Tranny sues crossfit

Reminder, liberal orthodoxy says people like this are NOT mentally ill.

Dear AIDS brigade members: Look at the picture of that FUCKING FREAK.

Are you going to deny that person is severely mentally ill?

But what about it's precious wittle feewings? Why can' tyou just play along???
Transgender athlete sues CrossFit for banning her from female contest -

For not letting it compete in strength competition.

You will believe my delusions!

Until laws catch up with this kind of thing, if TG wanna compete in male or female events they should add a TG category. Treating someone who only looks like a specific sex isn't fair to those born into it. SRS is only cosmetic surgery, we can't as yet change our sex. Might look like it, but internally you're however you were born. Someone born male, might look female but can't as yet have babies. And those born female can't get a natural born female pregnant lacking sperm.

Claims of discrimination aren't accurate or well-founded for this reason. You're not the sex you appear to be. You only look like it.

Dr. Marci Bowers is a well-known and respected surgeon who performs these surgeries, and herself was born male.
Marci Bowers - MTF Procedures

* SRS (Genital Surgery)
* Labiaplasty (2nd Stage)
* Orchiectomy (Castration)
* Breast Augmentation (Saline Implants)
* Chondrolaryngoplasty (Adam's Apple Reduction / Trachea Shave)

Click on those links to see exactly what happens and how it's merely cosmetic surgery. No pixie dust required.
Dear AIDS brigade members: Look at the picture of that FUCKING FREAK.

Are you going to deny that person is severely mentally ill?

But what about it's precious wittle feewings? Why can' tyou just play along???

I think anyone, regardless of gender, is "mentally ill" with tattoos like that.
We write about what we care about. :) While Steve's motives are very curious, I'm just glad someone's writing about it.

What is bigger indication of mental illness? Feeling you were born the wrong gender or getting so upset about people who feel they were born the wrong gender that you feel the need to rant and rave about it every single day on an internet forum?

If you think that ranting on a message board is more mentally ill than mutilating yourself and taking medically unecessary hormones which cause cancer and heart disease, there's really no hope for you.
For the 101st time, the reason why I bring up these tranny stories is to show how we are being forced to deny reality. How the left pushes this nonsense on others.

You are entitled to your own opinions, not your own reality.
For the 101st time, the reason why I bring up these tranny stories is to show how we are being forced to deny reality.
So you see yourself as some sort heroic whistleblower, your dedicated 24/7 posting of obscure local news stories you find related to transvestites making a difference by exposing how the media is covering up these ills of society? Your constant sprinkling of text like "fucking liberal faggots" is your key to reaching out to the naive masses, the sweat from your endless toils worth it to get your message out to society.

Or... maybe they aren't news stories because normal people don't care?

How the left pushes this nonsense on others.
Yep I have people trying to make me wear a dress every day as I go about town.
From the OP link:

The lawsuit alleges that a CrossFit teammate of Jonnson's sent an anonymous e-mail to the games organizers asking about transgender athletes in the competition. CrossFit determined that competitors in the event had to compete in the gender of their birth....

...CrossFit maintains that Jonnson was born as a male, so she should compete in the men's division, according to a letter from the company's lawyer to Jonnson's attorney. It also stated that the company had an "obligation to protect the 'rights' of all competitors and the competition itself."

"The fundamental, ineluctable fact is that a male competitor who has a sex reassignment procedure still has a genetic makeup that confers a physical and physiological advantage over women," according to the letter from CrossFit's lawyer sent in October.

This is a fact. Just the other day actually one poster asked me how I would be able to tell if a tranny was a male or female. I told him that males have higher pelvic bones, a pronounced adam's apple and often a longer ring finger than their index finger. They also, no matter how many hormones they take, have more and denser muscle than women. This indeed would be an unfair advantage.

Also, allowing partially-anatomical males to compete as females would completely eradicate the purpose of the gender-exclusive competition because it seeks to see which of actual females could strive against each other to be the fittest for their limitations, compared to men. This gender-blending insanity has to have a line drawn in the sand. Just because California sees this guy self-amputating and delusions as "his new reality as a female" doesn't mean the rest of the sane world has to play along. Their denial systems asking everyone else to deny also has run its course.

I see this one going to the US Supreme Court for final determination on what is male and what is female. Self amputation and taking artificial drugs does not make you the other gender. Sorry to burst anyone's denial-bubble. Even when ethically-bereft "medical professionals" take your money and assure you this is so.. Their crimes do not enhance your claims.
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Nova Steve never fails to deliver the goods, albeit,, they are,,transvestite in nature, which merits his special attention...
For the 101st time, the reason why I bring up these tranny stories is to show how we are being forced to deny reality. How the left pushes this nonsense on others.

You are entitled to your own opinions, not your own reality.

What about gay TV's in the Log Cabin Republican party?And there are crossdressers that are heretosexuals....go figure..
For the 101st time, the reason why I bring up these tranny stories is to show how we are being forced to deny reality. How the left pushes this nonsense on others.

You are entitled to your own opinions, not your own reality.

What about gay TV's in the Log Cabin Republican party?And there are crossdressers that are heretosexuals....go figure..

And those who wash their hands compusively 300 times a day....roughly the same percentage of people too who hear voices in their head...who have trouble controlling a rabid temper...who are afraid the CIA is watching them...or who vomit after every meal to "feel thin".

Your point is that because mental illness exists in the GOP, that it makes it "normal and healthy behavior" within the general population?
Transgender athlete sues CrossFit for banning her from female contest -

For not letting it compete in strength competition.

You will believe my delusions!

She had sexual reassignment surgery in 2006. That was 8 years ago. She is legally a woman, whether you like it or not.

There are people who think they are vampires. If they bleach their skin and have dental implants put in are they legally vampires?

Moron. Plastic surgery doesn't make you something you aren't. Why are liberal so fucking stupid?

You can't change chromosomes and biology, moron.

Why are you fucking so stupid? Do you take pride in being a retard?

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