Transgender 1st Grader Wins Civil Rights Case...

Unless this child's mother took off her panties, pointed to her pussy and said "Don't you wish YOU looked like this?" An 18 month old boy has no idea what gender differences are.

18 month olds can't say they are a boy or a girl without an Adult telling them and then they are just repeating what they've been told if they can.

This is so Disgusting and Absurd...

I Fear for our Country that People who Support this have Allegedly been in our Armed Forces, have Educations and are Functioning parts of our Society.

I Hope not many have gained Positions of Power.


Should boys who think they are girls be allowed to use the locker rooms and bathrooms of their choice?

That’s the issue facing California lawmakers as they consider Assembly Bill 1266 – legislation that would require all public schools to allow students to access to facilities consistent with their gender identity.

“AB 1266 forces San Francisco values on all California schools,” said Karen England, executive director of the Capitol Resource Institute. “This is a very radical idea. You’re going to have first-grade boys going to the restroom next to first-grade girls without any supervision.”

Will California Let Boys Use Girls Locker Rooms? | FOX News & Commentary: Todd Starnes

Karen England is no conservative.

I am so glad my husband and I made the decision to put our soccer player in private school this fall.

England said the bill would allow students of any gender to access public school bathrooms and locker rooms of their choice. It would also students to participate in sports activities based on “that student’s assertion that he or she identifies as having a different private sense of their own gender regardless of their biological gender at birth.”

England said parents or students who feel uncomfortable with their daughters showering next to boys – are being accused of being bigots.
“And now if a girl doesn’t want to shower with a boy, there’s something wrong with you,” She said.

The assemblyman’s office provided a statement acknowledging that some parents and students may be uncomfortable with the law.
“Discomfort is not an excuse for discrimination,” he said in a statement.

It’s a big deal when you are mandating that every single public school in California allow opposite gender boys and girls into the boys and girls locker rooms and restrooms,” she said. “Just because a boy wakes up one day and says he believes he’s a girl – they shouldn’t be allowed access to the girls locker room.”

The fulfillment of every teen-aged boys wet dreams.
That isn't how it works. The body might have a penis, but the brain doesn't recognise that penis as being 'normal'. The brain says that the body should have a vagina.

How do you change the brain's way of thinking?

The parents needed to explain to this child the he is a boy. Nothing can change that. Letting him live life like a girl is just a fantasy. Parents are supposed to keep children in reality.

Not according to child psychologists. Your way of "dealing" with it leads to depression, self mutilation and suicide. Would you rather a dead boy or an alive girl?

Nature has a way of eliminating the unsuitable animals from the gene pool. Too bad homo Sapiens has managed to subvert Nature.
Should boys who think they are girls be allowed to use the locker rooms and bathrooms of their choice?

That’s the issue facing California lawmakers as they consider Assembly Bill 1266 – legislation that would require all public schools to allow students to access to facilities consistent with their gender identity.

“AB 1266 forces San Francisco values on all California schools,” said Karen England, executive director of the Capitol Resource Institute. “This is a very radical idea. You’re going to have first-grade boys going to the restroom next to first-grade girls without any supervision.”

Will California Let Boys Use Girls Locker Rooms? | FOX News & Commentary: Todd Starnes

Karen England is no conservative.

I am so glad my husband and I made the decision to put our soccer player in private school this fall.

England said the bill would allow students of any gender to access public school bathrooms and locker rooms of their choice. It would also students to participate in sports activities based on “that student’s assertion that he or she identifies as having a different private sense of their own gender regardless of their biological gender at birth.”

England said parents or students who feel uncomfortable with their daughters showering next to boys – are being accused of being bigots.
“And now if a girl doesn’t want to shower with a boy, there’s something wrong with you,” She said.

The assemblyman’s office provided a statement acknowledging that some parents and students may be uncomfortable with the law.
“Discomfort is not an excuse for discrimination,” he said in a statement.

It’s a big deal when you are mandating that every single public school in California allow opposite gender boys and girls into the boys and girls locker rooms and restrooms,” she said. “Just because a boy wakes up one day and says he believes he’s a girl – they shouldn’t be allowed access to the girls locker room.”

The fulfillment of every teen-aged boys wet dreams.

Exactly, if I was a teen boy and this was going on you'd have to drag me out of the gym and girls locker rooms.
Do you want me to run a DNA check on him?

All I am claiming is that he is a boy, you are the one claiming he is really a girl. Where is your evidence?

First you have to prove I made a claim he was a girl.
I never did.
He BELIEVES he is a girl.
Where is your evidence that he does not believe he is a boy in a girl's body, mind and soul?

His belief is irrelevant. I don't care if his belief is completely real to him, it is still not real to me.

I believe in God, yet I don't expect you to accommodate that belief by going to church. In fact, if I did, you would raise a stink. Yet you, in your effort to prove how enlightened you are, are willing to force teenage girls to take showers with teenage boys, and you think I am being absurd because I object to that.

If the rules here allowed it I would post a few hundred links to pre op transgenders who routinely have sex with women. Being a transgender does not mean you want to have sex with the opposite biological sex. I was a teenage boy, and I still remember getting erections at the thought of a girls locker room. No one who has a brain would want teenage boys showering with teenage girls.

There's the rub. Assuming liberals/progs have brains, they certainly do not apply those organs to rational, reasonable thought.
The parents needed to explain to this child the he is a boy. Nothing can change that. Letting him live life like a girl is just a fantasy. Parents are supposed to keep children in reality.

Not according to child psychologists. Your way of "dealing" with it leads to depression, self mutilation and suicide. Would you rather a dead boy or an alive girl?

Nature has a way of eliminating the unsuitable animals from the gene pool. Too bad homo Sapiens has managed to subvert Nature.

What, exactly, is nature? Is humanity not part of it?

If you define nature as those things not influenced by humanity, well, life would not be pleasant if everything were natural. The clothes you wear, the home you live in, the computer you are communicating with, none of these are natural. The medicines with which we fight disease heal injuries are not natural. Hell, cooking food is not natural.

Besides, there's no way to know if a person who has gender identity issues would survive and pass along their genes in a purely 'natural' world.
Coy looks like a very angry little boy who's Parents dress him in Drag for their own Mediawhoreishness...



He doesn't look happy to me, shouldn't he be smiling if this is what he wanted?

I'm tellin' ya.... This kids off's himself as a teen and these dbags should be Charged. :thup:



That's the whole point. Because she's not forced to live a gender she does not feel is hers, she will be less likely to kill herself.
He doesn't look happy to me, shouldn't he be smiling if this is what he wanted?

I'm tellin' ya.... This kids off's himself as a teen and these dbags should be Charged. :thup:



That's the whole point. Because she's not forced to live a gender she does not feel is hers, she will be less likely to kill herself.

You are a Disgusting Example of our Species. :thup:

Forcing a Toddler to be called a Girl when it's a Boy @ 18 Months and Dressing him in Drag is Fucking CHILD ABUSE.

At least you Own who you are.


Not according to child psychologists. Your way of "dealing" with it leads to depression, self mutilation and suicide. Would you rather a dead boy or an alive girl?

Nature has a way of eliminating the unsuitable animals from the gene pool. Too bad homo Sapiens has managed to subvert Nature.

What, exactly, is nature? Is humanity not part of it?

If you define nature as those things not influenced by humanity, well, life would not be pleasant if everything were natural. The clothes you wear, the home you live in, the computer you are communicating with, none of these are natural. The medicines with which we fight disease heal injuries are not natural. Hell, cooking food is not natural.

Besides, there's no way to know if a person who has gender identity issues would survive and pass along their genes in a purely 'natural' world.

Human nature vs. Nature is an entirely different discussion.

As far as your last statement goes, we can be fairly certain that someone with gender identity issues is far less likely to pass its genes on to subsequent generations based solely on the un-natural condition in the first place.

Let's just apply that to the case featured in the OP:
Little boy's parents have managed to persuade the child that he is really a little girl. He's got all the boy bits, but mom and dad have twisted his little mind into something Nature never intended. So, it goes through life as a "girl". When it comes time to start dating, do you think it will develop romantic and sexual interest in males or females? Remember, the boy bits are disregarded, even hated, by this child.

If it develops an interest in boys, as would be normal for a girl-child, do you think the boys are going to be all the interested in it once they learn its dirty little secret? Maybe boys who have identified as homosexual, but normal hetero boys might find the extra Regardless, boy-on-boy sex engenders no offspring.
If it develops an interest in girls, do you think normal girls will be interested in dating a boy who looks better in their clothes than they do? Considering the attitude this child has towards its 'masculine' member, would it consider heterosexual relations with another girl? Perhaps a chance of offspring, but not very likely.
If it mutilates itself to become "female", it may have sexual relations with other (unsuspecting) males, but there will still be no issue.

So what do you think? Much chance of passing those genes on to offspring? IF this were a genetic anomaly. Klinefelter's Syndrome is one of extremely few genetic anomalies I am aware of that might result in gender identity issues, and Klinefelter's renders its victims infertile. Hermaphroditism is another genetic anomaly that might render the victim 'confused' about their gender identity.
Nature has a way of eliminating the unsuitable animals from the gene pool. Too bad homo Sapiens has managed to subvert Nature.

What, exactly, is nature? Is humanity not part of it?

If you define nature as those things not influenced by humanity, well, life would not be pleasant if everything were natural. The clothes you wear, the home you live in, the computer you are communicating with, none of these are natural. The medicines with which we fight disease heal injuries are not natural. Hell, cooking food is not natural.

Besides, there's no way to know if a person who has gender identity issues would survive and pass along their genes in a purely 'natural' world.

Human nature vs. Nature is an entirely different discussion.

As far as your last statement goes, we can be fairly certain that someone with gender identity issues is far less likely to pass its genes on to subsequent generations based solely on the un-natural condition in the first place.

Let's just apply that to the case featured in the OP:
Little boy's parents have managed to persuade the child that he is really a little girl. He's got all the boy bits, but mom and dad have twisted his little mind into something Nature never intended. So, it goes through life as a "girl". When it comes time to start dating, do you think it will develop romantic and sexual interest in males or females? Remember, the boy bits are disregarded, even hated, by this child.

If it develops an interest in boys, as would be normal for a girl-child, do you think the boys are going to be all the interested in it once they learn its dirty little secret? Maybe boys who have identified as homosexual, but normal hetero boys might find the extra Regardless, boy-on-boy sex engenders no offspring.
If it develops an interest in girls, do you think normal girls will be interested in dating a boy who looks better in their clothes than they do? Considering the attitude this child has towards its 'masculine' member, would it consider heterosexual relations with another girl? Perhaps a chance of offspring, but not very likely.
If it mutilates itself to become "female", it may have sexual relations with other (unsuspecting) males, but there will still be no issue.

So what do you think? Much chance of passing those genes on to offspring? IF this were a genetic anomaly. Klinefelter's Syndrome is one of extremely few genetic anomalies I am aware of that might result in gender identity issues, and Klinefelter's renders its victims infertile. Hermaphroditism is another genetic anomaly that might render the victim 'confused' about their gender identity.

I don't think dating would be involved in a 'natural' environment. Dating is a human construct.

Certainly, depending on the nature of the gender identity issues, there's a strong possibility no genes would be passed on. It depends on just how such issues manifest I suppose. But we can't think of it in the context of human society if we are discussing a hypothetical 'natural' life. We'd be better served looking to see if there are any examples of gender identity issues in other primate species I think.

Regardless, my point was really that humanity has, through medicine and technology, allowed many traits to propagate that might not have done so 'naturally'. For example, I wear glasses. My eyesight is pretty poor without corrective lenses. In a survival of the fittest environment, which is how nature tends to function, either I or my ancestors would possibly not have lived because of this condition. People with any of a host of disabilities would quite possibly not survive in nature, but are able to do so because of our advances.

So, unless you want to advocate for a kind of eugenics to get rid of the traits you oppose, we end up having to take the good and the bad when it comes to what people pass along to future generations.

To be clear, I think the parents of this boy are idiots and quite possibly doing great damage to their son. I have absolutely no problem with parents letting children know about the different sexes and which they are a member of. I don't think a child of less than 2 years old is likely to have enough self-awareness or understanding to really form solid gender identity.

I just thought your comment about nature was a bit silly. I think it is, for the most part, a damned good thing humanity has managed to 'subvert nature', despite some examples to the contrary. ;)
What, exactly, is nature? Is humanity not part of it?

If you define nature as those things not influenced by humanity, well, life would not be pleasant if everything were natural. The clothes you wear, the home you live in, the computer you are communicating with, none of these are natural. The medicines with which we fight disease heal injuries are not natural. Hell, cooking food is not natural.

Besides, there's no way to know if a person who has gender identity issues would survive and pass along their genes in a purely 'natural' world.

Human nature vs. Nature is an entirely different discussion.

As far as your last statement goes, we can be fairly certain that someone with gender identity issues is far less likely to pass its genes on to subsequent generations based solely on the un-natural condition in the first place.

Let's just apply that to the case featured in the OP:
Little boy's parents have managed to persuade the child that he is really a little girl. He's got all the boy bits, but mom and dad have twisted his little mind into something Nature never intended. So, it goes through life as a "girl". When it comes time to start dating, do you think it will develop romantic and sexual interest in males or females? Remember, the boy bits are disregarded, even hated, by this child.

If it develops an interest in boys, as would be normal for a girl-child, do you think the boys are going to be all the interested in it once they learn its dirty little secret? Maybe boys who have identified as homosexual, but normal hetero boys might find the extra Regardless, boy-on-boy sex engenders no offspring.
If it develops an interest in girls, do you think normal girls will be interested in dating a boy who looks better in their clothes than they do? Considering the attitude this child has towards its 'masculine' member, would it consider heterosexual relations with another girl? Perhaps a chance of offspring, but not very likely.
If it mutilates itself to become "female", it may have sexual relations with other (unsuspecting) males, but there will still be no issue.

So what do you think? Much chance of passing those genes on to offspring? IF this were a genetic anomaly. Klinefelter's Syndrome is one of extremely few genetic anomalies I am aware of that might result in gender identity issues, and Klinefelter's renders its victims infertile. Hermaphroditism is another genetic anomaly that might render the victim 'confused' about their gender identity.

I don't think dating would be involved in a 'natural' environment. Dating is a human construct.

Certainly, depending on the nature of the gender identity issues, there's a strong possibility no genes would be passed on. It depends on just how such issues manifest I suppose. But we can't think of it in the context of human society if we are discussing a hypothetical 'natural' life. We'd be better served looking to see if there are any examples of gender identity issues in other primate species I think.

Regardless, my point was really that humanity has, through medicine and technology, allowed many traits to propagate that might not have done so 'naturally'. For example, I wear glasses. My eyesight is pretty poor without corrective lenses. In a survival of the fittest environment, which is how nature tends to function, either I or my ancestors would possibly not have lived because of this condition. People with any of a host of disabilities would quite possibly not survive in nature, but are able to do so because of our advances.

So, unless you want to advocate for a kind of eugenics to get rid of the traits you oppose, we end up having to take the good and the bad when it comes to what people pass along to future generations.

To be clear, I think the parents of this boy are idiots and quite possibly doing great damage to their son. I have absolutely no problem with parents letting children know about the different sexes and which they are a member of. I don't think a child of less than 2 years old is likely to have enough self-awareness or understanding to really form solid gender identity.

I just thought your comment about nature was a bit silly. I think it is, for the most part, a damned good thing humanity has managed to 'subvert nature', despite some examples to the contrary. ;)

We come back to "just because we can does not mean we should" do anything special to subvert Nature. We can clearly see what happens to the species when we do not allow Nature to take her course. We become riddled with all manner of physical and psychological deviations that would never have survived without human intervention. Preservation of such anomalies DOES NOT strengthen the species.
I'm tellin' ya.... This kids off's himself as a teen and these dbags should be Charged. :thup:



That's the whole point. Because she's not forced to live a gender she does not feel is hers, she will be less likely to kill herself.

You are a Disgusting Example of our Species. :thup:

Forcing a Toddler to be called a Girl when it's a Boy @ 18 Months and Dressing him in Drag is Fucking CHILD ABUSE.

At least you Own who you are.



Provide evidence the child is being forced. You can't. Read up a little on GID, won't you?
That's the whole point. Because she's not forced to live a gender she does not feel is hers, she will be less likely to kill herself.

You are a Disgusting Example of our Species. :thup:

Forcing a Toddler to be called a Girl when it's a Boy @ 18 Months and Dressing him in Drag is Fucking CHILD ABUSE.

At least you Own who you are.



Provide evidence the child is being forced. You can't. Read up a little on GID, won't you?


The parents ADMIT to doing this @ 18 months old.

At that Age it IS Child Abuse.


What, exactly, is nature? Is humanity not part of it?

If you define nature as those things not influenced by humanity, well, life would not be pleasant if everything were natural. The clothes you wear, the home you live in, the computer you are communicating with, none of these are natural. The medicines with which we fight disease heal injuries are not natural. Hell, cooking food is not natural.

Besides, there's no way to know if a person who has gender identity issues would survive and pass along their genes in a purely 'natural' world.

Human nature vs. Nature is an entirely different discussion.

As far as your last statement goes, we can be fairly certain that someone with gender identity issues is far less likely to pass its genes on to subsequent generations based solely on the un-natural condition in the first place.

Let's just apply that to the case featured in the OP:
Little boy's parents have managed to persuade the child that he is really a little girl. He's got all the boy bits, but mom and dad have twisted his little mind into something Nature never intended. So, it goes through life as a "girl". When it comes time to start dating, do you think it will develop romantic and sexual interest in males or females? Remember, the boy bits are disregarded, even hated, by this child.

If it develops an interest in boys, as would be normal for a girl-child, do you think the boys are going to be all the interested in it once they learn its dirty little secret? Maybe boys who have identified as homosexual, but normal hetero boys might find the extra Regardless, boy-on-boy sex engenders no offspring.
If it develops an interest in girls, do you think normal girls will be interested in dating a boy who looks better in their clothes than they do? Considering the attitude this child has towards its 'masculine' member, would it consider heterosexual relations with another girl? Perhaps a chance of offspring, but not very likely.
If it mutilates itself to become "female", it may have sexual relations with other (unsuspecting) males, but there will still be no issue.

So what do you think? Much chance of passing those genes on to offspring? IF this were a genetic anomaly. Klinefelter's Syndrome is one of extremely few genetic anomalies I am aware of that might result in gender identity issues, and Klinefelter's renders its victims infertile. Hermaphroditism is another genetic anomaly that might render the victim 'confused' about their gender identity.

I don't think dating would be involved in a 'natural' environment. Dating is a human construct.

Certainly, depending on the nature of the gender identity issues, there's a strong possibility no genes would be passed on. It depends on just how such issues manifest I suppose. But we can't think of it in the context of human society if we are discussing a hypothetical 'natural' life. We'd be better served looking to see if there are any examples of gender identity issues in other primate species I think.

Regardless, my point was really that humanity has, through medicine and technology, allowed many traits to propagate that might not have done so 'naturally'. For example, I wear glasses. My eyesight is pretty poor without corrective lenses. In a survival of the fittest environment, which is how nature tends to function, either I or my ancestors would possibly not have lived because of this condition. People with any of a host of disabilities would quite possibly not survive in nature, but are able to do so because of our advances.

So, unless you want to advocate for a kind of eugenics to get rid of the traits you oppose, we end up having to take the good and the bad when it comes to what people pass along to future generations.

To be clear, I think the parents of this boy are idiots and quite possibly doing great damage to their son. I have absolutely no problem with parents letting children know about the different sexes and which they are a member of. I don't think a child of less than 2 years old is likely to have enough self-awareness or understanding to really form solid gender identity.

I just thought your comment about nature was a bit silly. I think it is, for the most part, a damned good thing humanity has managed to 'subvert nature', despite some examples to the contrary. ;)

And you’re entitled to your opinion.

Just as the parents are entitled to raise their child as they see fit.

Trouble manifests, however, when those who hold such an opinion attempt to codify that opinion.
Human nature vs. Nature is an entirely different discussion.

As far as your last statement goes, we can be fairly certain that someone with gender identity issues is far less likely to pass its genes on to subsequent generations based solely on the un-natural condition in the first place.

Let's just apply that to the case featured in the OP:
Little boy's parents have managed to persuade the child that he is really a little girl. He's got all the boy bits, but mom and dad have twisted his little mind into something Nature never intended. So, it goes through life as a "girl". When it comes time to start dating, do you think it will develop romantic and sexual interest in males or females? Remember, the boy bits are disregarded, even hated, by this child.

If it develops an interest in boys, as would be normal for a girl-child, do you think the boys are going to be all the interested in it once they learn its dirty little secret? Maybe boys who have identified as homosexual, but normal hetero boys might find the extra Regardless, boy-on-boy sex engenders no offspring.
If it develops an interest in girls, do you think normal girls will be interested in dating a boy who looks better in their clothes than they do? Considering the attitude this child has towards its 'masculine' member, would it consider heterosexual relations with another girl? Perhaps a chance of offspring, but not very likely.
If it mutilates itself to become "female", it may have sexual relations with other (unsuspecting) males, but there will still be no issue.

So what do you think? Much chance of passing those genes on to offspring? IF this were a genetic anomaly. Klinefelter's Syndrome is one of extremely few genetic anomalies I am aware of that might result in gender identity issues, and Klinefelter's renders its victims infertile. Hermaphroditism is another genetic anomaly that might render the victim 'confused' about their gender identity.

I don't think dating would be involved in a 'natural' environment. Dating is a human construct.

Certainly, depending on the nature of the gender identity issues, there's a strong possibility no genes would be passed on. It depends on just how such issues manifest I suppose. But we can't think of it in the context of human society if we are discussing a hypothetical 'natural' life. We'd be better served looking to see if there are any examples of gender identity issues in other primate species I think.

Regardless, my point was really that humanity has, through medicine and technology, allowed many traits to propagate that might not have done so 'naturally'. For example, I wear glasses. My eyesight is pretty poor without corrective lenses. In a survival of the fittest environment, which is how nature tends to function, either I or my ancestors would possibly not have lived because of this condition. People with any of a host of disabilities would quite possibly not survive in nature, but are able to do so because of our advances.

So, unless you want to advocate for a kind of eugenics to get rid of the traits you oppose, we end up having to take the good and the bad when it comes to what people pass along to future generations.

To be clear, I think the parents of this boy are idiots and quite possibly doing great damage to their son. I have absolutely no problem with parents letting children know about the different sexes and which they are a member of. I don't think a child of less than 2 years old is likely to have enough self-awareness or understanding to really form solid gender identity.

I just thought your comment about nature was a bit silly. I think it is, for the most part, a damned good thing humanity has managed to 'subvert nature', despite some examples to the contrary. ;)

And you’re entitled to your opinion.

Just as the parents are entitled to raise their child as they see fit.

Trouble manifests, however, when those who hold such an opinion attempt to codify that opinion.

I actually agree entirely. However, I think it is the parents of this child that are having their opinion codified.

Put simply, a penis does not belong in the girl's bathroom, nor a vagina in the boy's. How a child identifies themselves has nothing to do with that.

If that is not true, then separate bathrooms are pointless and should be done away with.
That's the whole point. Because she's not forced to live a gender she does not feel is hers, she will be less likely to kill herself.

You are a Disgusting Example of our Species. :thup:

Forcing a Toddler to be called a Girl when it's a Boy @ 18 Months and Dressing him in Drag is Fucking CHILD ABUSE.

At least you Own who you are.



Provide evidence the child is being forced. You can't. Read up a little on GID, won't you?

The lack of evidence to support the actual existence of girls being born males leads me to conclude that this is a delusion, not a medical condition. Feel free to provide genetic evidence that this boy is actually a girl who was accidentally born with a penis to disprove my conclusion.
I'm tellin' ya.... This kids off's himself as a teen and these dbags should be Charged. :thup:



That's the whole point. Because she's not forced to live a gender she does not feel is hers, she will be less likely to kill herself.

Prove it.

She can't... :thup:

She KNOWS what the Parents have Admitted to that and that is that THEY started dressing an 18 month old Boy in Drag and making everyone call him a her...

That's why this Boy believes he's a Girl and it's Fucking Child Abuse.

I'm just Shocked that Seawytch is so Supported of it out in the open.

Normally these Societal Anarchist Deviants hide like Bodecea and Ravir are.



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