Transgender child rapist denied hormones in prison

Only, it isn't.

And if you want a low crime rate, lock up all young males. If you really want a low crime rate, lock up all males. Problem solved.
More of the naive. Dozens of felonys have been relabeled as misdemeanors giving a false statistic crime is not as bad as it really is.
But even with that the FBI says yeah, crime is skyrocketing.

FBI: Sharp rise in crime in California
What you believe is nonsense:
You quote the Leftard NY Times, I quote the FBI.
Take your pick.
Mine deals with the nation, and you didn't quote the FBI, just a newscast.
Most people live in California. It's the Leftard epicenter and crime is skyrocketing.
Says the FBI.
You didn't quote the FBI, and nothing in that shows skyrocketing...
When you're a child molesting freak, like [sic] should be hard.
His will be, even if we're decent to him as he lives behind bars. We can do all of that without having to use your immoral version of cruel and unusual punishment, which is banned here BTW. Those damn liberals again.

NOT giving him hormones is not cruel and unusual in any way.
In his case you would not be providing proper mental and physical medical care. Sorry, it's a pretty obvious one, and since we locked him up we are stuck with the bill.

Ah, no it isn't. Plenty of people do not get hormonal therapy because they simply cannot afford it or because they have bad side effects. His "looks" and "appearance" are not the problem of the taxpayer. Sorry, it is nothing but a cosmetic procedure.
Hormones for transgender people are not simply "cosmetic".

IT chose to be something IT wasn't born. Let IT provide IT'S own hormones. The taxpayers aren't responsible for that.
I think of it as feeding a delusion. Suicide rates remain high postoperatively.
It's a fucking hard way to live. That should not be a shock considering. And if he thought his was Queen Victoria we'd be treating that eh?

When you're a child molesting freak, like [sic] should be hard.
His will be, even if we're decent to him as he lives behind bars. We can do all of that without having to use your immoral version of cruel and unusual punishment, which is banned here BTW. Those damn liberals again.

NOT giving him hormones is not cruel and unusual in any way.
In his case you would not be providing proper mental and physical medical care. Sorry, it's a pretty obvious one, and since we locked him up we are stuck with the bill.

We didn't lock IT up. IT'S own actions got IT locked up. We owe IT nothing.
The guy raped children. He deserves only the very basics to survive. If he has a heart attack and needs medicine, fine. We don't need to feed his delusions or his mental illness. He can get antidepressants and live with it.
Treating his transgenderism is also medical care. It shouldn't bother you, it will make him less of a threat.

I think of it as feeding a delusion. Suicide rates remain high postoperatively.
It's a fucking hard way to live. That should not be a shock considering. And if he thought his was Queen Victoria we'd be treating that eh?

When you're a child molesting freak, like [sic] should be hard.
His will be, even if we're decent to him as he lives behind bars. We can do all of that without having to use your immoral version of cruel and unusual punishment, which is banned here BTW. Those damn liberals again.

Since IT is a child molester, NOTHING done to IT can be cruel and unusual. IT deserves the worst IT can be given.
The typical he was a good person that just did a bad thing. Good people don't do those types of things.

If we dealt with people like this transgender freak who molested a child the way a child molester should be dealt with, the smart ones would learn and the dumb ones would be dealt with the way they need to be dealt with.
Your "morality" leads to us burning witches and heretics again. Pass.

The guy raped children. He deserves only the very basics to survive. If he has a heart attack and needs medicine, fine. We don't need to feed his delusions or his mental illness. He can get antidepressants and live with it.
Treating his transgenderism is also medical care. It shouldn't bother you, it will make him less of a threat.

He molested a child. He deserves the worst.

I've already addressed what would make him no more of a threat.
He deserves the punishment the court saw fit to impose. That's how our system works, not your version of it hope they kick the shit out of him, which isn't legal here.

Did the child IT molested deserve the punishment the freak imposed on that child?

They should treat IT with all the disdain IT deserves and you for defending IT. Someone needs to kick the shit out of freaks like that. It's the only way ITS need to be treated.
Did the child IT molested deserve the punishment the freak imposed on that child?
It wasn't punishment, it was sexual abuse, rape, and you don't get to just kick the shit out of people here, in prison here or anywhere else for that matter. Get your emotions under control.
Treating his transgenderism is also medical care. It shouldn't bother you, it will make him less of a threat.

I think of it as feeding a delusion. Suicide rates remain high postoperatively.
It's a fucking hard way to live. That should not be a shock considering. And if he thought his was Queen Victoria we'd be treating that eh?

When you're a child molesting freak, like [sic] should be hard.
His will be, even if we're decent to him as he lives behind bars. We can do all of that without having to use your immoral version of cruel and unusual punishment, which is banned here BTW. Those damn liberals again.

Since IT is a child molester, NOTHING done to IT can be cruel and unusual. IT deserves the worst IT can be given.
You have the mentality of a child. That is idiotic but then again, to the Founders and me, you are a child.
I think of it as feeding a delusion. Suicide rates remain high postoperatively.
It's a fucking hard way to live. That should not be a shock considering. And if he thought his was Queen Victoria we'd be treating that eh?

When you're a child molesting freak, like [sic] should be hard.
His will be, even if we're decent to him as he lives behind bars. We can do all of that without having to use your immoral version of cruel and unusual punishment, which is banned here BTW. Those damn liberals again.

Since IT is a child molester, NOTHING done to IT can be cruel and unusual. IT deserves the worst IT can be given.
You have the mentality of a child. That is idiotic but then again, to the Founders and me, you are a child.

You make excuses for a child molester. That puts you on the same level as the molester. The founders wouldn't have tolerated what IT did nor anyone making excuses for IT.
Did the child IT molested deserve the punishment the freak imposed on that child?
It wasn't punishment, it was sexual abuse, rape, and you don't get to just kick the shit out of people here, in prison here or anywhere else for that matter. Get your emotions under control.

It was far more punishing to that child than anything that you support for the freak.

Perhaps if we kicked the shit out of people that deserved it, those thinking about doing anything close to that would think twice or be another one getting the shit kicked out of them. The molested child got the shit kicked out of them, so to speak, and you protect the piece of shit that did it. That puts you on the same level as the freak deserving of the same treatment.
Perhaps if we kicked the shit out of people that deserved it, those thinking about doing anything close to that would think twice or be another one getting the shit kicked out of them.
That is not how this country works. Find another, to your liking, and get the fuck out of mine.
Perhaps if we kicked the shit out of people that deserved it, those thinking about doing anything close to that would think twice or be another one getting the shit kicked out of them.
That is not how this country works. Find another, to your liking, and get the fuck out of mine.

When you can get me the fuck out, I'll leave. I seriously doubt you're man enough or stupid enough to try son. You let me know when you are.
Perhaps if we kicked the shit out of people that deserved it, those thinking about doing anything close to that would think twice or be another one getting the shit kicked out of them.
That is not how this country works. Find another, to your liking, and get the fuck out of mine.

When you can get me the fuck out, I'll leave. I seriously doubt you're man enough or stupid enough to try son. You let me know when you are.
Since this isn't, and wasn't founded as, a nation for your kind there is no reason for you to stay. See ya.
Maybe if the person had not been a child molester, they wouldn't have such an issue with getting whatever it is that they want now.

God bless you and their victim(s) always!!!


P.S. If you can't take the punishment, don't go doing the crime in the first place
Maybe if the person had not been a child molester, they wouldn't have such an issue with getting whatever it is that they want now.

God bless you and their victim(s) always!!!


P.S. If you can't take the punishment, don't go doing the crime in the first place
His specific crime doesn't matter a fucking damn.
^^^ Obviously it does or the person would not be in jail for it.

God bless you and their victim(s) always!!!

You make excuses for a child molester.
Nope. He's an asshole, same as you.

Yet you're willing to give IT something at the expense of the taxpayers.
When we locked him up, we got stuck with the bill. That's how it works and even criminals and prisoners have rights here. It's a liberal thing.

IT caused ITSELF to be locked up. Sad thing is you think the bill includes providing to IT what IT chose to do. That's not the case. Feed IT but that's it.

Apparently it's a Liberal thing to give a prison something that has nothing to do with why they are in prison.

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