Transvestites Reading to Kids in Public Libraries

How many children came out of that Library as Flaming Queens?

If not, those Transexuals are not doing a very good job at grooming them
I am going to say this again because apparently nobody listened the first time I said it.

Tranny’s identify as an expressly sexual being. This is the hypothetical equivalent to a heterosexual male walking around with a boner and thinking he has a right to poke any cooch he likes. Trannys are fucked up in their heads. No normal person has sexuality THAT tied up in their identity.

People this sexual and open about their wanton lust should not be around children, ever. It is a felony waiting to happen. It is not just that they are men dressed as women. They are not wearing business suits to prance around in front of children. They are wearing highly sexualized shit, sometimes so explicit that it would cause a $20 street whore to blush.
About the drag queen story time, I say again as I have always said. If one does not send one's children to story time in the first place, and does not use library services for any reason anyway, what concern is it? Only people with some connection to or interest in the library should be complaining.
About the drag queen story time, I say again as I have always said. If one does not send one's children to story time in the first place, and does not use library services for any reason anyway, what concern is it? Only people with some connection to or interest in the library should be complaining.
What concern is there if a parent sends his child into a BDSM club?
Michelle or "Mike" Obama is who started this tranny reading queer books to little kids thing.

Millstone, neck, sea is what I say. It's what Jesus said, too.

I'll tell ya if you really wanna know what I'm talking about.
Don't give a fuck.
Groomers gotta groom

About the drag queen story time, I say again as I have always said. If one does not send one's children to story time in the first place, and does not use library services for any reason anyway, what concern is it? Only people with some connection to or interest in the library should be complaining.
Because it's paid for with everyone's tax money, dumbass.

Did you never realize that? Derp?
You waste your time trying to reason with a hate mob.
Yep, you just like reading porn to kids too obviously.

Don't let it be forgotten that the particular one-legged British faggot to which you are replying started this thread earlier this year, specifically defending this sort of pornography aimed at, and being provided to, children.

One has to be severely fucked up—in the mind, and (assuming one still has it) in the soul, to think that it is in any way acceptable to drag children into this fucked-up filth.

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