Trannies attack another female

How did you end up so damn stupid?
I'm a lot less liberal than you think. Most of my friends say, "you're no liberal" and I say, "I know. I'm just more liberal than you".

I'm smarter than you. Less greedy. I have empathy and don't fall for right wing propaganda.
I'm a lot less liberal than you think. Most of my friends say, "you're no liberal" and I say, "I know. I'm just more liberal than you".

I'm smarter than you. Less greedy. I have empathy and don't fall for right wing propaganda.
Less greedy? You democrats are the greediest creatures on the planet. You'd take my entire paycheck if you could get away with it.
Less greedy? You democrats are the greediest creatures on the planet. You'd take my entire paycheck if you could get away with it.

And put you in the ground if you tried to stop them.....

The left does not rest, they do not stop....they do not forgive, they do not forget.....there is no compassion or mercy in them.
The trans gender folks see that their argument is being laughed at and so they feel it slipping away and it is making them crazy angry....
Whether one agrees or disagrees with her opinion, in the US, its not your option to assault them for it.*

*Unless they say queso is bad, then they are just dead inside.
Riley Gaines is the brave one here

Except no one knows where that $5 million per black resident is going to come from.

The democrats have no intention of actually following thru.....they simply want to be able to use this lie to keep the black the face of the destruction of the black family caused by democrat party policies
And the WH has encouraged this violence telling trans people to fight back. I hope Riley sues the college and the WH

Biden needs to be arrested for instigating hate against normal women........

The left does not rest, they do not stop....they do not forgive, they do not forget.....there is no compassion or mercy in them.
But we'd give it way to the poor and disenfranchised. You'd sleep better at night.
That's pretty damn stupid. Give the money I worked for to people who don't know how to steward money.
George Soros, Trannies, WOKE, BLM, CRT, Socialism, Affirmative Action, Abortion. These seem to be your concerns.
Why do trans trenders sexually harass everyone around them that doesn’t want to have sex with them?
The city of San Francisco has been under total democrat party control since 1964..........if the democrats were interested in improving black lives...they would have been improved ....... decades ago.....

You invest in communities by voting out democrats.....the democrat party is in total control of the education system in the cities they control, and they have destroyed the futures of millions of black children......all to keep them ignorant and voting in democrats.....

You are the asshole voting for the death and destruction of blacks....the democrat guys are monsters.

I thought about guys like you who say this shit. You act like a Democratic city doesn't have Republican controlled corporations in those cities. We can't tell them who they have to hire. When we try you cry foul. And we have to constantly hear you cry that you don't want to pay any taxes. You threaten to move if you have to pay taxes.

Take for example Detroit. 5 white rich dudes own everything worth anything in Detroit. They aren't liberals.
Why do trans trenders sexually harass everyone around them that doesn’t want to have sex with them?
If you look like I think you look, they don't want to have sex with people who look like us. You're an average looking white girl who's slightly overweight? They don't want you.

I agree with you they shouldn't compete with girls when it comes to sports. As bad as I feel for them, sorry. You're not really a girl. If we have to we will have trans olympics for you.

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