Transgender in Women's Bathroom (Social Experiment)

Listen to those bigots !!
They all no doubt have confederate flags at home, and portraits of Hitler on their walls !
Listen to the bigots? Which ones, the pro transsexual bigots? Trannies are such a huge minority, and there isn't any constitutional rights to pick and choose your gender and then force that "choice" arbitrary on society, then further redefine that in to restroom usage. This is a another example of liberalism solving a problem that isn't an issue. Like restrooms or parking being halved to the benefit handicapped even when they inconvenience the majority (this is still a democracy, remember)?

Transgender Rights | Lambda Legal
Lambda Legal
Transgender people suffer persistent inequalities in aspects of life that intersect with all of Lambda Legal's issue area priorities. Transgender people experience ...
Know Your Rights | National Center for Transgender Equality
National Center for Transgender Equality
The following resources explain up-to-date transgender people's rights. While we work to strengthen and expand legal protections, there are steps you can take ...
Transgender People and the Law | American Civil Liberties ...
American Civil Liberties Union...rights/transgender...
American Civil Liberties Union
When talking about transgender people, we sometimes use words that are unfamiliar or mean different things to different people. Here's what we mean by these ...

When you create your own inequity, you've got no one but yourself to blame, now do ya?

Trannies have NEVER been denied a place to pee
Mental health professionals call for North Carolina to repeal HB2
Over 150 mental health professionals have urged North Carolina to repeal HB2

Mental Health professionals call for aris2cat to return to North Carolina. Theirs just not enough fit them to do since you left.

But seriously, what the hell do you want them to say. THEY MAKE BIG MONEY ENABLING THESE IDIOTS

Thanks for your time

More nonsense? Why would you think I was in NC?

Reread the post

Why would I "return" to place I have not been to?

Good Lord
Crazy man can hang out in the women's room and wait until he gets someone alone. No one can report the creepy guy. He has a right to be there.

I just hope the woman he gets alone is trans. At least they deserve it.
Short video showing women's reactions when a transgender enters the Ladies restroom. ..... :cool:

Let's put acceptance to the test, here. Instead of teasing heterosexuals for a phony point, put on a KKK robe and walk casually into black neighborhood, see what happens. Hmm. Acceptance. Love. People won't be so supportive or amused by the reaction that THAT would garner.
Transsexuals are a tiny minority of folks, I understand that we segregated races, that was wrong. But segregation by gender usage in restrooms? No issue there. This is still a democracy based republic. There isn't a big need for transgendered accessible restrooms . And, as a democratic republic, we neither NEED them or require THEM. Nor is there a RIGHT to a minority of folks that have been altered or fiddled with dictating acceptability or norms . It is actuality a bit insulting.
You started a now thread to avoid all the links refuting any fears of transgenders?

Other places have no problems, why your fear that NC will?

Worry abut the men in the mens room instead.

Federal laws trumps state law. Transgender have a right to use the bathroom of their identification.

You are just hateful fear mongering against people who just want to use the bathroom in peace.

You are beyond retarded. ....
Exclusive: Women, young more open on transgender issue ...
3 days ago - Forty-four percent of women favor letting a man who is in transition from male to ... Support for transgender rights on the bathroom issues was ...
That's because the poll was taken in San Francisco.......home of fruits and nuts. ..... :lol: :lol:
...and flakes, those who support the fruits and nuts so they will not be publically persecuted.
Listen to those bigots !!
They all no doubt have confederate flags at home, and portraits of Hitler on their walls !
Listen to the bigots? Which ones, the pro transsexual bigots? Trannies are such a huge minority, and there isn't any constitutional rights to pick and choose your gender and then force that "choice" arbitrary on society, then further redefine that in to restroom usage. This is a another example of liberalism solving a problem that isn't an issue. Like restrooms or parking being halved to the benefit handicapped even when they inconvenience the majority (this is still a democracy, remember)?
Real know, the ones who were born that way, are not allowed an opinion of the subject of whether "transgendered", deviant males should be permitted to share facilities with them. After all, aren't typically heterosexual, genetically "pure" females just bigoted haters?
2015 saw the highest number on record of reported murders of trans women in the United States in a single year and the murders have continued in 2016

Bigots just feed the hate and the danger to transgenders. They are responsible for the murders.

Moron. You cannot state that any of these were hate crimes and that none of them had anything to do with drugs, or were killed by other transgendered.
Listen to those bigots !!
They all no doubt have confederate flags at home, and portraits of Hitler on their walls !
Listen to the bigots? Which ones, the pro transsexual bigots? Trannies are such a huge minority, and there isn't any constitutional rights to pick and choose your gender and then force that "choice" arbitrary on society, then further redefine that in to restroom usage. This is a another example of liberalism solving a problem that isn't an issue. Like restrooms or parking being halved to the benefit handicapped even when they inconvenience the majority (this is still a democracy, remember)?

Transgender Rights | Lambda Legal
Lambda Legal
Transgender people suffer persistent inequalities in aspects of life that intersect with all of Lambda Legal's issue area priorities. Transgender people experience ...
Know Your Rights | National Center for Transgender Equality
National Center for Transgender Equality
The following resources explain up-to-date transgender people's rights. While we work to strengthen and expand legal protections, there are steps you can take ...
Transgender People and the Law | American Civil Liberties ...
American Civil Liberties Union...rights/transgender...
American Civil Liberties Union
When talking about transgender people, we sometimes use words that are unfamiliar or mean different things to different people. Here's what we mean by these ...

When you create your own inequity, you've got no one but yourself to blame, now do ya?

Trannies have NEVER been denied a place to pee
They have been limited to peeing in the place they choose, or the place they are genetically (and often physically) designated by cultural norms.
Transsexuals are a tiny minority of folks, I understand that we segregated races, that was wrong. But segregation by gender usage in restrooms? No issue there. This is still a democracy based republic. There isn't a big need for transgendered accessible restrooms . And, as a democratic republic, we neither NEED them or require THEM. Nor is there a RIGHT to a minority of folks that have been altered or fiddled with dictating acceptability or norms . It is actuality a bit insulting.

In a stall, not like a line of men at the urinals. What are you afraid will be seen? There are women's urinals, but they are not used in many places, yet.

Do you think women stare at each other on the pot?

They might ask if their pantyhose are straight or if their slip shows before leaving the room

Transgenders are not a danger to women. Men however can be a danger to transgenders.

Transgenders are not and were a problem in other states so why now and why in NC?

Hate will cost NC too much in the end.
Again, if the gender-confused can manage to advance their chemo-surgical mutilation to the point where mincing into the ladies room, or sauntering into the mens room goes unnoticed, there should be no problem. If the physical transformation leaves an individual clearly identifiable as that which he/she is genetically not, tough.
It's just unfortunate that these horrifically confused and deluded individuals have found support among the PC community and are shoving their dicks up the rest of humanity's asses.
I would like to compare this same "test," to the reactions if that "transgender" were to go into the men's room.
This video could be made by anyone anywhere. The results would be the same regardless.
If you turn over public rest rooms that do not have locks on the doors to anyone, you will get reactions like this video.

If someone has had reassignment surgery, and they appear to be the sex they are portraying, then there isn't going to be a problem.

If someone is simply saying they are a woman in a mans body, or a man in a womans body and they haven't had the surgery, then there's going to be a problem.

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