Transgender 1st Grader Wins Civil Rights Case...

I've seen plenty of unhappy and not girl looking pics of this BOY as recently as when his Shitty, Child Abusing parents were parading him on stage at the GLAAD awards.

THEY did this... starting at 18 months.







^I think they forgot to put make-up on him for that one...



That kid does not look happy to me, and he looks like a boy.
Noomi Wrote:
The child hasn't gone through puberty yet, if the child really is a male, that will come out at puberty. The child will have a rush of hormones and will know, once and for all, what they really are.

I agree with you completely. From a child development standpoint it is COMPLETELY NORMAL for children to call themselves the opposite sex, want to dress like a boy or a girl when they are the opposite, play with gender specific toys, and even experiment sexually (kissing, touching, "playing doctor") with same-sex friends...because they are still developing their sexuality....

What concerns me is when puberty hits and the child has been told he is a female, loved and supported as a female, when his family has invested time, money, emotion, and "gone public" with the fact that he is a female....will this stunt his development in someway because instead of just being able to develop normally as he will...they have instead gone public with the idea that their little boy is actually a girl when maybe...he was just a toddler or very young child who was developing and shouldn't have had it made into a public spectacle?

Gadawg73 wrote:
Where did you receive your doctorate in child psychology and/or medical degree?

Oh, don't worry, Gadawg73...this sort of background knowledge doesn't require doctorates. You would know what I know with some basic research into child development and human sexuality.

I have a Master's Degree in Elementary and Special Education and possess teaching certificates in elementary education, special education, deaf education, middle level mathematics, science, social studies, English and reading, and high school English. Earning all of those degrees and certificates required quite a few child psychology courses, early and elementary child development courses, and special education courses...most of which touched on child development and human sexuality and addressed the proven fact that children learn about sexuality and gender as they grow, which is why they say they are in love with their mommies and daddies, they want to marry their same-sex babysitter, or why many children kissed or "played doctor" with their same sex peers growing up - all totally normal expressions of developing sexuality.

My question based on this what happens to a child when, during these totally normal stages, the adults in their life - the people they are trusting to guide them and teach them - state that rather than these expressions being a normal part of a developing sexual identity that isn't formed yet....they instead say that it is proof their child is transgendered...and then being insisting that everyone treats them that way. Frankly, the answer might be - that they continue to develop normally and when they hit puberty or leave their home they choose the sexual identity that is right for them. But, it seems to me that it is also worth considering that it might mess a kid up to be told he's a girl his entire life by everyone he loves and trusts...if he was just a normally developing little boy.
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^I think they forgot to put make-up on him for that one...



That kid does not look happy to me, and he looks like a boy.

That's because he's not happy...

Check the Media's favorite pic of him in Drag:


^They do work on him to make him look girly...

It's REALLY Fucking Twisted.

I Hope he doesn't Kill himself over this Abuse...

If he does I want the Parents in Prison.




^I think they forgot to put make-up on him for that one...



That kid does not look happy to me, and he looks like a boy.

That's because he's not happy...

Check the Media's favorite pic of him in Drag:


^They do work on him to make him look girly...

It's REALLY Fucking Twisted.

I Hope he doesn't Kill himself over this Abuse...

If he does I want the Parents in Prison.



This is insane, and people are celebrating this?
This is insane, and people are celebrating this?

HG, I love ya man, you know it, but what is it you see as insane?

Are you ascribing to the theory from the crackpots here that her parents made her dress as a girl?

The child does not identify as a boy. She identified as a girl. You want to "make her" be a boy?

This kid is way too young to make a decision like this! when I was that age I just wanted to play with toys and watch cartoons, I never gave a thought towards my sexual identity.
This is insane, and people are celebrating this?

HG, I love ya man, you know it, but what is it you see as insane?

Are you ascribing to the theory from the crackpots here that her parents made her dress as a girl?

The child does not identify as a boy. She identified as a girl. You want to "make her" be a boy?

This kid is way too young to make a decision like this! when I was that age I just wanted to play with toys and watch cartoons, I never gave a thought towards my sexual identity.

Same here but I do remember at summer camp in 1959 one of the high school female camp counselors bent over to help us with something and those tatas were in the face of this 5 year old, no bra on under that Camp TATA T shirt.
I begged to go back to Camp TATA the next year at age 6.
And I have worked alleged sexual abuse cases recently where 7 year old boys were accused of molesting 4 and 5 year old girls.
And how long have young boys been playing with dolls while we were passing the football and young girls were wanting to play baseball while the other girls were playing with the dolls?
Weird shit man but it is what it is and what we think is normal has NEVER been normal.
Same with old #66 big Gus who is now big Grace.
Guess it may be in the chicken we eat.
HG, I love ya man, you know it, but what is it you see as insane?

Are you ascribing to the theory from the crackpots here that her parents made her dress as a girl?

The child does not identify as a boy. She identified as a girl. You want to "make her" be a boy?

This kid is way too young to make a decision like this! when I was that age I just wanted to play with toys and watch cartoons, I never gave a thought towards my sexual identity.

Same here but I do remember at summer camp in 1959 one of the high school female camp counselors bent over to help us with something and those tatas were in the face of this 5 year old, no bra on under that Camp TATA T shirt.
I begged to go back to Camp TATA the next year at age 6.
And I have worked alleged sexual abuse cases recently where 7 year old boys were accused of molesting 4 and 5 year old girls.
And how long have young boys been playing with dolls while we were passing the football and young girls were wanting to play baseball while the other girls were playing with the dolls?
Weird shit man but it is what it is and what we think is normal has NEVER been normal.
Same with old #66 big Gus who is now big Grace.
Guess it may be in the chicken we eat.

Oh wow, I didn't really start to get attracted to women until I was around 9, 10 I think, before that it was all cartoons and playing with toys as far as I can remember.
This is insane, and people are celebrating this?

HG, I love ya man, you know it, but what is it you see as insane?

Are you ascribing to the theory from the crackpots here that her parents made her dress as a girl?

The child does not identify as a boy. She identified as a girl. You want to "make her" be a boy?

This kid is way too young to make a decision like this! when I was that age I just wanted to play with toys and watch cartoons, I never gave a thought towards my sexual identity.

It's not a sexual identity, it's a gender one. This child started identifying as a girl at the time children start to identify gender.
HG, I love ya man, you know it, but what is it you see as insane?

Are you ascribing to the theory from the crackpots here that her parents made her dress as a girl?

The child does not identify as a boy. She identified as a girl. You want to "make her" be a boy?

This kid is way too young to make a decision like this! when I was that age I just wanted to play with toys and watch cartoons, I never gave a thought towards my sexual identity.

It's not a sexual identity, it's a gender one. This child started identifying as a girl at the time children start to identify gender.

I didn't think that was even possible.
Truthfully, if a person has male genitalia and wants to identify him/herself as a female - I could care less. If it makes them happy and doesn't hurt anyone what.

My concern with this story, from a child psychology perspective, is that a child's sexuality and sexual identity is still being formed and is very fluid at this age. It's why little kids say they want to marry their mommies or daddies...or why they form "crushes" with same-sex friends. It doesn't mean that they are incestuous or means that they are LEARNING what sexuality is and what their sexual identity is. If, at this young age, when a child goes through a normal questioning phase and you, as their parent, teacher, family friend, etc. jump on that and say, "You've said you like boy must be a transgendered female trapped in a male body!!!" and begin to support that idea as vehemently as these parents have seemed to...I wonder if you run the risk of stunting the child's natural development OUT of that phase and into what their natural sexual identity might have been?

The child hasn't gone through puberty yet, if the child really is a male, that will come out at puberty. The child will have a rush of hormones and will know, once and for all, what they really are.

Wait, you agree with me that we shouldn't be supporting the parent's delusion? Why are you arguing with me?
A doctor has decided that the child is transgender. The child is happy, lives as a girl and looks like a girl. Lets face it, if it weren't for the article, no one would have even suspected the child was a biological male.

The doctor should have his license revoked. Children are not old enough to have gender issues, teenagers might be, but they aren't emotionally mature enough.

Many people who are transgender (and gay) realise this at a very young age.

No they don't, they rationalize the decision they make when they get older by looking back and rewriting their history.
Truthfully, if a person has male genitalia and wants to identify him/herself as a female - I could care less. If it makes them happy and doesn't hurt anyone what.

My concern with this story, from a child psychology perspective, is that a child's sexuality and sexual identity is still being formed and is very fluid at this age. It's why little kids say they want to marry their mommies or daddies...or why they form "crushes" with same-sex friends. It doesn't mean that they are incestuous or means that they are LEARNING what sexuality is and what their sexual identity is. If, at this young age, when a child goes through a normal questioning phase and you, as their parent, teacher, family friend, etc. jump on that and say, "You've said you like boy must be a transgendered female trapped in a male body!!!" and begin to support that idea as vehemently as these parents have seemed to...I wonder if you run the risk of stunting the child's natural development OUT of that phase and into what their natural sexual identity might have been?

Where did you receive your doctorate in child psychology and/or medical degree?

Where did you get yours? Why haven't you actually refuted any of my points if you actually understand things like that?
Yes, we can change the thinking of transgender and gay folk by explaining things to them.

So we can change your opinions here by explaining things to you?
If you like to fuck your girlfriend in the ass and she loves it we can change you and her thinking on that by "explaining" it to you and her?

Sports fans, these folks ARE BORN THAT WAY.

Anyone that doesn't believe that kids can be convinced that they are something they are not has never spent any time around kids.
To date no one here has offered any proof that it was the parents that talked this boy into being a girl.

Because there isn't any proof of that and their entire case falls like a house of cards without it.

Occam's razor puts the burden of proof on you. It is a lot easier to believe that a little boy who cannot form complete sentences that supposedly thinks he is a girl.

I am awaiting your, or anyone, to provide that evidence, or to prove that it was someone other than the parents. Until then I will stick with logic.
To date no one here has offered any proof that it was the parents that talked this boy into being a girl.

Because there isn't any proof of that and their entire case falls like a house of cards without it.

I have never claimed the parents talked the boy into being a girl. I think it's possible the boy continues to think of himself as a girl because of the parents' enabling, but I can't say that with any certainty.

What I have claimed, and has remained largely ignored, is that whatever gender the boy thinks of himself as, he still has male parts. If we have decided that those with male parts are ok to go into the girl's bathroom, then segregating bathrooms is pointless and should end.

So far I haven't seen a lot of discussion about this, which is really the issue of the OP. Instead this has become a back and forth about whether the parents are doing a good job raising the child.
To date no one here has offered any proof that it was the parents that talked this boy into being a girl.

Because there isn't any proof of that and their entire case falls like a house of cards without it.

No, and empirical evidence actually indicates otherwise. They have other children.

People who suffer from Munchausen by proxy do not always abuse the siblings of the child they abuse.

Just curious, since they have a child who is clearly disabled, how much older is Coy than the younger daughter?
To date no one here has offered any proof that it was the parents that talked this boy into being a girl.

Because there isn't any proof of that and their entire case falls like a house of cards without it.

I have never claimed the parents talked the boy into being a girl. I think it's possible the boy continues to think of himself as a girl because of the parents' enabling, but I can't say that with any certainty.

What I have claimed, and has remained largely ignored, is that whatever gender the boy thinks of himself as, he still has male parts. If we have decided that those with male parts are ok to go into the girl's bathroom, then segregating bathrooms is pointless and should end.

So far I haven't seen a lot of discussion about this, which is really the issue of the OP. Instead this has become a back and forth about whether the parents are doing a good job raising the child.

That is because they don't want to admit that they want to do exactly that.
To date no one here has offered any proof that it was the parents that talked this boy into being a girl.

Because there isn't any proof of that and their entire case falls like a house of cards without it.

I have never claimed the parents talked the boy into being a girl. I think it's possible the boy continues to think of himself as a girl because of the parents' enabling, but I can't say that with any certainty.

What I have claimed, and has remained largely ignored, is that whatever gender the boy thinks of himself as, he still has male parts. If we have decided that those with male parts are ok to go into the girl's bathroom, then segregating bathrooms is pointless and should end.

So far I haven't seen a lot of discussion about this, which is really the issue of the OP. Instead this has become a back and forth about whether the parents are doing a good job raising the child.

What you are claiming is not in dispute.
He has male parts.
We have not decided that all male boys with male parts are ok to go into the girl's bathroom.
That was decided at the school in question and the decision was not that to date.

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