Transgender runnners take 1st and 2nd in Connecticut high school track champions

Several transgender students have dominated high school track and field competitions in Connecticut for the last few years. And, once again, transgender teen runner Andraya Yearwood has topped most of the field in the state championships.
Transgender Runners Take 1st and 2nd in Connecticut High School Track Championships

Well you guys already know this one was coming ----> . eating yourselves alive LMAO no more scholarships for you rich white leftist dumbasses bhaahah. ( not in this area anyway).
As a reasonable center lefty. They should figure out a way to handle this better. It's not fair to the hard working females. But watch me not throw a hateful and petty fit about it. With progress comes some growing pains. Time will sort out the best course of action. Please allow it to be sorted out with out the insane commentary.
I know it may chap the asses of quite a few, but Martina Navratilova is absolutely right concerning this issue.

And it’s getting worse. It’s not common yet, but there are already men fighting woman in MMA. Facts are facts, dudes and gals who compete at a professional level of sports need to stick to their genders. I mean shit, give those freaks their own class to compete in. I hope this woman’s career was not ruined because a boy wanted to play princess.

Transgender MMA Fighter Who Broke Female Opponent’s Skull. Are We Getting Too “Politically Correct” With Reality?

Transgender MMA Fighter Who Broke Female Opponent’s Skull. Are We Getting Too “Politically Correct” With Reality?

Transgender MMA Fighter Fallon Fox beat her female opponent Tamika Brents so severely that she suffered a broken skull. This took place in 2014.

Ashley McGuire said:

“Twenty years ago, if a man hit a woman so hard that he sent her to the hospital, he’d be in prison. Now he can get paid for it”

I ran Cross Country and did Track and Field in high school. We had a couple of crazy Football dudes as sprinters. These black dudes (qu33rs) claiming to be females would have knocked the fuck out at the first meet.
It's not fair to the real females.

The loons on the left know this but they'll never abandon the narrative and admit it.

(The mental midgets in no way even begin to look feminine)


I'm sure you rush off to the Sports Section every morning to check the HS Track and Field results.

Oh, wait. You don't because you usually don't care?

Guess what. Neither does anyone else.
And it’s getting worse. It’s not common yet, but there are already men fighting woman in MMA. Facts are facts, dudes and gals who compete at a professional level of sports need to stick to their genders. I mean shit, give those freaks their own class to compete in. I hope this woman’s career was not ruined because a boy wanted to play princess.

You mean someone engaging in a sport about beating the hell out of each other is upset that they got the hell beaten out of them?

Oh, noes....

Oh, wait... people are paying to see people beat the hell out of each other.
The American left has brought us to this point.
Each time you vote for a Dimocrat at any level of government, you are voting for this insanity.
And it’s getting worse. It’s not common yet, but there are already men fighting woman in MMA. Facts are facts, dudes and gals who compete at a professional level of sports need to stick to their genders. I mean shit, give those freaks their own class to compete in. I hope this woman’s career was not ruined because a boy wanted to play princess.

You mean someone engaging in a sport about beating the hell out of each other is upset that they got the hell beaten out of them?

Oh, noes....

Oh, wait... people are paying to see people beat the hell out of each other.

Na, not everyone is a lonely lardass doing bar-b-q and drinking alone in their back yards like you joe/camp/campbell. It go’s further then just sports. Even you think granny’s are freaks, except for the ones you pay to hang out with you. No go watch the wall and lament how the world screwed you over.
Na, not everyone is a lonely lardass doing bar-b-q and drinking alone in their back yards like you joe/camp/campbell. It go’s further then just sports. Even you think granny’s are freaks, except for the ones you pay to hang out with you. No go watch the wall and lament how the world screwed you over.

Sorry, guy, you just argued that at a sport where people pay to watch other people beat the hell out of each other, a woman got her skull smashed in.

Wasn't that the point?

I don't think Granny's are freaks... what an awful thing to say.
Na, not everyone is a lonely lardass doing bar-b-q and drinking alone in their back yards like you joe/camp/campbell. It go’s further then just sports. Even you think granny’s are freaks, except for the ones you pay to hang out with you. No go watch the wall and lament how the world screwed you over.

Sorry, guy, you just argued that at a sport where people pay to watch other people beat the hell out of each other, a woman got her skull smashed in.

Wasn't that the point?

I don't think Granny's are freaks... what an awful thing to say.

So you would pay to watch a dude smash a chick in the face? Must be the Chicago.
So you would pay to watch a dude smash a chick in the face? Must be the Chicago.

I wouldn't watch to pay anyone smack anyone... that's juts barbaric.

But you are okay with watching two chicks smash eachother... or two dudes, but when it's a dude smacking a chick... oh, my god, that's terrible?

Dude, you as much as said you would pay money to watch a dude smack the hell out of a woman. You democrats have been really weird in that department here of late. Own it at least.
JoeB131 said:
Sorry, guy, you just argued that at a sport where people pay to watch other people beat the hell out of each other, a woman got her skull smashed in.
But Not By Another Woman
Her Skull Got Cracked Fighting A Man

Wasn't that the point?
It's A Man Competing With Women
In A Women's Category

Why Do You On The Left
All Seem To Suffer From This Same Mental Glitch ??
JoeB131 said:
Sorry, guy, you just argued that at a sport where people pay to watch other people beat the hell out of each other, a woman got her skull smashed in.
But Not By Another Woman
Her Skull Got Cracked Fighting A Man

Wasn't that the point?
It's A Man Competing With Women
In A Women's Category

Why Do You On The Left
All Seem To Suffer From This Same Mental Glitch ??

It’s just stupid, and the woman it the article is correct, had a man on the street punched a woman on the face and shattered a woman’s skull he would go to prision for three years. But if he dresses like a woman he gets a paycheck? Talk about a freak show.
JoeB131 said:
Sorry, guy, you just argued that at a sport where people pay to watch other people beat the hell out of each other, a woman got her skull smashed in.
But Not By Another Woman
Her Skull Got Cracked Fighting A Man

Wasn't that the point?
It's A Man Competing With Women
In A Women's Category

Why Do You On The Left
All Seem To Suffer From This Same Mental Glitch ??

Not really. It seems to me that watching anyone beat up anyone for sport is an awful thing to do... But when an effeminate man beats up a butch woman, you are upset with it?
Dude, you as much as said you would pay money to watch a dude smack the hell out of a woman. You democrats have been really weird in that department here of late. Own it at least.

Dude, I realize that your reading comprehension is up there with your writing, but even you can't be that illiterate.

I comprehend fine. That’s how I came to the conclusion that you are a creepo. You like talking about killing infants after they are borne, and you are willing to pay to watch a dude smash a woman’s skull. You definitely have those issues that you report people to the mods for pointing out.
I comprehend fine. That’s how I came to the conclusion that you are a creepo. You like talking about killing infants after they are borne, and you are willing to pay to watch a dude smash a woman’s skull. You definitely have those issues that you report people to the mods for pointing out.

Naw, man, I report you when you break the rules... which you just did again.

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