Transgender 1st Grader Wins Civil Rights Case...

So at 18 months of Age these "parents" started dressing a little BOY as a little GIRL and made people who interacted with him call him her.

18 months...

When this kid Kills himself later in Life I Hope the Parents are Executed and I Hope that anyone who Defended this Child Abuse is Haunted by it for the rest of their Lives. :thup:


Do you want me to run a DNA check on him?

All I am claiming is that he is a boy, you are the one claiming he is really a girl. Where is your evidence?

First you have to prove I made a claim he was a girl.
I never did.
He BELIEVES he is a girl.
Where is your evidence that he does not believe he is a boy in a girl's body, mind and soul?

At 18-months his Parents started dressing him like a girl and making people refer to him as a girl.

It's Fucking Child Abuse.

It's Absurd.

It's Concerning that people who share the same Oxygen as I do are Defending this Child Abuse.

Don't Defend Child Abuse, mmmmkay. :thup:



We don't know what the 18 month old child believes. It's the parents who believe he's a girl.
First you have to prove I made a claim he was a girl.
I never did.
He BELIEVES he is a girl.
Where is your evidence that he does not believe he is a boy in a girl's body, mind and soul?

At 18-months his Parents started dressing him like a girl and making people refer to him as a girl.

It's Fucking Child Abuse.

It's Absurd.

It's Concerning that people who share the same Oxygen as I do are Defending this Child Abuse.

Don't Defend Child Abuse, mmmmkay. :thup:



We don't know what the 18 month old child believes. It's the parents who believe he's a girl.

Yep... See my last post. :thup:


My 5 year old insisted he was a jet plane the other day.

He and his Sister who is 7 and half want to get Married like Mommy and Daddy... To each other.

Luckily they don't have this little boy in the story's Douchebag Parents. :thup:


Had Coy been born a girl, these parents would have said she is really a boy. If liberals had been able to do this to obama's mother, he might never have been born. obama's grandparents wanted a boy so badly they named their daughter Stanley. They just weren't given the power to raise her as a boy.
Developmental Patterns of Gender Typing

Children develop gender-typed patterns of behavior and preferences as early as age 15 to 36 months. Girls tend to conform less strictly to gender-role stereotypes than do boys, possibly because there is greater pressure from parents and teachers for boys to adhere to the masculine role. Girls may also imitate the male role because it has greater status and privilege in our culture. Although some boys and girls receive support for cross-gender behavior, most are encouraged to behave according to traditional stereotypes.

Gender Roles and Gender Differences

Toddlers begin to use gender stereotypes in their play. Young girls begin to play with “female toys,” and young boys play with “male toys.” Parents also may treat their children differently. Many young girls are dressed in “pretty” clothing and treated very delicately. Young boys are often dressed in “cute” clothes that are easy to move around in. Boys are often encouraged to be active and strong.

Ages and Stages

So 18 months, while unusual, isn't impossible.

Playing with dolls does not make you a female, having a vagina does, Lots of boys play with dolls and never grow up thinking they are girls because they have parents that don't jump to idiotic conclusions and then run off to doctors that tell them that their little boy is a girl.

That isn't how it works. The body might have a penis, but the brain doesn't recognise that penis as being 'normal'. The brain says that the body should have a vagina.

How do you change the brain's way of thinking?

What scientific evidence do you have that this is a real phenomenon? So far all anyone has come up with is anecdotal evidence and the belief of a few people who stand to make a lot of money off of this. If that is all it takes I can give you conclusive proof that God is real.

As for changing the brain's way of thinking, isn't that what psychology is all about? Why else do people spend years in therapy to stop thinking of themselves as being wrong?
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7NEWS - Colorado transgender first-grader Coy Mathis wins civil rights case, group says - Local Story

Absolute Absurdity... Entertaining an 18-month-old with this until it becomes a Civil Rights Issue in the 1st Grade should be Conisdered Child Abuse.

And you Thought they'd stop at Kindergarten?...



Cases like this point to the defective mental health of the so-called parents of children like this. "Labeled as a boy at birth" means that the plumbing was there. Kid should be removed from the home and the "parents" sterilized and banned from adoption or fostering children, ever. Fucking freaks.
That isn't how it works. The body might have a penis, but the brain doesn't recognise that penis as being 'normal'. The brain says that the body should have a vagina.

How do you change the brain's way of thinking?

The parents needed to explain to this child the he is a boy. Nothing can change that. Letting him live life like a girl is just a fantasy. Parents are supposed to keep children in reality.

Not according to child psychologists. Your way of "dealing" with it leads to depression, self mutilation and suicide. Would you rather a dead boy or an alive girl?

I actually know a few transgender women so I am going to rub your face in some reality. Being a transgender does not mean you do not like to have sex with women. In your ignorance you are forcing teenage girls to take showers with a person who has a penis and, even if they are being honest, will still get an erection when in the shower with girls.

Only a pervert would support that.
Playing with dolls does not make you a female, having a vagina does, Lots of boys play with dolls and never grow up thinking they are girls because they have parents that don't jump to idiotic conclusions and then run off to doctors that tell them that their little boy is a girl.

That isn't how it works. The body might have a penis, but the brain doesn't recognise that penis as being 'normal'. The brain says that the body should have a vagina.

How do you change the brain's way of thinking?

What scientific evidence do you have that this is a real phenomenon? So far all anyone has come up with is anecdotal evidence and the belief of a few people who stand to make a lot of money off of this. If that is all it takes I can give you conclusive proof that God is real.

As for changing the brain's way of thinking, isn't that what psychology is all about? Why else do people spend years in therapy to stop thinking of themselves as being wrong?

The brain of an 18 month old isn't developed enough to know penis from vagina. Since at 18 months a child, raised as a normal child, wouldn't be familiar enough with naked people to know that not everyone has a penis.
They're just doing what they think is in the best interest of their child, It's hard to judge them when their in a relatively unique situation like this. I honestly hope it works out, otherwise a child, or perhaps children end up hurt- and that's never good.

Best interest of the child? Really? Training it to be a freak and then using its freak status to push a sick social agenda? Sure, best interest of the child.
Looking at pictures of the family, looks like the kid has four sisters. Not too unusual for him to want to play with girls things when that's all he has and what he might be accustomed to. Just think of the money mom and pop save, not having to buy him clothes of his own when he can wear Sissy's hand-me-downs.
No, the parents are sick, selfish, hideous beings. Next, we'll be reading how they have the poor kid on hormone treatment to delay onset of normal puberty.
Where is your scientific evidence?
You are the one with all the opinions here along with your know it all agenda.
With no scientific evidence of any kind to back up anything you claim.

Do you want me to run a DNA check on him?

All I am claiming is that he is a boy, you are the one claiming he is really a girl. Where is your evidence?

First you have to prove I made a claim he was a girl.
I never did.
He BELIEVES he is a girl.
Where is your evidence that he does not believe he is a boy in a girl's body, mind and soul?

His belief is irrelevant. I don't care if his belief is completely real to him, it is still not real to me.

I believe in God, yet I don't expect you to accommodate that belief by going to church. In fact, if I did, you would raise a stink. Yet you, in your effort to prove how enlightened you are, are willing to force teenage girls to take showers with teenage boys, and you think I am being absurd because I object to that.

If the rules here allowed it I would post a few hundred links to pre op transgenders who routinely have sex with women. Being a transgender does not mean you want to have sex with the opposite biological sex. I was a teenage boy, and I still remember getting erections at the thought of a girls locker room. No one who has a brain would want teenage boys showering with teenage girls.
This is not a liberal versus conservative issue.


Is it not true that it is mostly liberals who pine for these kinds of social travesties, unlike conservative who cling to traditions of old?

It very well is a matter of liberal versus conservative in terms of ideology. Has it not been for some time a part of liberalism to always try to break past and move forward on issues of social morality using radical thinking?

yup.....liberals want to sexualize our children....:evil:

Unfortunately, they're doing a damned good job of it, too. Just one more case to encourage home schooling.
If his genitals have been mutilated and such beyond use; he'll never be able to ejaculate or impregnate a women to have children anyway. So what's your point exactly, there's going to be something this child has to work through regardless of which decision anyone makes.

It's a shit situation to be put in, it's far to easy to sit outside of the weight of having this be your child and judge. Anyone who's ever judged something then been put in that same situation should be silent. Because they know it's never the same, and never as easy as it seems.

And Katz, there are actually people who try their hardest to be various animals they feel they identify but I don't quite get how a cat is the same as a person.

The child in THIS case has not been mutilated. His parents have given him a fantasy and demand that everyone else in the world treat their son in accordance with the fantasy they imposed on him. Don't confuse the issues. There nothing medically wrong with Coy. Actually, the parents likely had preplanned their transgendered son before he was born by giving him the name "Coy".

The point is that children, especially very young children, and 18 months is very young, are still learning and forming their identities. A cat is not the same as a person, UNLESS there are deranged parents who insist their child be treated like a cat, because that's the way their child identifies.

Your personal, subjective opinion is noted.

And if you have a transgender child you’re at liberty to compel him to dress and act in a manner consistent with his physical gender.

But you may not compel through the power of the state another transgender child to conform in accordance with your personal, subjective opinion.

Frankly, most people could give a rat's patootie how these people dress their child. The big problem is when the rights of every little girl in that school are trampled upon because of this one child's parents' fantasy that he is a 'she'. If he did not wish to use the boy's restroom, reasonable alternatives were offered by the school administration (i.e. nurse's or staff bathrooms made available). But again, this is not truly a matter of 'fair', because forcing the girls to bear having this boy using their restroom is patently unfair to all of them. This is very much an issue of forcing acceptance of a social agenda.

^Coy Mathis (bottom left) and family onstage at the 24th Annual GLAAD Media Awards on March 16, 2013 in New York City.

I am so GLAAD that they have found a way to get the Spotlight in such a short period of time since their Son was just 18 months...

Now they have a Stage... Yay for them!


Kind of overreacting methinks, Society isn't anymore over then when little black babies and little white babies we're allowed to do things together. The moral fiber of society is not being torn asunder right before your eyes- it is evolving with the changing of the people. That is what it does, chill out before you give yourself an aneurism.

What the fuck?

How does morality evolve? Either something is always moral, or it never is. It doesn't change simply because you want to pretend you are smarter simply because you were born later than someone else.

Actually, liberals/progressives have come up with just the right concept to explain their ability to change the definition of what is, or is not, moral, depending on their feelings about a particular matter. It's called "relative morality" and they use it quite...liberally whenever it suits their purposes:

The philosophized notion that right and wrong are not absolute values, but are personalized according to the individual and his or her circumstances or cultural orientation. It can be used positively to effect change in the law (e.g., promoting tolerance for other customs or lifestyles) or negatively as a means to attempt justification for wrongdoing or lawbreaking. The opposite of moral relativism is moral absolutism, which espouses a fundamental, Natural Law of constant values and rules, and which judges all persons equally, irrespective of individual circumstances or cultural differences.
Relative Morality legal definition of Relative Morality. Relative Morality synonyms by the Free Online Law Dictionary.
The child in THIS case has not been mutilated. His parents have given him a fantasy and demand that everyone else in the world treat their son in accordance with the fantasy they imposed on him. Don't confuse the issues. There nothing medically wrong with Coy. Actually, the parents likely had preplanned their transgendered son before he was born by giving him the name "Coy".

The point is that children, especially very young children, and 18 months is very young, are still learning and forming their identities. A cat is not the same as a person, UNLESS there are deranged parents who insist their child be treated like a cat, because that's the way their child identifies.

Your personal, subjective opinion is noted.

And if you have a transgender child you’re at liberty to compel him to dress and act in a manner consistent with his physical gender.

But you may not compel through the power of the state another transgender child to conform in accordance with your personal, subjective opinion.

Frankly, most people could give a rat's patootie how these people dress their child. The big problem is when the rights of every little girl in that school are trampled upon because of this one child's parents' fantasy that he is a 'she'. If he did not wish to use the boy's restroom, reasonable alternatives were offered by the school administration (i.e. nurse's or staff bathrooms made available). But again, this is not truly a matter of 'fair', because forcing the girls to bear having this boy using their restroom is patently unfair to all of them. This is very much an issue of forcing acceptance of a social agenda.

This has been brought up several times in this thread, and yet those supporting the court's descion really dont have a good answer for it.
Unless this child's mother took off her panties, pointed to her pussy and said "Don't you wish YOU looked like this?" An 18 month old boy has no idea what gender differences are.

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