Transgender 1st Grader Wins Civil Rights Case...

Human nature vs. Nature is an entirely different discussion.

As far as your last statement goes, we can be fairly certain that someone with gender identity issues is far less likely to pass its genes on to subsequent generations based solely on the un-natural condition in the first place.

Let's just apply that to the case featured in the OP:
Little boy's parents have managed to persuade the child that he is really a little girl. He's got all the boy bits, but mom and dad have twisted his little mind into something Nature never intended. So, it goes through life as a "girl". When it comes time to start dating, do you think it will develop romantic and sexual interest in males or females? Remember, the boy bits are disregarded, even hated, by this child.

If it develops an interest in boys, as would be normal for a girl-child, do you think the boys are going to be all the interested in it once they learn its dirty little secret? Maybe boys who have identified as homosexual, but normal hetero boys might find the extra Regardless, boy-on-boy sex engenders no offspring.
If it develops an interest in girls, do you think normal girls will be interested in dating a boy who looks better in their clothes than they do? Considering the attitude this child has towards its 'masculine' member, would it consider heterosexual relations with another girl? Perhaps a chance of offspring, but not very likely.
If it mutilates itself to become "female", it may have sexual relations with other (unsuspecting) males, but there will still be no issue.

So what do you think? Much chance of passing those genes on to offspring? IF this were a genetic anomaly. Klinefelter's Syndrome is one of extremely few genetic anomalies I am aware of that might result in gender identity issues, and Klinefelter's renders its victims infertile. Hermaphroditism is another genetic anomaly that might render the victim 'confused' about their gender identity.

I don't think dating would be involved in a 'natural' environment. Dating is a human construct.

Certainly, depending on the nature of the gender identity issues, there's a strong possibility no genes would be passed on. It depends on just how such issues manifest I suppose. But we can't think of it in the context of human society if we are discussing a hypothetical 'natural' life. We'd be better served looking to see if there are any examples of gender identity issues in other primate species I think.

Regardless, my point was really that humanity has, through medicine and technology, allowed many traits to propagate that might not have done so 'naturally'. For example, I wear glasses. My eyesight is pretty poor without corrective lenses. In a survival of the fittest environment, which is how nature tends to function, either I or my ancestors would possibly not have lived because of this condition. People with any of a host of disabilities would quite possibly not survive in nature, but are able to do so because of our advances.

So, unless you want to advocate for a kind of eugenics to get rid of the traits you oppose, we end up having to take the good and the bad when it comes to what people pass along to future generations.

To be clear, I think the parents of this boy are idiots and quite possibly doing great damage to their son. I have absolutely no problem with parents letting children know about the different sexes and which they are a member of. I don't think a child of less than 2 years old is likely to have enough self-awareness or understanding to really form solid gender identity.

I just thought your comment about nature was a bit silly. I think it is, for the most part, a damned good thing humanity has managed to 'subvert nature', despite some examples to the contrary. ;)

And you’re entitled to your opinion.

Just as the parents are entitled to raise their child as they see fit.

Trouble manifests, however, when those who hold such an opinion attempt to codify that opinion.

Which is why I oppose the idea of legislating allowing people to claim a gender other than the one they were born with.
We come back to "just because we can does not mean we should" do anything special to subvert Nature. We can clearly see what happens to the species when we do not allow Nature to take her course. We become riddled with all manner of physical and psychological deviations that would never have survived without human intervention. Preservation of such anomalies DOES NOT strengthen the species.

When we do not allow nature to take her course.....we become riddled with all manner of long lifespans, diseases are eradicated, suffering is comforted, and we become the dominant species of the planet. ;)

There are pros and cons involved in how humanity has progressed.

However, whether something strengthens the species is not only subjective but mostly irrelevant. I don't know about you, but I don't trust other people to determine what qualities are best for humanity, and I doubt they'd trust me to make such judgements, either. :lol:

I agree that many traits we have allowed to flourish are negatives. Until births start being regulated there's nothing that will change that, though. And luckily, the very technology and knowledge which allows such things to flourish also allows them to be overcome or lived with.
We are in a shooting war and the mother hens are worried about 6 year old boys that believe they are girls.
Taliban has stretched their influence into America.
The very people that claim they want less government are the ones crying foul and demanding someone do something every time a gay or transgender or someone different than them proclaims they are something other than what they want them to be.
That's the whole point. Because she's not forced to live a gender she does not feel is hers, she will be less likely to kill herself.

Prove it.

She can't... :thup:

She KNOWS what the Parents have Admitted to that and that is that THEY started dressing an 18 month old Boy in Drag and making everyone call him a her...

That's why this Boy believes he's a Girl and it's Fucking Child Abuse.

I'm just Shocked that Seawytch is so Supported of it out in the open.

Normally these Societal Anarchist Deviants hide like Bodecea and Ravir are.



Because the child identified as female, not because the parents wanted to identify her that way.
We are in a shooting war and the mother hens are worried about 6 year old boys that believe they are girls.
Taliban has stretched their influence into America.

I am a lot more worried about idiots who think that I have to support the delusion that someone with a penis is a girl just because they want to pretend they are.

By the way, why haven't you refuted any of my points with actual evidence? Is it too hard for you to find real evidence to support your positions?
The very people that claim they want less government are the ones crying foul and demanding someone do something every time a gay or transgender or someone different than them proclaims they are something other than what they want them to be.

What the fuck?

The state is telling people that they cannot use a restroom based on their gender if somebody else wants to pretend they are the same gender, and you somehow think that proves that people that want a smaller government are crazy?

You just lost all ability to argue anything.
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1/3 of the parents in this country are obese, fat, lazy pigs that set a bad example for their kids and folks are worried out the ass about a 6 year old boy that believes he is a girl.
We have become a nation of village idiots.
The very people that claim they want less government are the ones crying foul and demanding someone do something every time a gay or transgender or someone different than them proclaims they are something other than what they want them to be.

What the fuck?

The state is telling people that they cannot use a restroom based on their gender if somebody else wants to pretend they are the same gender, and you somehow think that proves that people =that want a smaller government are crazy?

You just lost all ability to argue anything.

No, you better go read what the state did and it is nothing close to what you claim.
But you have great ability to spin your agenda.
Go read the ruling and get back to us when you understand how to interpret the facts.
Prove it.

She can't... :thup:

She KNOWS what the Parents have Admitted to that and that is that THEY started dressing an 18 month old Boy in Drag and making everyone call him a her...

That's why this Boy believes he's a Girl and it's Fucking Child Abuse.

I'm just Shocked that Seawytch is so Supported of it out in the open.

Normally these Societal Anarchist Deviants hide like Bodecea and Ravir are.



Because the child identified as female, not because the parents wanted to identify her that way.

Most 18 month old toddlers do not speak in sentences. How the fuck did this particular child form the highly complex emotional concepts to self identify as a girl?

Keep the words of Carl Sagan in mind as you answer this, "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence."
1/3 of the parents in this country are obese, fat, lazy pigs that set a bad example for their kids and folks are worried out the ass about a 6 year old boy that believes he is a girl.
We have become a nation of village idiots.

Your true agenda is showing.
The very people that claim they want less government are the ones crying foul and demanding someone do something every time a gay or transgender or someone different than them proclaims they are something other than what they want them to be.

What the fuck?

The state is telling people that they cannot use a restroom based on their gender if somebody else wants to pretend they are the same gender, and you somehow think that proves that people =that want a smaller government are crazy?

You just lost all ability to argue anything.

No, you better go read what the state did and it is nothing close to what you claim.
But you have great ability to spin your agenda.
Go read the ruling and get back to us when you understand how to interpret the facts.

Someone complained that the school was allowing a boy to use the girls restroom, the school told said boy that he would have to use the boys room, or use a staff bathroom. The parents of the boy who is using the wrong bathroom complained to the state, and the state, in the office Colorado Civil rights Division, ruled that the school had to let the boy use the girls restroom.

Did I miss something or are you just showing your big government progressive colors despite you claim to be a small government conservative?
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QW needs to offer some evidence this ruling tells some people that they can not use the restroom based on gender.
In fact QW has it backwards as this ruling PROHIBITS telling some people they can not use the restroom based on gender.
Prove it.

She can't... :thup:

She KNOWS what the Parents have Admitted to that and that is that THEY started dressing an 18 month old Boy in Drag and making everyone call him a her...

That's why this Boy believes he's a Girl and it's Fucking Child Abuse.

I'm just Shocked that Seawytch is so Supported of it out in the open.

Normally these Societal Anarchist Deviants hide like Bodecea and Ravir are.



Because the child identified as female, not because the parents wanted to identify her that way.

18 month olds can't...

5 and 6 year olds identify as Batman... Obsessively.

We don't entertain the absurd from toddlers like these Pro-Gay activists did... and the forced.

Seawytch... You are an example of why Homosexuals can't be good Parents. :thup:


What the fuck?

The state is telling people that they cannot use a restroom based on their gender if somebody else wants to pretend they are the same gender, and you somehow think that proves that people =that want a smaller government are crazy?

You just lost all ability to argue anything.

No, you better go read what the state did and it is nothing close to what you claim.
But you have great ability to spin your agenda.
Go read the ruling and get back to us when you understand how to interpret the facts.

Someone complained that the school was allowing a boy to use the girls restroom, the school told said boy that he would have to use the boys room, or use a staff bathroom. The parents of the boy who is using the worn bathroom complained to the state, and the state, in the office Colorado Civil rights Division, ruled that the school had to let the boy use the girls restroom.

Did I miss something or are you just showing your big government progressive colors despite you claim to be a small government conservative?

You claimed the state is telling people they can not use the restroom based on gender!
That is what the school DID and the court ruled THEY CAN NOT DO IT.
No, you better go read what the state did and it is nothing close to what you claim.
But you have great ability to spin your agenda.
Go read the ruling and get back to us when you understand how to interpret the facts.

Someone complained that the school was allowing a boy to use the girls restroom, the school told said boy that he would have to use the boys room, or use a staff bathroom. The parents of the boy who is using the worn bathroom complained to the state, and the state, in the office Colorado Civil rights Division, ruled that the school had to let the boy use the girls restroom.

Did I miss something or are you just showing your big government progressive colors despite you claim to be a small government conservative?

You claimed the state is telling people they can not use the restroom based on gender!
That is what the school DID and the court ruled THEY CAN NOT DO IT.

If that is the case, that would mean that separate bathrooms are no longer needed or even allowed, yes?

So boys can use the girl's restroom and vice versa?

I think what the state actually said (and as I haven't seen the actual text of the ruling yet, I can't be sure) is that people of any age can use the bathroom of whatever gender they self-identify as. It's possible that it requires some sort of psychological evaluation or confirmation, rather than someone just saying, "I think I'm really a girl", but it's still basically true.

Separation by gender is the entire point of men's and women's restrooms. How gender is determined is what is important here, and it appears that one's physical makeup is no longer a determination. I find that fairly silly.

To repeat myself, if gender is all about self-identification and has nothing to do with someone's genitals, why bother with separate bathrooms at all?

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