Tramp talking about God is really hypocritical.

I’m betting you never were a Christian.

I know I was never a Christian,
Because I use to believe:

Its better to be stolen from than to steal..
Its better to be lied to than to lie.
Its better to be killed than to be a killer.

I have not believed in several years and I definitely to do not believe now that I'm completely aware that Christianity is something to be used for political purposes.

but I still have my morals which were taught by my parents.
Christianity was started as a political movement.

True, but some people still believe , not tramp and most of the GOP.

Actually, there is nothing in the Bible to support Gay Marriage and people changing genders. No character, either good nor bad, ever transitioned.

Right there is nothing in the bible about gays but there is this, Eunuchs , some are born that way.

and I never hear this quote from Paul from the GOP:
Galatians 3:28 New International Version (NIV)
28 There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.

I am no longer in Christ since tramp and his Gop thinks they are.
Easy the Evangelicals, Fundamentalists and even some Catholics are intrusive on government.
The pro life and pro gun , anti gay, anti trans, anti SSM all in the name of God.
Are you demanding all these people have your views, that your view is the one and only? Is religion any more intrusive on government than government is intrusive on religion? All are working for a balance and it is reasonable to agree that sometimes it is difficult to keep that balance. Most people, however, try.

Who is a Christian and lead a life like tramp and who is a Christian and sprouts what he says out of his mouth.

Who do you think a Christian is??

The President is a devout member of the historic Marble Collegiate Church in New York. Dr. Norman Vincent Peale was his tremendous pastor for him and his family for many years. Of course, the current pastor is an idiot, who denounced Trump for his erratic church attendance- unappreciative of Trump's fabulous travel schedule even before he became President.

The current preacher should have actually played up Trump's membership and worked out a deal for Mr. Trump to preach Sunday School on a recurring basis, as that would bring more people into the pews in a big tourist city like New York. A church down in Plains Georgia worked out a deal and Jimmy Carter who is like 100 years old still appears there regularly.

Trump Crowd Size Estimate May Involve 'The Power Of Positive Thinking'
I’m betting you never were a Christian.

I know I was never a Christian,
Because I use to believe:

Its better to be stolen from than to steal..
Its better to be lied to than to lie.
Its better to be killed than to be a killer.

I have not believed in several years and I definitely to do not believe now that I'm completely aware that Christianity is something to be used for political purposes.

but I still have my morals which were taught by my parents.
Christianity was started as a political movement.

True, but some people still believe , not tramp and most of the GOP.

Actually, there is nothing in the Bible to support Gay Marriage and people changing genders. No character, either good nor bad, ever transitioned.

Right there is nothing in the bible about gays but there is this, Eunuchs , some are born that way.

and I never hear this quote from Paul from the GOP:
Galatians 3:28 New International Version (NIV)
28 There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.

I am no longer in Christ since tramp and his Gop thinks they are.

Actually, the Bible talks a lot about homosexuals. The people of the Gayborhood of Sodom tried to convert 2 of Almighty God's holy angels to their way of thinking, and boy, God was pissed.
Who is a Christian and lead a life like tramp and who is a Christian and sprouts what he says out of his mouth.
President Trump is a political/government leader--a leader of a nation as opposed to being a leader of Christians. We Christians already have our leader, and he is Christ--no room for anyone else.

I see you like to emulate President Trump by labeling a person with an unflattering name. Perhaps you are a closer admirer of his than you like to admit?
A Christian is suppose to turn from sin and not look back
Who is a Christian and lead a life like tramp and who is a Christian and sprouts what he says out of his mouth.
President Trump is a political/government leader--a leader of a nation as opposed to being a leader of Christians. We Christians already have our leader, and he is Christ--no room for anyone else.

I see you like to emulate President Trump by labeling a person with an unflattering name. Perhaps you are a closer admirer of his than you like to admit?

What do you think a Christian is, I'd like to see your opinion. Do you think of a person who knows he is doing wrong and turns away from sin or a person that just keeps on sinning to high heaven? Its eiher one or the other.

I do not like liars and cheats, and that is what he is. I do not hang with liars and cheats, I may give them a chance but after awhile I don't let myself be taken in.
All the Evangelicals and pretend to be Christians is the reason I will never call myself Christian anymore,

They, the GOP and Tramp give Christianity a bad name.
Don't be mad at people for not meeting your expectations. Judge not...

They don't even meet the min requirements to call someone Christian.
In YOUR judgement?

Yes it is, and I know a lot about Christianity and he is not a Christian, not like ones I know.

You seem upset, you so badly want him to be a Christian, why is that??
I don't care about him-it is your judgemental approach I resent.
All the Evangelicals and pretend to be Christians is the reason I will never call myself Christian anymore,

They, the GOP and Tramp give Christianity a bad name.
Don't be mad at people for not meeting your expectations. Judge not...

They don't even meet the min requirements to call someone Christian.
In YOUR judgement?

Yes it is, and I know a lot about Christianity and he is not a Christian, not like ones I know.

You seem upset, you so badly want him to be a Christian, why is that??
I don't care about him-it is your judgemental approach I resent.

Yet I have a right to judge. As a wise man once said, Judge rightly.
I’m betting you never were a Christian.

I know I was never a Christian,
Because I use to believe:

Its better to be stolen from than to steal..
Its better to be lied to than to lie.
Its better to be killed than to be a killer.

I have not believed in several years and I definitely to do not believe now that I'm completely aware that Christianity is something to be used for political purposes.

but I still have my morals which were taught by my parents.
Christianity was started as a political movement.

True, but some people still believe , not tramp and most of the GOP.
I don't know if their are more Christian Democrats or Republicans-but I do know there are NO Muslim Christians.
I’m betting you never were a Christian.

I know I was never a Christian,
Because I use to believe:

Its better to be stolen from than to steal..
Its better to be lied to than to lie.
Its better to be killed than to be a killer.

I have not believed in several years and I definitely to do not believe now that I'm completely aware that Christianity is something to be used for political purposes.

but I still have my morals which were taught by my parents.
Christianity was started as a political movement.

True, but some people still believe , not tramp and most of the GOP.
I don't know if there are more Christian Democrats or Republicans. I do know there are no Muslim Christians.
Don't be mad at people for not meeting your expectations. Judge not...

They don't even meet the min requirements to call someone Christian.
In YOUR judgement?

Yes it is, and I know a lot about Christianity and he is not a Christian, not like ones I know.

You seem upset, you so badly want him to be a Christian, why is that??
I don't care about him-it is your judgemental approach I resent.

Yet I have a right to judge. As a wise man once said, Judge rightly.
Who was the wise man? Jesus talked about a beam in your eye.
They don't even meet the min requirements to call someone Christian.
In YOUR judgement?

Yes it is, and I know a lot about Christianity and he is not a Christian, not like ones I know.

You seem upset, you so badly want him to be a Christian, why is that??
I don't care about him-it is your judgemental approach I resent.

Yet I have a right to judge. As a wise man once said, Judge rightly.
Who was the wise man? Jesus talked about a beam in your eye.

Yes he did and tramp has a beam is his eyes, and its in John, and yes Jesus, whoever he was, was a wise man.
John 7:24 English Standard Version (ESV)
24 Do not judge by appearances, but judge with right judgment.”
In YOUR judgement?

Yes it is, and I know a lot about Christianity and he is not a Christian, not like ones I know.

You seem upset, you so badly want him to be a Christian, why is that??
I don't care about him-it is your judgemental approach I resent.

Yet I have a right to judge. As a wise man once said, Judge rightly.
Who was the wise man? Jesus talked about a beam in your eye.

Yes he did and tramp has a beam is his eyes, and its in John, and yes Jesus, whoever he was, was a wise man.
The name is Trump, Donald Trump.
I’m betting you never were a Christian.

I know I was never a Christian,
Because I use to believe:

Its better to be stolen from than to steal..
Its better to be lied to than to lie.
Its better to be killed than to be a killer.

I have not believed in several years and I definitely to do not believe now that I'm completely aware that Christianity is something to be used for political purposes.

but I still have my morals which were taught by my parents.
Christianity was started as a political movement.

True, but some people still believe , not tramp and most of the GOP.
I don't know if their are more Christian Democrats or Republicans-but I do know there are NO Muslim Christians.
I’m betting you never were a Christian.

I know I was never a Christian,
Because I use to believe:

Its better to be stolen from than to steal..
Its better to be lied to than to lie.
Its better to be killed than to be a killer.

I have not believed in several years and I definitely to do not believe now that I'm completely aware that Christianity is something to be used for political purposes.

but I still have my morals which were taught by my parents.
Christianity was started as a political movement.

True, but some people still believe , not tramp and most of the GOP.
I don't know if there are more Christian Democrats or Republicans. I do know there are no Muslim Christians.

So is Christianity the only religion you want in the USA? Most of the GOP are not true believers, since they refer to things not even in the scriptures or bypass Jesus and default to Paul.
Yes it is, and I know a lot about Christianity and he is not a Christian, not like ones I know.

You seem upset, you so badly want him to be a Christian, why is that??
I don't care about him-it is your judgemental approach I resent.

Yet I have a right to judge. As a wise man once said, Judge rightly.
Who was the wise man? Jesus talked about a beam in your eye.

Yes he did and tramp has a beam is his eyes, and its in John, and yes Jesus, whoever he was, was a wise man.
The name is Trump, Donald Trump.

No its tramp, a male slut or whore, he is a whore for money, but a male slut. Since he loves to call everyone a name, I picked one for him.
I’m betting you never were a Christian.

I know I was never a Christian,
Because I use to believe:

Its better to be stolen from than to steal..
Its better to be lied to than to lie.
Its better to be killed than to be a killer.

I have not believed in several years and I definitely to do not believe now that I'm completely aware that Christianity is something to be used for political purposes.

but I still have my morals which were taught by my parents.
Christianity was started as a political movement.

True, but some people still believe , not tramp and most of the GOP.
I don't know if their are more Christian Democrats or Republicans-but I do know there are NO Muslim Christians.
I’m betting you never were a Christian.

I know I was never a Christian,
Because I use to believe:

Its better to be stolen from than to steal..
Its better to be lied to than to lie.
Its better to be killed than to be a killer.

I have not believed in several years and I definitely to do not believe now that I'm completely aware that Christianity is something to be used for political purposes.

but I still have my morals which were taught by my parents.
Christianity was started as a political movement.

True, but some people still believe , not tramp and most of the GOP.
I don't know if there are more Christian Democrats or Republicans. I do know there are no Muslim Christians.

So is Christianity the only religion you want in the USA? Most of the GOP are not true believers, since they refer to things not even in the scriptures or bypass Jesus and default to Paul.
I'm not even Christian, so no-all are welcome-as long as they don't shove their dogma down everybody's throat.
I don't care about him-it is your judgemental approach I resent.

Yet I have a right to judge. As a wise man once said, Judge rightly.
Who was the wise man? Jesus talked about a beam in your eye.

Yes he did and tramp has a beam is his eyes, and its in John, and yes Jesus, whoever he was, was a wise man.
The name is Trump, Donald Trump.

No its tramp, a male slut or whore, he is a whore for money, but a male slut. Since he loves to call everyone a name, I picked one for him.
What if someone called you a whore, Penny? We don't know what is in your heart except the hate you spew out towards Trump.
What do you think a Christian is, I'd like to see your opinion. Do you think of a person who knows he is doing wrong and turns away from sin or a person that just keeps on sinning to high heaven? Its eiher one or the other.
If it were possible for each of us to keep a list of every sin we have committed from the age of reason onward, we would see the same sins being committed over and over and over again...what you call sinning to high heaven. This does not mean any of us are giving up on overcoming that sin.
What do you think a Christian is, I'd like to see your opinion. Do you think of a person who knows he is doing wrong and turns away from sin or a person that just keeps on sinning to high heaven? Its eiher one or the other.
If it were possible for each of us to keep a list of every sin we have committed from the age of reason onward, we would see the same sins being committed over and over and over again...what you call sinning to high heaven. This does not mean any of us are giving up on overcoming that sin.

Come on, do you cheat on your mate, do you lie, do you steal. Go and sin no more! Quit making excuses for the fake Christians.
I do not like liars and cheats, and that is what he is. I do not hang with liars and cheats, I may give them a chance but after awhile I don't let myself be taken in.
Ever since I registered to vote, I have been disappointed on how many (indeed, if any) spoken campaign promises have been kept. President Trump has been on a mission to keep his. What lies are you holding against President Trump? How has President Trump cheated on you?

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