associated with the Christian faith anymore. I also do not believe in God and you people making him into whatever you want him to be and using God, just shows how fake God is.

When you can use someone like you are doing to tell me I have to forgive, I'm sorry what am I suppose to forgive, it is what it is, I have nothing to forgive,

Tramp and the GOP are the most ungodly creatures that walk on the earth and I know it.
Fact is fact.
All the Evangelicals and pretend to be Christians is the reason I will never call myself Christian anymore,

They, the GOP and Tramp give Christianity a bad name.

Jessie Jackson goes on a black church road show every election spreading fear and disdain for southern baptist a bad name....

Exactly what I mean. Using God for personal reasons.
there is no god = no hypocrisy

Why do they talk about God, God this and God that, they are hypocrites. All in the name of God. I got irritated this am when tramp going on an on about God in his talking about the garlic festival shooting.
All the Evangelicals and pretend to be Christians is the reason I will never call myself Christian anymore,

They, the GOP and Tramp give Christianity a bad name.
Politicians mentioning God!!
How do you feel when Ds drop the J name?

They do not try to control the people of the US on what God supposedly believed. They follow Paul.
Penelope is a very confused and ignorant person. I pity the fool.
there is no god = no hypocrisy

Why do they talk about God, God this and God that, they are hypocrites. All in the name of God. I got irritated this am when tramp going on an on about God in his talking about the garlic festival shooting.

President Trump believe in Almighty God, Pen.

You might not, and that's your privilege in America, but your President disagrees
there is no god = no hypocrisy

Why do they talk about God, God this and God that, they are hypocrites. All in the name of God. I got irritated this am when tramp going on an on about God in his talking about the garlic festival shooting.

President Trump believe in Almighty God, Pen.

You might not, and that's your privilege in America, but your President disagrees

NO, he is a hypocrite, by his actions and his mouth.
Tramp and the GOP are the most ungodly creatures that walk on the earth and I know it.
Fact is fact.
Give some specific examples, where one party was EVER the ONLY party to do whatever you are specifically accusing the party of doing.
All the Evangelicals and pretend to be Christians is the reason I will never call myself Christian anymore,

They, the GOP and Tramp give Christianity a bad name.
Politicians mentioning God!!
How do you feel when Ds drop the J name?

They do not try to control the people of the US on what God supposedly believed. They follow Paul.
The Book of James.

Anyone but Jesus.
All the Evangelicals and pretend to be Christians is the reason I will never call myself Christian anymore,

They, the GOP and Tramp give Christianity a bad name.
Politicians mentioning God!!
How do you feel when Ds drop the J name?

They do not try to control the people of the US on what God supposedly believed. They follow Paul.
The Book of James.

Anyone but Jesus.
Does freedom of speech apply to all US citizens?
All the Evangelicals and pretend to be Christians is the reason I will never call myself Christian anymore,

They, the GOP and Tramp give Christianity a bad name.

No one is "pretending" to be Christian. The GOP and Evangelicals, as well as our President, believe in the basic tenets of Christianity. The sovereignty of Almighty God, the sanctity of Life Itself and the idea that Almighty God put Adam and Eve into the garden of Eden.( not Adam and Steve). Also, Eve was a ciswoman. Female with body parts consistent with the gender she presented herself as. Eve wasn't a she-male.
Christianity is something to be used for political purposes.
How so? Do politicians use religion for political purposes any more than they use race, sex, climate, the environment, etc. for political purposes? Evangelicals voted for President Trump because they liked his stance on freedom of religion, and the President has been impartial as to which religion embraces that freedom.

Nope just the GOP and Tramp. Evangelicals are not Christians. Freedom of religion, are you kidding, yes they are for freedom of religion as long as you believe what they believe.

Again Penelope
What determines the degree of someone's Christian faith
is their ability and willingness to FORGIVE, and to ask
God's help through Christ to forgive what we cannot do on our own.

Your faith or unwillingness to forgive depends on YOU not on others.

If you cannot forgive Trump, GOP or Evangelicals,
your lack of forgivenessnes and more significantly
your UNWILLINGNESS to ask God's help to forgive
is what makes YOU unchristian.

It has nothing directly to do with the actions of others.
Whether or not THEY FORGIVE is what determines their standing.

What determines YOURS is whether and to what degree YOU
are willing to either forgive or ask God's help to forgive what you can't do on your own.

You take me wrong, I do not want to be associated with the Christian faith anymore. I also do not believe in God and you people making him into whatever you want him to be and using God, just shows how fake God is.

When you can use someone like you are doing to tell me I have to forgive, I'm sorry what am I suppose to forgive, it is what it is, I have nothing to forgive,

Tramp and the GOP are the most ungodly creatures that walk on the earth and I know it.
Fact is fact.

Dear Penelope
If it isn't me advising you that forgiveness is better for your
mind and clarity of judgment, SCIENCE will show you this.

Forgiveness improves not only your mental agility and judgment
but your PHYSICAL health and the QUALITY of RELATIONSHIPS around you.

And this isn't just "Christians" teaching the benefits of forgiveness.

One of the TOP political advisors and liberal activists/mentors
(who like you gave up being Christian at age 19 and was openly GAY ATHEIST for 70 years of activism till his death this year)
about free grace and the impact of FORGIVENESS ON MENTAL HEALTH.

He urged people do not waste energy "keeping inventory" on yourself or others
or you'll "make yourself crazy". You can do much more in life with your energy
by focusing on the positive things you can change, not holding on to the negative PAST.

Ray Hill cited this was BETTER FOR YOUR MENTAL HEALTH.
And credited this approach with how he and others were more effective in
political reforms working within the system against all opposition.

He was the most LOYAL consistent LIBERAL I know of.
And was most effective in criminal justice reforms working with
CONSERVATIVES RUNNING TEXAS as what he called the most backwards system.

The reason he got things done was he took the approach of FORGIVENESS
and RESTORATIVE JUSTICE to work with ANYONE from any background to get solutions done
one step at a time. That's what he focused on and urged others to LOVE ONE ANOTHER
and HELP OTHERS. Not stay stuck in any negative mindset that waste our lives, energy
and the limited time we have in this world to make any meaningful contribution.

So Penelope I pass Ray's words and wisdom on to you.
I wish you could have met him and talked with him. He totally
let go and put aside any of the religious Jesus and God business,
and focused on FREE GRACE, FORGIVENESS and peace and justice
in relations with helping other people. He and another atheist in the
peace and justice community were the most effective people I knew
and they both were as forgiving and INCLUSIVE of others, and never
rejected or refused to work with anyone. They just wanted to correct problems
and anyone willing to work on that, they wanted to include and work together.

The only people they couldn't work with are those who refused to work with them.
They couldn't help that.
But they didn't do the rejection. They never wasted a single brain cell of energy
on negativity, but always focused on what needed to be done in a positive direction.

So this is what it means to be Christian neighbors, is to focus on that
level of conscience and conscientiousness where it's always positive.
Never controlled by fear and unforgiveness, but driven by greater
charity, compassion and understanding of higher truth, justice and peace.

Even nontheists have this, and I hope you will allow that drive to
overcome whatever negative perceptions or energy interferes which
makes it that much harder on yourself to get things done and make changes happen effectively.

Forgiveness works better while unforgiveness "poisons" the mind of the perceiver.
You only hurt and hinder yourself with unforgiveness and rejection.
there is no god = no hypocrisy

Why do they talk about God, God this and God that, they are hypocrites. All in the name of God. I got irritated this am when tramp going on an on about God in his talking about the garlic festival shooting.

God represents Wisdom, understanding, love of truth, and COLLECTIVE truth, knowledge and laws.
People are equally empowered when we embrace equal KNOWLEDGE OF THE LAWS.

That is what we as human beings are striving for, is that full equal justice under law
which Jesus as JUSTICE represents.

As long as all humans want PEACE AND JUSTICE
that's Jesus and the Holy Spirit. People will cry out and
pray for these things until they are finally realized for all humanity.

As long as people want FREEDOM from injustice/abuse/oppression
that is where we seek the TRUTH that sets us FREE.

So that ultimate universal TRUTH is the ONLY THING that can unite all humanity
and set us free from strife suffering and war.

That is why people call out for God's TRUTH and call for JESUS or JUSTICE to come and be established for all humanity.

Even ATHEISTS believe and seek TRUTH, JUSTICE and PEACE.
which is what God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit embody and represent as collective symbolism for these three levels.
Tramp and the GOP are the most ungodly creatures that walk on the earth and I know it.
Fact is fact.
Give some specific examples, where one party was EVER the ONLY party to do whatever you are specifically accusing the party of doing.

Easy the Evangelicals, Fundamentalists and even some Catholics are intrusive on government.
The pro life and pro gun , anti gay, anti trans, anti SSM all in the name of God.
Penelope is a very confused and ignorant person. I pity the fool.

Dear S.J. Thank you for your compassion.
Please pray for Penelope to be uplifted and any obstruction to be
removed from her mind and thinking so she can see all things clearly and be thankful instead.

For all she struggles to forgive and to understand, as well as others
struggling with similar battles, the GREATER the wrongs we forgive
the GREATER the rewards and understand we achieve after we forgive and let go.

Please pray for Penelope to be filled with blessings of wisdom and understanding
that will far outweigh her past misgivings and issues with the wrongs going on.

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