Transgender 1st Grader Wins Civil Rights Case...

Having traveled the world the states are one of the few remaining places that label restrooms as male and female.

Most of the world just lets men and women use the same rest rooms?:confused:

Not really. It is mostly Europe, and not even all of that group of countries. But some people who get to two or three countries like to pretend they are experts on the entire world. For example, France does, England doesn't.

The interesting thing here is that Amnesty International, which is hardly known as a conservative conclave, actually lists segregated bathrooms in public schools as a way to keep schools safe for girls. Gadawg is a progressive idiot who likes to pretend he is a conservative.

Document - Six Steps to Stop Violence against Schoolgirls. Safe Schools - Every Girl's Right. (SVAW Poster) | Amnesty International
Having traveled the world the states are one of the few remaining places that label restrooms as male and female.

Most of the world just lets men and women use the same rest rooms?:confused:

Not really. It is mostly Europe, and not even all of that group of countries. But some people who get to two or three countries like to pretend they are experts on the entire world. For example, France does, England doesn't.

The interesting thing here is that Amnesty International, which is hardly known as a conservative conclave, actually lists segregated bathrooms in public schools as a way to keep schools safe for girls. Gadawg is a progressive idiot who likes to pretend he is a conservative.

Document - Six Steps to Stop Violence against Schoolgirls. Safe Schools - Every Girl's Right. (SVAW Poster) | Amnesty International

"get to two or three countries".
LOL, you have no clue.
"Gadawg is a progressive idiot who likes to pretend he is a conservative"
Maybe I am an idiot. I fully admit I am far, far, far educated beyond my intelligence. And it was for FREE.
I was an entrepreneur with all of my cash AT RISK while you were sucking your mama's tit. A few of my companies failed and the last two, one of which is in it's 32nd year, have been very successful.
I own 2 corporations that make a profit and have practiced fiscal conservatism for 36 years self employed.
Being a conservative has NOTHING to do with beliefs, opinions and thoughts.
Conservatism IS ACTIONS.
Something about walking the walk instead of your talking the talk.
Yeah, I have heard it for 40 years now:
Blacks are not black enough unless they vote Democrat.
Conservatives are not conservative enough unless they use the Bible as their guide on interpreting the Constitution.
Same old same old.

Is that why you live in a fantasy world now?

Playing sports and then graduating going straight to repoing cars and doing bail bounty work in 1978, then owning a downtown Atlanta detective agency for 30 years working civil litigation and criminal defense and now doing consulting work for asset entities may be a fantasy world to some.
Not to me. It is as real world as any life could have ever been.
Parents of daughters often have a different view of such things as mixing boys and girls than parents of boys.
When living in Munich, in military housing, my daughter and the daughter of a friend came home from the playground and started telling about how some of the boys were playing "sex" with them. Cautious interrogation brought to light that two boys from a family had gotten into Daddy's porn stash and watched a few flicks. Now they wanted to play sex, like the movies. A group of concerned parents (of daughters) approached the parents of these boys and the response was that they thought it was totally cute. NOT! Their attitude was that "boys will be boys" and we were overreacting.
Of course the parents of this poor little boy have no problems forcing everyone else's girls to tolerate his invasion of their private space. As the parent/grandparent of girls, I would have a problem allowing boys into the girls bathroom, locker room, etc. While common in other countries, it is not so here.

I agree. Very good post. Well said.
As a parent YOU are in charge of your kids and in this specific case I have no doubt that the parents are out there.
But THEY are the parents, not you and I.
As a father of 3 grown kids, my youngest 20 year old college girl, I would have approached those boys with a Louisville Slugger baseball bat.
That is my role according to me as the parent of MY child.
With bail bondsman in tow.
Parents of daughters often have a different view of such things as mixing boys and girls than parents of boys.
When living in Munich, in military housing, my daughter and the daughter of a friend came home from the playground and started telling about how some of the boys were playing "sex" with them. Cautious interrogation brought to light that two boys from a family had gotten into Daddy's porn stash and watched a few flicks. Now they wanted to play sex, like the movies. A group of concerned parents (of daughters) approached the parents of these boys and the response was that they thought it was totally cute. NOT! Their attitude was that "boys will be boys" and we were overreacting.
Of course the parents of this poor little boy have no problems forcing everyone else's girls to tolerate his invasion of their private space. As the parent/grandparent of girls, I would have a problem allowing boys into the girls bathroom, locker room, etc. While common in other countries, it is not so here.

I agree. Very good post. Well said.
As a parent YOU are in charge of your kids and in this specific case I have no doubt that the parents are out there.
But THEY are the parents, not you and I.
As a father of 3 grown kids, my youngest 20 year old college girl, I would have approached those boys with a Louisville Slugger baseball bat.
That is my role according to me as the parent of MY child.
With bail bondsman in tow.

True, this boy has parents. But the girls in that school also have parents who are very concerned about compromising their girls privacy and safety. Reasonable alternatives were offered so that this little boy would 1) not infringe on the girls' 'rights', and 2) would be removed from having to fall prey to the boys by using the boys room. But reasonable alternatives were insufficient for these parents and they decided to use government to coerce everyone else to compromise their principles in order to accommodate their son's fantasy.
Parents of daughters often have a different view of such things as mixing boys and girls than parents of boys.
When living in Munich, in military housing, my daughter and the daughter of a friend came home from the playground and started telling about how some of the boys were playing "sex" with them. Cautious interrogation brought to light that two boys from a family had gotten into Daddy's porn stash and watched a few flicks. Now they wanted to play sex, like the movies. A group of concerned parents (of daughters) approached the parents of these boys and the response was that they thought it was totally cute. NOT! Their attitude was that "boys will be boys" and we were overreacting.
Of course the parents of this poor little boy have no problems forcing everyone else's girls to tolerate his invasion of their private space. As the parent/grandparent of girls, I would have a problem allowing boys into the girls bathroom, locker room, etc. While common in other countries, it is not so here.

I agree. Very good post. Well said.
As a parent YOU are in charge of your kids and in this specific case I have no doubt that the parents are out there.
But THEY are the parents, not you and I.
As a father of 3 grown kids, my youngest 20 year old college girl, I would have approached those boys with a Louisville Slugger baseball bat.
That is my role according to me as the parent of MY child.
With bail bondsman in tow.

True, this boy has parents. But the girls in that school also have parents who are very concerned about compromising their girls privacy and safety. Reasonable alternatives were offered so that this little boy would 1) not infringe on the girls' 'rights', and 2) would be removed from having to fall prey to the boys by using the boys room. But reasonable alternatives were insufficient for these parents and they decided to use government to coerce everyone else to compromise their principles in order to accommodate their son's fantasy.

What you believe is a reasonable alternative may not be reasonable to the next person.
"reasonable" is a vague and unenforceable term in the law when forming rules and regulations.
It never holds up.
Your claim that it is a fantasy is opinion only and is not based on fact.
In light of today’s Supreme Court rulings upholding personal liberty rights, arguments hostile to transgender persons are quickly becoming moot.

Although I have no problem with same sex marriage Scalia's dissenting opinion today was brilliant and the majority claim that opponents of the ruling today are not decent humans was absurd.
I agree. Very good post. Well said.
As a parent YOU are in charge of your kids and in this specific case I have no doubt that the parents are out there.
But THEY are the parents, not you and I.
As a father of 3 grown kids, my youngest 20 year old college girl, I would have approached those boys with a Louisville Slugger baseball bat.
That is my role according to me as the parent of MY child.
With bail bondsman in tow.

True, this boy has parents. But the girls in that school also have parents who are very concerned about compromising their girls privacy and safety. Reasonable alternatives were offered so that this little boy would 1) not infringe on the girls' 'rights', and 2) would be removed from having to fall prey to the boys by using the boys room. But reasonable alternatives were insufficient for these parents and they decided to use government to coerce everyone else to compromise their principles in order to accommodate their son's fantasy.

What you believe is a reasonable alternative may not be reasonable to the next person.
"reasonable" is a vague and unenforceable term in the law when forming rules and regulations.
It never holds up.
Your claim that it is a fantasy is opinion only and is not based on fact.

That this boy's parents are raising hell is a fantasy. FACT is, he's a BOY. He was born a boy and remains a boy. His wishing to be a girl is a fantasy. Sure, his parents consider anything less than what they demand to be "unreasonable". FACT is, a lot of girls' parents prefer he avail himself of the reasonable alternatives. Where are their rights as parents?
True, this boy has parents. But the girls in that school also have parents who are very concerned about compromising their girls privacy and safety. Reasonable alternatives were offered so that this little boy would 1) not infringe on the girls' 'rights', and 2) would be removed from having to fall prey to the boys by using the boys room. But reasonable alternatives were insufficient for these parents and they decided to use government to coerce everyone else to compromise their principles in order to accommodate their son's fantasy.

What you believe is a reasonable alternative may not be reasonable to the next person.
"reasonable" is a vague and unenforceable term in the law when forming rules and regulations.
It never holds up.
Your claim that it is a fantasy is opinion only and is not based on fact.

That this boy's parents are raising hell is a fantasy. FACT is, he's a BOY. He was born a boy and remains a boy. His wishing to be a girl is a fantasy. Sure, his parents consider anything less than what they demand to be "unreasonable". FACT is, a lot of girls' parents prefer he avail himself of the reasonable alternatives. Where are their rights as parents?

Who has ever argued he is a girl?
In light of today’s Supreme Court rulings upholding personal liberty rights, arguments hostile to transgender persons are quickly becoming moot.

This really has nothing to do with the OP, or at least it shouldn't.

The issue should not be based on anyone's opinion of transgendered people, but rather whether or not it is valid and legal to separate bathrooms based on physical characteristics. Separating based on self-identification seems ridiculous and bound to become unenforceable when someone claims to self-identify as neither male nor female.

Those who argue that this boy who believes he is a girl should be allowed to use the girl's restroom are, in effect, saying that separate bathrooms should be done away with.
True, this boy has parents. But the girls in that school also have parents who are very concerned about compromising their girls privacy and safety. Reasonable alternatives were offered so that this little boy would 1) not infringe on the girls' 'rights', and 2) would be removed from having to fall prey to the boys by using the boys room. But reasonable alternatives were insufficient for these parents and they decided to use government to coerce everyone else to compromise their principles in order to accommodate their son's fantasy.

What you believe is a reasonable alternative may not be reasonable to the next person.
"reasonable" is a vague and unenforceable term in the law when forming rules and regulations.
It never holds up.
Your claim that it is a fantasy is opinion only and is not based on fact.

That this boy's parents are raising hell is a fantasy. FACT is, he's a BOY. He was born a boy and remains a boy. His wishing to be a girl is a fantasy. Sure, his parents consider anything less than what they demand to be "unreasonable". FACT is, a lot of girls' parents prefer he avail himself of the reasonable alternatives. Where are their rights as parents?

Biologically, he is male. Mentally, she is female. This is not a game of pretend. She would have become bored with the same game, and if it continues for years down the track, will you still say its just a game, or a phase?
What you believe is a reasonable alternative may not be reasonable to the next person.
"reasonable" is a vague and unenforceable term in the law when forming rules and regulations.
It never holds up.
Your claim that it is a fantasy is opinion only and is not based on fact.

That this boy's parents are raising hell is a fantasy. FACT is, he's a BOY. He was born a boy and remains a boy. His wishing to be a girl is a fantasy. Sure, his parents consider anything less than what they demand to be "unreasonable". FACT is, a lot of girls' parents prefer he avail himself of the reasonable alternatives. Where are their rights as parents?

Biologically, he is male. Mentally, she is female. This is not a game of pretend. She would have become bored with the same game, and if it continues for years down the track, will you still say its just a game, or a phase?

A fantasy isn't the same as a game or a phase. ;)

Should a person's mental state determine which bathroom they use? Or should it be determined by their physical characteristics?
A doctor has decided that the child is transgender. The child is happy, lives as a girl and looks like a girl. Lets face it, if it weren't for the article, no one would have even suspected the child was a biological male.
Truthfully, if a person has male genitalia and wants to identify him/herself as a female - I could care less. If it makes them happy and doesn't hurt anyone what.

My concern with this story, from a child psychology perspective, is that a child's sexuality and sexual identity is still being formed and is very fluid at this age. It's why little kids say they want to marry their mommies or daddies...or why they form "crushes" with same-sex friends. It doesn't mean that they are incestuous or means that they are LEARNING what sexuality is and what their sexual identity is. If, at this young age, when a child goes through a normal questioning phase and you, as their parent, teacher, family friend, etc. jump on that and say, "You've said you like boy must be a transgendered female trapped in a male body!!!" and begin to support that idea as vehemently as these parents have seemed to...I wonder if you run the risk of stunting the child's natural development OUT of that phase and into what their natural sexual identity might have been?
What you believe is a reasonable alternative may not be reasonable to the next person.
"reasonable" is a vague and unenforceable term in the law when forming rules and regulations.
It never holds up.
Your claim that it is a fantasy is opinion only and is not based on fact.

That this boy's parents are raising hell is a fantasy. FACT is, he's a BOY. He was born a boy and remains a boy. His wishing to be a girl is a fantasy. Sure, his parents consider anything less than what they demand to be "unreasonable". FACT is, a lot of girls' parents prefer he avail himself of the reasonable alternatives. Where are their rights as parents?

Biologically, he is male. Mentally, she is female. This is not a game of pretend. She would have become bored with the same game, and if it continues for years down the track, will you still say its just a game, or a phase?

How do you know he isn't bored with the game?
A doctor has decided that the child is transgender. The child is happy, lives as a girl and looks like a girl. Lets face it, if it weren't for the article, no one would have even suspected the child was a biological male.

The doctor should have his license revoked. Children are not old enough to have gender issues, teenagers might be, but they aren't emotionally mature enough.
A doctor has decided that the child is transgender. The child is happy, lives as a girl and looks like a girl. Lets face it, if it weren't for the article, no one would have even suspected the child was a biological male.

The girls who might be exposed to his penis in the bathroom could suspect.

I'm not saying the child is flaunting his male genitals in the bathroom, just that such a thing could easily occur, especially given the age of the children involved, and I thought that was basically the point of the segregated bathrooms in the first place.

I'd actually appreciate it if those who are arguing in favor of this ruling would voice their opinions on whether segregated bathrooms should be done away with entirely. If protecting girls from being exposed to penises and boys from being exposed to vaginas is not the point; if being able to have a private area in which to perform necessary bodily functions without worry about being seen by the opposite sex (physically) is not important; why have men and women use separate facilities?

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