Transgender 1st Grader Wins Civil Rights Case...

No, you better go read what the state did and it is nothing close to what you claim.
But you have great ability to spin your agenda.
Go read the ruling and get back to us when you understand how to interpret the facts.

Someone complained that the school was allowing a boy to use the girls restroom, the school told said boy that he would have to use the boys room, or use a staff bathroom. The parents of the boy who is using the worn bathroom complained to the state, and the state, in the office Colorado Civil rights Division, ruled that the school had to let the boy use the girls restroom.

Did I miss something or are you just showing your big government progressive colors despite you claim to be a small government conservative?

You claimed the state is telling people they can not use the restroom based on gender!
That is what the school DID and the court ruled THEY CAN NOT DO IT.

I did? I could have sworn I said "The state is telling people that they cannot use a restroom based on their gender if somebody else wants to pretend they are the same gender," How silyl of me to leave the rest of the statement off what I said.

Wait, you are the one that did that, and you are also the one that is trying to claim you are both conservative and not a partisan hack.
Someone complained that the school was allowing a boy to use the girls restroom, the school told said boy that he would have to use the boys room, or use a staff bathroom. The parents of the boy who is using the worn bathroom complained to the state, and the state, in the office Colorado Civil rights Division, ruled that the school had to let the boy use the girls restroom.

Did I miss something or are you just showing your big government progressive colors despite you claim to be a small government conservative?

You claimed the state is telling people they can not use the restroom based on gender!
That is what the school DID and the court ruled THEY CAN NOT DO IT.

If that is the case, that would mean that separate bathrooms are no longer needed or even allowed, yes?

So boys can use the girl's restroom and vice versa?

I think what the state actually said (and as I haven't seen the actual text of the ruling yet, I can't be sure) is that people of any age can use the bathroom of whatever gender they self-identify as. It's possible that it requires some sort of psychological evaluation or confirmation, rather than someone just saying, "I think I'm really a girl", but it's still basically true.

Separation by gender is the entire point of men's and women's restrooms. How gender is determined is what is important here, and it appears that one's physical makeup is no longer a determination. I find that fairly silly.

To repeat myself, if gender is all about self-identification and has nothing to do with someone's genitals, why bother with separate bathrooms at all?

I find myself to be an old fashioned, stick in the mud, reactionary here. I think gender is determined by nature, not opinion.
Yeah, I have heard it for 40 years now:
Blacks are not black enough unless they vote Democrat.
Conservatives are not conservative enough unless they use the Bible as their guide on interpreting the Constitution.
Same old same old.
Having traveled the world the states are one of the few remaining places that label restrooms as male and female.
The state has issued an official passport which identifies Coy as a female, the bathroom restriction should never have occurred.

Regardless of what any piece of paper says... Coy is Factually a Boy.

His Parents Abuse of him is now Abusing others.



How in the heck did the Coy get a passport which identifies Coy him as female?

The only way gender can legally be changed on a BC is after a sex change operation.

Sources of Authority to Amend Sex Designation on Birth Certificates | Lambda Legal
1/3 of the parents in this country are obese, fat, lazy pigs that set a bad example for their kids and folks are worried out the ass about a 6 year old boy that believes he is a girl.
We have become a nation of village idiots.

If we can no longer tell the difference between a boy and a girl we just might be a nation of village idiots. Fortunately I can tell the difference.
Having traveled the world the states are one of the few remaining places that label restrooms as male and female.

TG the USA is not the rest of the world! Are you referring to children's restrooms in a school environment or does your statement refer to adults?

I have no issue with a transgender using a unisex bathroom.
In the OP, the 6yo child was given several options.
Why should an 'inconvenience' for one child impose a negative learning environment for the the rest of the students?

Males should be using a male bathroom, females should be using a female bathroom, period.
The state has issued an official passport which identifies Coy as a female, the bathroom restriction should never have occurred.

Regardless of what any piece of paper says... Coy is Factually a Boy.

His Parents Abuse of him is now Abusing others.



How in the heck did the Coy get a passport which identifies Coy him as female?

The only way gender can legally be changed on a BC is after a sex change operation.

Sources of Authority to Amend Sex Designation on Birth Certificates | Lambda Legal

Because the Absurd has now become Normal.

This is what happens.


The state has issued an official passport which identifies Coy as a female, the bathroom restriction should never have occurred.

They did? When did that happen? Because the state issued birth certificate says Coy is a male.

Coy's passport and state-issued identification recognize her as female.

It happened after a doctor diagnosed her as gender identity disorder and the official change process was initiated.

Parents of transgender first-grader file discrimination complaint -
diagnosed her as gender identity disorder

Kiki, these are references to state laws.
Sources of Authority to Amend Sex Designation on Birth Certificates | Lambda Legal

The majority of the states say: 'indicating that the sex of an individual born in this state has been changed by surgical procedure' or something to that effect.

A few states refuse to recognize a sex change operation and will not change a BC.

Being transgender no longer a mental 'disorder' in diagnostic manual ? In America - Blogs

But gender dysphoria was left as a diagnosis to ensure that a transgender person could still access health care if needed. Hormone treatment would be one example. Another would be counseling for those who need help dealing with their emotions.

and this:
Not conforming to gender is not a disorder, says group ? The Chart - Blogs

But some people have gender dysphoria, a condition in which they feel uncomfortable with their bodies because they don’t match their gender. This causes mental distress that can be relieved by making changes to their appearance, body or hormones, Coleman said. At other times, gender dysphoria does not need medical interventions.

“It’s not a lifetime diagnosis,” said Coleman, professor and director of Human Sexuality at the University of Minnesota Medical School. “Some people learn that they can feel comfortable if they’re allowed to express their gender in some manner that doesn’t necessarily require hormonal or surgical sex requirements.”
1/3 of the parents in this country are obese, fat, lazy pigs that set a bad example for their kids and folks are worried out the ass about a 6 year old boy that believes he is a girl.
We have become a nation of village idiots.

Especially obese, fat, lazy pig parents who set a miserable example of using their children to promote a social agenda, and make bank on the publicity they garner by dressing their little boy as a girl and parading him all over the place as some kind of deviant freak who requires special treatment by everyone else.
What the fuck?

The state is telling people that they cannot use a restroom based on their gender if somebody else wants to pretend they are the same gender, and you somehow think that proves that people =that want a smaller government are crazy?

You just lost all ability to argue anything.

No, you better go read what the state did and it is nothing close to what you claim.
But you have great ability to spin your agenda.
Go read the ruling and get back to us when you understand how to interpret the facts.

Someone complained that the school was allowing a boy to use the girls restroom, the school told said boy that he would have to use the boys room, or use a staff bathroom. The parents of the boy who is using the worn bathroom complained to the state, and the state, in the office Colorado Civil rights Division, ruled that the school had to let the boy use the girls restroom.

Did I miss something or are you just showing your big government progressive colors despite you claim to be a small government conservative?

It's OK to use government oppression as long as the agenda is libtard-approved. Plain and simple, and the point missed by libs...the twisted parents of this abused child used the power of government to violate the privacy of all the girls and to shit on the desires of parents of the girls, despite reasonable alternatives being offered to accommodate their son. If you want to know what a liberal/progressive is up to, just pay attention to what they are accusing the opposition of doing.
QW needs to offer some evidence this ruling tells some people that they can not use the restroom based on gender.
In fact QW has it backwards as this ruling PROHIBITS telling some people they can not use the restroom based on gender.

The kid has a gender, he's a boy. Doesn't matter what rags he throws on his precious self, how he does his hair and makeup, he's plumbed for "male" gender. His self-proclaimed fantasy of being a 'girl' does not make it a fact. Government suborning school rules and accepted rules of society does not make him a girl. Surgical mutilation will still not make him a girl.
Parents of daughters often have a different view of such things as mixing boys and girls than parents of boys.
When living in Munich, in military housing, my daughter and the daughter of a friend came home from the playground and started telling about how some of the boys were playing "sex" with them. Cautious interrogation brought to light that two boys from a family had gotten into Daddy's porn stash and watched a few flicks. Now they wanted to play sex, like the movies. A group of concerned parents (of daughters) approached the parents of these boys and the response was that they thought it was totally cute. NOT! Their attitude was that "boys will be boys" and we were overreacting.
Of course the parents of this poor little boy have no problems forcing everyone else's girls to tolerate his invasion of their private space. As the parent/grandparent of girls, I would have a problem allowing boys into the girls bathroom, locker room, etc. While common in other countries, it is not so here.
Yeah, I have heard it for 40 years now:
Blacks are not black enough unless they vote Democrat.
Conservatives are not conservative enough unless they use the Bible as their guide on interpreting the Constitution.
Same old same old.

Is that why you live in a fantasy world now?
Having traveled the world the states are one of the few remaining places that label restrooms as male and female.

Yet we do here, and you now support using the power of the government to change that, and still want to claim that you are a small government conservative.
The state has issued an official passport which identifies Coy as a female, the bathroom restriction should never have occurred.

They did? When did that happen? Because the state issued birth certificate says Coy is a male.

Coy's passport and state-issued identification recognize her as female.
It happened after a doctor diagnosed her as gender identity disorder and the official change process was initiated.

Parents of transgender first-grader file discrimination complaint -

I said when, not that it didn't happen.

When did that happen? Can you prove it was after a doctor diagnosed them? Given the fact that US law requires passports to reflect the actual gender on the birth certificate unless you are undergoing gender reassignment treatment, and that giving hormones to a 1st grader would violate medical ethics, is it remotely possible that Coy's parents committed fraud?

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