Tramp talking about God is really hypocritical.

The name is Trump, Donald Trump.

No its tramp, a male slut or whore, he is a whore for money, but a male slut. Since he loves to call everyone a name, I picked one for him.
What if someone called you a whore, Penny? We don't know what is in your heart except the hate you spew out towards Trump.

Tramp gives a name to everyone, that is his name from me, and it fits. Obviously tramp is a male slut. If someone called me a whore I would know its not the truth, but with Tramp its different.
What if I told you I consider you and Trump the same? You both name call, use religion to your advantage, and don't care what anyone else says.

One I only call him what he is, and 2 I cringe when he speaks about God the way he does, if like he spits on his name and uses him, just like all TV preachers. I'm not a believer but I use to be, and I know what a Christian man is suppose to be like, and he does not fit the description.
You, are playing GOD.
I’m betting you never were a Christian.

I know I was never a Christian,
Because I use to believe:

Its better to be stolen from than to steal..
Its better to be lied to than to lie.
Its better to be killed than to be a killer.

I have not believed in several years and I definitely to do not believe now that I'm completely aware that Christianity is something to be used for political purposes.

but I still have my morals which were taught by my parents.
So, your values concerning abortion and homosexuality
were instilled by your parents

Now you feel it is better to steal than to be stolen from
lie than be lied to and kill than be killed

Okey dokey
I’m betting you never were a Christian.

I know I was never a Christian,
Because I use to believe:

Its better to be stolen from than to steal..
Its better to be lied to than to lie.
Its better to be killed than to be a killer.

I have not believed in several years and I definitely to do not believe now that I'm completely aware that Christianity is something to be used for political purposes.

but I still have my morals which were taught by my parents.

Everyone please witness Jackboot Penny's morals in my signature.
I’m betting you never were a Christian.

I know I was never a Christian,
Because I use to believe:

Its better to be stolen from than to steal..
Its better to be lied to than to lie.
Its better to be killed than to be a killer.

I have not believed in several years and I definitely to do not believe now that I'm completely aware that Christianity is something to be used for political purposes.

but I still have my morals which were taught by my parents.

Jackboot Penny's morals Part Two:

If you choose to homeschool your child, you should have to carry "papers" at all times proving that you vaccinated your child. You should be cut off from all public funds such as housing, food and other aid, and your children should not be allowed to attend even public universities.

The above is why she earned the moniker "Jackboots" from me. She's an authoritarian. In Penny's mind this is Penny's world; we're all just taking up space in it.

But don't worry Jackboots. Us Christians are all sinners too. There's always room for one more.
Christianity is something to be used for political purposes.
How so? Do politicians use religion for political purposes any more than they use race, sex, climate, the environment, etc. for political purposes? Evangelicals voted for President Trump because they liked his stance on freedom of religion, and the President has been impartial as to which religion embraces that freedom.

Nope just the GOP and Tramp. Evangelicals are not Christians. Freedom of religion, are you kidding, yes they are for freedom of religion as long as you believe what they believe.

Again Penelope
What determines the degree of someone's Christian faith
is their ability and willingness to FORGIVE, and to ask
God's help through Christ to forgive what we cannot do on our own.

Your faith or unwillingness to forgive depends on YOU not on others.

If you cannot forgive Trump, GOP or Evangelicals,
your lack of forgivenessnes and more significantly
your UNWILLINGNESS to ask God's help to forgive
is what makes YOU unchristian.

It has nothing directly to do with the actions of others.
Whether or not THEY FORGIVE is what determines their standing.

What determines YOURS is whether and to what degree YOU
are willing to either forgive or ask God's help to forgive what you can't do on your own.

You take me wrong, I do not want to be associated with the Christian faith anymore. I also do not believe in God and you people making him into whatever you want him to be and using God, just shows how fake God is.

When you can use someone like you are doing to tell me I have to forgive, I'm sorry what am I suppose to forgive, it is what it is, I have nothing to forgive,

Tramp and the GOP are the most ungodly creatures that walk on the earth and I know it.
Fact is fact.

Jackboots shall we have a conversation about what you take as "fact"?

Because we can go there
I’m betting you never were a Christian.

I know I was never a Christian,
Because I use to believe:

Its better to be stolen from than to steal..
Its better to be lied to than to lie.
Its better to be killed than to be a killer.

I have not believed in several years and I definitely to do not believe now that I'm completely aware that Christianity is something to be used for political purposes.

but I still have my morals which were taught by my parents.

Dear Penelope I started a Bullring thread to try to distinguish
between true and false Christianity instead of confusing the negative abuse of it with the positive real meaning.

SweetSue92 cited a post of yours where you recognize
there are a lot of "crooked Jews."

Does this mean you recognize that ANY religion can be corrupted by greed and/or politics?

If there are crooked Jews and crooked Christians,
why wouldn't these be DISTINGUISHED from the honest faithful Jews and the honest faithful Christians?

What is wrong with being one of those?

Why would you insist on defining someone's religion based on people abusing it for politics.

So you are going to blame the victims for the wrongs committed by abusers?
And attack and reject their faith because "other people abused it"?

Please check for the thread under Bullring I started
to try to distinguish the "negative political abuses"
from the TRUE faith and practice. I spelled out my explanations
and concerns why this doesn't seem fair to paint whole groups
and practices just because some people end up abusing that.

That's terribly unfair and hurtful to all the faithful people who practice
sincerely and correctly. Please reconsider what you are saying and why.
Bull Ring - Rejecting Christians and blaming Christianity for hypocrisy that is AGAINST Christianity

Thank you Penelope
and I'm sorry that whatever hypocrisy, abuse or politics has caused
you such outrage that you would lash out and blame "all Christians"
for that, but there is a better way to correct wrongdoing if we address
each particular issue to be corrected by those responsible instead of
rejecting whole groups. We can better achieve justice by working WITH
each other sharing responsibility, instead of blaming victims equally as the oppressors
which seems not only irresponsible and unfair but ineffective and damaging.
I’m betting you never were a Christian.

I know I was never a Christian,
Because I use to believe:

Its better to be stolen from than to steal..
Its better to be lied to than to lie.
Its better to be killed than to be a killer.

I have not believed in several years and I definitely to do not believe now that I'm completely aware that Christianity is something to be used for political purposes.

but I still have my morals which were taught by my parents.

Jackboot Penny's morals Part Two:

If you choose to homeschool your child, you should have to carry "papers" at all times proving that you vaccinated your child. You should be cut off from all public funds such as housing, food and other aid, and your children should not be allowed to attend even public universities.

The above is why she earned the moniker "Jackboots" from me. She's an authoritarian. In Penny's mind this is Penny's world; we're all just taking up space in it.

But don't worry Jackboots. Us Christians are all sinners too. There's always room for one more.

One mistake, I turned from sin but tramp lives life in sin. That is right or keep you contagious kids at home and you stay there too.
I’m betting you never were a Christian.

I know I was never a Christian,
Because I use to believe:

Its better to be stolen from than to steal..
Its better to be lied to than to lie.
Its better to be killed than to be a killer.

I have not believed in several years and I definitely to do not believe now that I'm completely aware that Christianity is something to be used for political purposes.

but I still have my morals which were taught by my parents.

Everyone please witness Jackboot Penny's morals in my signature.

That is right do you like Bernie Madoff or Jeffrey Epstein. If so you like crooks, then you should really like tramp. I do not like pedophiles, cheats and crooks, or compulsive liars.
Do you??
I’m betting you never were a Christian.

I know I was never a Christian,
Because I use to believe:

Its better to be stolen from than to steal..
Its better to be lied to than to lie.
Its better to be killed than to be a killer.

I have not believed in several years and I definitely to do not believe now that I'm completely aware that Christianity is something to be used for political purposes.

but I still have my morals which were taught by my parents.

Jackboot Penny's morals Part Two:

If you choose to homeschool your child, you should have to carry "papers" at all times proving that you vaccinated your child. You should be cut off from all public funds such as housing, food and other aid, and your children should not be allowed to attend even public universities.

The above is why she earned the moniker "Jackboots" from me. She's an authoritarian. In Penny's mind this is Penny's world; we're all just taking up space in it.

But don't worry Jackboots. Us Christians are all sinners too. There's always room for one more.

One mistake, I turned from sin but tramp lives life in sin. That is right or keep you contagious kids at home and you stay there too.

What do you mean you "turned from sin"? What mistake are you owning to here?
I’m betting you never were a Christian.

I know I was never a Christian,
Because I use to believe:

Its better to be stolen from than to steal..
Its better to be lied to than to lie.
Its better to be killed than to be a killer.

I have not believed in several years and I definitely to do not believe now that I'm completely aware that Christianity is something to be used for political purposes.

but I still have my morals which were taught by my parents.

Everyone please witness Jackboot Penny's morals in my signature.

That is right do you like Bernie Madoff or Jeffrey Epstein. If so you like crooks, then you should really like tramp. I do not like pedophiles, cheats and crooks, or compulsive liars.
Do you??

Well Jackboots, let's take your quote and use it for other groups, shall we? And see how it sits.

"I'm not a bigot, I just don't like crooked Muslims, which there are a lot of."

"I'm not a bigot, I just don't like crooked blacks, which there are a lot of."

"I'm not a bigot, I just don't like crooked gays, which there are a lot of."

How do those sit with you Jackboots, fine and dandy? Or are you a HYPOCRITE when you call other people BIGOTS???

I’m betting you never were a Christian.

I know I was never a Christian,
Because I use to believe:

Its better to be stolen from than to steal..
Its better to be lied to than to lie.
Its better to be killed than to be a killer.

I have not believed in several years and I definitely to do not believe now that I'm completely aware that Christianity is something to be used for political purposes.

but I still have my morals which were taught by my parents.
So, your values concerning abortion and homosexuality
were instilled by your parents

Now you feel it is better to steal than to be stolen from
lie than be lied to and kill than be killed

Okey dokey

Yes and I'm still alive and never have been stolen from, but see I would be a murderer or a thief, which is better to be stolen from or killed. Did Jesus steal or kill?? I still feel that way, even though I do not believe in God. Do you believe in God?? Do you steal , lie or kill?

We were taught empathy, but I find the fake Christianity of Tramp and the GOP over the top as he denigrates every one that is black, brown,
or disagrees with him political or otherwise, and the GOP stays silent or side with tramp.
I’m betting you never were a Christian.

I know I was never a Christian,
Because I use to believe:

Its better to be stolen from than to steal..
Its better to be lied to than to lie.
Its better to be killed than to be a killer.

I have not believed in several years and I definitely to do not believe now that I'm completely aware that Christianity is something to be used for political purposes.

but I still have my morals which were taught by my parents.

Everyone please witness Jackboot Penny's morals in my signature.

That is right do you like Bernie Madoff or Jeffrey Epstein. If so you like crooks, then you should really like tramp. I do not like pedophiles, cheats and crooks, or compulsive liars.
Do you??

Well Jackboots, let's take your quote and use it for other groups, shall we? And see how it sits.

"I'm not a bigot, I just don't like crooked Muslims, which there are a lot of."

"I'm not a bigot, I just don't like crooked blacks, which there are a lot of."

"I'm not a bigot, I just don't like crooked gays, which there are a lot of."

How do those sit with you Jackboots, fine and dandy? Or are you a HYPOCRITE when you call other people BIGOTS???


Do you like crooks?? Time for you to answer the questions. Do you hang with crooks, are you fond of Madoff or Epstein??

Its time for you to defend yourself.
Last edited:
The name is Trump, Donald Trump.

No its tramp, a male slut or whore, he is a whore for money, but a male slut. Since he loves to call everyone a name, I picked one for him.
What if someone called you a whore, Penny? We don't know what is in your heart except the hate you spew out towards Trump.

Tramp gives a name to everyone, that is his name from me, and it fits. Obviously tramp is a male slut. If someone called me a whore I would know its not the truth, but with Tramp its different.
What if I told you I consider you and Trump the same? You both name call, use religion to your advantage, and don't care what anyone else says.

One I only call him what he is, and 2 I cringe when he speaks about God the way he does, if like he spits on his name and uses him, just like all TV preachers. I'm not a believer but I use to be, and I know what a Christian man is suppose to be like, and he does not fit the description.
By your own admission you don’t believe in God,
so shut the hell up already...who cares what you think
I’m betting you never were a Christian.

I know I was never a Christian,
Because I use to believe:

Its better to be stolen from than to steal..
Its better to be lied to than to lie.
Its better to be killed than to be a killer.

I have not believed in several years and I definitely to do not believe now that I'm completely aware that Christianity is something to be used for political purposes.

but I still have my morals which were taught by my parents.

Everyone please witness Jackboot Penny's morals in my signature.

That is right do you like Bernie Madoff or Jeffrey Epstein. If so you like crooks, then you should really like tramp. I do not like pedophiles, cheats and crooks, or compulsive liars.
Do you??

Well Jackboots, let's take your quote and use it for other groups, shall we? And see how it sits.

"I'm not a bigot, I just don't like crooked Muslims, which there are a lot of."

"I'm not a bigot, I just don't like crooked blacks, which there are a lot of."

"I'm not a bigot, I just don't like crooked gays, which there are a lot of."

How do those sit with you Jackboots, fine and dandy? Or are you a HYPOCRITE when you call other people BIGOTS???


Do you like crooks?? Time for you to answer the questions. Do you hang with crooks, are you fond of Madoff or Epstein??

Its time for you to defend yourself.

Oh honey the thread is about hypocrites. Not about whether I like crooks. Stay on topic now
No its tramp, a male slut or whore, he is a whore for money, but a male slut. Since he loves to call everyone a name, I picked one for him.
What if someone called you a whore, Penny? We don't know what is in your heart except the hate you spew out towards Trump.

Tramp gives a name to everyone, that is his name from me, and it fits. Obviously tramp is a male slut. If someone called me a whore I would know its not the truth, but with Tramp its different.
What if I told you I consider you and Trump the same? You both name call, use religion to your advantage, and don't care what anyone else says.

One I only call him what he is, and 2 I cringe when he speaks about God the way he does, if like he spits on his name and uses him, just like all TV preachers. I'm not a believer but I use to be, and I know what a Christian man is suppose to be like, and he does not fit the description.
By your own admission you don’t believe in God,
so shut the hell up already...who cares what you think

You shut the hell up. Who in the hell cares what you think.

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