Transgender, Non-Binary, and all the Ridiculousness in Between...

Well, I did the research. Sweden has been very accepting of transsexuals for decades, and guess what? They still kill themselves in record numbers. And even worse? If they go thru with gender surgery, they kill themselves even more.

Evidently you didnt do your research well enough. Your basically just guessing. You have no way of proving that transsexuals in Sweden are free from rejection and harrassment.

Hmm. OK, then it is up to you to prove me wrong.

Not really. Its up to you to prove your conclusion based on a guess is accurate.

My facts are not a guess. We can however "guess" whether acceptance is the cure for what ails the transsexual community.

And it looks like the answer is "no".
Killing, beating, bullying has never worked...

And by the looks of it, neither has acceptance. Maybe psychological help is in order?

Evidently you didnt do your research well enough. Your basically just guessing. You have no way of proving that transsexuals in Sweden are free from rejection and harrassment.

Hmm. OK, then it is up to you to prove me wrong.

Not really. Its up to you to prove your conclusion based on a guess is accurate.

My facts are not a guess. We can however "guess" whether acceptance is the cure for what ails the transsexual community.

And it looks like the answer is "no".
Killing, beating, bullying has never worked...

And by the looks of it, neither has acceptance. Maybe psychological help is in order?

Thousands of years of subjugation, a couple of years acceptance...Yet again, push them back into the closet and get rid of that freedom thingy...
We are cutting off arms, and telling bulimics they are fat?

I have no idea what you are doing. You still havent explained what this has to do with someone feeling like they are not the gender their physical makeup would suggest.

You said that its "what a person feels". Do you believe the same way when it comes to transabled or bulimia?

Why would I feel the same way about those two subjects if they are different from determining gender identity? Dont get caught up in false equivalence. It lets me know you dont think deeply or logically.

So then, let me ask you a question. Do you think a transabled person should have an arm removed if he "feels" that it should not be a part of his body, or that a bulimic should be told to diet even more?

I dont care if someone has an arm removed. Thats their choice. Yes a bulimic should be told to diet. It would beat starving themselves and it would make them gain weight. However if you really want to fix the issue you need to change the way society views, comments on, and idolizes women that look more like preteen boys with breast implants.

OK, then we are done here. If someone removes their arm, they are clearly in need of psychological help. If you believe that its "OK", then there is no reason for us to talk about this subject.

Hmm. OK, then it is up to you to prove me wrong.

Not really. Its up to you to prove your conclusion based on a guess is accurate.

My facts are not a guess. We can however "guess" whether acceptance is the cure for what ails the transsexual community.

And it looks like the answer is "no".
Killing, beating, bullying has never worked...

And by the looks of it, neither has acceptance. Maybe psychological help is in order?

Thousands of years of subjugation, a couple of years acceptance...Yet again, push them back into the closet and get rid of that freedom thingy...

I am all for freedom. I'll ask the same question I asked earlier. Should a transabled be able to remove an arm that he thinks he should not have? Or should we encourage a bulimic to keep on dieting because she believes herself to be fat?

I have no idea what you are doing. You still havent explained what this has to do with someone feeling like they are not the gender their physical makeup would suggest.

You said that its "what a person feels". Do you believe the same way when it comes to transabled or bulimia?

Why would I feel the same way about those two subjects if they are different from determining gender identity? Dont get caught up in false equivalence. It lets me know you dont think deeply or logically.

So then, let me ask you a question. Do you think a transabled person should have an arm removed if he "feels" that it should not be a part of his body, or that a bulimic should be told to diet even more?

I dont care if someone has an arm removed. Thats their choice. Yes a bulimic should be told to diet. It would beat starving themselves and it would make them gain weight. However if you really want to fix the issue you need to change the way society views, comments on, and idolizes women that look more like preteen boys with breast implants.

OK, then we are done here. If someone removes their arm, they are clearly in need of psychological help. If you believe that its "OK", then there is no reason for us to talk about this subject.

You dont define if someone needs psychological help. You only recognize that its not something you consider normal.
Not really. Its up to you to prove your conclusion based on a guess is accurate.

My facts are not a guess. We can however "guess" whether acceptance is the cure for what ails the transsexual community.

And it looks like the answer is "no".
Killing, beating, bullying has never worked...

And by the looks of it, neither has acceptance. Maybe psychological help is in order?

Thousands of years of subjugation, a couple of years acceptance...Yet again, push them back into the closet and get rid of that freedom thingy...

I am all for freedom. I'll ask the same question I asked earlier. Should a transabled be able to remove an arm that he thinks he should not have? Or should we encourage a bulimic to keep on dieting because she believes herself to be fat?

Obviously you are not informed on what bulimics do. They dont diet. They binge and purge. Why dont you educate yourself first then ask a pertinent question that has something to do with the OP?
You said that its "what a person feels". Do you believe the same way when it comes to transabled or bulimia?

Why would I feel the same way about those two subjects if they are different from determining gender identity? Dont get caught up in false equivalence. It lets me know you dont think deeply or logically.

So then, let me ask you a question. Do you think a transabled person should have an arm removed if he "feels" that it should not be a part of his body, or that a bulimic should be told to diet even more?

I dont care if someone has an arm removed. Thats their choice. Yes a bulimic should be told to diet. It would beat starving themselves and it would make them gain weight. However if you really want to fix the issue you need to change the way society views, comments on, and idolizes women that look more like preteen boys with breast implants.

OK, then we are done here. If someone removes their arm, they are clearly in need of psychological help. If you believe that its "OK", then there is no reason for us to talk about this subject.

You dont define if someone needs psychological help. You only recognize that its not something you consider normal.

You are correct. Normal, rational, sane people that view reality correctly would say that any person that would do that to themselves needs help, not encouragement.

Why would I feel the same way about those two subjects if they are different from determining gender identity? Dont get caught up in false equivalence. It lets me know you dont think deeply or logically.

So then, let me ask you a question. Do you think a transabled person should have an arm removed if he "feels" that it should not be a part of his body, or that a bulimic should be told to diet even more?

I dont care if someone has an arm removed. Thats their choice. Yes a bulimic should be told to diet. It would beat starving themselves and it would make them gain weight. However if you really want to fix the issue you need to change the way society views, comments on, and idolizes women that look more like preteen boys with breast implants.

OK, then we are done here. If someone removes their arm, they are clearly in need of psychological help. If you believe that its "OK", then there is no reason for us to talk about this subject.

You dont define if someone needs psychological help. You only recognize that its not something you consider normal.

You are correct. Normal, rational, sane people that view reality correctly would say that any person that would do that to themselves needs help, not encouragement.

Normal, rational, and sane are subjective phrases.
Not really. Its up to you to prove your conclusion based on a guess is accurate.

My facts are not a guess. We can however "guess" whether acceptance is the cure for what ails the transsexual community.

And it looks like the answer is "no".
Killing, beating, bullying has never worked...

And by the looks of it, neither has acceptance. Maybe psychological help is in order?

Thousands of years of subjugation, a couple of years acceptance...Yet again, push them back into the closet and get rid of that freedom thingy...

I am all for freedom. I'll ask the same question I asked earlier. Should a transabled be able to remove an arm that he thinks he should not have? Or should we encourage a bulimic to keep on dieting because she believes herself to be fat?

The brain develops by the chemicals produced in our body, and all humans do not develop the same...There is no freedom if you subjugate a minority because of your perception from how your brain developed...
My facts are not a guess. We can however "guess" whether acceptance is the cure for what ails the transsexual community.

And it looks like the answer is "no".
Killing, beating, bullying has never worked...

And by the looks of it, neither has acceptance. Maybe psychological help is in order?

Thousands of years of subjugation, a couple of years acceptance...Yet again, push them back into the closet and get rid of that freedom thingy...

I am all for freedom. I'll ask the same question I asked earlier. Should a transabled be able to remove an arm that he thinks he should not have? Or should we encourage a bulimic to keep on dieting because she believes herself to be fat?

Obviously you are not informed on what bulimics do. They dont diet. They binge and purge. Why dont you educate yourself first then ask a pertinent question that has something to do with the OP?

It is a distinction without a difference. They eat and purge because they believe themselves to be fat. Instead of splitting hairs, just tell me whether you would "let them do" as they please without trying to get them help.

My facts are not a guess. We can however "guess" whether acceptance is the cure for what ails the transsexual community.

And it looks like the answer is "no".
Killing, beating, bullying has never worked...

And by the looks of it, neither has acceptance. Maybe psychological help is in order?

Thousands of years of subjugation, a couple of years acceptance...Yet again, push them back into the closet and get rid of that freedom thingy...

I am all for freedom. I'll ask the same question I asked earlier. Should a transabled be able to remove an arm that he thinks he should not have? Or should we encourage a bulimic to keep on dieting because she believes herself to be fat?

The brain develops by the chemicals produced in our body, and all humans do not develop the same...There is no freedom if you subjugate a minority because of your perception from how your brain developed...

They say that pedophiles are born that way. Do they get their freedom as well?

Killing, beating, bullying has never worked...

And by the looks of it, neither has acceptance. Maybe psychological help is in order?

Thousands of years of subjugation, a couple of years acceptance...Yet again, push them back into the closet and get rid of that freedom thingy...

I am all for freedom. I'll ask the same question I asked earlier. Should a transabled be able to remove an arm that he thinks he should not have? Or should we encourage a bulimic to keep on dieting because she believes herself to be fat?

Obviously you are not informed on what bulimics do. They dont diet. They binge and purge. Why dont you educate yourself first then ask a pertinent question that has something to do with the OP?

It is a distinction without a difference. They eat and purge because they believe themselves to be fat. Instead of splitting hairs, just tell me whether you would "let them do" as they please without trying to get them help.

No dummy. Its a very large error in your logic and shows your lack of education. A diet is simply what you eat. Eating and purging is basically starving yourself to death. Like I said before your false equivalence has nothing to do with the OP. The subjects have no relation to each other no matter how hard you try to tie them together and make them the same thing.
Killing, beating, bullying has never worked...

And by the looks of it, neither has acceptance. Maybe psychological help is in order?

Thousands of years of subjugation, a couple of years acceptance...Yet again, push them back into the closet and get rid of that freedom thingy...

I am all for freedom. I'll ask the same question I asked earlier. Should a transabled be able to remove an arm that he thinks he should not have? Or should we encourage a bulimic to keep on dieting because she believes herself to be fat?

The brain develops by the chemicals produced in our body, and all humans do not develop the same...There is no freedom if you subjugate a minority because of your perception from how your brain developed...

They say that pedophiles are born that way. Do they get their freedom as well?

They sure do as long as they dont rape a kid.

False equivalence - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"A common way for this fallacy to be perpetuated is one shared trait between two subjects is assumed to show equivalence, especially in order of magnitude, when equivalence is not necessarily the logical result. False equivalence is a common result when an anecdotal similarity is pointed out as equal, but the claim of equivalence doesn't bear because the similarity is based on oversimplification or ignorance of additional factors. The pattern of the fallacy is often as such: "If A is the set of c and d, and B is the set of d and e, then since they both contain d, A and B are equal". d is not required to exist in both sets; only a passing similarity is required to cause this fallacy to be able to be used."
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Killing, beating, bullying has never worked...

And by the looks of it, neither has acceptance. Maybe psychological help is in order?

Thousands of years of subjugation, a couple of years acceptance...Yet again, push them back into the closet and get rid of that freedom thingy...

I am all for freedom. I'll ask the same question I asked earlier. Should a transabled be able to remove an arm that he thinks he should not have? Or should we encourage a bulimic to keep on dieting because she believes herself to be fat?

The brain develops by the chemicals produced in our body, and all humans do not develop the same...There is no freedom if you subjugate a minority because of your perception from how your brain developed...

They say that pedophiles are born that way. Do they get their freedom as well?

Who the hell is they, since most pedophiles were sexually abused as kids and turned into pedophiles...The majority of all pedophiles are people that know their victim, like family members, neighbors and friends...and the majority of child molesters are not ghey.......I said that....
One thing for sure, the so called religions that supposedly teach about love and acceptance are the most intolerable towards gheys....
I think people have started asking because obviously the world is not as binary as some would want it to be. Its complex and everchanging with too many variables and dynamics to ever give you comfortable footing due to your brainwashing. For example gender has nothing to do with your plumbing. Its what a person feels.

Some things really are binary, no matter how much those who are delusional might try to deny it. The distinction between male and female is such a thing.
People have their brains go haywire and imagine themselves to be all kinds of things. One woman thinks she's a cat. A man imagines himself to be a female dragon. A 45 year old man wants to be a 6 year old girl.

There is no such thing as a non binary person. The more we take them seriously the worse their mental instability will get. If someone truly believes themselves to be a vampire, we do not give them people to bleed.

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